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Strategic Plan for Southeastern New Brunswicks 2015 Peak Tourism Season

For this campaign, Tourism New Brunswick will focus on major outdoor tourist attractions
in and near Moncton (or in Southeastern New Brunswick). The different outdoor tourist
attractions in this specific area include:

Fundy National Park

Hopewell Rocks
Cape Enrage
Centennial Park
Magnetic Hill Zoo

6. Magic Mountain
7. Parlee Beach Provincial Park
8. La Dune de Bouctouche (Irving EcoCentre)
Comprehensive Strategy

To bring individualsfamilies, young people, couples (young and old), seniors and young
retireesfrom the Maritime Provinces to the outdoors attractions outlined above and to convince
young families in New Brunswick to stay in the province for their summer vacations. This will
be conveyed through different messages and tactics used throughout the campaign.
This social media campaign will be executed during the summer months. It will begin on June 1st
and end in August. This campaign is specifically for the summer months, because that is
typically when the parents of young families go on vacation from work. Furthermore, any
school-aged children are on summer vacation.
Distribution recommendations:
There are several ways Tourism New Brunswick can spread their message to young families
throughout this campaign. For instance, suppose they have a strong distribution list, divided up
into different target audiences. Tourism NB could create email blasts sent to young families
directing them to the exciting activities and places they could travel to on their vacations.
Furthermore, these email blasts would include a link to their social media release for things to do
in and around the Moncton area. Finally, these email blasts would need to be sent out before and
throughout the summer in order to get young families thinking about where they want to travel to
during their summer vacations, because some families plan their vacations a few months in
On another note, social media is a huge part of this campaign, because todays young parents
are actively involved within different social media channels. In lieu of this fact, using social
media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn to present the summers most
fun outdoor activities in Southeastern New Brunswick is a surefire way to reel in this target
Finally, using the above measures to distribute the messages to young families can all be
connected within each other, because within email blasts and Facebook posts and other means of
communication, Tourism NB can add additional links to provide young families with more

information. However, in order for young families to look at the full scope of information for an
outdoors adventure in Southeastern New Brunswick, Tourism NB has to craft messages that
these young families are going to pay attention to and follow up on.
Audience Descriptions:
In this category the variance in age is the most important descriptor in terms of the campaign that
Tourism NB is conducting. For instance, young families are those families that have babies,
infants, toddlers and children who are in school, but are still quite young. Families with older
children and even fully-grown children is yet another sub category, because they still go on
vacation together. It is also good to always remember that there are variations within these subsections.
These include families who have different age gaps between childrenyounger versus older
as well as the number of children or parents a family has, which could be anywhere from one
child to several children all varying in age as well as two parents to one parent. Furthermore, the
parents play an important factor, because there could be same-sex couples, heterosexual partners,
older parents or vice versa.
For the purposes of this campaign, Tourism NB will be gearing their messages towards young
families, whose children are quite young.
Couples are another audience that Tourism NB could focus on for this campaign. These couples
are quite young in age (anywhere from late teens to early twenties and thirties). Then there are
couples who do not have children nor plan on having children; they range from mid to late
thirties all the way up to their fifties or older. Finally, there are couples with families, yet their
children have grown up and moved out of the nest; the age in this sub-category is anywhere from
50 and up.
The final audience for the Tourism NB summer campaign is groups. This is a very wide target
market, yet it must be addressed, because the outdoor destinations this campaign is focusing on
receive many groups of people throughout the summer.
One sub-section of the group category are friends and this can range from individuals in high
school up to anyone in their thirties. On another note, tourist groupswhether it be from another
country, province or townis an alternative sub-category that Tourism NB must address,
because these make up a significant percentage of individuals that travel to the destinations
mentioned above. Lastly, pre-secondary schools (elementary, middle, and high schools) is
another group that predominantly visits outdoors locations, yet, they make their trips during the
early part of June. They also typically only visit for one day and it is for learning practices, not
vacationing purposes.

