REVEALED: Cancer Industry Profits 'Locked In' by Nagalase Molecule Injected Into Humans Via Vaccines... Spurs Tumor Growth... Explains Aggressive Vaccine Push

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REVEALED: Cancer industry profits 'locked in' by nagalase molecuor growth... explains aggressive vaccine push - NaturalNews.



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Global warming unravels... elaborate science HOAX engineered from altered satellite temperature data

REVEALED: Cancer industry profits

'locked in' by nagalase molecule
injected into humans via vaccines...
spurs tumor growth... explains
aggressive vaccine push

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Monday, July 27, 2015 by: Julie Wilson staff writer

Tags: nagalase, GcMAF, cancer industry profits

(NaturalNews) One of the world's most

Most Viewed Articles





lucrative industries, spending on cancer





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civilizations have collapsed before us, and we're
next in line

drugs reached an all-time high last year, as it

was valued at more than $100 billion.
Spending on cancer drugs increased 6.5

California begins injecting children with

mercury... flu shot 'shortage' cited as bizarre
justification... state safety laws nullified to push

percent annually over the past five years and

Washington attorney obliterates Big Pharma's

vaccine propaganda while promoting real public
health measures

to figures provided by the IMS Institute for

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hydrolyzed clinoptilolite lab tests at ZERO lead
in diluted solution
Depopulation test run? 75% of children who
received vaccines in Mexican town now dead or
Doctors admit flu vaccines are useless to people
taking statin drugs - and both cause brain

is expected to continue growing at a rate of 8

percent each year through 2018, according
Healthcare Informatics.
That spending is highly concentrated, as the
US and five of Europe's largest countries
account for nearly two-thirds of the entire
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This means that billions and billions of dollars are secured by Americans being diagnosed
with cancer.

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be a complete joke
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astonishing things the mainstream media isn't
reporting (that everyone should know)
Russia unveils secret nuclear-armed drone sub
that could destroy America as geopolitical
posturing puts world on brink of nuclear war

That's one profitable industry; however, it could all be completely dismantled by one thing:
a cure.
As Mike Adams recently reported, "A universal cancer cure would destroy the profitability
of the highly lucrative cancer industry and collapse the American Cancer Society,
hospitals, oncology clinics and pharmaceutical companies that depend on chemotherapy

Global warming data FAKED by government to

fit climate change fictions

revenues to stay profitable."

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of America hinges on the nation being overrun
by illegal aliens and Muslim refugees

This means that anyone moving closer to developing a cure for cancer would be
considered an extreme threat to the medical establishment and likely stopped at any cost.

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Ban GMOs or label them - we need to

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Page 1 of 13

REVEALED: Cancer industry profits 'locked in' by nagalase molecuor growth... explains aggressive vaccine push -

'Horrendous adverse effects' of HPV vaccines

finally coming to light in court testimony...
Vaccine industry horrors can no longer be
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NASA study reveals carbon dioxide emissions
make trees grow faster - the key to reforestation
and food production?
Oh, the tragic irony: These "life-saving" cancer
drugs could eat up your entire life savings in
under a year

With that in mind, the mysterious deaths and disappearances of several natural health

12/2/15, 12:08 PM

Does drinking water help you lose weig

truth at last (

doctors throughout Florida is as suspicious as it is concerning.

If anyone was close to finding a universal cure for cancer and would ensure the public had
access to it, it would likely be natural health doctors, or naturopaths, as they're less likely
to prescribe drugs and more likely to try and heal the body naturally using holistic
medicine and nontoxic approaches.
Breakthroughs using this type of medicine are extremely "controversial," as they threaten
everything that the medical-industrial complex stands for, i.e. costly chemotherapy
treatments and cancer drugs.
Doctors leading this type of research are routinely raided and shut down by the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration (FDA), after which they're treated like criminals and their

The independent news sour

thinking people

reputations smeared.

