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Dear All

From now on please do all the below instruction for every SSV report. Also please use the
attached filled sample for SSV report.
1- Before starting any SSV test, Swap sector and SC mismatch should be test and for any
problematic case you should have a log file to claim related problem
2- From now on you should check height and azimuth of cells and report it in the SSV report.
3- We have 8 tests for each cell and a coverage test for each site as below:
3-1- Voice call 3G-3G with 5 attempt (10second for each call duration)
3-2- Video call (with 3 attempts)
3-3- SMS 3G-3G (3 SMS)
3-4- Multi-RAB (CS+PS): Should be make a 3G-3G voice call and then start PS
(For Multi-RAB test please make sure that the PDP Context is recorded in the log. In addition
the minimum time and minimum rate of this test is 30s and 10Kbps.)
3-5- R99-DL: Lock on the R99 technology and start download to see a throughput more than
3-6- R99-UL: Lock on the R99 technology and start upload to see a throughput more than
(R99 throughput should not be more than 384Kbps, so please sure to avoiding any
HSPA activation during this test.)
3-7- HSDPA: Use Data card or any smart phone to get 15Mbps throughput or more and start
download to see a throughput more than 15Mbps.
3-8- HSUPA: Use Data card or any smart phone to get 5.7Mbps throughput or more and start
upload to see a throughput more than 3Mbps.
(For all 4 above throughput test, 30 seconds after meeting target throughputs you
could stop tests.)
(After finishing 5 first cities, Target throughputs of HSDPA/HSUPA reduced to
4- After doing all of above tests successfully for each cell, make a coverage test with below
strategy :
4-1- MS1: (CS+PS) long call: it is a Multi-RAB long call which should have PDP context
event after call established event.
4-2- MS2: short call (15s call +15s wait): make RSCP plot and SC plot with this MS.
4-3- MS3: Scan: make Ec/Io plot with this MS.
5- Please follow below sample for naming each test :
5-1- KZ1U0487_UE1_UE2_VOICE_A
5-2- KZ1U0487_UE1_UE2_VIDEO_A
5-3- KZ1U0487_UE1_UE2_SMS_A
5-4- KZ1U0487_UE1_MULTIRAB_A
5-5- KZ1U0487_UE1_R99_DL_A
5-6- KZ1U0487_UE1_R99_UL_A

5-7- KZ1U0487_UE4_HSDPA_A
5-8- KZ1U0487_UE4_HSUPA_A
5-9- KZ1U0487_COVERAGE
6- For preparing SSV report please use the attached finalized template , and note to the below
6-1- if real azimuth or height dont equal with EP, please write Real And EP mismatch in the
remark column beside azimuth and height information in the UMTS 2100 sheet.
6-2- Some new gray colored rows should not filled anymore.
6-3- please fill requested HO checking in the HO table in UMTS 2100 sheet, but we have not
any target based on any type of HO.
6-3- Some rows which marked with Based on KPI should not be filled by Subcontractors.
6-4-All of throughput should be writing with Kbps unit
7- After filling all the sheet, make a folder with name of site and put 3 sector test folders and
export folders , Coverage test and SSV report on it and make it as a zip file and send it to your
related directory in the ftp address:
In any case you could not access to the mentioned ftp, you could send them by any
immediate way.

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