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Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons

Players Handbook

Fantasy Players

The Inner Eye

by Patrick Younts
Chrysalis Armor [Psionic]

Psychic warriors and soulknives haven t been

supported to the degree that the other warrior
classes have, meaning those who have chosen to
play one of these unique classes have been forced
to select their feats from some very meager pickings. The new feats introduced here should go a
long way towards remedying that. Because of the
relative scarcity of psychic feats, the new feats
introduced here are not restricted to high level
characters exclusively. Instead, these new feats
run the gamut from those suitable for beginning
level characters, to those suitable and selectable
only be experienced warriors.

You can focus your mind to allow you to ignore

minor injuries.
Prerequisites: Con 13, Mind Over Body, Rapid
Benefits: While you retain your psionic focus,
you gain damage reduction DR 2/-.

Cloak Obscurement [Psionic]

You are so skilled with optical tricks that you can
disappear in the blink of an eye.
Prerequisites: Hide 15 ranks, Perform (dance) 4

Designers Notes
In the transition from 3.0 to 3.5, the ability to stack threat range multipliers was removed from the
game, to remove what proved to be an overly effective ability. So, you might wonder why I ve
chosen to include stacking modifiers here, and what makes them balanced for use.
The reason they are balanced in the format I have presented them in is because of reduced opportunity of use. In 3.0, a weapon with stacked multipliers was always effective, but here, several
conditions must be met before the stacking multipliers can come into play. More specifically, the
stacking multipliers can only be used when the character has achieved psionic focus, a condition
which not only requires a move action, at the least, to acquire, but one which can be easily ended.
So, in order to even have a chance to benefit from Deeper Impact, Ferocious Shot, or Forceful
Impact, the character must first succeed at gaining psionic focus through the expenditure of at
least a move action, but he must then sacrifice his focus for what will be, at best, a 45% chance
of achieving a critical hit (with a rapier or other base 18-20 weapon and the Improved Critical
feat) once a turn.
What s more, the two classes that benefit most from these feats, the psychic warrior and soul
knife, have a comparatively low attack bonus compared to other warriors, which means that there
may well be occasions where the low end of their critical threat range will not be sufficient to even
hit an opponent a critical threat range of 12 to 20 is relatively useless if you have to roll a 16 or
better even to hit your opponent.
I feel these twin factors mitigate the raw power of a massive threat range, and bring Deeper
Impact, Ferocious Shot, and Forceful Impact into line with other, high level feats.

Benefits: To use this feat, you must expend your

psionic focus. You can gain concealment with
Cloak Dance as a free action, or gain total concealment with Cloak Dance as a move action.

threat range. Instead, add the increases together.

For example:
A longsword has a threat range of 19-20. With the
keen special ability, it has a threat range of 1720. With the keen special ability and the Deeper
Impact feat, it has a threat range of 15-20.

Deeper Impact [Psionic]

Your Deep Impact strikes hit with incredible precision.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Psionic Weapon, Deep
Impact, base attack bonus +6
Benefits: When you use Deep Impact to attack
with a melee weapon, the critical threat range of
that weapon is doubled. Unlike other effects that
increase a weapon s threat range, the effects of
Deeper Impact do stack with those of the
Improved Critical feat, the keen edge spell, or the
keen special ability. The normal rules of those
effects still apply, however, meaning Deeper
Impact can only stack with one of the other listed
abilities. When determining the final threat range
of weapon already benefiting from one of the
above listed effects, do not double the modified

Deepest Impact [Psionic]

Your Deep Impact strikes can kill with ease.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Psionic Weapon, Deep
Impact, Deeper Impact, base attack bonus +9
Benefits: When you roll a critical hit with a
melee attack enhanced by Deep Impact, the damage multiplier of your weapon is increased by 1
step, from x2 to x3 or x3 to x4, for example.

Driving Strike [Psionic]

Your unarmed attacks or natural weapons strike
with deadly precision.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Psionic Fist, Unavoidable
Strike, base attack bonus +6

Forceful Impact [Psionic]

Benefits: When you use Unavoidable Strike to

attack with an unarmed strike or natural weapon,
the critical threat range of that attack is doubled.
Unlike other effects that increase an attack s
threat range, the effects of Driving Strike do stack
with those of the Improved Critical feat. When
determining the final threat range of an unarmed
or natural attack already benefiting from
Improved Critical, do not double the modified
threat range. Instead, add the increases together.
For example:

Your unarmed attacks hit with the force of a hammer.

Prerequisites: Str 13, Psionic Fist, Unavoidable
Strike, Driving Strike, base attack bonus +9
Benefits: When you roll a critical hit with an
unarmed or natural weapon enhanced by
Unavoidable Strike, the damage multiplier is
increased by 1 step, typically from x2 to x3.

