Subject: Re: Unacceptable Date: December 4, 2015 at 1:32:50 PM CST

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Subject: Re: Unacceptable

Date: December 4, 2015 at 1:32:50 PM CST


I will take my time to outline my thoughts on this as well to you as to the many groups affiliated with
large, loud and obnoxious causes. Pardon my use of your first name, though you are using mine and
at the secondary affront of asking me for money to this cause. First I would like to say in all my years
of Team training, being politically correct, strategy, and at large corporations, I must say I am
somewhat baffled at your approach and others approach to a situation not yet described well, let
alone a solution that is nonexistent.
1. You offer no solution.
2. You only demand change and seemingly ask a zombie within litigation to come up with a plan.
3. You simultaneously wish to take on a large entity at the same time bashing a government another
large entity, in essence asking a federal source of Government (one you detest to come up with a
4. I can see where funds for this is a moot point, as money is not going to solve this. However it may
solve hunger in America.
5. Ideas, not slogans, solve problems.
6. Stop bringing a problem to my email address, instead offer me a solution.
7. The world is relatively small, so cold calling mailing badgering is just what it seems to the intelligent
population, a noise, a black noise, a white noise.
All the Change.orgs and Black Lives Matter, and garbage gatherings are just confetti on a landfill.
Just stop, collect, come up with a plan with your select peers and then set it in front of another set of
peers, then and only then could you possibly know what it will cost and what your paying for and
asking me to pay for, as I beg of you not to waste my time and tax payers money with a blanket, we
need all the money we can get to fight big brother NRA. What are you fighting for? specifically, what
do you hope to gain, specifically, what are you willing to live with, specifically, that is the definition of
consensus. Find one and get back to me. If I see that money wont go into a black hole for you to
dance in the streets with a sign or a flag or a march, all of which are nuances to the rest of us
intelligent people, then I will take into consideration your constant emails asking me for money.
And finally, yes it is a terrible thing about the serval killings that have happened, though I find the
astounded reaction rather surprising if not a bit pompous. Have you noticed the rest of the world? And
do you know why it is happening here? I have my ideas. I wish to make clear, that I do not nor would I
EVER wish to lose my ability to protect myself, EVER. Our government local and national, Federal or
otherwise, could never have enough personnel to protect us individually, I prefer to call it helping the
afore mentioned to help us, as that is really what it is about. When you view it that way, then
collectively we all could come to a consensus. What the Black Lives Matter, and The Gun Safety
etc..are really doing is pushing the Federal Government into a Martial Law initiative, as all you are
doing is annoying the hell out of a bunch of bureaucrats that know you dont get it, just as much as I
know you all dont get it. It is NOT my fault nor Yours. So stop badgering and Postulating so that
somehow everyone can breath and think, because that is what needs to happen.WE the people, that
is ALL of us. We The People. The ability to see beyond yourselves is what you need to know how to
The NRA is NOT your ENEMY, but your neighbor might be, so talk to your neighbor.

On Dec 4, 2015, at 12:13 PM, Brina Milikowsky, Everytown for Gun Safety <>


The day after the latest mass shooting -- this time in San Bernardino, California
-- the U.S. Senate voted against measures to close dangerous loopholes in our
gun laws.

The message is clear: the NRA's allies support a status quo where Americans
are 20 times more likely to be murdered with a gun than people in other
developed countries.

The solution is also clear: We must break the NRA's grip on politicians.

Make a gift of $25 or more -- and tell NRA-backed politicians we wont let
daily gun violence become the new normal. Your donation today will
determine how ambitious we can be when we take on NRA-backed politicians at
every level.

On Thursday, the Senate voted down two common-sense gun bills that would
have expanded background checks to cover all commercial gun sales and
prevented suspected terrorists from legally buying guns -- a measure first
proposed by the Bush Administration.

We're going to take this fight state-by-state -- passing stronger gun laws and
bringing the vote directly to the people through ballot measures. And when our
politicians refuse to change gun laws, we'll change our politicians.

We can't do this without you -- and we need your help now. Make a gift and
help break the NRA's stranglehold on our leaders.

The terrifying scenes from San Bernardino have become all too familiar. Every
day in America, 88 people die from gun violence, with hundreds more injured.
This isn't normal -- and we will continue to fight for an America free from this
daily toll of gun violence.

Brina Milikowsky

Chief Strategy Ocer

Everytown for Gun Safety

As a movement of Americans fighting for common-sense gun policies, we depend on contributions from supporters like
you to fund important work to reduce gun violence.

Paid for by Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund. Contributions to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund are not taxdeductible

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