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Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Is it__________ if I use your phone to call my mom?

a. alright
b. all right
c. all rite
d. albright
2. Kindly distribute these relief goods _______ the evacuees.
a. with
b. by
c. among
d. within
3. Cynel ate the last piece of chocolate cake. In which sentence
does LAST have the same meaning?
a. At last, he finally understood the lesson.
b. How long did the celebration last?
c. The people hoped that the storm would not last.
d. Patrick used the last sheet of paper.
4. Which underlined noun names a place?
a. The bread was fresh from the oven.
b. The park is home to many butterflies.
c. The dog wagged its tail.
d. The guitarist played the song really well.
5. Anya is wearing a wonderful gown. What is the antonym of the
underlined word?
a. cute
b. sweet
c. awful
6. Genevieve is fond ______ chocolate cake.
a. with
b. of
c. for
d. at
7. After you have answered the test, kindly _____ if you have
answered all the questions before handing in your paper.
a. checked
b. cheks
c. cheking
d. check
8. Neither Oliver nor Diana _______ the assignment.
a. read
b. are reading c. has read
d. have
9. Renee was preparing her things ________.
a. while Rachelle called
b. with Rachelle calling
c. when Rachelle call
d. when Rachelle called
10. I should have brought an umbrella, Nita said. What do you
think was happening?
a. Clouds were high up in the sky.
b. The wind was blowing hard.
c. It was beginning to rain.
d. The sun was setting.

11. Uncle Romeo went to his farm yesterday. He planted

vegetables. He worked very hard. Why did Uncle Romeo go to his
a. To plant vegetables.
b. To water the plants.
c. To see his carabao.
d To plow the field.
Red Roses
I love the red roses in my garden
Dancing gaily, smiling at me.
Red roses wink at me
When I pass by them everyday.
They are all mine,
Giving me joy all the time.
12. What does the writer feel when she passes by the garden?
b. happy
c. angry
d. afraid
It was Saturday. The family went to Laguna de Bay to swim.
Lito, Cora, and Jose enjoyed swimming. They swam till late in the
13. What is the story about?
a. swimming
b. fishing c. boating
d. eating
It is a hot summer day. Mimi arrives home from school after a
long walk. She gets a glass from the tray and goes straight to the
14. Based on the story, Mimi wants to_______________.
a. take a bath b. drink water
c. wash her hands d. water
the plants
One day Ruben got sick. He stayed in bed and rested. He
did not go to school. Oh! How he wished he could go to school
and study with his classmates.
15. Ruben did not go to school because___________.
a. he did not do his homework
b. he wanted to play
c. he go to school
d. he got sick
Edna and Donna picked flowers for their teacher. Edna
picked three daisies. Donna picked two roses. Their teacher was
very happy to see the flowers.
16. The teacher was happy because ________.

a. she picked the daisies

c. she saw the flowers

b. she picked the roses

d. she saw the girls

It was a cloudy day. Nilo was playing with his brother at the
park. Suddenly, rain poured heavily so they got wet. The two went
home shivering from the cold.
17. What do you think Mother did with the boys?
a. she gave them fruits to eat
b. she told them to go to
c. she told them to play in the house
d. she gave them
dry clothes to wear
A boat had left Manila North Harbor bound for the Visayas. It
was overloaded with cargoes and passengers. The weather was
stormy. While on high seas, the boat was hit by very bi8g waves.
18. The boat was hit by very big waves; therefore,
a. it slanted on its side
b. it sailed back to Manila
c. it overturned and sank slowly
d. it moved forward and
(1 ) Mercy is a very industrious girl. (2) She works hard to
earn a living. (3) She helps her mother sell vegetables in the
market during Saturdays and Sundays. (4) When she finishes her
work at home, she studies her lessons.
19. The sentences in the paragraph that tell what Mercy does to
help her mother are sentences_________.
a. 1 and 2
b.1 and 3
c. 2 and 3
d. 3 and 4
A parade was passing by. Raul couldnt see it. There were
many tall people in front of him. Raul saw a tree near the street.
He climbed the tree. Then he was able to see the parade.
20. The following events happened in the story.
A. Then he was able to see the parade.
B. A parade was passing by.
C. Raul couldnt see it.
D. He climbed the tree.
What is the correct order of events in the story?
a. C-B-A-B
b. B-C-D-A
c. D-A-B-C
d. B-C-AD

