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Francisco Jos Rueda Valdivia

Academic Education

Universidad de Crdoba, 1993


Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Major in Water Resources
University of California, Davis (EEUU), 2000


Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering,

Major: Water Resources & Minor: Applied Mathematics
University of California, Davis (EEUU), 2001

2003- Present
2001- 2003

Investigador Contratado Doctor (Dept. Civil Engineering Univ. Granada)

Postdoctoral Research Associate, School of Civil & Env. Engin. (Cornell Univ)
Postgraduate Research Engineer, Dept. Civil & Env. Engin. (UCDavis)
Visiting Postdoctoral Research Associate, Univ. of Mississipi (Oxford)

Research Interests
My research focuses on the analysis, through field experiments and numerical
computations, of the transport phenomena occurring in stratified water bodies. Of
especial interest to me is the study of physical processes in inland and coastal water
bodies (mainly lakes, but also rivers and estuaries) as mechanisms exerting control
over the biogeochemistry of these ecosystems. Lately, we are also getting involved in
(1) the analysis of numerical algorithms used for the simulation of the internal dynamics
of lakes and reservoirs, and (2) hydrologic studies aimed at predicting the fluxes of
suspended and dissolved substances reaching reservoirs, from the contributing
watershed. I am also extending my area of research towards the analysis of shallow
estuaries & wetlands.
Publications in the last 3 years (2005-2007)
Rueda, F.J. & E.A. Cowen (2005) Exchange between a Freshwater Embayment and a
Large Lake through a Long Shallow Channel. Limnology and Oceanography 50,

Rueda, F.J., S.G.Schladow, S.G.Monismith & M.T.Stacey (2005) On the effects of

topography on wind and the generation of currents in a large multi-basin lake.
Hydrobiologia 532, 139151
Rueda, F.J. & E.A. Cowen (2005) The residence time of a freshwater embayment
connected to a large lake. Limnology and Oceanography 50(5),16381653.
F.J. Rueda, E. Moreno-Ostos & J. Armengol (2006) The residence time of river water in
reservoirs. Ecological Modelling 191, 260-274.
Rueda, F.J. (2006). Basin scale transport in stratified lakes and reservoirs: towards the
knowledge of freshwater ecosystems. In The ecology of the Iberian inland waters:
Homage to Ramon Margalef. ISBN-10: 84-921618-7-6 & ISBN-13: 978-84921618-7-4
De Vicente, I., E. Moreno-Ostos, V. Amores, F. J. Rueda and L. Cruz-Pizarro (2006).
Low predictability in the dynamics of shallow lakes: implications for their
management and restoration. Wetlands 26(4)
F.J. Rueda, E. Moreno-Ostos & L. Cruz-Pizarro (2007) Spatial and temporal scales of
transport in a small high-mountain lake. Aquatic Sciences, 69, 115-128
F.J. Rueda, E. Sanmiguel-Rojas & B.R. Hodges (2007). Baroclinic stability for the
TRIM family of semi-implicit numerical methods for the 3D shallow water equations.
International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids, 54, 237-268
F.J. Rueda, I. De Vicente and W.E. Fleenor (2007). Pathways of river nutrients towards
the euphotic zone in a deep-reservoir of small size: Uncertainty analysis. Ecological
Modelling, 202, 347-361.
J. Vidal, F.J. Rueda & X. Casamitjana (2006). The seasonal evolution of the internal
wave field in a deep warm-monomictic reservoir. Limnology and Oceanography.
Rueda, F.J and J. Vidal (2007). Currents in the upper mixed layer or unstratified water
bodies. Invited Contribution. In Encyclopedia of Inland Waters Edited by
Professor Gene Likens for ELSEVIER Publishers. To appear in 2008
Current funded projects
- The Effect of Submerged and Emergent, Highly Flexible and Rigid Macrophyte
Canopy Patches on Flow and Mass Transport. Funded by U.S. National Science
Foundation NSF. Edwin Cowen (Cornell University), PI; Francisco Rueda (UGR),
Senior Scientist.
- Turbulent mixing, internal waves and intrusions: effects on resource supply and
metabolic activity in lakes. Funded by U.S. National Science Foundation. Sally
McIntyre (Marine Science Institute, University of California-Santa Barbara), PI;
Francisco J. Rueda (UGR), Senior Scientist.
- Physical control of the size structure of phytoplankton communities in aquatic
systems. Funded by Ministerio de Educacin y Ciencia (Accin Integrada - Alemania).
Francisco J. Rueda (UGR), PI.

- Coupling Hydrodynamics and Plankton growth in El Gergal reservoir, Seville. Funded

by Spanish Ministry of Education. Luis Cruz-Pizarro (UGR), PI; Francisco J. Rueda
(UGR), Investigador.
- Predicting and Managing Changes in Near-Shore Water Quality: Lake Tahoe,
California. Geoffrey Schladow (UCDavis), PI; Francisco J. Rueda (UGR), Co-PI.
Graduate students and postdocs
Laura Di Palermo, PhD student (UC Davis) - current
Vickie Singleton, PhD student (Virginia Tech) - current
Anna Rigosi, PhD student (Universidad de Granada) - current
Javier Vidal-Hurtado, Postdoctoral researcher (Universidad de Granada) current

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