Greater Aligned Attack [Psionic]

Your melee or ranged attack inflicts significant,
alignment-based damage.
Prerequisites: Aligned Attack, base attack bonus
Benefits: When you make a successful melee or
ranged attack against an opponent whose damage
reduction is directly opposed by your Aligned
Attack, you deal 2d6 points of extra damage. So,
for example, if you have chosen to make your
Aligned Attack lawful, you would deal 2d6
points of damage to an opponent with DR 5/lawful, but only 1d6 points of damage to an opponent
with DR 5/chaotic.

Normally, an unarmed attack has a critical threat

range of 20. With the Improved Critical feat, it
improves to 19-20. With the addition of Driving
Strike, it would become 18-20.

Fatal Shot [Psionic]

Your ranged attacks strike with staggering
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Point Blank Shot, Psionic
Shot, Fell Shot, Ferocious Shot, base attack
bonus +9
Benefits: When you roll a critical hit with a
ranged attack enhanced by Fell Shot, the damage
multiplier of your weapon is increased by 1 step,
from x2 to x3, for example.

Improved Stand Still [Psionic]

You can harm your enemies while forcing them
to hold their position.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Stand Still, base attack
bonus +5
Benefits: When you use the Stand Still feat to
halt an opponent who is attempting to move out
of an area you threaten, you inflict half damage
with a successful attack.
Normal: When you use the Stand Still feat, you
inflict no damage on a successful attack.

Ferocious Shot [Psionic]

Your ranged attacks strike with deadly precision.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Point Blank Shot, Psionic
Shot, Fell Shot, base attack bonus +6
Benefits: When you use Fell Shot to attack with
a ranged weapon, the critical threat range of that
weapon is doubled. Unlike other effects that
increase an attack s threat range, the effects of
Ferocious Shot do stack with those of the
Improved Critical feat, the keen edge spell, or the
keen special ability.. When determining the final
threat range of a weapon already benefiting from
Improved Critical, do not double the modified
threat range. Instead, add the increases together.
For example:

Instinctive Reaction [Psionic]

Your psychic energies boost your reflexes to an
astounding degree.
Prerequisites: Dex 13
Benefits: If you begin a battle while psionically
focused, you gain a +2 bonus to your initiative
check. This bonus stacks with the bonus from
Improved Initiative. If you choose to expend you
psionic focus when rolling initiative, you gain a
+6 bonus to the check.

Normally, a longbow has a critical threat range

of 20. With the Improved Critical feat, it improves
to 19-20. With the addition of Ferocious Shot, it
would become 18-20.

Mental Agility [Psionic]

Psychic Guidance [Psionic]

You can perform amazing feats of agility, and

body control.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Tumble 5 ranks
Benefits: To use this feat, you must expend your
psionic focus while attempting a Tumble check.
In return, you gain a +10 bonus on the check.

While you are focused, you can throw weapons

with incredible accuracy.
Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot, Far Shot
Benefits: You must expend your psionic focus to
activate this feat. When you use a thrown weapon,
its range increment is quadrupled.

Mental Finesse [Psionic]

Psychic Instincts [Psionic]

Your mind guides your hands in a way that other

warriors cannot match.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Weapon Finesse.
Benefits: While you retain your psychic focus,
you can apply your Dexterity modifier, rather
than your Strength modifier, to attack rolls made
with any one-handed melee weapon of your size.
Special: If you have the Mental Strength feat,
you can apply the benefits of Mental Finesse to
one-handed weapons one size category larger
than is normal for your size.

Your psychic mind taps into the primal heart of the

Prerequisites: Track, Survival 6 ranks
Benefits: You must expend your psionic focus to
use this feat. You gain a +10 bonus to your next
Survival check to follow tracks.

Psychic Slayer [Psionic]

You can slay with the power of your psychic energies.
Prerequisites: Str 13 and Psionic Weapon, or Dex
13 and Psionic Shot
Benefits: To use this feat, you must expend your
psionic focus. You can perform a coup de grace as
a standard action.

Mental Strength [Psionic]

Your psychic power strengthens your muscles,
allowing you to wield larger weapons with ease.
Prerequisites: Str 13
Benefits: You can use weapons of one size category without changing the weapon s designation
(light, one handed, two handed) to match your
size, but you still suffer the normal 2 penalties to
attack rolls while doing so. While you retain your
psionic focus, however, you do not suffer the
penalty to attack rolls for using a larger than normal weapon.

