Lantek Integra: Tutorial

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Lantek Integra



MY TASKS .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Create a new task ..................................................................................................................................... 7
How to assign a task ................................................................................................................................. 7
Complete a task ........................................................................................................................................ 8
CRM ............................................................................................................................................................... 9

COMPANIES ....................................................................................................................................... 10

CONTACTS......................................................................................................................................... 12

Create a new contact .................................................................................................................. 12

Contacts details ........................................................................................................................... 12

QUOTES ............................................................................................................................................. 13

Complex products quotation ....................................................................................................... 13


Quotation of complex products ........................................................................................... 13


Quotation of duct figures ..................................................................................................... 14


Create a new company ............................................................................................................... 10

Company details.......................................................................................................................... 10
Search, edit or delete a company ............................................................................................... 11

Create a new quote ..................................................................................................................... 14

QUOTATION TOOL ............................................................................................................................ 16


Different statuses of quotes ........................................................................................................ 16

Multiple update ............................................................................................................................ 17
Duplicate quote ........................................................................................................................... 17
History ......................................................................................................................................... 17

Lantek Integra


Welcome to Lantek Integra Tutorial.
This tutorial introduces the important application modules, basic concepts and note-worthy features of
Lantek Integra software system. It is designed to provide you with all required information about the
various features of Integra and step-by-step instructions to perform various operations in the software.
We recommend you going through this tutorial in order to make the best use of Lantek Integra.
After completing this Tutorial you should be comfortable performing basic tasks in Lantek Integra and
have knowledge of some advanced features. You will also be familiar with the application modules and
concepts of Lantek Integra to use it proficiently, making the management process a pleasant activity.
Lantek Integra is an easy to use and affordable management solution for Sheet Metal Industries. It is a
high level software for metal manufacture which integrates ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) with
CAD/CAM (Computer-aided design/Computer-aided manufacturing).
The use of this software enables you to design and manufacture sheet metal products and
simultaneously manage the entire business process involving purchases, sales and warehouses among
many other things.
It helps to manage enterprise processes from quotes to invoices through manufacturing, warehouses and
purchase. It enables review of real-time information, provides facility to respond rapidly to customer
demands, and ensure consistency and accuracy.
Lantek Integra ties together a series of functional modules to work in an integrated manner. It is a
management solution that is easily adaptable to the business processes in a company. The architecture
of Lantek Integra provides users full control of the system. Each user can customize the software, define
an element and add or remove elements as required. Lantek Integra is a powerful, flexible and affordable

Lantek Integra


Lantek Integra consists of a series of functional modules that organize the different ERP applications.
Since these modules must fulfill specific requirements depending on the companys needs, it is possible
to add or leave out some of them if required.

In order to access Lantek Integra create the following link:

http://Name of the server/Integra/SystemPage.aspx

Lantek Integra


The Home module of Lantek Integra enables you to manage the daily tasks of your company. In this
module you will visualize two different sections:

Welcome to Lantek

My tasks

In this section you will be directed to the Lantek Sheet Metal Solutions official Web page. Here you can
find all the information related to the Company, its Products, Support, Partners, Customers,
Members, News and Events.

Lantek Integra


My tasks section helps you control and manage the daily tasks of your company. It is the
application that Lantek Integra provides for the Internal communications of your company. Here
you will visualize your own tasks list of the day. If you click on a task of the list, you will visualize all
the details related to it such as the subject, priority, origin, required date, progress, description and
the person who has been assigned to complete the task. This tool will remind you the work you
have to carry out on your daily basis, and the tasks will disappear from the list as you complete

In order to create a new task, perform the following steps:
1. Click on New (

) button in the standard toolbar.

2. Fill in the required fields such as subject, priority and required date.
3. Click on Save button as required.

In order to assign a task to a person, perform the following steps:
4. Open the required task to be assigned.
5. Click on Actions in the standard toolbar and select Assign between the options given.

7. In the Assign window that will be displayed, select the Name of the user.
8. The following completion message will be displayed in order to confirm the action: The
owner of the element has been successfully updated.

Lantek Integra


In order to tag a task as completed you have to perform the following steps:
1. Open the required task.
2. Clic on Complete (

) button located in the standard toolbar.

Lantek Integra


The CRM (Customer Relationship Management) module of Lantek Integra enables you to
manage the business relations in an organized way. Using the CRM module you can save the time
spent on transactions and the cost involved in dealing with the management of a big amount of
data. The CRM module helps you to perform the following tasks:
Store information about your contacts and opportunities and export all the data to other tables of
the software such as quotes, invoices, delivery notes, etc.
Manage the different types of customers and classify them in diverse categories.
In this chapter, you will learn how to manage the business relationships in an organized way by
recording the contacts and categorizing the different types of companies.

Lantek Integra


You can create, view and modify the details of the companies having any kind of relationship
(Customer, Supplier, Competitor, Partner, Dealer or Carrier.) with yours using the Companies table.
(Main menu > CRM > Companies)
Depending on the selected view you select Customers, Suppliers, Carriers or all the companies
you can have different Views of this window:

All: all the companies including competitor partner and dealer are displayed.

Customer: If the customer check is active it displays all the companies.

Supplier: If the supplier check is active it displays all the companies.

Carriers: If the carrier check is active it displays all the companies.

You can record the companies details as follows:
1. Click on Companies, then on New (

) option on the left side.

