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Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013

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2013 Rockwell Automation Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
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FactoryTalk, Rockwell Automation, Rockwell Software, the Rockwell Software logo are registered trademarks
of Rockwell Automation, Inc.
The following logos and products are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.:
FactoryTalk Historian Site Edition (SE), FactoryTalk Historian Machine Edition (ME), RSView, FactoryTalk View,
RSView Studio, FactoryTalk ViewStudio, RSView Machine Edition, RSView ME Station, RSLinx Enterprise,
FactoryTalk Services Platform, FactoryTalk Live Data, and FactoryTalk VantagePoint.
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This product is warranted in accordance with the product license. The products performance may be affected
by system configuration, the application being performed, operator control, maintenance, and other related
factors. Rockwell Automation is not responsible for these intervening factors. The instructions in this
document do not cover all the details or variations in the equipment, procedure, or process described, nor do
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This products implementation may vary among users.
This document is current as of the time of release of the product; however, the accompanying software may
have changed since the release. Rockwell Automation, Inc. reserves the right to change any information
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the most current information available from Rockwell when installing or using this product.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1

Terminology ........................................................................................................ 5
What Is FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface...................................... 6
Supported Architectures ................................................................................. 7
System Requirements ....................................................................................... 8
Installation Files ................................................................................................. 8
Licensing ............................................................................................................... 8
Prerequisites......................................................................................................... 9

Chapter 2
Installing the Batch Interface
Configuring the Batch Interface

Install FactoryTalk Services Platform .......................................................11

Install FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface .......................................13
Configure the Interface..................................................................................15
Verify the Interface on the Historian Server ...........................................20

Chapter 4
Starting and Verifying the
Batch Interface

Start the Interface ............................................................................................21

Verify that the Interface is Collecting Sample Data ............................. 22
Verify the Interface Licensing ................................................................ 23
Verify the Data Points Creation............................................................23
Verify the Module Database Update ...................................................24
Delete the Sample Data .................................................................................25

Chapter 5
Removing the Batch Interface

Removing the Suite Using the Start Menu..............................................29

Removing the Suite Using Control Panel................................................29
Removing the Suite Using the Installation DVD .................................30

Appendix A

Configuring a Trust for Batch Interface ..................................................31

Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013

Table of Contents

Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013

Chapter 1

The FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface is an interface designed
for FactoryTalk Historian SE. It takes data from FactoryTalk Batch
event journals (EVT files) and sends it into the batch database in
your Historian.
You will find here information about:
What is FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface (page 6).
Supported architectures.
System requirements (page 8).
Installation files (page 8).
Prerequisites (page 9).
Installing the Batch interface (page 11).
Configuring the Batch interface (page 15).
Starting and verifying the Batch interface (page 21).
Removing the Batch interface (page 29).


For the latest information on the FactoryTalk Historian Batch

Interface, please refer to the KB article 534364

Individual components of the FactoryTalk Historian SE and

FactoryTalk family products may be referred to in this document
using the following abbreviations and naming conventions:

Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013

Chapter 1 Introduction



Batch interface
Historian, Historian server

FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface

FactoryTalk Historian SE, >FTHSE> server
Interface Configuration Utility
Rockwell Automation Knowledgebase
System Management Tools


What Is FactoryTalk
Historian Batch Interface

FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface is a scan-based interface. It

collects batch-related data from event journals generated by
FactoryTalk Batch and sends them to the FactoryTalk Historian SE
The interface is capable of reading data from multiple sources
simultaneously. It does not edit or delete the source data.
The Batch interface is designed to populate the following databases:
PI Batch Database
PI Module Database
PI Point Database
The tags (PI points) that are parsed by the interface to the Historian
server are created and populated through the use of tag templates.
All modules, tags, tag aliases, and health tags are created on the
Historian server automatically.
In order to maximize performance, the interface writes events to tags
in bulk. It means that all events per scan are written at once.

Running modes
The Interface can be run in the following modes:

Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013

IntroductionChapter 1

Use this mode:

For the Batch interface to:

Realtime (default)

Collect data and send it to the Historian server in real time.