This is typically orchestrated against doctors who are considered a threat by the medical
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U.S. reporters are not allowed to
write about rainbow events in
nations where being gay is still

Renown holistic doctor found dead one week after FDA raids clinic
This seems to be the case with Dr. James Jeffrey Bradstreet, who was recently found


Depopulation test run? 75% of

children who received vaccines in
Mexican town now dead or

dead after his body was discovered floating in a North Carolina river with a single gunshot
wound to the chest. Bradstreet, a renowned physician known for his skepticism of
immunizations (particularly the MMR vaccine), and his progressive autism research, was


A family destroyed: Six-month-old

dies after clinic injects baby with
13 vaccines at once without
mother's informed consent

raided by the FDA one week before his mysterious death. The details of the raid remain



before Dr. Bradstreet was found
dead in a river, U.S. govt. agents
raided his research facility to seize
a breakthrough cancer treatment
called GcMAF

Personally affected by autism, as both his son and stepson were diagnosed with the







BAM! Chipotle goes 100% nonGMO; flatly rejecting the biotech

industry and its toxic food
BOMBSHELL: China and America
already at war: Tianjin explosion
carried out by Pentagon space
weapon in retaliation for Yuan
currency devaluation... Military
helicopters now patrolling Beijing
While we were distracted with the
Confederate flag flap, Congress
quietly forfeited our entire
economic future via fast-track
trade authority
March Against Monsanto explodes
globally... World citizens stage
massive protests across 38
countries, 428 cities... mainstream
media pretends it never happened
GMO crops totally banned in
Russia... powerful nation blocks
Monsanto's agricultural
imperialism and mass poisoning of
the population
SCOTUS same-sex marriage
decision may have just legalized

largely unknown.

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for news and information.

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condition, a significant portion of Dr. Bradstreet's work was dedicated to this cause. He
even testified twice before the U.S House of Representatives about the link between
vaccines and autism.
As Natural News' reported, leading up to his death, Dr. Bradstreet was working with a
little-known molecule that occurs naturally in the human body. GcMAF (Globulin
component Macrophage Activating Factor), which is the GC protein after it combines with
vitamin D in the body, has the potential to be a universal cure for cancer.
It's also believed to be capable of treating and reversing autism, HIV, liver/kidney disease
and diabetes.
Dr. Bradstreet was working with a naturally occurring compound that may be the
single most effective thing in the immune system for killing cancer cells

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Donald Trump News

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Donald Trump

In an interview on the Hagmann and Hagmann Report, Dr. Ted Broer, an internationally
recognized health and nutrition expert also based in Florida, describes how cutting edge
Dr. Bradstreet's work was, as well as a discovery he made that very well may have

Vaccine News

Real-time Independent Med


placed him in great danger and could have been the motive for his suspected murder.
The alternative doctors who went missing and/or were killed, were reportedly "interlocked"

GMO News

through Dr. Bradstreet and Dr. Gonzalez's extensive research on autism, and what's

Real-time Independent Med


Page 2 of 13

REVEALED: Cancer industry profits 'locked in' by nagalase molecuor growth... explains aggressive vaccine push -
the concealed carry of loaded
firearms across all 50 states,
nullifying gun laws everywhere


Nearly every mass shooting in the

last 20 years shares one
surprising thing? and it's not guns

12/2/15, 12:08 PM

causing autism, according to Dr. Broer.

Dr. Gonzalez, a renown holistic cancer treatment pioneer who helped thousands
overcome the disease through alternative medicine, died of an apparent heart attack just
one month after Dr. Bradstreet's body was discovered floating in a river.



Vicious attack on Dr. Oz actually

waged by biotech mafia; plot to
destroy Oz launched after episode
on glyphosate toxicity went viral
Holistic cancer treatment pioneer
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez dies
suddenly; patients mourn the loss
of a compassionate, innovative
doctor who helped thousands heal
from cancer

Internationally recognized health and nutrition doctor reveals possible motive for
Bradstreet's death
Dr. Broer stated in the interview:
This information I'm about to give you right now is extremely controversial and a bunch of
people have exited the planet who were working with it.