Psychic Tactics [Psionic]

You can link your mind to a companion, allowing
you to perform seamless actions together in combat.
Prerequisites: Int 13
Benefits: Designate one ally. While you and that
ally are both flanking the same opponent, you gain
a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls. The bonus
to attack rolls stacks with the +2 bonus normally
gained from flanking an opponent. You can designate a different ally each round as a free action.
Special: If you possess another feat that increases
the bonuses to attack rolls from flanking (such as
the Flanking Mastery feat from Ronin Art s
Fantasy Player s Companion: A Dozen and
Three Group Feats), then the benefits of this feat
stack with that increased bonus as well.

Oblivion Strike [Psionic]

You can combine the force of your psychic energies to devastating effect.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Psionic Shot and Fell
Shot, or Str 13, Psionic Fist and Unavoidable
Fist, or Str 13, Psionic Weapon and Deep Impact,
base attack bonus +11.
Benefits: You can expend your psionic focus a
single time to combine the benefits of Psionic
Shot and Fell Shot, Psionic Fist and Unavoidable
Fist, or Psionic Weapon and Deep Impact in a
single attack.
Normal: You can expend your psionic focus to
gain the benefits of either Psionic Shot or Fell
Shot, Psionic Fist or Unavoidable Fist, or Psionic
Weapon or Deep Impact.

Psychic Throw [Psionic]

You can focus your psychic energy to manipulate
your opponent s limbs.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike,
Improved Grapple
Benefits: You must expend you psionic focus to
use this feat. You gain a +4 bonus to all grapple
checks made during the round.

Retain Focus [Psionic]

mum of 0. So, for example, if you are wearing a

chain shirt and equipped with a heavy steel shield,
your total armor check penalty is 0.

Your strength of will is so strong that you can

maintain your focus even after you have unleashed
your full psychic strength.
Prerequisites: Con 13, Concentration 12 ranks,
Psionic Meditation
Benefits: When you expend your psionic focus,
you can immediately attempt a Concentration
check as a free action to maintain your focus. The
check to maintain your focus is identical to the
check to gain psionic focus, save that the DC of the
first check is +10 above the base DC to gain psionic focus (or DC 30), the second check is +20, and
further checks add an additional +10 each time.
The increases to the DC carry across rounds, until
you fail a check to retain your focus. If your
Concentration check is successful, then you retain
your psionic focus. If the check fails, then you lose
your psionic focus as normal, and must meditate to
regain it.
Special: You cannot use this feat to expend your
focus twice for one action. So, for example, you
could not expend your focus to use Deep Impact
with a melee attack, retain your focus, and then
immediately expend your focus again to add
Psionic Weapon to that melee attack. You could,
however, use Psionic Weapon with one attack in a
full round, roll to retain your focus, and then
expend your focus again to use Deep Impact on a
second attack.
Normal: Once your psionic focus is expended, you
must meditate to regain your focus.

Sure Footing [Psionic]

Your inner eye guides you through even the most difficult terrain.
Benefits: While you retain your psionic focus, you
suffer no movement penalty when passing through
areas of poor visibility, over obstacles, or across rubble, steep slopes, ice, uneven floors or cracked and
uneven floors.

Survival Instinct [Psionic]

Your inner eye is ever vigilant in its defense of your
Benefits: While you retain you psionic focus, you
gain a +1 insight bonus to all saving throws. If you
expend your psionic focus, you instead gain a +3
insight bonus to your saving throw.

Void Strike [Psionic]

The psychic energy you gather into your fist can be
released to strike at a distance.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Wis 13, Psionic Fist,
Unavoidable Strike, base attack bonus +8
Benefits: To use this feat, you must expend your
psionic focus. As an attack action, you can make an
unarmed attack or attack with a natural weapon
against an opponent up to 2 squares away from you.
This attack is resolved exactly as any other unarmed
attack or attack with a natural weapon made with
Unavoidable Fist is, and deals damage as though you
had struck your opponent directly, but does not
require you to come into physical contact with your

Soul Slayer [Psionic]

Your soul blade can kill with ease.
Prerequisites: Mind blade class ability, base attack
bonus +4
Benefits: While you maintain your psionic focus,
the massive damage threshold for attacks made
with your mind blade is reduced to 40.
Normal: The massive damage threshold is 50.

Regardless of whether or not you have entered a state

of psionic focus, this feat does not allow you to threaten opponents 2 squares away. So, for example, an
opponent two squares away could cast a spell without
provoking an attack of opportunity from you.

Steel Clad Grace [Psionic]

Special: Void Strike is blocked by barriers such as

doors, and is affected by cover and concealment. It
can, however, be used to strike through an intervening character, so you can attack an opponent directly
behind an ally, for example, or strike at a wizard hidden behind a fighter bodyguard (though the opponent
gains the benefit of soft cover when you do so).

