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Date: ____________

Skim to get the general idea of what the material is about.

Honesty and Industry

II. Subject Matter:

Skimming for General Idea

PELC 4 (Reading)
The Crazy World of What if. pp.141 161 by Steve Parker

III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Checking of assignment
2. Review:
Underline the key sentence in the paragraph.
Mammals are some of the largest creatures swimming throughout the waters of
the world.
3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Give the meaning of the underlined words.
a. detect
b. array
c. enormous
4. Motivation:
What should you do to be able to get the general idea fast?
B. Presentation:
1. Reading of paragraph on the board .. p.84 2.
2. Comprehension Check Up:
Why do you think there are rare animals living in the sea nowadays?
3. Discussion:
a. What is the general idea of the first/ second/third etc.
b. How did you get the general idea fast?
c. Why do you skim?
4. Generalization:
What should one bear in mind when skimming to get the main idea of a paragraph?
5. Practice Exercises:
1. Skim the ff. paragraphs to get the main idea of the ff. paragraphs.
a. Most fish lay eggs; from which their young hatch. This includes sharks, whale
2. Independent Practice:

Read the main idea and write the general idea of each.
Many fish are masters of camouflage/ hiding themselves from their prey of
predator .. p.85
IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraphs and write the general idea of each.
Paragraph #1
A fish without scales have much less protection against the teeth and spines of predators and
enemies. It would be attacked by pests ... p.86
V. Assignment:
Cut one news article from a daily newspaper. Skim the article and write the general idea
for it.

Date: ____________

Identify the details that support the key sentence.

Love for animals

II. Subject Matter:

Details That Support The Key Sentences
References: PELC 4.3 (Reading)
PELC 4 (Listening)
Finding Out About Nature pp.24-25
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Checking of assignment
2. Review:
How do we identify the details that support the key sentence?
3. Motivation:
Can all birds fly?
B. Presentation:
1. Reading of paragraph .. p.86
2. Comprehension Check Up:
Why are home of the birds are becoming endangered? What must we do to
help save them?
3. Discussion:
a. How many paragraphs are there in the selection?
b. What is the key sentence in paragraph I? 2?
c. Write the key sentence on the board.
4. Generalization:
How do we identify details that support the key sentence?
5. Practice Exercises:
a. List the details that support the underlined key sentence in the paragraph.
First, fertilized eggs divides into two. Then it divides again and again.
b. Independent Practice:
Underline the details that support the key sentence.
1. A bat can fly in the darkest night without bumping into walls, trees or
other things around it.
2. It is foolish to look for one lost sheep.

IV. Evaluation:
Read and write the details that support the key sentence.
1. Some insects are very destructive to plants.
2. The locust is destructive insects. It is an enemy of the farmer
V. Assignment:
Choose and write the key sentence
Birds belong to another group of egg-laying animals.
Tiny eggs, enclosed by its shell, is now ready to leave the body of the female.
Tiny eggs of many kinds of insects maybe found in the ponds.

Date: ____________

Arrange sentences according to order of time in writing a paragraph.

Kindness and Friendliness

II. Subject Matter:

Arranging of sentences According to Order of Time

PELC 4 (Writing) p. 20
English Skillbook 1 pp. 42-48

III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Checking of assignment Review
2. Read the ff. sentences and arrange the events by answering the questions below.
1. Mang Ramon came home drunk.
2. Aling Rosing waited for her husband.
3. His wife gave a cup of coffee. Which comes first? Next? Last?
3. Motivation:
Would you like your playmates call you names?
4. Motive Questions:
How did Virgilio proved that he is a kind boy?
B. Presentation:
1. Reading of the paragraph.
Call 3 model pupils to read the paragraph .see p.88
2. Comprehension Check Up:
1. Who did many things to prove that he is a kind boy?
2. How did we prove that he is a kind boy?
3. Discussion:
a. How many sentences are there in the paragraph?
b. What does sentence no. 1 state? No.2? no. 3?
c. What words are used to show order of time?
4. Generalization:
How do you arrange sentences according to order of time in a paragraph?
5. Practice Exercises:
Write the answers on the blank using the order of time( first, second, third)
A hungry fox saw some grapes hanging from a high vine. ______ he jumped & jumped to
get them; but the grapes were too high for him ________...see p.88

6. Independent Exercise:
Fill in the blanks with the correct expression to show the order of time.
Thomas Edison, an American inventor ________ invented the phonograph, _______he
developed the incandescent lamp globe.. see p.88
IV. Evaluation:
Rewrite the paragraph by arranging the sentences using order of time
Science is a method of knowledge that arose and first passed its usefulness within the realms of
mechanics, physics and chemistry.. se p. 89
V. Assignment:
Write a paragraph about your activities before going to school.