Pepsi drops aspartame from diet

soda as consumers reject toxic

This information has been around for awhile. They knew the information they were
working with and they were basically being very, very careful, supposedly. And some of


Bride of Frankenfood: Hillary

Clinton pushes GMO agenda...
hires Monsanto lobbyist... takes
huge dollars from Monsanto

them were being accused of using GcMAF, and the FDA apparently raided several of their



prescribed drugs act as cellular
poisons that accelerate aging...
deactivate DNA repair... promote
diabetes, muscle fatigue and
memory loss

It's going to sound complicated, but I'm going to break this down for everybody super,


Wild eyes and bowl cuts: Why do

mass shooters always share the
same hair styles and crazed
zombie stares?

is, macrophages in the body are the ones that kill cancer cells, they stop cytokines storms


Mind control through emotional

domination: How we're all being
manipulated by the "crisis of the

offices several weeks before they committed suicide or suddenly died.

super easy tonight. When you first hear these terms they're going to sound weird to you.
GC protein is a protein in the body that's used by macrophages in the body. What it does
and can be involved in cytokines storms, we'll explain all these terms in a few minutes.
After defining GcMAF and how it's formulated, Dr. Broer reiterates that it's "probably the
single most effective thing in the immune system to kill cancer cells."
However, what Dr. Bradstreet and his colleagues discovered is that the immune system is
being compromised by a compound called "nagalase."
Nagalase is an enzyme/protein that's made by cancer cells and viruses causing
immunodeficiency syndromes and has also been linked to autism as well as a "host of
other problems," Dr. Broer explains.
Doctors found dead and/or went missing felt that nagalase was being introduced to
the body through vaccines
"What ends up happening is when the GC protein cannot be converted to McGAF, the
entire immune system is compromised."
Some of the doctors who wound up dead or missing believed that the nagalase
protein/enzyme was being introduced intentionally into the body either virally or
directly through vaccines.
"This is such incredibly damning information to the entire medical profession and the
immunological profession and those folks that [sic] are producing immunizations, that
apparently they didn't want these guys around," Dr. Broer said.
"I'm not saying what happened to these guys, I'm just saying they're not on this planet

Wednesday, December 2
Global warming HOAX
explained - I reveal why
global warming agenda is
complete hoax founded o
fraudulent alteration of sa
temperature data.

Thursday, December 3
Obama is a sleeper cell.
how Obama is actively wo
destroy America's culture
freedoms and economy w
plotting to overrun the nat
radical Islam.

Friday, December 4
The Gluten-Free FRAUD
reveal why glyphosate, no
gluten, is your dietary pro
Gluten-free foods are also
with GMOs!

Monday, December 7
Food Safety LIES from t
covers the truth about fre
foods, e.coli, raw milk, pro
and other food truths the
won't acknowledge. Learn
pasteurization contributes
chronic disease and why
industry keeps fresh whol
criminalized in America.

Tuesday, December 8
Obamacare obliterates
America's middle class
Obamacare is causing ma
job losses, reduced work
and unemployment acros
America, devastating the
middle class.

Thursday, December 10
The American Medical
Association demands a
to pharmaceutical adve
Big Pharma's media cont
monopoly profiteering ma
come to an end if the AM
its way.

Page 3 of 13

REVEALED: Cancer industry profits 'locked in' by nagalase molecuor growth... explains aggressive vaccine push -

Doctor compares cancer-causing nagalase to stealth bomber

Nagalese blocks the GC protein from attaching itself to vitamin D, thus preventing the
immune system from doing its job and therefore causing cancer and other serious
diseases. Without an active immune system, cancer and viral infections can spread
Remarkably, there's a significant amount of research available on nagalase and the
GcMAF protein. Citing a chapter from The GcMAF Book by Dr. Tim Smith, MD, Dr. Broer
Nagalase is like a stealth bomber, the nagalase enzyme synthesized in or released from
cancer cells or a virus particle pinpoints the GcMAF protein facilities on the surface of your
T and B lymphocytes and simply wipes them out with an incredibly precise bomb.
How precise? Nagalase locates and attacks one specific two-electron bond located only at
the 420th amino acid position on a huge protein molecule, one of tens of thousands of
proteins, each containing millions of electrons.
This is like selectively taking out a park bench in a major city from 6,000 miles away. More
astonishingly, if that is possible, nagalase never misses its target, so there is no collateral
Nagalase is being found in super high concentrations in autistic children
Dr. Bradstreet and his colleagues also learned that the nagalase protein was not present
in children at birth but was somehow introduced into autistic children, they felt, during the
immunization process.
Before his death, Dr. Bradstreet treated 1,100 patients with GcMAF with an 85 percent
response rate something that was deemed impossible by the medical community.
After reintroducing GcMAF (which had been blocked by nagalase), 15 percent of