Recover historical batch-related data, if the data still exist on the
Compare source data with the Historian server data.
In this mode the interface does not write or modify any data on the
Historian server.
Write source data to Historian archives that are earlier than the
primary Historian archive.
By design, the tags, units and modules newly added to the
Historian server are indexed (referenced) only in the primary
Historian archive. No older archive will have knowledge of them. In
the Preprocess mode the interface creates only modules, units, tags
and tag aliases without processing batch data and adding events to
the tags.
Clean Historian archives based on the specified source(s) data only,
leaving data from all other sources intact.




Connection losses
The interface handles connection losses that may happen either to
the Historian server or the data source(s).
At the interface startup, Historian server databases do not have to be
available. If the connection to the Historian server or the data
source(s) is lost, the Batch interface will periodically try to
reestablish the connection.
As soon as the Interface reconnects to the Historian server and the
data source(s), it will continue processing data since the time when
the connection was lost.

Supported Architectures

The FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface must be installed on a

separate computer, dedicated for the Batch Interface only. This is
because the configuration of the interface is performed with the
interface running in the recovery mode first, which significantly
consumes the computer's processor resources.

Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013

Chapter 1 Introduction

System Requirements



Operating systems

Historian server
Other software

Installation Files

Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit

Microsoft Windows 7 32-bit
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit
FactoryTalk Historian SE Server version 3.0 or newer versions
FactoryTalk Services Platform version 2.40 or newer versions
FactoryTalk Batch version 11.01 or newer versions

The FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface installation DVD

contains the following files:
FactoryTalk Services Platform and FactoryTalk Historian
Batch Interface installation files.
The PIFTBOInt_RA.ini configuration file that will be
copied to your computer during the installation. You will use
it to configure your Batch interface.
Sample FactoryTalk Batch event journal files (EVT) that you
may use to test if your Batch interface operates correctly.
FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface Release Notes
FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface Installation and
Configuration Guide
FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface User Guide


To use the FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface, you need to

purchase a FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface license activation
file, activate the interface using FactoryTalk Activation Manager,
and assign the license activation to your Historian server using the
FactoryTalk Administration Console.
The Batch Interface supports the following activations:

Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013

IntroductionChapter 1

FT Historian Interface Batch 1 unit.

FT Historian Interface Batch 3 unit.
FT Historian Interface Batch 10 unit.
FT Historian Interface Batch 30 unit.
FT Historian Interface Batch 60 unit.



For more information on activating the interface, refer to the

Activate Rockwell Software Products leaflet, available with your
FactoryTalk Historian installation package.
For more information on licensing for FactoryTalk Historian
products, refer to the FactoryTalk Historian SE Installation and
Configuration Guide, section "Managing Licenses".

Before installing FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface make sure

that your FactoryTalk Historian environment meets the following
Your FactoryTalk Batch server is functional and running
batches, which means that is produces event journal files
Your FactoryTalk Batch server has a user account for the
interface so that it has access to the UNC path of event journal

Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013

Chapter 1 Introduction

A communication between your Historian server and the

computer on which you will install the Batch interface is
ensured by means of either mappings or trusts.

For more information, see "Appendix: Configuring a Trust for

Batch Interface (page 31)".

The MDB to AF synchronization has been performed and

verified on your Historian server.

For more information, refer to the FT Historian SE MDB to AF

Transition Guide, and FactoryTalk Historian SE Installation and
Configuration Guide, section "Verify the MDB to AF

FactoryTalk Directory and FactoryTalk Batch Server

It is considered best practice to have the FactoryTalk Batch server
and the FactoryTalk Historian SE server in the same FactoryTalk
Directory. Yet, it is also possible to have multiple FactoryTalk Batch
servers in different FactoryTalk Directories, and use the Batch
Interface to access all their event journal files. The limitation of the
latter configuration is that it is unlikely that production variables
will be collected from the different FactoryTalk Directories and
reported with the Batch data.


Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013

Chapter 2

Installing the Batch Interface

In this chapter you will find instructions on how to install the
following components of the FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface
FactoryTalk Services Platform (page 11)
FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface (page 13)

Install FactoryTalk Services


When you select this option, the following components will be

FactoryTalk Diagnostics
Windows Firewall Configuration Utility (WFCU)
FactoryTalk Services Platform
FactoryTalk Services Platform is an underlying architecture and a set
of common services (such as diagnostic messages, health monitoring
services, access to real-time data, and shared plant resources such as
tags and graphic displays) that Rockwell Automation products build
upon. It is a prerequisite for all FactoryTalk-enabled software
products, such as FactoryTalk Historian SE, FactoryTalk View, and
RSLinx Enterprise.
FactoryTalk Diagnostics collects and provides access to activity,
status warnings, and error messages generated throughout a
FactoryTalk system.
For more information on FactoryTalk, refer to FactoryTalk Help.
You can access it from Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software >

Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013


Chapter 2 Installing the Batch Interface

FactoryTalk Tools > FactoryTalk Help after you have installed

FactoryTalk Services Platform on your machine.

Make sure to install FactoryTalk Services Platform on all the computers,

including the computer that will serve as the FactoryTalk Directory.

To install FactoryTalk Services Platform:

1. Run the FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface installation
DVD. The installation wizard appears.
2. On the main page of the installation wizard, click Install
FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface > Install
FactoryTalk Services Platform.
The system checks if you have all the required components
installed. If any components are missing, a dialog box appears
prompting you to install the missing components. Click
Install to install the components.
The installation wizard appears.
3. On the Welcome... page, click Next.
4. On the License Agreement page, read and accept the terms of
the license agreement, selecting the I accept... option.
Click Next.
5. On the Setup Type page, select Standard and click Next.
6. On the Ready to Install the Program page, click Install to
start the installation.
The Installing page appears with the status of the installation.
7. On the InstallShield Wizard Completed page, click Finish
to exit the wizard.
You may be prompted to restart your computer to complete
the installation. If you do not choose to restart your computer
at this time, be sure to restart it at the completion of the
required installation steps for FactoryTalk Historian Batch

Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013

Installing the Batch Interface Chapter 2

Install FactoryTalk
Historian Batch Interface

To install FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface:

1. Double-click setup.exe. The installation wizard appears.
2. On the main page of the installation wizard, click Install
FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface > Install
FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface.
The system checks if the required version of .NET Framework
is installed. If not, you will be prompted to install it.
The installation wizard appears.
If there are any software prerequisites missing from the
computer, they are listed in red at the bottom of the
installation wizard Welcome page. Click Cancel and Finish
to exit the wizard, install the prerequisites, and start the
installation wizard again.
3. On the Welcome... page, click Next.
4. On the License Agreement page, read and accept the terms of
the license agreement, selecting the I accept... option.
Click Next.
5. On the Review Component Installation page, review the list
of the components that are already installed and those that will
be installed during the installation process.
Click Next.
6. On the Destination Drive page, select the drive on which you
want to install the product.
If the space available on the drive is not sufficient for the
installation, a warning message will appear below the
Installation drive list. In such a case, select another drive or
increase the available space on the drive you have originally

Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013


Chapter 2 Installing the Batch Interface


You can choose the destination drive only if you install the
component on the selected machine for the first time. If there
have been any FactoryTalk Historian components installed on
the machine before, the Installation drive list will not be

Click Next.
The Installation Progress page appears. It lists the
components that are going to be installed. The status of the
installation is displayed in the Status column of the
component table.
7. Click Install to start the installation.
8. Wait until the components are installed. The installation time
will vary depending on the number of components being
installed and the computer performance. The installation
status is displayed below the component table.
9. On the Installation Wizard Completed page, click Show the
installation log, if you want to view the installation log after
the installation wizard closes.

The installation log, fth_installer.log, is available in the following

C:\Program Files\Rockwell Software\FactoryTalk Historian\Installation
Manager\<Name of the Historian suite>\FTHInstallerLogs\<Date and
Time of the Installation>.

If any of the installed components requires rebooting the

computer, a relevant message will appear on the installation
wizard page, and you will be prompted to restart the machine
after the installation wizard closes.
10. Click Finish to exit the installation wizard.
11. If prompted, restart the computer.


Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013

Configuring the Batch Interface Chapter 2

Configuring the Batch Interface

In this chapter you will learn how to configure your FactoryTalk
Historian Batch Interface.

Configure the Interface

To configure the Batch interface:

1. Go to Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk
Historian SE > Interface Configuration Utility. The Interface
Configuration Utility dialog box appears.
2. From the menu bar, select Interface > New Windows
Interface Instance from BAT File. The Open Interface
Configuration File dialog box appears.
3. Open the FTBOInt folder, and then select the
PIFTBOInt.bat_new file.