Date: ____________

Use the possessive form of regular nouns in oral & written communication.


II. Subject Matter:

Possessive Form of Plural Regular

PELC 5 Speaking p.21

English for Living and Learning 5 p.80

III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Spelling:
a. apostrophe
b. possession
c. property
d. ownership
2. Review
Give the plural form of the following nouns:
a. Bird
b. Monkey
c. Climber
d. Boy
3. Motivation:
Whose sound did you hear? Whose picture is this?
B. Presentation:
1. Reading of the paragraph.
Call 3 model pupils to read the paragraph see p.89
2. Comprehension Check Up:
a. Who visited the boys room?
b. What can you say about the boys room?
c. Give the importance of being orderly.
3. Discussion:
Study the phrases:
a. the boys room
Boys is a plural possessive form.
What punctuation mark is used to show possession? Where is it placed?
4. Generalization:
How do you show possession?
What are the ways to shoe possession?

5. Practice Exercises:
Fill in the blanks with their possessive form.
(pupil) 1. The ______ projects are all very good.
(parent) 2. The ______ proud faces are interesting to watch.
6. Independent Exercise:
Write the possessive form using apostrophe ( )
1. the toys of the boys
2. the room of the girls
3. the fans of the ladies
4. the gifts of the pupils
5. the uniforms of the nurses
IV. Evaluation:
Rewrite the paragraph by changing the underlined phrase using the shorter way to show
On A Field Trip
Miss Ramos' class had a field trip. They went to the aquarium! to the zoo and the
museum. Before the field trip, the pupils had special instructions on how to behave.
While visiting the place, some remembered the instructions of the pupils but some
seemed to have forgotten everything .... p.90
V. Assignment:
Change the nouns in possessive form of plural.
1. The bakers bread
2. The teachers classes.
3. The babys toys

Date: ____________

Arrange details according to order of importance in writing a


II. Subject Matter:

Arranging details according to order of importance in writing a paragraph.
References: PELC 4 Writing p.20 / Developing Reading Power 5 p. 182
Fun in English IV pp. 192-194
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Checking of Assignment:
2. Review
Review the key sentence and the supporting details of a paragraph.
3. Motivation:
What do you usually do after eating?
B. Presentation
1. Reading of the paragraph.
Call 3 model pupils to read the paragraph see p.91
2. Comprehension Check Up:
1. What house chore should be done carefully and well?
2. Why do you need to wash the dishes immediately?
3. Discussion:
1. Are you industrious at home? How do you show it?
2. What is the key sentence of the paragraph? How are details in the paragraph
4. Generalization:
How do you arrange details according to order of importance?
What expressions do you use?
5. Practice Exercises:
Group activity:
Arrange the sentences according to order of importance ...............p.91
6. Independent Exercise:
1. Fill in the blanks with the correct expressions to show the order of importance.
Cindy love .......p.92
IV. Evaluation:
Rewrite the paragraph by arranging the sentences using of importance.
Mother went to market early that Saturday morning. The market was already filled
with people._______, she went to the meat stalls .... p.92

V. Assignment:
Write paragraph using the correct expression to show order of importance.

Date: ____________

Sequence events in the story listened to.

Helpfulness and Cooperation

II. Subject Matter:

Sequence Events

PELC 5 p.21/English For Filipino Children 5 pp.382-383

The Red Balloon

III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Checking of Assignment:
2. Drill:
Arrange the following words alphabetically.
3. Motive Questions:
How did Robin help Loreen?
B. Presentation
1. Reading of the story
Call 3 model pupils to read the paragraph see p.91
2. Comprehension Check Up:
1. Who live under the roof of Loreens house?
2. What did mother sparrow feed to her chicks?
3. What was the reward of being good?
4. Discussion:
Read the sentences on the board, are they in proper sequence of events in the
Story? What was the first event, second event? Third event? Forth event?
5. Generalization:
How do we sequence events in the story?
6. Practice Exercises:
Listen to the story. Arrange the events as they happened in the story.
____ The dog grabs for the bigger bone and drops his own in the water.
____ The dog sees his reflection in a pool of water.
____ The hungry dogs goes home without any bone.