12/2/15, 12:08 PM

Friday, December 11

Monday, December 14
In defense of local polic
When the collapse comes
siding with local law enfor
Here's why the left's attac
community police are unf
dishonest. Without local c
you'd be overrun by gang
violence! (Still need two.)
cover firearms advice in t
show and suggest which
you may want to consider

Wednesday, December 1
Interview with Jim Marrs
covering hidden history, a
astronauts, the rise of the
media and much more. M
the author of the new boo
"Population Control."

Friday, December 18
Interview with Walter Bo
an author and researcher
hidden history that isn't ta
public schools. Plus a spe
report from the Health Ra
about false history
government regimes.

Tuesday, December 22
Interview with Linda Mo
Howe, an author and rese
on the subject of animal
mutilations and alien visit
(Recorded at the Secret S
Technology conference in
Austin.) The Health Rang
a special report on intellig
in our cosmos and the NA
cover-up of evidence of m
life on Mars.

Tuesday, December 29
Interview with Jay Dyer
"Esoteric Hollywood" on Jay Dy
perform comedy improv, j
about the "P.C. Avengers
transgender Thor's magic
tampon. I also talk about
Truman Show as a metap
the artificial reality constru
you by the globalists.

Bradstreet's autistic patients were no longer autistic, as all of their symptoms were
completely eradicated.
Since 1990, 59 research papers have been published on the healing effects of GcMAF, 20
of which pertain to the treatment of cancer. Research suggests that GcMAF can also cure
or effectively treat Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease and rheumatoid arthritis, as well
as reduce cancerous breast, prostrate and kidney tumors.
Stay tuned as Natural News continues to uncover more on this investigation.

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REVEALED: Cancer industry profits 'locked in' by nagalase molecuor growth... explains aggressive vaccine push -

12/2/15, 12:08 PM

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More news on nagalase

Watch: Mike Adams joins Red List News for mind-blowingly informative weekly news reports
Dead doctors, dead patients and corporate bullying: How FDA is the new Murder Inc
Learn these simple tips for preventing cancer naturally
Monsanto: The world's poster child for corporate manipulation and deceit
Extreme bias at Wikipedia on homeopathic medicine
Guatemalan STD medical experiments were just one crime in a long history of medical-government
collusion to use humans as guinea pigs
Vicious vaccine culture war now being waged against informed, intelligent Americans who seek to
protect their children from deadly side effects

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REVEALED: Cancer industry profits 'locked in' by nagalase molecuor growth... explains aggressive vaccine push -

12/2/15, 12:08 PM

Join the discussion


9 days ago

Whey do people keep mistakenly call cancer a disease. Cancer, as is diabetes, are
symptoms and symptoms cannot be cured. Stop doing what is causing the internal
inflammation and is revealed through the symptoms is the only answer. Please do not
give money to organizations that think they can 'cure' symptoms. they know better
and are only after your money.

Reply Share


2 months ago

Since 1960s If we had had good govt control by good peoples representatives, we
created by these companies.We had little role to play in govt controls. /we were
deeply interested in our own personal joys and consumptions. we ignored and we pay
for it now.

