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Good things Shared by : Uday V. Antani & Chinmay U. Antani 96620 51237

Permanent Low Self Image

In the 1960s many shop keepers used to keep one paisa coins, to give and get rid of beggars. For them the beggars were scum
or dirt. The method of keeping persons in a lowly category, to place them in a lower class is to see that they do not have
money. When one talks to people whom he thinks as of a lowly class, one mentions very small amounts as very big amounts.
Suppose a person whose property is worth say one hundred crores bargains by mentioning a hundred rupees as a very big
amount. His idea of the other is that of scum. Unfortunately most middle class people in India have not been able to recognize
the scum self image, they accustomed themselves to. They do not feel insulted when one says that Rs Fifty lakhs is a very big
amount in their case, in these days when the salaries offered to Engineers and Managers in campus recruitments are even
crores. It is really shocking that the salaries at the beginning are almost in a crore plus while in the case of these people Rs fifty
lakhs is treated as a very big amount. This is mentality of slaves who approve slavery, and agree to this routinized insult.
Today cine heroes are paid between ten to a hundred crores. Any house in a good locality in a city costs more than Rs one
crore. The rent of a flat in cities like Bangalore is about Rs 40,000/ per month besides a hefty advance deposit.
The simple fact is that the value of money has decreased. But the mentality of people associating individual identification with
the 1960 figures is persisting. The stock statement that Indians are poor has changed into the mentality that Indians must be
poor only.
Taking advantage of this innate inferiority complex among the people in general, the finance minister year after year is
keeping the income tax limits very low. It indicates the image he has about the people of India.
A very strange phenomenon, I am confronting now. I have written more than a hundred letters about the basic injustice of
dubbing fake income as income and bloating the income tax bill. The rate of inflation is always more than the rate of interest
on Fixed Deposits. The real income from interest on Fixed Deposits is nil or negative. Still this interest without any deduction
for inflation is added to the taxable income bloating the income tax bill. If anyone under a wrong impression keeps all of ones
property only in Fixed Deposits he will become bankrupt as the capital value of the Fixed Deposit gets wiped out because of
the continuous sky rocketing of the prices of land, a permanent phenomenon in India due the shortage of land. Because of the
population explosion there is a permanent shortage of land and the price of land is sky rocketing vertically. In relation to the
price of land the value of money is falling terribly. Interest bearing savings like the Fixed Deposits which are tied to an
unchanging figure are getting wiped out in real value. Still there is no compensating mechanism to save the real value of the
Fixed Deposits, the foundation of Banking.
Like the targeted animals for hunting which are gradually enclosed by closing all the gates gradually, the people are hounded
into the share markets. Because, Fixed Deposits have become fake savings. They have no white money alternative except
shares or Mutual Funds. Honesty has become insanity. Both Chidambaram and Jaitley follow this policy of leading all the
savings of the Country into investments in shares or mutual funds. The fate of everyone is to be put into the hands of business
tycoons. But the people in general are not willing to enter the highly risky field of shares- the stock market.
The net result is that Indian Economy is almost completely black money economy, in which the whole population participates.
Dishonesty has become the basic or bedrock paradigm of economic life. Dishonesty is accepted as something normal and we
do not even think about it any longer. When one lives with a problem a a normal life, one ultimately cannot imagine life
without the problem.
Banks are the pillars of the honest economy and they need to be made the temples of the white economy. Today many people
invest their savings by buying lands and many are becoming victims, because that field itself has become totally dishonest with
the land being Government land or assigned land or a public water body or just out rightly grabbed land. The sad feature is
people are no longer angry at this horrible feature. Slaves accept a life of day today injustice and all of us have become the
slaves of a system which is the black money economy. We have the Let us Ignore This, intellectuals!!!

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