SWOT Analysis - Rinku Choudhary

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What are my Strengths?

Being a part of Repucom for more than 3 years, which includes experience of
being in 6 different market teams (Australia, Winter sports, Japan, Cologne,
US and Broadcast) has given me a chance and exposure to understand each
market requirement and their behaviors in a detailed manner
Being in management for more than 2 years has given me a firsthand
experience in handling a project and a team with all the challenges, also
having all the requirements fulfilled for the given tasks and responsibilities in
the given time frame and with the available resources
I am a good listener, understanding the details and then making decisions are
one of my strengths
I am a good team player, adjusting and getting molted with the requirements
and situation. Also making sure nothing impacts the tasks and the process as
far as my personal issues and challenges are concerned
My communication, I strongly believe in having a continues connection
through oral communication with the team and with the supervisors and
passing information to the targeted people and to the audience as a whole,
either by conducting meetings or by any writing source of communication
with the selection of clear and precise words
Not giving up attitude and trying until the desired results achieved
Positive attitude and a clear mind set, makes me dynamic
Analytical Skills, ability to visualize, articulate, conceptualize or solve both
complex and uncomplicated problems by making decisions that are sensible
given the available information
Keeping moral and energy of my team high all the time by conducting time to
time meetings
Willingness to work extra hours any time to make sure all our deliverables are
Taking responsibilities in the absence of Managers and making sure nothing
impacts the process
Making quick decisions at the time of tight schedules and having the task
completed in the best possible time

What do I do better than others?

I am good in collecting information & elicitation(most of the times)

No ambiguity with my decisions
Entrepreneur attitude, taking every task and project as my new business and
learning through all good and bad

Passing knowledge, keeping everyone up to date and on a same track with

the required skills
A good excel knowledge, using them in day to day work specially when
dealing with huge data
Taking right decision at a right time

What unique capabilities and resources do I possess?

Analyzing everyones nature, behavior and skills in the given situation or a
task and then making decisions in regards to the resource planning, which is
about choosing a best suited resource for upcoming task and for the existing
as well
Born and brought up in different places, more than 7 different states (Punjab,
Rajasthan, Assam, Jammu & Kashmir, Haryana, Delhi and Karnataka) has
made me very much capable to understand humans much better, specially
their behaviors. Through all these, I am very good in predicting the moves of
others in given situations with the at most accuracy
Motivating others, with my positive attitude and mind set I have always been
able to motivate my team members and getting the best out of them
Education qualifications, Bachelors in Business Management and PostGraduation in MBA gives me theoretical experience about how a company
and its business works
Technical Skills in Excel, PPT, Word and a decent keyboard typing speed. Soft
Skills in Communication, 3years of experience with working in different

What do others perceive as my strength?

My technical skills, Excel, PPT

Team Player
Decision making capabilities
Taking responsibilities
Completing tasks within given deadline with at most quality
Strong Convincing Power

Other Strengths?

People Management
Mentally and Emotionally strong, ready to go under any challenges or
changes in any sort of circumstances
Always up for new challenges and responsibilities
Willingness to work extra and learn more


My Weakness?

Sometimes I can be bit too honest when providing feedback to coworkers, my

personality is naturally very straight forward and to the point, and most of my
colleagues really value that, but I have learned that there are times on the
job when more diplomacy is required
Public speaking, I tend to get bit nervous when asked to present to a large
group. In small team meetings, I am the first one to get up and present and
leave a remark on everyone by giving a positive energy, but putting me in
front of big group makes me bit nervous
Trying doing everything on my own, most of the times I keep every
responsibilities to myself with the fear that no other can do it on time and
with perfection. But now with the experiences, I have started learning how
and when to depend on others and what should be delegated

What do my Competitors do better than me?

My competitors follow others better than me just because they lack creativity
My competitors delegate almost every task and responsibilities of theirs to
My competitors becomes very aggressive when they counter a strong
competitor, where I just do every task of mine with all my dignity and ethics

What can I improve given a current situation?

Delegating responsivities equally amongst everyone

Setting a process and a flow for every task and project

What do others perceive as my weakness?

My economic and financial situation

Being straight and open
Way to honest

My punctuality

Other Weaknesses?

Open to everyone
Way to much helping nature
Using a lot of Yes then No
Giving priority to work more than anything else, even more then personal life
and family

What trends or conditions may positively impact me?

New and more responsibilities, something like Business Analytics

What opportunities are available to me?

Handling multiple projects

Interaction with lot of people through e-mail
Lot of exposers and chances to learn new skills and sharpen the existing
Understanding the needs and requirements of different regions and their

Other opportunities?

Given a chance to explore more in terms of understanding the Repucom

Getting a chance to be a part of a Business team and understand Repucom
from the core
If possible, given a chance to use my experience and expertise in Repucom
business which will also indeed help me in making my future in Repucom
much more brighter

What trends or conditions may negatively impacts me?

Interference in my work
Controlling me and my decisions
Lack of support
Decisions without my knowledge and sudden changes

What are my competitors doing that may impact me?

Over ruling my decisions


Do I have a solid financial support?


What impact do my weaknesses have on the threats to me?

As I take my work very seriously, it becomes very difficult for me to allow

someone to impact my efficiency which indeed impacts my entire
responsibilities and tasks
As I always try to do almost everything on my own, lack of support can
actually make it more difficult for me to handle given task and situation with
ease and perfection

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