Reply Share


2 months ago

Deceased and probably murdered doctor Jeery Bradstreet was saying Nagalase in
the MMR vaccine was the likely cause of autism through the eects of profound
immunosuppression. But there's a problem with this thinking. Nagalase certainly
suppresses the immune system, by blocking synthesis of GcMAF. But if it were simply
a case of Nagalase being present in the vaccine, the eect would be transient. It could
not last, but we know that autism is allegedly permanent and incurable (that is,
according to orthodox medical science before Je Bradstreet came along). So
something is causing a lasting eect and one should suppose it means the Nagalase
continues to be manufactured within the body, because it would otherwise eventually
be eliminated in urine or stools. Therefore, something must be present to CAUSE the
cells to manufacture it. That means there must be a gene operating in that capacity.
Well, it is known already that cancer cells produce Nagalase as one of the
immunosuppression agents (and another one is Bacterial Chorionic Gonadotrophin).
Genes which encode Nagalase are found in immunoviruses and oncoviruses and
viruses originally come from bacteria - they're the original viral progenitors. Therefore,
certain pathogenic bacteria also own the gene which encodes Nagalase. These
bacteria or viruses transmit the code when they infect a living host. I am now checking
see more

Reply Share

Mt Meru Energy Healing

2 months ago

Wow! Don't know who to believe or which is the correct science, what is verifiable, as
I'm sure most won't.

Reply Share

Damien Stewart > Mt Meru Energy Healing

7 days ago

Follow the money


Reply Share

QuestionItAll > Mt Meru Energy Healing

2 months ago

Forget the "science" - FOLLOW THE MONEY!


Reply Share

Cynthia Ellsworth > Mt Meru Energy Healing

2 months ago

The sources are at the bottom of the article to check them out.


Reply Share

3 months ago

I get the strange feeling you will not post my comment.

Reply Share


3 months ago

The Feds raided his oce because 5 people paid over $6,000 a week to be injected

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REVEALED: Cancer industry profits 'locked in' by nagalase molecuor growth... explains aggressive vaccine push -

12/2/15, 12:08 PM

The Feds raided his oce because 5 people paid over $6,000 a week to be injected
by CcMAF and they DIED. Many parents had given their autistic kids this cure for
cancer and it caused bacterial and viral infections and they never saw improvements
after years of injections.
Another parent with Autism squealed on the Doctor....they DID NOT go after him
because he cured Cancer they went after him because the Company First Immune
was not licensed and was not GMP certified.
British ocials, Swede's and Fed's all had issues with the filthy manufacturing site.
You have some great conspiracy theories and you have some great reporting on facts
like Monsanto, GMO's and Big Pharma but I think in order to be taken seriously
PROVIDE all the facts so the audience can judge.
This is coming from a person who does not trust the FDA, Big Pharma and Chemical
Companies poisoning our food supply.
The Doctor left Town 3 hours later and checked into a motel then later committed
A guilty man flees
Reply Share

QuestionItAll > whatnow

2 months ago

Where's your proof?


Reply Share

Ramune > whatnow

3 months ago

Oh, and by the way 6 other doctors killed around the same time ( within 1
month ) , 29 are poisoned in Germany at holistic conference last Friday...
We know who you are, how much does the dirty pharma pay you to spread the

Reply Share

Ramune > whatnow

3 months ago

Yea, he shot himself in the chest and then truh himself in the river. And by the
way, if that would be truth, it would be all over the news . Oh, and by the way,
Mike is not reporting any conspiracy theories, he is reporting facts, that "
people" like you call them conspiracy theories

Reply Share

Trisha Idleno Morey

4 months ago

It's already collapsed. They get you sick and then refuse to diagnose you or treat you
unless you are rich.


Reply Share

4 months ago

Dr Bradstreet's co-authors:
Dr. Emar F. Vogelaar
European Laboratory of Nutrients
Regulierenring 9
3981 LA Bunnik
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 30 2871492
Fax: +31 30 2802688
Dr. Lynda Thyer

Reply Share

the truth shall set you free > Guest

3 months ago

I heard something about the Rh negative blood type not being aected by a lot
of the diseases.. Just wondering if there's any truth to that? blood type Oif you happen to know anything about that I'd love to hear it

Reply Share

Candy Lovett > the truth shall set you free

2 months ago

I have RH A negative and have cancer 2nd time around.

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REVEALED: Cancer industry profits 'locked in' by nagalase molecuor growth... explains aggressive vaccine push -

12/2/15, 12:08 PM

I have RH A negative and have cancer 2nd time around.

