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Logan Kelley

AP Physics
Period 2
Newtonian Synthesis: The Basis of Space Exploration
How is it possible for humans to venture into outer space? How did
scientists figure out a way to break the barrier of the Earths gravitational
field? They didnt just decide they wanted to get into outer space and got on
a rocket and flew away. Extensive research was done to calculate exact
velocities and aerodynamics that would need to be achieved to break from
the binding grasp of Earths gravity. The basis of all knowledge on space
exploration came from a theory developed by a man named Sir Isaac
Everything the world knows about space exploration started from a
single apple. When an apple fell on Newtons head, he proceeded to ponder
the idea of the Earth pulling the apple down towards it, for there had to be a
reason the apple fell downward. Randy Kobes, from the University of
Winnipeg, stated,
Newton first realized that objects change the state of their state of
motion if and only if they are subjected to external influences: that is,
they tend to continue moving in a straight line at uniform speed unless
something forces them to do otherwise (Kobes, 8).
Newton concluded that for the apple to move, something had to be exerting
a force on it. Thus, he realized that the Earth must be applying a
gravitational force that is pulling the object towards it. This is also true with
the moon staying in orbit. It would continue moving in a straight line if the

Earth wasnt exerting a force that keeps it in orbit around the Earth. This
discovery led to people understanding what keeps us on the Earth and why
things have a tendency to fall towards the Earth: because that is the object
with the highest gravitational force around us. This discovery made it clear
why apples fall from trees, why people cant float away, and why rain falls
Newtons discovery of gravity sparked another idea in the minds of
scientists: Would it be possible to break the bounds of gravity and escape the
Earths atmosphere? To do so, the force of the rocket in the upward direction
would need to be greater than the force of gravity pulling it down. This sent
scientists to work on Newtons second law, that force is equal to mass
multiplied by acceleration. Then, scientists had to figure out a way to propel
the rocket upward. Since for every action there is an equal and opposite
reaction, something would have to shoot towards the Earth for the rocket to
propel upward. The other problem is that the object would stay in motion
unless a force was acting upon it, which the Earths gravity was. If the
spacecraft comes near a large body in space, the gravity of that body will
unbalance the forces and curve the path of the spacecraft, said Michael
Coats. They needed a way to oppose gravity and escape its bounds. Luckily,
with the knowledge of Newtons theories, physicists knew what they would
have to do to make space exploration a reality. Soon enough, there were men
in space, walking on the moon, and performing many other discoveries for

All concepts of space exploration were made possible because of

Newtonian Synthesis. If Newton had never developed the concept of gravity,
man may have never taken step on the moon. Larry Hunter stated,
The idea that the same simple physical laws apply equally well in the
terrestrial and celestial realms, called the Newtonian Synthesis, is a
major intellectual development of the seventeenth century. It
continues to be of vital importance in contemporary physics (Hunter).
Newton may not have been the one to make one small step for man, but his
discoveries led to one giant leap for mankind in the world of space.

Works Cited
Coats, M. (2007 December 3). Liftoff to Learning: Newton in Space. Retrieved
Hunter, L. R. (2007, April 3). The Newtonian Synthesis: Dynamics of Particles
and Systems, Waves. Retrieved from
Kopes, R. (2013, September 15). Newtons Synthesis. Retrieved from

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