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On Thursday afternoon, as classes let out and students made their way through

campus, chants of UT Gun Free echoed through the West Mall.

More than a 100 students, faculty and parents had gathered in protest against
the Texas Senates approval of campus carry, which will allow licensed holders to
have a concealed weapon on campus. Originally organized by Gun Free UT as
a solely anti-campus carry protest, the rally featured appearances from all sides
of the issue.

The bill, which passed in May, will make Texas the eighth state to allow people to
carry a concealed handgun on campus and in buildings. The legislation is
scheduled to go into effect on Aug. 1, 2016 which also marks the 50th
anniversary of the UT tower sniper shooting.
The new legislation has been a controversial subject of discussion among many
members of the UT community. Thursdays rally was just one of many protests,
forums and debates.
In an interview with CNN, UT Chancellor Bill McRaven said he cant change the
law now, but plans to implement it the best he can. He said some parts of
campus will remain gun-free but that wont prevent staff from being on edge.
I like guns but I just dont think having them on campus is the right place,
McRaven said. Now, are the faculty going to be concerned about raising
controversial issues for fear of somehow alienating or making mad someone with
a weapon?
Gun-Free UT, founded by radio-television-film professor Ellen Spiro, is an
organization of more than 300 faculty members who oppose concealed campus
carry. In early October, economics professor emeritus announced he will
withdraw from his position at UT come next fall.

According to UT, officials estimate fewer than one percent of students have
licenses to carry. Although there is no way to determine exactly how many

students have concealed handgun licenses, the estimation is made based off of
other UT demographic data.
Spiro said this law the supposed one percent would come out to about 500
students on campus with weapons. She said professors who are teaching lecture
classes of 450 students dont know if theyre going to have somebody come to
campus from the other states because Texas has reciprocity laws.
Anyone with a concealed weapon can be on campus from any state, Spiro said.
Its scary. Theres a lot of fear. Were all afraid but those of us who are speaking
out are doing it in spite of the fear.

French and Italian assistant professor Paula Bonifazio, who is part of Gun-Free
UT, said she was against SB-11 before its approval and now wants her voice
Im afraid of guns so I dont want them in my classroom, Bonifazio said. Its
clear its not just a faculty movement, its not just something of a niche it has a
very wide response from staff from students.
Government sophomore Allison Peregory, chairman of the Young Conservatives
of Texas, created Texas Students for Concealed Carry on Campus. She said in
an interview with CNN concealed carry on UT campus is not a radical new
concept for the past 20 years, UT has allowed concealed handguns on school
grounds just not inside buildings.
I dont think UT will suddenly become the Wild West with open carry and guns
flying, Peregory said. Knowing that you can make that decision [to carry a
weapon] and you can make that for your own personal liberty and self defense is
an empowering decision.
Nursing senior Malcolm Mundy, who is pro-campus carry, said its important to be
well-armed and ready in a precarious situation.
Essentially, if you have a well-armed population, nothing will take on a bad guy
better than a good gun, Mundy said.

Anthropology senior Colin Healy said people need to listen to both sides of the
story. Although he leans toward anti-campus carry sentiments, he said campus
success in dealing with the new legislation depends on the populations ability to
listen more to each other.
Just do your own research, Healy said. Dont just believe what everyone is
telling you. We have this idea that we need to have guns because the
constitution said so. Well, the constitution was also used to disenfranchise
people and oppress people for years so its not a perfect document.

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