Distribution Channels:
Tourism New Brunswicks Facebook page is essential for this campaigns success, because its
target marketyoung parentswill have Facebook accounts and as such they will also be on
Facebook on a regular basis looking through their newsfeed. With Facebook, Tourism NB can
boost their posts so a wider audience is reached and they can also buy sponsored posts spots so
their most recent posts will pop up on parents news feeds even if they do not currently like
Tourism NBs Facebook page.
In terms of the strategic Facebook posts located on page five, the diction is geared towards
parents with young children that are used like fun for the whole family, feed the ducks,
family passes, no ones ever too young, youngsters, your family. This diction is used
specifically to attract families to tourist destinations in and around Moncton. Furthermore,
staying close to home also depicts a less-expensive vacation option for parents as well.
On a similar topic, the shared posts and comments received for each post are from individuals
who have families and young children and highlighting those posts and pictures definitely sends
out the message that those families are enjoying their time at specific tourist destinations.
In terms of strategically posting these Facebook updates, Tourism NB would post them around
lunchtimebetween 11 a.m. and 1 that parents who work will see them on their lunch
breaks. For parents who may not work, theyll be able to see them as well, because many
individuals keep their Facebook accounts open throughout the day. The first set of posts would
appear way before the summer begins, because early bird season pass prices for Magic Mountain
are cheaper then regularly priced season passes and there is a cut-off dateDecember 31stfor
the early bird pass. The second set of posts would be posted before the summer season begins,
during the months of February and March, because families are planning their summer vacations
earlier in the year and Tourism New Brunswick wants these families to be thinking about the
Fundy Region and the amazing destinations and activities they can do there. Finally, the last set
of posts would be sent out during the summer season in July, because it is geared towards
families that live in Moncton and plan on staying in Moncton for their vacation.
*See page six.
The promotional video for Tourism NBs 2015 summer season is strategically geared towards
families, especially young ones that live in Moncton. It is 30 seconds in length and its purpose is
to get families excited about the amazing natural landscapes and fun outdoors destinations that
they can travel to right in their own backyard. Using quotes as well as footage of one family
also shows that the whole family enjoys summertime in Southeastern New Brunswick and will
send the message that other families in Moncton and the rest of the Maritimes can have fun there
too. This promotional video would be primarily uploaded onto Tourism NBs YouTube channel,
but they would also share the video across their social media platforms. Finally, it would be
unveiled in February 2015, because it would make families excited for summer and lift their
spirits away from the winter blues.

Tourism New Brunswick Website (fact sheet):

The fact sheetTips for an Amazing Nature-Inspired Vacation in Fundy National Parkposted
on Tourism NBs website would be put up after the Twitter contest, because for all of the
families that entered the contest and didnt win the grand prize will still be pining to go visit the
Fundy region. Again, like the promotional video, the fact sheet can be shared on Tourism NBs
social media pages. Basically, this fact sheet provides families with a basic outline of what to
bring when they come to Fundy for their vacation. Then the document also gives additional
sources of information on their website. These links have been translated from their original
form into shortened bitly links, so they do not take up a lot of room on the page. Furthermore,
this method is consistent within the whole campaign, because of this fact.
Tourism NB Email Blasts (social media release [fact sheet could also fall into this
The final document in this campaign ties in all of the previously mentioned elements in this
campaign into a single paged document. With this in mind, this document would be sent out the
same day that the contest would begin, yet it would be sent out in the late afternoon, because
unlike tweets, emails (unless sent to the junk folder) can be read at any time and many parents
check their personal email after work to keep up with their personal interests.
The tagline Where Your Backyard is Natures Backyard ties in with the promotional video as
well as the message to young families living in Moncton and Southeastern New Brunswick. The
different sections in this document (Must-See Places, Activities, Quotes and Contact
Information) all drive the target audience to find out more about vacationing in Southeastern
New Brunswick and with the handy hyperlinks (the social media graphics and the Tourism NB
logo, as well as highlighted hyperlinks), it is easy for individuals to find out more information.
Finally the different pictures showing some of the destinations are the finishing touches to this
document and they add visual interest to the release. Furthermore, the different colours used in
this document reflect the blues of the sky and water that people will see when they visit
Southeastern New Brunswick.
Measuring Success:
There are several ways to measure the success of this campaign; the first one being the amount
of shares, likes, re-tweets, and the like are compiled from the social media posts directly related
to the campaign. On another note, measuring and keeping track of the statistics of how many hits
different email blasts and social media post links get is another way of measuring success. If the
results are positive from these statistics then that means target audiences, especially young
families, are seeing the posts and the emails and are also finding out more from them. Finally, at
the end of the summer season, finding out how many people visited each of the outdoor tourist
destinations and linking them to the social media campaign can measure the success of the
campaign. A good way of measuring that is providing an online questionnaire that individuals
can fill out and more specifically, asking the individuals to specify how they came to know about
the specific location and why they decided to come to Southeastern New Brunswick.