4. Click Open. The Select Host PI Server dialog box appears.

Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013


Chapter 2 Configuring the Batch Interface

5. From the server list, select the Historian server with which the
interface will communicate, and then click OK.

The configuration is loaded.

6. Select FTBOInt in the left pane.
7. Make sure that the running mode is set to Recovery.
8. Set the start time to January 15th, 2013. This setting will
ensure that the data from the sample event journal files (EVT)
provided on the FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface
installation DVD will be processed.


This start time configuration is for testing purposes only. Once

you have configured and verified the Batch interface, you will
need to adjust it to your production environment. For example,
you may set the start time to the day before the day when you
installed the Batch Interface.

9. Check Enter alternate INI File and click

Logging File dialog box appears.

. The Select

Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013

Configuring the Batch Interface Chapter 2

10. Navigate to the FactoryTalk Historian interface folder in your

Program Files directory, for example: Rockwell Software >
FactoryTalk Historian > PIPC > Interfaces > FTBOInt.
11. Select the PIFTBOInt_RA.ini file.
12. Click Open.
13. Click Configure INI File.

The Configure INI File dialog box appears.

14. Under Source Template, click Source[1]. The .evtdir text
box becomes editable.

15. Click

. The Browse For Folder dialog box appears.

16. Navigate to the FactoryTalk Historian interface folder in your

Program Files directory, for example: Rockwell Software >
FactoryTalk Historian > PIPC > Interfaces > FTBOInt.
17. Select the Sample EVT files folder, and click OK. The folder
contains sample event journals that you will use to test the

Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013

This EVT directory path is set for testing purposes only. Once you
have configured and verified the Batch interface, you will need
to update the path so that it points to the folder in which you
store your actual journal files.

Chapter 2 Configuring the Batch Interface

18. Click Assign, and then Save and Exit.

19. Click the Batch Setup tab, and clear the Alternate PI
Module Path check box.

20. Click Apply.

21. Select Service in the left pane.
22. (Optional). Under Service Configuration, provide
credentials of the user that has relevant rights to access the
.EVT journal files stored on a shared location.
Log on as
Confirm password


Type the user name.
Type the user password.
Type the user password again.
This configuration is applicable only when the .EVT journal files
are stored in a remote location. Otherwise, leave the default
setting (LocalSystem).

Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013

Configuring the Batch Interface Chapter 2

23. (Optional). Under Service Configuration, click PIBufss in

the Dependencies text box, and then click
the service from the text box.


to remove

This step is applicable only when you have installed the Batch
interface on a computer on which a FactoryTalk Historian Live
Data interface is already installed and the buffering service is
already configured for that interface.

24. Click Create.

The status of the PIFTBOInt service in the status bar at the
bottom of the dialog box changes to Installed.
25. Click Apply.
You have configured your FactoryTalk Historian Batch

Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013


Chapter 2 Configuring the Batch Interface

Verify the Interface on the

Historian Server

Before you start the interface, make sure that it is visible to your
Historian server.
To verify the interface on the Historian server:
1. Go to Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk
Historian SE > System Management Tools. The System
Management Tools dialog box appears.
2. Under System Management Tools, select Interface >
Interface List. Your Batch interface should be listed in the
right pane of the dialog box.


Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013

Chapter 3

Starting and Verifying the Batch

In this chapter you will learn how to start the Batch interface and
check if it is functioning properly.

Start the Interface

To start the Batch interface:

1. On the toolbar of the Interface Configuration Utility dialog
box, click
. Each icon opens a separate
Command Prompt window. Leave them open to track the
process of starting the interface.
2. On the toolbar, click

The interface is starting and the log windows get populated

with logs.
If the interface has been started successfully, the PIPC logs will
contain the following information:
The Batch interface has been initialized successfully and has
switched to the recovery mode.

Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013


Chapter 3 Starting and Verifying the Batch Interface

The EVT Directory Monitor has been started successfully

and is processing data from the sample event journal files.

The Batch interface has switched from the recovery to the

real time data processing mode.