Reply Share

Praying God's protection

4 months ago

Dr Bradstreet is an author of a paper that was listed as a reference of the paper in the
next Comment, which is available on NIH website.

Reply Share

Praying God's protection

4 months ago

Dr. James Jerey Bradstreet is listed as an author of this paper that was listed on the
NIH website. His interest in GcMAF was no secret.
Oncoimmunology. 2013 Aug 1; 2(8): e25769.
Published online 2013 Jul 29. doi: 10.4161/onci.25769
PMCID: PMC3812199
GC protein-derived macrophage-activating factor decreases -Nacetylgalactosaminidase levels in advanced cancer patients
Lynda Thyer,1
Emma Ward,1
Rodney Smith,1
Jacopo JV Branca,2
Gabriele Morucci,2
Massimo Gulisano,2
David Noakes,3
see more

Reply Share


4 months ago

We need to find Nagalase in a vaccine ingredient listing. Cursory search I cant find it.
Oft repeated claim is that its in vaccines. Perhaps it has other names. Are the
manufacturers forthcoming with ALL ingredients?; Of note is that the outstanding
name Yamamoto is the senior researcher publishing claims. With his name is another
researcher name NAGASE. Is that who its named after?. If it only lasts less than 24 hrs
in the body how could it cause autism which is a major brain development
dysfunction. Perhaps a high dose short lived pulse of nagalase from a vaccine could
trigger a nagalase producing infection that results in encephalitis which leaves some
susceptibles autistic.
Mike Adams needs to produce evidence Nagalase is actually in vaccines
He is well positioned with his own analysis equipment.
Cant see any evidence of it on Good Gopher yet. Its sorely needed.
Can anyone help with a link ?

Reply Share

troll patrol > SteveTrueblue

3 months ago


Reply Share

Talon > SteveTrueblue

3 months ago

look up Nagalase on Excellent news source with many links.

Reply Share

Ben William > SteveTrueblue

3 months ago

If the Nagalase is 'genetically altered' in any way, the drug company can claim
the ingredient 'proprietary' and they do NOT have to list it as an ingredient.

Reply Share

Chris > SteveTrueblue

3 months ago

Nagalase is produced by the viruses being injected via the vaccines. With the
large number of vaccines on the vaccine schedule for children, the push for
annual flu shots for adults, and the exposure of all of those not vaccinated to
the people who were recently vaccinated with live viruses that shed those live
viruses to the non vaccinated and vaccinated alike, there is a high probability

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12/2/15, 12:08 PM

that there are a large number of viruses in our bodies producing nagalase,
which blocks our natural immune response and leads an increase in many
diseases including cancer. More vaccines = more nagalase production = more

Reply Share

BarleySinger > Chris

a month ago

Current cancer research (even admitted to by the US Feds) shows that

full plant cannabis oil extracts cause cancer cells to die. The method of
cell death is understood. So there is a cure for most people, most of the
time...but you can't have any (you might enjoy it).

Reply Share

TT > SteveTrueblue

4 months ago

Steve, your point is a good one. I think the claim that Nagalase is directly
added to vaccines is, at this point, a rumor. I think it was started by the person
who made that "Explosive" video, and now everyone has taken that idea and
ran with it.

Reply Share

Guest > SteveTrueblue

4 months ago

Also written as:

-N-acetylgalactosaminidase (EC is a glycoside hydrolase from
bacteria and animals, also known as nagalase.
The human gene that codes for this enzyme is NAGA. Mutations in this gene
and the deficiency in alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase activity have been
identified as the cause of Schindler disease.[1]

Reply Share

Guest > SteveTrueblue

4 months ago
Nagalase is a protein made by all cancer cells and viruses (HIV, hepatitis B,
hepatitis C, influenza, herpes, Epstein-Barr virus, and others). Its formal, ocial
chemical name is
alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase, but this is such a tongue-twisting mouthful
of a moniker that we usually just call it Nagalase.

Reply Share

Susan Ford Keller > Guest

4 months ago

Which means that it is in all vaccines for viral diseases, correct?