Strategic Facebook Posts

Original Facebook Posts
Comments and Shared Posts
Staying close to home for your summer
We went to the water park the other day and
vacation? Why not head to Centennial Park,
had a blast! Cant wait to go back (:
where there is fun for the whole family! Feed the
ducks or splash around one of our water parks.
For a full list of activities check out our website:

Beat the heat this summer with Magic Mountain

family passes! Get yours today for an early bird

Theres nothing like camping in natures bounty

and since no ones ever too young to explore the
great outdoors, why not make 2015 the summer
your youngsters experience Fundy National
Park? Its your destination for all things
outdoors, check out our website:

Does your family want even more awesome

Fundy outdoors fun? Visit our website for a list
of family-friendly activities:

(Photo Credit: Christina White)
As schoolteachers, my wife and I spend our
entire summer with our children. Last year we
surprised our two daughters with season
passes to Magic Mountain and it was so much
fun that Ive already bought season passes for
next summer! (Shared Post)
As a single mother, I thought I wouldnt be
able to afford to give my two children the
camping experience I had when I was young,
but with Fundy only an hour away, I was able
to do that! Thanks Tourism NB:

(Photo Credit: Jane MacPherson)
My family and I have vacationed in the Fundy
Region for three summers now and we love
it! We even went zip lining this summer:

(Shared Post)
(Photo Credit: Cape Enrage)

Twitter Strategic Tweets and Retweets

The 10 tweets (five original tweets and five retweets) outline a five day contest that includes multiple
prizes: family passes to Magic Mountain and Magnetic Hill Zoo, a summer pass for Parlee Beach
Provincial Park, food vouchers and canoe and boat rental passes at Centennial Park, family tour
passes at La Dune de Bouctouche. There is also a grand prize of a five day all expenses paid trip to
Fundy National Park that includes lodging (camping, chalets or yurts), a weeks worth of food and
local restaurant gift cards. Finally, the winning family will also receive day passes to Hopewell
Rocks and Cape Enrage.
The contest is a basic one: tweet your favourite summer vacation activity with the hashtag
#summer2015vacay, then Tourism NB will retweet certain tweets. Tourism NB will also keep track
of every tweet for the contest and at the end of the five days they will draw for the winner.
The first three tweets and retweets will be posted on the first day of the contest (a Monday) during
lunchtime (using the same strategic method as the Facebook posts). The fourth and fifth retweets
would be retweeted on the second day of the contest bright and early in the morning and this would
continue to happen throughout the contest. The sixth tweet would be posted on the third day of the
event just to make sure the target audience is continually being reached. Then the eighth and ninth
tweets on the day before the contest closes and finally the last tweet would be posted during lunch on
the final day of the contest (a Friday).
This contest would be launched in May 2015, because target audiences would already be in the
summer mind set and this would get them hyped up about the exciting destinations in Southeastern
New Brunswick.
Original Tweets
1. Tweet: We are gearing up for summer! Tell us what
you do for summer vacay & you could win! Use
#NB2015vacay Full deats:
3. Tweet: #NovaScotia & #PEI: What do you do for
summer vacay? Cool prizes up for grabs. Enter with
#NB2015vacay find out more: up this tweet, same at first one.

6. Tweet: Love these #summer2015vacay plans! Top

prize is a 5 day @FundyNP family vacay! Other great
prizes up for grabs here:
8. Tweet: Only 1 more day for our #summer2015vacay
contest so share ur summer vacay plans today! Details
& prizes found here:

Corresponding Retweets
2. Retweet: @SeeNewBrunswick love camping
with the fam! Especially @FundyNP. The kids
saw their 1st #moose the last time we were there!
4. Retweet: @SeeNewBrunswick, we in Sydney
#NovaScotia love being outside all summer!
#stargazing #beach #surfing
5. Retweet: Beaches & open water are what
people in #PEI flock to during
#summer2015vacay. @SeeNewBrunswick we
practically live on the beach
7. Retweet: @SeeNewBrunswick I grew up
going to @FundyNP @MagicMountainNB!
Would love to come back w the fam! We camp
& kayak every summer #summer2015vacay
9. Retweet: Awesome prizes
@SeeNewBrunswick! Glad I didn't miss out:
Summer's my fav season & I always travel across
Canada roughing it #summer2015vacay

10. Tweet: The winner for the 5-day fam vacay

@FundyNP is: @jen_campbell! Congrats Jen & all of
the winners. Check your messages for all the details!