If you check the interface status in the System Management Tools

on your Historian server, you will see that it has changed to

Verify that the Interface is

Collecting Sample Data

In these steps you will verify that the Batch interface is collecting
data from the sample event journals from the Sample EVT files
folder you have used to configure the interface. The Sample EVT
files folder stores four EVT files that contain 337 data points (tags)
in total.
You will learn if the interface is functioning properly, by checking
1. The license activation file for the Batch interface has been
correctly assigned (page 23).
2. The 337 data points have been created (page 23).
3. The module database has been updated accordingly (page 24).


Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013

Starting and Verifying the Batch Interface Chapter 3

Verify the Interface


To verify the licensing for the Batch interface:

1. On your Historian server computer, go to Start > All
Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk Historian SE >
System Management Tools. The System Management Tools
dialog box appears.
2. Under Collectives and Server, select the Historian server
with which your Batch interface is communicating.
3. Under System Management Tools, expand Operation >
4. In the right pane, expand Resources >
PointSourceLimit.FTBOINT. You should get the following

Verify the Data Points


To verify that the data points have been created:

1. Under System Management Tools, expand Points > Point
2. Click

. The Tag Search dialog box appears.

3. Under Point Source, type FTBOINT.

4. Click Search.

Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013


Chapter 3 Starting and Verifying the Batch Interface

5. In the search results list you get the 337 data points from the
Batch interface.

Verify the Module Database


To verify that the module database has been updated:

1. Under System Management Tools, expand Operation >
Module Database.
2. In the right pane, expand Modules > AREA1.


Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013

Starting and Verifying the Batch Interface Chapter 3

All the data under AREA1 has been created with the sample
event journal files.

Delete the Sample Data

After you have verified that your Batch interface is functioning

properly, you can delete the sample data.

The following steps require the Excel PI-SMT Add-in.

To delete the sample data:

1. On the Batch interface computer, open the Interface
Configuration Utility and stop the interface.
2. On the Historian server computer, open the System
Management Tools.
3. Under System Management Tools, expand Operation >
Module Database.
4. In the right pane, expand Modules.
5. Right-click AREA1, and select Delete.
Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013


Chapter 3 Starting and Verifying the Batch Interface

6. In the confirmation message box, click Yes.

7. Run Microsoft Excel.
8. On the ribbon, click the Add-Ins tab.
9. Click PI-SMT > Settings. The PI-TagConfigurator
Settings dialog box appears.
10. Check Allow tag deletion, and then click OK.

11. Click PI-SMT > Import Tags. The Import PI Tags dialog
box appears.
12. In the Point Source text box, type FTBOINT.
13. Click OK.
The tags are being imported.


Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013

Starting and Verifying the Batch Interface Chapter 3

Once the import is complete, the PI Tag Configurator dialog

box appears with a message confirming that 337 tags have been
14. Click OK.
The Excel workbook lists 337 tags. All the tags are selected (x).

15. Click PI-SMT > Export Tags. The Export PI Tags dialog
box appears.
16. Under Mode, select Delete, and then click OK.

Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013


Chapter 3 Starting and Verifying the Batch Interface

17. In the confirmation message that appears, click Yes to delete

the tags.

Once the deletion is complete, the PI Tag Configurator

dialog box appears with a message confirming that 337 tags
have been deleted.
18. Click OK.
After you have deleted the sample data, you need to update the
collection time and the EVT directory path in the configuration of
the Batch interface, so that it applies to your production
environment. See steps 10 and 19 in "Configure the Interface (page


Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013

Chapter 4

Removing the Batch Interface

To remove FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface from your
computer, choose any of the following methods:
Using the Start menu (page 29).
Using Control Panel (page 29).
Using the installation DVD (page 30).

Removing the Suite Using

the Start Menu


Stop the Batch interface before you start the removal process.

To remove the suite using the Start menu:

1. Go to Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk
Historian SE.
2. Click the Uninstall link of the FactoryTalk Historian suite
you want to remove from the computer.
The removal wizard appears.
3. On the wizard pages, click Next and then Uninstall to start
the removal process.
4. Click Finish.
5. In the message that appears, click OK to complete the removal

Removing the Suite Using

Control Panel

Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013


Stop the Batch interface before you start the removal process.