IV. Evaluation:
Listen to the selection. Number the events (1-5) as they happened in the story.
____ The donkey brays.
____ One dog was suspicious
____ A donkey finds a lions skin.
____ He puts the skin on and frightened all the animals.
V. Assignment:
Read the story on p.26-28 English 4 Living & Learning and do Activity 1 p.29

Date: ____________

Sequence events in the story listened to.

Courage and Bravery

II. Subject Matter:

Sequencing Events

PELC 5 p.21 / English For Living and Learning 5 pp.26-28


III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Checking of Assignment:
2. Drill:
Forming little words out of big words.
Teacher - teach; ache; ear; her
3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Identify he meaning of the underlined word.
1. Mount Bongao is an enticing sight to the visitors who come to the island. (exciting
inviting, terrifying)
4. Motive Questions:
Whet were the beliefs of the natives of Bud Bongao?
B. Presentation
1. Reading of the story
Call 3 model pupils to read the paragraph see p.91
2. Comprehension Check Up:
1. Where is Bud Bongao located?
2. Who were the four climbers?
3. What difficulties did they encounter while climbing Bud Bongao?
3. Discussion:
Teachers asks the pupils if the events of the story are sequenced according to their
4. Generalization:
What do you consider in sequencing events of story?
5. Practice Exercises:
Listen to the story and number the events as they happened in the story.
____ He caught one fish after the other.
____ He could not p[addle his boat to the shore.

____ Long ago; a boy went out to his boat to fish.

IV. Evaluation:
Listen to the selection. Number the events (1-5) as they happened in the story.
____ When he woke up/ he found himself inside a neat cozy nipa hut.
____ He searched the house and found no one
____ Pablo was getting hungry but he go on and on
V. Assignment:
Read the story pp.39-43- English for Living & Learning 5 Activity 2 p.43

Date: ____________

List down important ideas/events heard.


II. Subject Matter:

Getting Information for News Resort Heard

PDI June 30 p.2 Col. 3 FIE (RTX) p.172

News Report

III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Checking of Assignment:
2. Motivation:
If a visitor comes to your house; how do you treat him? What do you do?
B. Presentation
1. Listening to the news report.
2. Comprehension Check Up:
a. Who is coming to Manila for a visit?
b. Why is he coming to Manila?
c. Aside from the Phils. Who else will help secure the People?
3. Discussion:
What are the key ideas taken from the news report:
Pope John Paul is coming to Manila.
He is also called Pontiff or Holy father
He should be treated with outmost security.
4. Generalization:
When listening to a news report; what kind of information should be list down?
5. Practice Exercises:
Let one pupil read the news report. Tell them to listen and write down important
ideas or events.
IV. Evaluation:
Listen carefully to the news story. List down important events or ideas. Use simple
Moscow Circus To Perform At The Big Dome. p.97
V. Assignment:
Listen to one news story over the radio or television. List down important events in simple

Date: ____________

Write rhymes/jingles related to the selection read

Proper Care for Plants

II. Subject Matter:

Writing Rhymes/Jingles

PELC 5 p. 21 (Writing)
Developmental Reading Exercises 5, Book E, pp.21-22
Basic Reading Skillbook 5, pp. 99-100
chart, pictures of the different events of a story
The Red Balloon

III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Checking of Assignment
2. Drill:
Ask one pupil to pick a fruit and let him read the rhyme. Then ask the questions suggested
a. Chubby Bees
In a bright red dress
Runs in the rain
And slips on the lane.
b. Naughty Joe
A boy I know
Climbs ever the walls
And down he falls.
B. Presentation
a. Have the pupils read the selection silently, and let them answer the questions that follow
Different Kinds of Herbas see page 97
b. Comprehensive Checkup:
Use semantic webbing or story map.
1. What are herbs?
2. How many annual herb, biennial herbs and perennial herbs differ from each other?
3. How are herbs used?
4. How should we take care of them?
C. Discussion:
How many lines does rhyme number 1 has?
What are the words that rhyme on the third and forth lines?
What word inside the parenthesis would rhyme with the word sees to complete line 2 with
D. Generalization
How should you write a rhyme?

E. Practice Exercises

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