One evening, Isabel saw a beautiful insect fly around and

around the lamp. Is that a butterfly, Mother? Isabel asked.
No, it is not a butterfly. It is a moth, Mother answered.
Look at its body and wings. They are covered with dust. It does
not fold its wings when it rests. The moth sleeps at daytime. It
flies to the light at night. The moth likes the light, Mother
21. What conclusion can be drawn from the selection?
a. The moth likes to fly around at daytime.
b. The moth and the butterfly differ from each other.
c. The moth and the butterfly have the same characteristics.
d. Mother and daughter do not know what moths and
butterflies are.
One Saturday morning Mr. Cruz decided to take Robin with
him to the zoo. Their house was far from the zoo, so they rode in a
big yellow bus. They passed by big houses and a wide ricefield.
Soon the bus stopped Were here, Mr .Cruz told Robin.
22. Why did Mr. Cruz and Robin ride in a bus?
a. Their feet ached.
b. They had no car.
c. Their house was far.
d. They could not walk.
23. Which of these sentences tells what happened first in the
a. They rode in a bus.
b. They arrived in the zoo.
c. They passed by a ricefield. d. They decided to go to the
Antonio was called by his mother to the yard. His Mother
showed him plants that had withered. His mother had told him to
take care of the plants, but Antonio did not obey her. He had not
watered the plants. Antonio felt bad about it because he knew he
was at fault.
24. What is a good ending for the paragraph?
a. Mother left Antonio in the garden.
b. Antonio watered the withered plants.
c. Mother told Antonio to have another garden.
d. Antonio promised to take care of the plants left.

25. Why did Antonio feel bad when his mother showed him the
withered plants?
a. He did not clean the yard very well.
b. He was not prompt in going home.
c. He did not obey what his mother said.
d. He took care of the plants but they died.
Bens father announced that the family will go on a picnic
the next day. Ben was so excited upon hearing the news. He
prepared his swimming trunks and a beachball. When Ben woke
up, everybody was busy packing food in the picnic basket. Just as
they were ready to leave, heavy rains fell. Father said, We will
not proceed with our plans. Instead, we will have a party here in
our house.
26. What is the selection about?
a. watching a movie
b. going to the park
c. attending a party
d. preparing for a picnic
27. Why was the picnic cancelled?
a. There was a heavy rain
b. Father changed
his mind.
c. There was a heavy traffic.
d. The food was not
Nancy met an old woman on the street. The old woman was
carrying a heavy basket. She could not cross the street because
there were so many cars passing by. Nancy took the old womans
hand, picked up the basket, and led her across the street.
28. Why did Nancy take the old womans hand?
a. To help her carry the basket
b. To help her cross the street
c. To help her find her way
d. To help her take a ride
29. Why couldnt the old woman cross the street?
a. Many cars were passing by.
b. Many people were crossing the street.
c. The policemen were watching the people.
d. Some boys were marching down the street.
30. Based on the story, what trait did Nancy show?