Chapter 4 Removing the Batch Interface

To remove the suite using Control Panel:

1. Go to Start > Control Panel > Programs > Programs and
2. Under Uninstall or change a program, select the name of the
FactoryTalk Historian suite you want to remove from the
computer, and click Uninstall/Change.
The removal wizard appears.
3. On the wizard pages, click Next and then Uninstall to start
the removal process.
4. Click Finish.
5. In the message that appears, click OK to complete the removal

Removing the Suite Using

the Installation DVD


Stop the Batch interface before you start the removal process.

To remove the suite using the installation DVD:

1. Run the FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface installation
DVD. The installation wizard appears.
2. On the main page of the installation wizard, click Uninstall
FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface.
3. On the Uninstall FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface
page, click the link of the interface suite. The removal wizard
4. On the removal wizard page, click Next, and then Uninstall
to start the removal process.
5. Click Finish to exit the wizard.


Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013

Appendix A

Configuring a Trust for
Batch Interface


For more information, refer to the FactoryTalk Historian SE Installation

and Configuration Guide, chapters "Securing the Historian Server" and
"Configuring Historian Interface Connections".

To configure a trust for the Batch Interface:

1. On the Historian SE server, go to Start > All Programs >
Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk Historian SE > System
Management Tools. The System Management Tools dialog
box appears.
2. Under Collectives and Server, select the server for which you
want to create a trust for the Batch Interface.
3. Under System Management Tools, go to Security >
Mappings & Trusts.
4. Click the Trusts tab.
5. Click

. The Add Trust Wizard appears.

6. In the Trust Name text box, type a name for the trust, for
example: Batch Interface Trust.
7. Click Next.
8. On the Select Type of Trust to Add page, leave default
settings, and click Next.
9. On the Specify Application Name page, leave the
Application Name text box blank, and click Next.
10. On the Specify Client Connection Information page,
provide the following information:

Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013


Appendix A




IP Address

Type the IP address of the computer with the Batch

Interface installed.


11. Click Next.

. The Select PI Identity,
12. On the Select PI User page, click
PI Group, or PI User dialog box appears.
13. From the Type list, select PI Users.
14. From the table, select piadmin, and then click OK.
15. Click Finish.
The newly created trust appears in the trust list.


Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013


Appendix 31

Configure the Interface 15
Configuring a Trust for Batch Interface 31
Configuring the Batch Interface 15

Delete the Sample Data 25
Documentation Feedback 34

Removing the Batch Interface 29
Removing the Suite Using Control Panel 29
Removing the Suite Using the Installation DVD
Removing the Suite Using the Start Menu 29
Rockwell Automation Support 34

Start the Interface 21
Starting and Verifying the Batch Interface 21
Supported Architectures 7
System Requirements 8

Install FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface
Install FactoryTalk Services Platform 11
Installation Assistance 34
Installation Files 8
Installing the Batch Interface 11
Introduction 5

Licensing 8

New Product Satisfaction Return 34

Terminology 5

Verify that the Interface is Collecting Sample
Data 22
Verify the Data Points Creation 23
Verify the Interface Licensing 23
Verify the Interface on the Historian Server 20
Verify the Module Database Update 24

What Is FactoryTalk Historian Batch Interface 6

Prerequisites 9

Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013


Rockwell Automation Support

Rockwell Automation provides technical information on the Web to assist you in using its products. At, you can find technical manuals, a knowledge base of FAQs,
technical and application notes, sample code and links to software service packs, and a MySupport feature that
you can customize to make the best use of these tools.
For an additional level of technical phone support for installation, configuration, and troubleshooting, we offer
TechConnect support programs. For more information, contact your local distributor or Rockwell Automation
representative, or visit

Installation Assistance
If you experience a problem within the first 24 hours of installation, review the information that is contained in
this manual. You can contact Customer Support for initial help in getting your product up and running.
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Outside United States or

Use the Worldwide Locator at, or contact your
local Rockwell Automation representative.

New Product Satisfaction Return

Rockwell Automation tests all of its products to ensure that they are fully operational when shipped from the
manufacturing facility. However, if your product is not functioning and needs to be returned, follow these
United States
Outside United States

Contact your distributor. You must provide a Customer Support case number (call the phone number above to obtain
one) to your distributor to complete the return process.
Please contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for the return procedure.

Documentation Feedback
Your comments will help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to
improve this document, complete this form, publication RA-DU002, available at

Rockwell Automation Publication HBI-IN001A-EN-EMarch 2013

Copyright 2013 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.

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