Establish Novelty With Three Rhetorical Moves

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Establish Novelty With Three Rhetorical Moves

Researchers use three moves to show how their work is important, relevant and new
Explain the Significance of the topic: explain why someone would care
1) Establish Territory

about this researchyour audience for this 1st move should be broader than
your primary target audience (if possible, it should be apparent why the general public would care).

Describe the Status Quo in your field: describe current practices that are
being used by researchers within the defined/limited scope of your field (e.g.,
reviewing current practices, literature or state of affairs).
The status quo often contains two parts: 1) an existing problem and 2) an
existing but flawed solution used in current practices.

2) Identify A Gap

Show that the current practices or state of research (i.e. status quo) in your
field are incomplete, unsatisfactory or inconclusive and demonstrate a need
for this gap to be filled.
A common way to signal a gap is the word however.

3) Fill That Gap With Your

Present Research

Show how your current research or research proposal is a timely, necessary,

or innovative solution to effectively fill the existing gap.
If youre not sure how your research is filling a gap, it could be novel in one
or more of these ways:
 new theory or hypothesis: explain a shortcoming in the existing theory
to set up a new hypothesis
 ew solution: propose a solution to an existing problem or unresolved
controversy; you must explain the problem and why your solution is better
than other solutions
 ew methodology: critique methodology of previous studies and suggest
improved methodology
 ew domain: investigate a previously unstudied population, site, material,
or other phenomenon

Note: try to avoid utilizing words like neglected, failed, or ignored when critiquing researchers in
your field. Instead, frame your contribution in positive terms: While X pioneered the field of Y, my work
contributes/supplements X

While these moves do represent the overall trajectory of an introduction to a research article, they are not
necessarily linear. A writer can backtrack at any point and move from discussing a gap in the research
(move 2) to again summarizing previous research (move 1). However, excessive movement back and forth
between moves can confuse readers.1
 dapted from Swales, John. Genre Analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990. Although
Swales research is focused on scientific writing, these Swales moves are found in almost all academic disciplines as well as in technology development scenarios.

Establish Novelty With Three Rhetorical Moves

1) Establish territory

a. Explain the Significance

b. Describe the Status Quo in your field

2) Create a Gap
3) Fill that gap with the present research

Peptic ulcer disease is a chronic disease characterized by frequent recurrences.

Recent studies have suggested that the eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection
affects the natural history of duodenal ulcer disease such that the rate of recurrence
decreases markedly (1-6). However, the interpretation of these results has been complicated by the fact that several of the larger studies did not use control groups or any form
of blinding (3, 5, 6). In addition, studies of the effect of H. pylori eradication in patients
with gastric ulcer have not been done. We report the results of a randomized, controlled
trial in which we evaluated the effect of therapy designed to eradicate H. pylori on the
pattern of ulcer recurrence in patients with duodenal or gastric ulcer.1


Although plastic has revolutionized modern life, the environmental impact of traditional
petroleum plastics is staggering. Bioplastics may provide a sustainable alternative to
petroleum plastics because they use fewer fossil fuels in production and reduce greenhouse gas emissions as they biodegrade. One particularly promising bioplastic is polylactic acid (PLA). PLA resembles traditional plastic and can be processed on equipment
already used for petroleum plastics. However, the commercial viability of PLA is currently limited because it is only compostable in industrial facilities and cannot be mixed with
other recyclable materials [1, 2]. To make PLA more commercially viable, we propose a
device that composts PLA and other bioplastics within a home composting environment
[3]. Such a device, we argue, would encourage the production of more sustainable and
economic bioplastics.


Women and girls in masculine settings such as engineering face a paradox: they encounter many difficult and uncomfortable situations, yet if they complain about these
situations, they risk being branded as an emotional female or worse. The literature on
undergraduate women in engineering is rife with situations in which women face major
problems in team projects and other interactions outside of class but have no good
strategies for resolving these problems. This project is based upon the theory that women who have been successful in engineering schools and workplaces have developed
tacit knowledge (assumptions, habits, and strategies that individuals know but usually
cannot articulate explicitly) about how to interact successfully in this environment. The
goal of this project is to tap into this tacit knowledge and bring it to the surface where it
can serve as a resource for young women and girls just entering engineering and similar
male-dominated fields.
1 This example is based on a paper by Graham et al. Effect of Treatment of Helicobacter pylori Infection
on the Long-term Recurrence of Gastric or Duodenal Ulcer: A Randomized, Controlled Study.

Status Quo
Create a Gap

Fill the Gap

Status Quo

Create a Gap
Fill the Gap

Status Quo &

Create a Gap

Fill the Gap &


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