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Depression: A Deep Understanding 1

Depression affects many people. Some even say the depression is an adaptive inheritance
that our ancestors have developed overtime. It is a type of mechanism that is meant to
slow down our mind and body and separate us from the outside. While biologically, it has
been seen as a chemical imbalance. However, over time we have been able to develop
different treatments apart form the ordinary drugs and into an alternative solution.
Keywords: depression, adaptive, ancestors, biologically, imbalance

Depression: A Deep Understanding 2

It is normal for someone to go through ups and downs in their lives, to feel sad or
upset. However, if someone feels despair has overtaken their life and feels like it will
never go away they might be depressed. According to the oxford dictionary, depression
can be defined as feelings of severe hopelessness and sadness. Depression is more than
just having the blues or being in a rut. It can be a serious disorder that affects the
person everyday life. Depression makes a person struggle to function and can make a
single day very overwhelming. People with depression have described it as living in
imminent tragedy. In America, there are over 19 million or 9.5% of our population alone
who are affected by depression. It is said that it will affect, 10%-25% of women and 5%12% in their lifetime (Smith, M. 2015)
There are many types of depression such as: major depressive disorder, dysthymic
disorder, bipolar disorder, cyclothymic disorder, etc. (Prentiss Price-Evans 2010)
Although there are many types, all types of depression can impair the ability to eat, sleep,
work, and with our social skills. It can damage our ability to accomplish simple everyday
tasks and their self-confidence. Depression puts a person in a dark hole where they are
unable to see light in the world. The more symptoms a person has, the stronger they are,
and the longer theyve lasted- the more likely it is that youre dealing with depression
Like all things in this world, humans have been adapting and have been shaped by
natural selection. In evolutionary psychology, it has been suggested that the mind has
been evolving overtime as well. Psychologists have been looking for advantages of
altered behaviors and mental qualities that might have been spread throughout the
population. Psychiatrists Anderson Thomson and Paul Andrews have written articles in

Depression: A Deep Understanding 3

Psychological Review and in Scientific American, discussing their hypothesis on
depression (2009).
Thomson and Andrews believe that depression has been an evolutionary trait.
Based on natural selection, if there was if depression was seen as more of a disadvantage
then an advantage, than overtime, it shouldve been selected against it and would be rare
in humans. However that is not the case. In fact they say, Depression, psychic pain,
alerts you to the fact that you have a problem, stops business as usual, focuses your
attention, and can provide a signaling function that you need help. Basically, it forces you
to think. Now with all its stressors and the myriad ways of evading them, modern life
doesnt encourage you to think deeply. But thinking deeply works. Its doing what the
mind was made to do (Andrews, P. W. and J. A. Thomson, Jr. 2009). They called it the
Analytical rumination hypothesis or ARH.
So why can depression be seen as adaptation? As Thomson and Andrews put it,
its all about survival fittest. Those who find themselves with this disorder goes to doctors
and doctors simply give them medication to fix the problem, however for our ancestors, it
wasnt that simple. They needed to figure whats the problem, as Thomson put it forcing
them to think and helping them to survive. However, since science has now come up
with easy fixes for lifes hardest problems depression could only be seen as a
Biologically, depression can be seen as an imbalance of brain chemicals. Since the
brain is the center of control, all of our movement, emotions, and thoughts begin there.
The limbic system tends to be part of the brain that is typically study in depression, the
reason for being that the limbic system controls mood, it regulates the emotions and

Depression: A Deep Understanding 4

stress levels. It has nine major components in the system including two: the amygdala
and the hippocampus. The amygdala has to do with attaching emotional significance with
information, while the hippocampus has to do with memory. Thus, these two parts of the
limbic system is needed for both to work, because together they create an emotional
reaction to what the person is dealing with. If there happened to be a distraction in the
limbic system, they can easily be incapable of doing a simple task, simply because they
forgot what they planned to do.
The autonomic nervous system is responsible for involuntary functions and is
divided up into two parts: the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. The sympathetic
system is responsible for the flight or fight response. If the sympathetic system is
triggered it will make reflexes and heartbeat increase to either help you fight or help you
flight. However, the parasympathetic nervous system does the opposite and help with
relaxation and recuperating. If the parasympathetic nervous system s triggered it will
make the heart slow down and help breathing slow down. There needs to be a balance
between the two, if not there can be consequences. If the sympathetic system is more
dominant then people suffer from stress and high blood pressure. If the parasympathetic
system is more dominant then people are more likely to be depressed and have lack of
Depression implicates a largely lessening in brain activity, however, when those
who suffer from depression they all show a very low amount of activity in the prefrontal
cortex. The prefrontal cortex is connected to neurotransmitters that help regulate moods
such as: serotonin, which relay signals from one area of the brain to another part. There
are many researchers who believe that serotonin and depression have a link because if

Depression: A Deep Understanding 5

there is a low production of serotonin, then it the serotonin has the inability to reach a
site, thus can lead to depression. Half of those who have been diagnosed with depression
have a excess amount of a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is produced in stressful
events and unfortunately; it will continue to be produced in stressful events even to high
amounts. In doing so when the high levels are reducing, it will only go back to a normal
level thus creating depression.
The most common form of treatment for depression is antidepressants, but is there
any other form of treatment that doesnt need medicine. The answer is yes. An alternative
form of treatment is Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS). In a case study written by the Emory
University, who has been treating people with depression using this method, it said, the
idea is to implant very thin wires with tiny electrodes in two small lobes deep in the
brain. These implanted electrodes supply a tiny amount of electrical flow to a certain
portion of the brain that is overactive in people in who have depression (Wrobel 2015).
The electrodes are then connected a small stimulator similar to a pacemaker.
Although deep brain stimulation is seen as only an experimental therapeutic
method for the treatment of depression, studies are underway and other studies that have
been out have indicated to be promising. Marjorie Stowes a model case for DBS, after
have taken the surgery has taken major shift in mood and energy level.

Depression: A Deep Understanding 6

Andrews, P. W. and J. A. Thomson, Jr. (September 4 2009). The bright side of being
blue: Depression as an adaptation for analyzing complex problems.
Andrews, P. W. and J. A. Thomson, Jr.(2009, Aug 25). Depressions evolutionary roots.
Bellows, S. (n.d.). The Evolution of Depression.
Deep Brain Stimulation. (2014, October 9).
"Depression." Def. 1. Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford University Press, n.d. Web.
Dias, E. (2013, May 26). Sympathetic And Parasympathetic Nervous Systems.
What causes depression? - Harvard Health. (2009, June 9).
Nemade, R. (2007, September 9). Biology Of Depression - Neurotransmitters.
Smith, M., Saisan, J., & Segal, J. (2015, August 1). Depression Symptoms and Warning
Wrobel, S. (2015, April 1). Flipping the switch.

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