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Assignment 12/13

President Who?
Keenan DeBruhl
8th Grade History

Common Core Standards:

Historical Thinking and Skills
8.H.HT.1. Primary and secondary sources are used to examine events from multiple perspectives and to present
and defend a position.
Colonization to Independence
8.H.CI.2. North America, originally inhabited by American Indians, was explored and colonized by Europeans
for economic and religious reasons.
8.H.CI.3. Competition for control of territory and resources in North America led to conflicts among
colonizing powers.
8.H.CI.4. The practice of race-based slavery led to the forced migration of Africans to the American colonies.
Their knowledge and traditions contributed to the development of those colonies and the United
8.H.CI.5. The ideas of the Enlightenment and dissatisfaction with colonial rule led English colonists to write
the Declaration of Independence and launch the American Revolution.
A New Nation
8.H.NN.6. The outcome of the American Revolution was national independence and new political, social and
economic relationships for the American people
8.H.NN.7. Problems arising under the Articles of Confederation led to debate over the adoption of the U.S.
8.H.NN.8. Actions of early presidential administrations established a strong federal government, provided
peaceful transitions of power and repelled a foreign invasion.
8.H.E.9. The United States added to its territory through treaties and purchases.
8.H.E.10. Westward expansion contributed to economic and industrial development, debates over sectional
issues, war with Mexico and the displacement of American Indians.
Civil War and Reconstruction
8.H.CWR.11. Disputes over the nature of federalism, complicated by economic developments in the United
States, resulted in sectional issues, including slavery, which led to the American Civil War.
8.H.CWR.12. The Reconstruction period resulted in changes to the U.S. Constitution, an affirmation of federal

authority and lingering social and political differences.

Geography Strand
Spatial Thinking and Skills
8.G.ST.13. Modern and historical maps and other geographic tools are used to analyze how historic events are
shaped by geography.
Human Systems
8.G.HS.14. The availability of natural resources contributed to the geographic and economic expansion of the
United States, sometimes resulting in unintended environmental consequences.
8.G.HS.15. The movement of people, products and ideas resulted in new patterns of settlement and land use
that influenced the political and economic development of the United States.
8.G.HS.16. Cultural biases, stereotypes and prejudices had social, political and economic consequences for
minority groups and the population as a whole.
8.G.HS.17. Americans began to develop a common national identity among its diverse regional and cultural
populations based on democratic ideals.
Government Strand
Civic Participation and Skills
8.GOV.CP.18. Participation in social and civic groups can lead to the attainment of individual and public
8.GOV.CP.19. Informed citizens understand how media and communication technology influence public
Roles and Systems of Government
8.GOV.RS.20. The U.S. Constitution established a federal system of government, a representative democracy
and a framework with separation of powers and checks and balances.
8.GOV.RS.21. The U.S. Constitution protects citizens rights by limiting the powers of government.
Economics Strand
Economic Decision Making and Skills
8.E.DM.22. Choices made by individuals, businesses and governments have both present and future
Production and Consumption
8.E.PC.23. The Industrial Revolution fundamentally changed the means of production as a result of
improvements in technology, use of new power resources, the advent of interchangeable parts and
the shift from craftwork to factory work.
8.E.M.24. Governments can impact markets by means of spending, regulations, taxes and trade barriers.
Financial Literacy
8.E.FL.25. The effective management of ones personal finances includes using basic banking services (e.g.,
savings accounts and checking accounts) and credit.

Lesson Summary:
The lesson plan is for each student to pick a president by picking a number represent which president is which.
Once your president is picked you must research where they are from, what they did before their presidency,
what they did during the presidency and two major events that happened during that Presidents lifetime. Once
that is done you will need to make a board with the information had, along with a minimum two full page
paper about what you found interesting about your President. After that the students will also make a
presentation using Powerpoint, Prezi or Google Presentation to tell the class about your president and what you
found out about your President.
Estimated Duration:
10mins Grab the number and discover your President.
20-40mins Begin Research on President.
15-30mins Make a board and put it together.
30-60mins Writing a two page paper.
5-10mins Presentation.
2-5mins Answering Questions.
With this approach, it splits the work for a couple days and allows time for questions, re-working some things
and keeping a good pace on everything. I anticipate a problem in this assignment would be boredom and
uninterested in the work. By having them writing about what they found interesting in their perspective of the
assignment and the paper I think they will enjoy it more.

Instructional Procedures:
Day 1: (Laptop Needed)
0-10mins Explain the lesson and what I want from the class.
10-20mins Have the class pick numbers and get their President.
20-55mins Begin Research.
Day 2: (Laptop Needed)
0-25mins Finish the research and begin the board making process.
25-55 Continue work on the Board.

Day 3: (Laptop Needed)

0-25mins Finish the Board and begin the paper.
25-55 Continue working on paper.
Day 4: (Laptop Needed)
0-55 Work on paper and prepare for presentation.
Day 5: (Laptop Needed)
0-10mins Turn in paper.
10-55mins Presentation.

Before they begin the assignment, I would give the students write what they know about the Presidency and
how do you feel about the presidency.
Scoring Guidelines:
15% Research Information
30% Board of Information
40% Research Paper
15% Presentation
After they have finished the Project, I will ask the class to write about how they viewed Presidents before the
assignment and how do view the President after the assignment.
Scoring Guidelines:
As long as the students give me their opinion about how they view the President then each student will
get an extra 5% on their whole Project grade.

Differentiated Instructional Support

Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the needs of gifted or accelerated

students: For a gifted student who needed a little more a challenge I would assignment them a few more
requirements that could give them a chance to do something fun. An Example would be to find several Primary
and Secondary resources and implement them into your project.
Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the
material: I would offer them a trip to the library to find book as resources and I would offer them useful
websites that would help them with the project.


Homework Options and Home Connections

There will be no homework given specifically for the project, but they would need to work on their project at
home and make sure if they need help to ask questions then they make sure they e-mail me or ask in class.

Interdisciplinary Connections
Areas that this could connect to is having the students be able to indentify with people of great power and
having them see that Presidents do the same things they do to show that we are all people. Another thing that
this can help with is to get their research skills better so they can use these skills in college and other various
classes in their future.

Materials and Resources:

For teachers

For students






Additional Notes
Sorry its late

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