Reply Share

4 months ago

There is a really good documentary call "Lethal Injection" it's about all the stu put
into vaccines. Yes keeping the body ph balance can cure cancer and staying away
from junk and processed foods.
The best way to squelch the true is to accuse them of being a conspiracy nut.
Because all conspiracies started with a fact of truth and when someone finds out the
whole truth they are accused of being a conspiracy nut. The government and
corporations have been using that tactic for decades. I strongly believe in alternative
medicine because it has helped me when the general doctors couldn't do a thing.
I have only taken 2 drugs in over 20 years. Both pain killers for broken bones. The over
the counter one didn't work for swelling, for broken bone in hand but brome lain an
extract of pineapple did. When I broke my arm the nurse oered Lower tabs, I asked
her what were the side aects, she just growled it's Lower tabs. At first I refused but
eventually took it and was on it for two or three weeks. I was in jail at the time for
trespassing on government property during peace demonstration at FT Benning.

Reply Share

4 months ago

Correct. Natural GcMAF cannot be patented. Recombinant

GcMAF or recombinant Human Vitamin D-Binding protein is dierent. Jmo, Could this
latter type explain some of

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REVEALED: Cancer industry profits 'locked in' by nagalase molecuor growth... explains aggressive vaccine push -

12/2/15, 12:08 PM

latter type explain some of

the missing pieces of this puzzle? Three
things were being announced in June right before this all happened. Products like
Goleic and the one that Dr.
Bradstreet mentioned at the 54 minute mark of his last video? Was it called Ultrabravo and what of recombinant human vitamin D
Binding Protein Novoprotein? What is
that? Who funded the studies or patents,
who were the researchers? It only took me six hours of research and a
night with no sleep to go through pubmed and piece a bit of this together. Why?
Because eight incredibly caring and brilliant doctors who have and who
were going to help millions of innocent children and families are gone. What has
happened to these lives is an
abomination, and since there appears to be a complete blackout of this issue from
lamestream media and its floridated, who dont even care anyway..please, you
who DO care, we have to find out what happened to these precious souls. The why
of it all.

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whatnow > cee

3 months ago

The injections killed 5 people at 6500 week treatment. They raided the filthy
non GMP plant and he fled to a hotel and killed himself.
I wonder if my comment will be published?

Reply Share

Kim DeSantis Goodwin > whatnow

2 months ago

They did not kill 5 people that is bull. 5 total people who already used
chemo and were in stage 4 already past there life span of living died
and not anybody with autism. Troll

Reply Share

Ramune > whatnow

3 months ago

Your comment doesn't make a sense , don't you think that if he would
kill so many people he would be all over the news? How much are you
getting paid for such comments?
Cherie > cee

Reply Share

4 months ago

I think they were planning to get it out to everyone. Easy to obtain. There is a
utube of a couple that have been on an island since all of this happened. Just
returned, I hope they will be okay..... Friends of Dr. Bradstreet. The lady talked
to Dr. Bradstreet after the raid and he was very scared.

Reply Share

4 months ago

Someone please correct me if I am wrong.... but cancer cannot survive in a persons

body that is in an Alkaline PH "state". Only in an Acidic "state" can cancer live, which
can be tested by anyone, anytime by peeing on a $0.05 PH strip.

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ketac6 > coastguy

3 months ago

Unfortunately you cannot alter the pH of your body as it has sophisticated

mechanisms to keep it within a tight range. Otherwise all sorts of cellular
processes and reactions would be aected and you would be in a very bad
way. You can quite easily alter the pH of your urine however but that's more an
indication that you're maintaining homeostasis and your kidneys are working

Reply Share

BarleySinger > ketac6

a month ago

uh, yes you can. If you couldn't there would not be a number of
diseases where having the wrong PH is a primary marker. However it is
more complicated to manage than most people think.
If you want to kill your cancer, flood your endocannabinoid system with
full plant natural cannabis oil. The science is there. The info is easy to

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full plant natural cannabis oil. The science is there. The info is easy to
get. Look it up online. There are a fair number of interviews with
scientists and doctors about this.
Of course to use it, you eithe risk prison (and the loss of your home &
other property)... or you have to have the cash to PAY for it all yourself,
and also move to one of the 23 US states where you can get medicinal
(or recreational) cannabis, or Canada (or some other place similar).
There is a cure...and you can't have any.
Reply Share

Chaypup > BarleySinger

25 days ago

... Unless you live in nearly half of the USA or Canada - how is
that 'You can't have any" ?