YouTube Regional (Southeastern NB) Commercial Script:

Background Music: The music will start off slow and quite melancholy. It will then switch to a
medium-paced song that is semi-upbeat when the husband says his first line.
Screen is unfocused for a second and then becomes lucid. The picture is of a family moving
into a house in Moncton, NB.
Voice over of 30-year-old woman (begins when screen first becomes clear): When my
husband and I moved our family from Vancouver all the way to Moncton, New Brunswick, last
summer, we thought it was just going to be a temporary location.
Scene change: Shows a beautiful view of the Northumberland Straight as well as the Flower
Pots at Hopewell Rocks. The sun is shining, but it is early in the day so its not too bright and
the view is overlooking the trees and the ocean in the shot.
Second voice over of a 30-year-old man (begins when the scene changes): But then we
realized that the most beautiful landscapes in the world were right in our backyard.
Scene change: Same family, but now they are on the beach and two children, a boy and a girl,
are chasing each other into the water.
Third voice over of a 10-year-old girl (begins when scene changes): we can go swimming
wherever we want to like
Fourth voice over of an 8-year-old boy (interrupts the girl): weve gone to Parlee Beach,
Centennial Park Beach and Magic Mountain!
Scene change(s): Each place the little boy mentions, materializes onto the screen at the same
Final voice over, with the whole family stating in unison: Come for a visityou might never
want to leave.. (Maybe you might never want to leave?)
Final scene change: The commercial switches to the final scene when the family says the final
line and the viewer is transported back to the beach again with the picture of the family, and
then the camera shifts to the right and up towards the sky where the words, Moncton, New
BrunswickHome Forever materializes.

Tips for an Amazing Nature-Inspired Vacation in Fundy National Park

(Photo Credit: Parks Canada)

Essentials for your trip to Fundy National Park:

In the summertime, the weather is always changing at Fundy National Park, so pack for rain for
shine. For a family vacation to Fundy, individuals should pack breathable clothes, swim gear,
hiking boots and sneakers.
There are other essentials that are needed for an outdoors trip, so remember to pack bug spray,
sunscreen, beach towels, personal hygiene products and a simple first aid kit.
As for equipment, families can bring their bikes, camping geartent, propane cooker, sleeping
bags, well as any food and snacks they want to enjoy during the trip. For a full list of
packing essentials, head to our website:
Things to do in the park and throughout the Fundy Region:
There are many fun things to do at Fundy, especially for young families. Hike through beautiful
natural environments. Go canoeing at Bennett Lake or take a dip in the heated sea salt swimming
pool. There is also a golf course, tennis courts and a playground.
Young families can also travel to other nearby destinations. View the highest tides in the world
at Hopewell Rocks or go zip lining at Cape Enrage!

Families have the option of camping at several different campgrounds. There are chalets in the
park as well as several restroom facilities. Additionally there is an Information Centre as well as
many other service facilities throughout the park. For a complete list of facilities visit:
About Fundy:
Established in 1948, Fundy National Park has some of the last remaining wilderness in Southern
New Brunswick. Watch fishing boats come and go with the rhythm of the Bay of Fundy, which
has the highest tides in the world. Inland, explore magnificent forests and deep stream valleys!

Southeastern New Brunswick

Where Your Backyard is Natures Backyard

(Photo Credit: Tourism NB)

Whether you live near or far, join us for a spectacular journey full of outdoor fun that your family will
remember for years to come. Spend your time where all outdoors enthusiastsyoung and oldcan explore
the riches of the area during our 2015 summer season.

(Photo Credit: Tourism NB)

Must-See Places
Fundy National Park
Hopewell Rocks
Cape Enrage
Centennial Park
Magnetic Hill Zoo
Magic Mountain
La Dune de Bouctouche
Parlee Beach Provincial Park

(Photo Credit: Parks Canada)

Click here to find out how you and your family could win several #summer2015vacay prizes
including the top prize of a five-day Fundy National Park vacation!
Its never too early to start planning your nature-inspired family vacation. Check out our website for
a full guide to planning your 2015 summer vacation.
Check out our new 2015 summer promotional video and get a sneak peek of our province!

As a child, I remember spending every summer vacation camping at Fundy National Park, swimming at
Parlee Beach and heading to Magnetic Hill Zoo to see the animals. Now I can share those same
experiences with my own family and thats just one reason I love living in the Maritimes! Melissa
MacDonald, seasoned outdoors enthusiast
After moving to Toronto with my husband and young son, I never thought Id come back to the
Maritimes. I soon realized there is no place like home, especially after vacationing here summer after
summer, reconnecting with old friends and old memories like Magic Mountain, Centennial Park and
Parlee Beach. Catherine Duponte, Moncton native
Contact Information
Contact: Kaitlyn Phillips, Tourism Marketing Director
Phone: 506.765.4321

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