You can ignore armor penalties while your inner

eye is focused.
Prerequisites: Light Armor Proficiency, Shield
Benefits: While you retain your psionic focus, you
reduce the total armor check penalty of any armor
and shield you are proficient in by 4, to a mini5

Designers Notes
Void Strike is an interesting feat, one modeled after a relatively obscure, legendary skill supposedly known to martial arts masters of many cultures. Since the psychic warrior is, in many ways,
a riff on the wuxia-warrior, a feat like Void Strike is a natural fit.
The purpose of Void Strike is two fold. First, it s designed to emulate an existing, legendary ability, one that has popped up many times in stories, cartoons, comics, and video games. Second, and
just as importantly, it s meant to give a psychic warrior, and in particular a psychic warrior/monk,
a bit of an advantage when coming up against an opponent with reach. Reach is a deadly advantage, and since psychic warriors do not have the luxury of massive hit points, a small equalizer
like Void Strike can do much to keep them in the fight against ogres, giants, and other, larger monsters.

Psionic Multiclass Feats

Blood Red Eye [Psionic]

In recent months, there has been a movement

among designers to create feats and prestige
classes that acknowledge that the rules for multiclassing give short shrift to a good many thematically viable character archetypes. The most
obvious expression of this movement is the mystic theurge prestige class, but there are many
other examples of designers attempting to
strengthen mechanics so as not to make certain
multiclass combinations unviable. With that in
mind, here are some feats that blend psychic
powers with core rules class abilities, to better
support psychic/non-psychic multiclass combinations.

When you rage, your third eye blazes, and your

fighting instincts are at their peak.
Prerequisites: Str 13, rage class ability
Benefits: While you retain your psionic focus
when raging, you do not suffer the 2 penalty to
your armor class.

Chakra Strike [Psionic]

You know how to strike vulnerable nodes of spiritual energy
Prerequisites: Dex 13, sneak attack class ability
Benefits: While you retain you psionic focus,
you inflict +1 points of damage per die of sneak
attack against creatures with the ability to manifest powers (those with a power point reserve or
psi-like abilities). If you expend your psionic
focus, you instead inflict +2 points of damage per
sneak attack die on your next sneak attack.

Beast Mind [Psionic]

Your mind knows the form of beasts.
Prerequisites: Wis 13, ability to wild shape once
per day.
Benefits: Your levels in any psionic classes you
possess stack with your druid levels to determine
the number of times per day you can use the wild
shape ability, and only the number of times per
day you can wild shape.

Mental Awareness [Psionic]

Your psychic eye sees all.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Uncanny Dodge class
Benefits: You gain the Improved Uncanny
Dodge class ability, meaning you can no longer
be flanked. In addition, your levels in any psionic classes you possess stack with those of the
class that granted uncanny dodge for the purposes of determining what level a rogue must be
before he can flank you.

Beast Might [Psionic]

Your inner beast fuels your might.
Prerequisites: Wis 13, Beast Mind, ability to
wild shape once per day
Benefits: While you retain your psionic focus
when using wildshape, you gain a +2 bonus to
Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution.

Psychic Companion [Psionic]


The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast,
Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved.

You have an intrinsic link with animals.

Prerequisites: Wis 13, Animal companion class
ability, wild empathy ability
Benefits: Your levels in any psionic classes you
possess stack with your ranger or druid levels to
determine both the bonus to your wild empathy
checks, and the power of your animal companion.
For a multiclass ranger/psychic, the character s
effective druid level is considered to be one half
his levels for the purposes of determining the animal companion s abilities.

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Psychic Fury [Psionic]

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Your psychic energy fuels your rage

Prerequisites: Con 13, Ability to rage twice per
Benefits: Your levels in the psychic warrior and
soulknife classes stack with your levels in the
barbarian class when determining the number of
times per day you can rage, and only the number
of times per day you can rage.

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4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a
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Psychic Smite [Psionic]

Your psychic energy powers your righteous fury.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, lawful alignment, ability
to smite evil twice per day
Benefits: Your levels in the psychic warrior and
soulknife classes stack with your levels in the
paladin class when determining the amount of
extra damage you inflict with smite evil, and only
the amount of extra damage you inflict.

7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of
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Psychic Song [Psionic]

11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of
any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so.

Your psychic energy is tied to the music of the

Prerequisites: Cha 13, Perform 6 ranks, bardic
music ability to inspire competence
Benefits: Your levels in any psionic classes you
possess stack with your bard levels to determine
the number of bardic music uses you gain each
day, and only the number of uses gained per day.

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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte
Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Fantasy Players Companion: The Inner Eye copyright 2005 Patrick Younts, published by Ronin Arts

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Fantasy Players Companion: The Inner Eye is copyright 2005 Patrick Younts. Artwork copyright Other Worlds Creation, used with permission. All
text in this book is designated as open game content. You may not distribute this PDF without permission of the author. Dungeons & Dragons and
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