a. helpfulness b. honesty

c .politeness


Pepito asked permission from his mother to go to the river

with his friends. His mother told him to be back before sunset to
chop firewood. Pepito and his friends had such a good time that
he forgot what his mother said. He went home late. That night the
family ate supper late.
31. What is a good ending for the story?
a. Mother thanked Pepito.
b. Mother gave Pepito a big supper.
c. Pepito was happy to see Mother again.
d. Pepito was very sorry for coming home late.
32. What was the result when Pepito did not chop firewood?
a. The family had a good time.
b. The family had a late supper.
c. The family had a good supper.
d. The family had to chop firewood.
33. The following events happened in the story?
A. Pepito went to the river.
B. Pepito went home late
C. Pepito asked permission.
D. Pepito enjoyed swimming.
What is the correct order of the events?
a. A-B-C-D
b. C-A-D-B
c. B-A-D-C
d. C-D-B-A
Jose Rizal was born in Calamba, Laguna on June 19,1861. He
learned the alphabet at the age of three. He could read the bible
in Spanish when he was five years old. He wrote a poem
addressed to the Filipino youth when he was eight years old. He
told them to love their country. He studied hard so that he could
help his people. He became a great writer and doctor.
34. The following events happened in the story.
A. Rizal could read the Bible in Spanish at the age of five.
B. Rizal wrote a poem addressed to the Filipino youth.
C. Rizal became a great writer and doctor.
D. Rizal learned the alphabet at the age of three.

What is the correct order of events in the story?

a. D-C-A-B
b. D-B-C-A
c. D-A-B-C
d. D-B-A-C
35. What became of Jose Rizal when he studied very hard?
a. He became a great writer and doctor.
b. He became a common man.
c. He became very rich.
d. He became a priest.
36. Why did Jose Rizal study hard?
a. To be able to read the Bible in Spanish.
b. To learn the alphabet at an early age.
c. To be able to help his countrymen.
d. To become a priest.
37. What title is best for the paragraph?
a. The Greatest Filipino Writer
b. The Most Intelligent Filipino
c. The Compassionate Filipino Doctor
d. Jose Rizal, the Pride of the Filipinos
Jose borrowed two videotapes from the video store. The
tapes have different due dates. Jose forgot to return the tapes on
time. He was told to pay a fine by the storeowner.
38. Why was Jose made to pay the fine?
a. The tapes were overdue.
b. Jose ignored the due dates.
c. Jose borrowed two videotapes.
d. The returned videotapes were different.
39. What would be an appropriate title for the story?
a. Joses Favorite Store
b. How to Borrow Tapes
c. The Absent-Minded Borrower
d. The Importance of Being Honest
40. Mary had a birthday. She was four years old. Many of her
friends came to her party. From this story we can tell that Mary
a. red
b. happy
c. play
d. sad
41. There was a little boy who had a toy. He liked to play with it.
His Father had a big one just like it with four wheels. From the
story we can tell that the little boys toy was a _____________.

a. car
b. boat
c. dog
d. bicycle
42. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great
fall. All the kings horses and all the kings men could not put
Humpty Dumpty again. From this story we can tell that Humpty
Dumpty fell ________.
a. down the well the wall his horse
43. A little boy went to a farm for the first time. He liked to see
the animals from far away. When he went into the barn a cow
began to come in. The boy ran away. Why the boy ran away?
a.He saw a cat.
b. He was afraid to be by the cow.
c. It was time to eat.
44. Jane looked up at the night sky. She saw something shining
there. She made a wish. She saw a _________.
a. ring
b. shoe
c. star
45. It was a very hot day. The boy had his wet swim things in his
hand. He was not hot now. From this story we guess that the boy
a. did not like to swim
b. was going swimming
c. was done swimming
46. Joe looked at the big boys playing. They were playing with a
ball. Joe wished he could play ball too. The big boys did not ask
Joe to play with them. From this story we can tell that Joe ______.
a. was too small to play
b. did not want to play
c. was asked to play
47. Ann liked to read books. She liked books about animals best.
Ann wished she had a pet. From this story we know that Ann
a. did not like animals
b. liked animal
c. had a pet
48. Tom looked out the window as he got ready for school. He put
on his shoes and coat. He put on his hat and mittens. Now he was
ready to go outside. From this story we know that it was _______.
a. warm outside
b. cold outside
c. hot
49. Many ants live together. They live in holes. They look for food
outside their home. They bring the food into their home. From this
story we know that ants live in ________.

a. the water
b. a basket
the ground
50. Little Ted was a baby bear. One morning he said, Mother,
here is my tooth. I found it on my bed. From this story we know
that the little bears ______.
a. hat fell down
b. nose fell out
c. tooth fell out

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