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Leadership Styles <<<<< CHECK THIS >>>

Daniel Goleman.
Creating resonance as a Visionary, Coaching, Affiliative, Democratic, Pacesetting or
Commanding Leader.
In his book Primal Leadership (2002, with Richard Boyatzis and Annie McKee), Goleman
introduces six leadership styles. To properly understand the six leadership styles, you should
first understand his human communication / interaction concept of resonance.
Leaders create resonance
In the view of Goleman, good leaders are effective because they create resonance.
Resonance comes from the Latin word resonare. Again creating sound. Effective leaders are
attuned to other people's feelings and move them in a positive emotional direction. They speak
authentically about their own values, direction and priorities and resonate with the emotions of
surrounding people.
Under the guidance of an effective leader, people feel a mutual comfort level. Resonance
comes naturally to people with a high degree of emotional intelligence (self-awareness, selfmanagement, social awareness and relationship management) but involves also intellectual
Creation of resonance can be done in six ways, leading to Six Leadership Styles. Typically,
the most effective leaders can act according to and they can even skillfully switch between the
various styles, depending on the situation.

Visionary LeadershipCoaching StyleAffiliative LeadershipDemocratic

LeadershipPacesetting LeadershipCommanding Leadership
Leader characteristicsInspires. Believes in own vision.
Empathetic. Explains how and why people's efforts contribute to the 'dream'.Listens. Helps
people identifying their own strengths and weaknesses.
Counselor. Encourages. Delegates.Promotes harmony.
Friendly. Empathetic. He boosts moral. Solves conflicts.Superb listener. Team worker.
Collaborator. Influencer.Strong urge to achieve. High own standards. Initiative. Low on
empathy and collaboration. Impatience. Micromanaging. Numbers-driven.
Commanding. "Do it because I say so".
Threatening. Tight control. Monitoring studiously. Creating dissonance. Contaminates
everyone's mood. Drives away talent.
How style builds resonanceHe moves people towards shared
dreams.Connects what a person wants; with the organization's
goals.Creates harmony by connecting people to each other.Appreciates
people's input and gets commitment through participation.Realizes
challenging and exciting goals.He decreases fear by giving clear
direction in an emergency.
The impact of the style on the (business) climate+ + ++ +++Often &#8213;
&#8213; when used too exclusively or poorlyOften &#8213; &#8213;
When style is appropriateWhen changes require a new vision. Or when

a clear direction is needed. Radical change.To help competent,
motivated employees to improve performance by building long-term
capabilities.To heal rifts in a team. To motivate during stressful
times. Or to strengthen connections.To build support or consensus.
Or to get valuable input from employees.To get high-quality results
from a motivated and competent team. Sales.In a grave crisis. Or
with problem employees. To start an urgent organizational
turnaround. Traditional military.
Book: Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, Annie McKee - Primal Leadership Compare with Goleman's Leadership Styles: Emotional Intelligence | Leadership
Continuum | Leadership Pipeline | Hagberg Model of Personal Power | Level 5 Leadership
| Charismatic Leadership | EPIC ADVISERS | Servant-Leadership | Path-Goal Theory |
Theory X Theory Y | Managerial Grid | Contingency Theory | Competing Values Framework
| Expectancy Theory | Result Oriented Management | Bases of Social Power | Seven
Surprises | Seven Habits | Coaching | Mentoring | Results-Based Leadership |
Situational Leadership | Metaplan | Ashridge Mission Model

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