2. Enter the required details for each field and select the required check box to select the type
of company (Customer, Supplier, Competitor, Partner, Dealer or Carrier).
3. Click on Save (

), Save and new (

) or Save and close

) button as required in the standard toolbar.

You can check all the companies details by clicking on the reference of the company or selecting
it and clicking on Open (

) button.

In the address field, there is a globe icon. If you click on it, a detailed map will be displayed with
the exact location of the company. In addition to what has already been said, you will be able to
visualize the companies VAT number, Language, Currency, Sector, Zone, Number of employees,
Phone number, Email and so on.


Lantek Integra


If you want to search a specific company, you can write the companys name in the Search field
). Automatically, the details of the company will be shown in the screen.
Click on the reference name to see all the information related.

It is possible to filter your search by using the different provided filters.

To edit the details of one company, you click on the name of the company. Then you click on Edit

) button, you make the modification and click on the Save or Save and close button.

You can use Delete ( ) option to remove elements or information. A dialog box will be displayed
as shown. Click OK to remove the selected element:


Lantek Integra


You can manage the contacts of the associated companies by using Contacts table.
(Main menu > CRM > Contacts)
This table provides details such as the contact persons of your customers. You can get their
Names, Telephone numbers and E-mail addresses.

Use the following procedure to create a new contact as follows:
4. Click on New (

) button to create a new contact.

5. Fill in the different fields displayed with the required information.

), Save and new (

6. Click on Save (

) or Save and close

) button as required.

The fields in red color are mandatory fields. The other fields are optional.

You can check all contacts details by clicking on the contact name and all the information will be


Lantek Integra


We create a Quote in response to a request from a customer to supply the goods or services
required by the customer at specified prices and within a specified period. You can create and
manage the information related to quotes in Quotes table.
(Main menu > CRM > Quotes)

In this version, the Quotation tool includes the possibility of quoting complex product structures.
The final quotation cost is the sum of the quotation of all the components.

3.1.1 Quotationofcomplexproducts
When importing products from the database, now you will also be able to select complex
products. This will create a structure of lines and sub-lines to represent the structure, allowing the
quotation of all its components in the same way as any part. That structure can be modified
directly from the tool, updating the quotation at the same time.


Lantek Integra


3.1.2 Quotationofductfigures
It is also possible to make quotations of duct figures, by selecting them from the database or
creating them directly from the tool, through the Duct wizard.

You can create a new quote by following the next steps:
1. Click on New (

) button to create a new quote.

2. Select the Customer, and all the data associated to it will be displayed.
3. Proceed to create the lines of the quote. There are different ways to create the lines:
It is possible to create them manually in the edition of lines of quotes by clicking on New ( )
button. When performing this step a wide range of options will be displayed. You will be able to
choose between the options of the window shown below:


Lantek Integra


Products multiple importation from database: Creating a line by importing the items
directly from the database through Items [Selection] window.

Weight based: Creating a line with a weight based item.

Line: Creating a line with a non-weight based item.

These options only appear when you are not working with the quick edition of lines.

1. In the quote edition window, if you click on New (

lines in a quick way.

) button, you will be able to create

In the Setup parameters you can determine which options of the ones shown below will appear
every time you click on New (

) button.

2. On the other hand, you can also launch the Quotation tool from the quote edition window
as shown below:


Lantek Integra


This tool has different sections and provides you with helpful data about the item, operation, costs
and time.
You can launch either CAM or CAM Simulation, the only difference between them is that the first
one saves the changes of the nesting and the second one does not.
Do the Nesting.
Click on the job that has been assigned in the list of sheets used, and the Time and costs window
will be displayed.
Here you are able to change the machine, thickness and material for the job as required.
This window provides you with very accurate information about time and costs.

This tool only works in order to create lines of quote for sheets.

It is important to know that it is possible to create a quotation piece and save it until you create an
order. When the order is created the quoted piece would become part of the database. In order to
do this, it is necessary to perform the following steps:
1. (Setup > Sales > Options > General)
2. Activate the check Insert new item when create sale order against quote.

There are several options available in this field:
Not remitted: The quote has not been remitted.
In progress: This means the sales order is accepted and the process is in progress.
Valid date exceeded: This means that the date specified for the quote has been surpassed.
Accepted: If you execute the operation of generate order the quote becomes accepted and
generates automatically a sale order.


Lantek Integra


On hold: This means the quote is pending or on hold.

Rejected: This means that the quote has been cancelled.

If you activate the check Lock quote when it is ordered in the Setup parameters, the
be blocked from the moment that the order is generated.

quote will

This application modifies in a multiple manner certain predetermined data such as the state of the
date between others. If you execute it from the list mode and you select various entries it will
update various elements at the same time. On the contrary, if you execute it from the detailed
mode it will just update the register that is active.
(CRM > Quotes > Actions > Multiple update)

This application duplicates the quote, and generates a quote exactly the same as the selected
one, so it is advisable to go through it and modify the needed data.
(CRM> Quotes > Quote edition window > Actions > Duplicate)

When a quote is accepted or cancelled, by default the quote is automatically recorded in the
Quotes history.

A quote is considered to be cancelled when it is already shipped and invoiced.

The rest of the quotes remain in the Quotes of the list window. There are some parameters to
configure when you want to set the quotes as history.


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