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Project report


Branding Holistic Health Center

Submitted to

Prof. Harish Bijoor


10th January, 2008

In partial fulfillment of the course Brand Management for the requirement of Post
Graduate Program in Management at Indian Business Academy, Bangalore

Submitted by

Group Mamta Banerjee

Anusha Shankar
Asutosh Mishra
Mohammed Mustafa
Priyankar Singh
Sandeep Ghosh
Shiv Kumar Pandey
Vayu – Wellness Solutions for the Corporate

Table of Contents
Page No
1. Methodology…………………………………………………………………………..3
2. Description ……………………………………………………………………………4
2.1 The premise………………………………………………………………………...4
2.2 Segmenting…………………………………………………………………………4
2.3 Targeting……………………………………………………………………………5
2.3.1 Justification for the Target Market…………………………………………...5
2.5 Gap Analysis………………………………………………………………………14
3. Branding Elements ………………………………………………………………….14
3.1 Name & Logo……………………………………………………………………..14
3.2 Tagline ……………………………………………………………………………14
3.3 Positioning………………………………………………………………………...15
3.4 Place……………………………………………………………………………….15
3.5 The Service Offering………………………………………………………………15
3.6 Promotion………………………………………………………………………….21
3.6.1 Below the Line Promotion Activities……………………………………….21
3.6.2 Print…………………………………………………………………………22
3.6.3 Radio………………………………………………………………………..22
3.6.4 Out of Home………………………………………………………………...23

Vayu – Wellness Solutions for the Corporate

1. Methodology

The whole work for the project has been completed in the following manner.

• Brainstorming and reaching a consensus on the brand name, tagline and the USP
of the brand
• Dividing the work of completing the work among different members of the group
according to competency
• Meeting regularly to discuss about the progress and seek clarifications.
• Half of the group engaged in the preparation of the presentation and the report and
the other half involved in the outdoor promotion and making available all the
promotional and other materials required for the project
• Finally coming up with the report and the presentation along with the ads.
• The whole process has been divided into two parts
1. The description of the research and justifications for the branding elements
2. The various branding elements and their detailed description

Vayu – Wellness Solutions for the Corporate

2. Description

“Customers want brands that are narrow in scope and distinguishable by a single
word, the shorter the better.”

- Al Ries

2.1 The Premise

The above quoted sentence of Al Ries is the premise on which we worked on this project.
The product that we were supposed to brand was “Holistic Health Center”. As per the
instructions given to us this holistic health center was supposed to have the following

• Gym
• Spa/Message
• Cosmetic center
• Public speaking counselor
• Etiquette center
• Winery

But after brainstorming we realized that there is a hurdle with this kind of a health center
which offers all kinds of services, but specializes in none. The current era is an era of
specialists not generalists. According to Ries what this format lacks is the narrowness in
scope and focus. But focus is essential for effective branding and so we decided that we
will focus not on the service given because compromising on any service will make it
less than a holistic health center.

Vayu – Wellness Solutions for the Corporate

We decided that we will focus on the different profiles of the customers. Given below is
the various customer segments.

2.2 Segmenting

In the health industry the customers can be segmented broadly in the following three

1. Student: Health conscious students can and do avail of the services like gym, spa,
cosmetic and facial enhancement, public speaking, etiquette, etc. But for them it’s
more of a fad than a serious consideration. And the numbers of such customers is
limited. Many times the cost of availing such services is also a hindrance.

2. Housewife: This segment comprises of women who stay at home and don’t work
anywhere. This is the least interested segment when it comes to availing of the
new age health services because of both lack of knowledge and inclination.
3. Corporate customer: This segment includes all those people who work in
offices. It also includes all the married and unmarried working men and women.

2.3 Targeting

Based on the above classification we decided to target the third segment of customers i.e.
the corporate customer. Given below is the detailed justification for this decision.

2.3.1 Justification for Target Market

Given below are the results of a small survey done among working individuals to find out
the potential of a holistic health center for the corporate executives. Let us first analyze
these figures.

Vayu – Wellness Solutions for the Corporate

Figure 1: Age Classification of Working Individuals

Respondent Age

30% 25-30 yrs

25% 30- 35 yrs

20% 35- 40 yrs
15% 40 yrs and above
25-30 yrs 30- 35 yrs 35- 40 yrs 40 yrs and

What is clear from the above figures is the fact that working individuals can be of any
age starting from as low as 25 years. And so the market size is definitely vast.

Figure 2: Working Hours of the Respondents

Vayu – Wellness Solutions for the Corporate

Working hours

No. of respondents
10 5-day Week
8 6-day Week
2 6-8 hours
8-10 hours
5-day 6-day 6-8 8-10 More
More than 10 hours
Week Week hours hours than

Figure 3: Stress response showing individuals getting stressed out vs. the ones not
getting stressed at the end of the week

Stress Response




From the above figure it is clear that stress is a major factor of concern for corporates.
And the healing of stress provides a wonderful opportunity for a holistic health center.

