Prijevod Eng - Advertising

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Advertising informs consumers about the existence and Oglašavanje obavještava potrošača o postojanju i koristi od
benefits of products and services, and attempts to persuade proizvoda i usluga, i pokušava ih uvjeriti da ih kupite.
them to buy them.
Najbolji oblik oglašavanja je vjerojatno riječ-od-usta
The best form of advertising is probably word-of-mouth oglašavanja, koji se javlja kada ljudi reći svojim prijateljima o
advertising, which occurs when people tell their friends about prednostima proizvoda ili usluga koje su kupili.
the benefits of products or services that they have
purchased. Ipak gotovo bez dobavljačima robe ili usluga osloniti na to
sama, ali iskoristiti plaćeno oglašavanje umjesto.
Yet virtually no providers of goods or services rely on this
alone, but use paid advertising instead. Doista, mnoge organizacije koriste institucionalni ili prestiža
oglašavanja, koji je osmišljen da izgradi svoj ugled, a ne da
prodaju određenih proizvoda.
Indeed, many organizations also use institutional or prestige
advertising, which is designed to build up their reputation
Iako velike tvrtke vrlo lako mogao postaviti svoje vlastite
rather than to sell particular products.
reklamne odjela, pisati vlastite reklame, i kupiti prostor sami
mediji, oni imaju tendenciju da koriste usluge velike
Although large companies could easily set up their own reklamne agencije.
advertising departments, write their own advertisements, and
buy media space themselves, they tend to use the services To su vjerojatno da će imati više sredstava, i više znanja o
of large advertising agencies. svim aspektima oglašavanja i oglašavanja medijima nego
jednu tvrtku.
These are likely to have more resources, and more
knowledge about all aspects of advertising and advertising Najtalentiranijih oglašavanje ljudi općenito više vole da rade
media than a single company. za agencije, a ne pojedinih poduzeća, jer to im daje priliku
raditi na različitim oglašavanje računa (ugovore za
The most talented advertising people generally prefer to oglašavanje proizvoda ili usluge).
work for agencies rather then individual companies as this
gives them the chance to work on a variety of advertising
accounts (contracts to advertise products or services). Bilo je i lakše za nezadovoljni tvrtka dati svoj korisnički račun
drugoj agenciji nego što bi trebao biti na vatru svoje osoblje
It is also easier for a dissatisfied company to give its account oglašavanja.
to another agency than it would be to fire its own advertising
staff. Klijenta tvrtke općenito daje reklamne agencije složili
proračun, izjavu o ciljevima reklamne kampanje, poznat kao
The client company generally gives the advertising agency kratke, a cjelokupnu oglasnu strategiju u vezi poruka se
an agreed budget; a statement of the objectives of the dostaviti ciljani kupci.
advertising campaign, known as a brief; and an overall
advertising strategy concerning the message to be
communicated to the target customers. Agencija stvara reklama (svjetski je često skraćeno oglasa ili
oglasa), i razvija media plana određuje kojim medijima -
The agency creates advertisements (the world is often novine, časopisi, radio, televizija, kino, plakati, mail, itd. -
abbreviated to adverts or ads), and develops a media plan koristit će se iu kojem omjeru. (Na televiziji i radiju, oglasi
specifying which media – newspapers, magazines, radio, često su poznati kao reklama.)
television, cinema, posters, mail, etc. – will be used and in
which proportions. (On television and radio, ads are often
known as commercials.)
Agencije puta stvarajući alternativne oglase ili reklame koje
su unaprijed - testirani u novinama, televizijskim stanicama,
Agencies often produce alternative ads or commercials that itd. u različitim dijelovima države prije nego što konačni izbor
are pre – tested in newspapers, television stations, etc. in je napravio prije nacionalnom kampanju.
different parts of a country before a final choice is made prior
to a national campaign.

Agencije medija planeri moraju odlučiti koji postotak ciljnog

tržišta žele postići (koliko ljudi će biti izloženi oglasima) i
koliko puta oni su vjerojatno da će ih vidjeti.
The agency’s media planners have to decide what
percentage of the target market they want to reach (how
many people will be exposed to the ads) and the number of Reklamiranje ljudi govore o učestalosti ili 'OTS' ( prilike
times they are likely to see them. vidjeti), a prag efekt - točke na kojoj postaje učinkovito
Advertising people talk about frequency or ‘OTS’
(opportunities to see) and the threshold effect – the point at Izboru reklamnim medijima je općenito snažno utječu
which advertising becomes effective. usporedne cijene dosežu 1.000 pripadnika ciljne publike,
cijena po tisuću (često skraćen na CPM, koristeći Rimski
The choice of advertising media is generally strongly brojevi za 1000.)
influenced by the comparative cost of reaching 1,000
members of the target audience, the cost per thousand
(often abbreviated to CPM, using the Roman numeral for Vrijeme reklamne kampanje ovisi o čimbenicima kao što su
1,000). frekvencija i kupovine kupac prometu (novog kupca ulaska
na tržište).
The timing of advertising campaigns depends on factors
such as purchasing frequency and buyer turnover (new Koliko potrošiti na oglašavanje je uvijek problematično.
buyers entering the market).

How much to spend on advertising is always problematic. Neke tvrtke koriste komparativnu metodu-pariteta - oni
jednostavno odgovaraju njihovim konkurenata 'potrošnje,
Some companies use the comparative-parity method – they ima izbjegavanje oglašavanja ratova.
simply match their competitors’ spending, thereby avoiding
advertising wars. Drugi set njihov oglas proračun u određenom postotku od
prihoda od prodaje struje.
Others set their ad budget at a certain percentage of current
sales   revenue. No, obje ove metode zanemaruju činjenicu da povećanje
potrošnje oglasa ili u suprotnom - ciklična oglašavanje može
But both these methods disregard the fact that increased ad povećati prodaju struje.
spending or counter – cyclical advertising can increase
current sales.
S druge strane, pretjerano oglašavanje je kontraproduktivna,
jer nakon previše izlaganja ljudi imaju tendenciju da se
On the other hand, excessive advertising is counter- zaustavi primjećujući oglase ili početi ih naći iritantan.
productive because after too many exposures people tend to
stop noticing ads or begin to find them irritating. I jednom od najperspektivnijih potencijalnim kupcima se
došlo, tu su sve manje vraća, tj. sve - manji porast prodaje u
odnosu na povećanje potrošnje oglašavanja.
And once the most promising prospective customers have
been reached, there are diminishing returns, i. e. an ever –
smaller increase in sale in relation to increased advertising

Free advertising, when satisfied
customers recommend products to their
Advertising that mentions a company is
name but not specific products
Companies that handle advertising for

Contracts with a company to produce its
The amount of money a company plans
to spend in developing its advertising and
buying media time or space
The statement of objectives of an
advertising campaign that a client works
out with an advertising agency

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