Reply Share

origwwotp > Chaypup

20 days ago

it's illegal. and laws keep the people from having any. and if you
are caught having it, you get sent to prison and all your stu
confiscated, sold and the proceeds go to the state. so, mommy
says "you can't have any." even though it grows naturally, cures
most modern ailments, and does no harm to anyone. mommy
worries that you might think for yourself instead of being
dependent on her, so she keeps you sick and in fear. sound

Reply Share

Bonnie Davis > coastguy

4 months ago

Way more complicated then that. Pee is only one measure and not cellular ph


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4 months ago

It's time to dethrone the high priests of $cience , they POISON many and HEAL little .

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D2D Dashboards to Desktops

4 months ago

Heavy stu. Believable. Horrifyingly believable.


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4 months ago

Dr Je Bradstreet was researching Cannabis as a treatment for Autism, last year he

was present at Autism One's conference speaking about Cannabis helping with
Autism related learning diculties

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a month ago

It does do that. The changes are remarkable.


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4 months ago

add to that nuclear testing (don't forget to put on your sunglasses), air pollution from
ever more jet travel, genetically modified crops, and an unnatural lifestyle....and still
wonder why one develops cancer....

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4 months ago

Watch how advances in regenerative medicine will also be derailed. There are many
promising treatments for stroke disability recovery. Search on Bone Marrow Stem
Cells therapy for stroke and find the recent Daily Mail UK article. Search on stem cell
stroke treatment, John Brodie, Bart Starr or Gordie Howe who all made significant

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stroke improvement after stem cell treatment.

Instead of information on these and other promising stroke treatments our hosipitals
give without consent the stroke clot buster drug which is the system's free russian
roulette shot or two at ending our lives by inducing a fatal brain bleed. Brain cells die
within minutes of a moderate ischemic stroke and the hospital ER is giving the drug
hours later. Search: AAEM TPA position, The NNT TPA stroke, or in emergency
medicine blogs or http://www.stroketreatmentrisk... for the stroke TPA drug

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4 months ago

Mike, or whoever is reading this from this site.... I was just on a site that was
explaining Nagalase as it pertains to cancer. They were saying in their studies,
Nagalase has a half life of less than 24 hours unless there's cancer present. Is this a
hit and run type of enzyme? I'm a little confused at this point. Here's where I read the
info. I'm uncertain of the site.

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Talon > KCK

4 months ago

1why would any doctor inject an enzyme into a person that promotes cancer
regardless of it's half life? 2how is it that Dr. Bradstreet found this enzyme in
autistic children long after(more than a 24 hr. half life) they were diagnosed with

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Cynthia Ellsworth > Talon

2 months ago

I think the processed foods and whatever they put in them contributes
to it also not just the shot. It at the very least does not help.

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Chris > Talon

3 months ago

Vaccine viruses produce the Nagalase, and since children receive 69

shots of vaccines containing nagalaze producing viruses, in addition to
neurotoxins and carcinogens and viral contaminants, the probability of
nagalase being produced in high quantities in the bodies of the
vaccinated is quite high.

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Chemotherapy worse than ISIS? At

least 15,000 people killed every year

American colleges now are liberal

indoctrination centers where

5 comments 2 days ago

10 comments 2 days ago

actuary Chemo directly or indirectly

The Professor Nov 30, 2015

KILLS at least 1.5 million Americans per


#BlackLiveSmatter Protesters Not

Welcome in Chicago--Booted from

Soluble zeolite breakthrough?

CytoDetox hydrolized clinoptilolite

Oh, the tragic irony: These "life-saving"

cancer drugs could eat up your entire

19 comments a day ago

30 comments 2 days ago

Georey Levens Even aside from

Gladiatoro CANCER INC.

concentration/amount of zeolite present,

once hydrolyzed and in solution does it


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