Figure 4: Whether or not de-stress facilities are provided by the company

Vayu – Wellness Solutions for the Corporate

De-Stress facilities in the Company


Figure 5: The various activities provided by the company for de-stress

De-Stress Activities by Compay

No. of Respondents

Gym Recreation Outings Tie-up with Others
Room other

Figure 6: Activities undertaken by individuals on their own to counter stress

Vayu – Wellness Solutions for the Corporate

Activities to counter stress

8 Walking
No. of Respondents

6 Excercising
4 Swimming Yoga Others
2 Treatment

Activities to counter stress

Both figures 5 and 6 show that a holistic health center that has complete health solution
can be major success among working professionals.

Besides the above figures a few other general points given below support the opportunity
of a holistic health center for corporate requirements.

• Bangalore is the commercial capital of South India, so the size of the working
population is quite huge.
• The majority of the working population in Bangalore is in the IT industry, which
requires long working hours and is the reason for stress and other health problems
• The culture of the city is cosmopolitan with the working population having high
disposable income, so propensity to spend for new-age health services will be
• Lack of a health care center which offers complete healthcare solutions
customized solely to corporate requirements. So there is an opportunity of first
mover advantage.

2.4 Situation Analysis (including competitor analysis)

Vayu – Wellness Solutions for the Corporate

Given below is the current market situation in Bangalore in terms of the individual health


There are 109 gyms in Bangalore.

Ex- The Body Care, The GYM, VLCC, Weight loss, Slim point, Inspiration, Fitness one


On an average the charges are in between 500 to 750.


Investment upto Rs. 7 to 10 lakhs

Identified customers

Average and upper middle class people age group in between 18 to 40.


• Separate instructors of Men and Women.

• Personal attention given to all members.
• Aerobic classes for weight loss.
• Separate changing room for men and women.
• Lockers availability.
• Steam bath facility.

Spiritual Center

There are 45 spiritual centers in Bangalore.

Ex- Art of Living, Vivekananda Ashram, ISKCON Bangalore, Dhamma Sumana

Vipassana Meditation, Sri Mathrudevi Vishvas Shanti Ashram, Shri Shivabalayogi
Maharaja center etc.

Vayu – Wellness Solutions for the Corporate


For basic course Rs. 2000.

For advanced course Rs. 3000

Identified customers

Age group above 35


• Yoga and Kriya for both body and mind.

• Presenting Spiritual Principles in a practical and instantly usable way.
• We honor whatever faith belief you have and offer tools to help you become more
effective in your life and your community.

Etiquette Center


No clue


For beginning course: Rs. 750 (3 month course alternate days in a week)

For learning course: Rs. 1000 (3 month course alternate days in a week)

For advanced course: Rs. 1300 (3 month course alternate days in a week)

Identified customers

Training for BPOs/Call Centers/Tech Support Centers, IT professionals, students etc


• English Grammar/Language Enhancement

• Call Center/BPO Specifics
• Customer Service
• Telephone Etiquette
• Voice & Accent

Vayu – Wellness Solutions for the Corporate

• Cultural Awareness
• Telemarketing
• Handling the Night Shift
• Vertical Specific Process Training
• Leadership & Soft Skill training
• Mind reprogramming & Developing the 6th Sense
• Communication skills & Business etiquette
• Time management

There is 6 spa centers are there in Bangalore.
There is 8 massage parlor are there in Bangalore.

Spa ex- Angsana Spa, Soukya Spa, Rejuve Spa, Cleopatra Spa, Kerala Ayurvedic Health
Spa, Golden Palm Spa
Massage ex- Navya Massage Parlour, Bangalore Massage Provider, Health way health
solution, Institute of Naturopathy and Yogic Science, Kaya Skin care, A one relaxation
body massage etc.


Basic treatment- Rs.2000

Advanced treatment- Rs.4000
Luxury- Rs.7500
Normal massage- Rs.250
Ayurvedic massage- Rs. 400
Kerala massage- Rs.500

Identified customer

Tourists, IT professionals, Call center employees, GYM members, Women (working

women) etc.

Vayu – Wellness Solutions for the Corporate


• Sauna and steam bath.

• Treatment for face and body.
• Wraps.
• Hydrotherapy suite and a salon.
• The Spa also features a healthcare complex.
• Cosmetic surgeries conducted by plastic surgeons.
• Massages.
• Ayurvedic massage.
• Kerala massage
Cosmetic Center

Cosmetic Skin care center
Dr. Sudhas Skin & Cosmetic Center
National Skin and Hair center
Saparan Clinic
Malleswara Diagnostic & Day Care Center

Identified Customers
College going Boys and Girls, Women (working), Men


• Liposuction
• Contour Thread lift
• Fat Transfer

Vayu – Wellness Solutions for the Corporate

• Thermage
• Restylane
• Sclerotherapy
• Microdermabrasion
• Chemical peels
• Radiesse
• Dermatology
• Cosmetic surgery
• Vitiligo Grafting
• Laser hair removal
• Hair Transplantation

2.5 Gap Analysis

Based on all the above mentioned facts and figures we can conclude that there is a gap
between the demand and the services provided. This is explained in the diagram given

The demand for a health

The services are
center which cater to the
currently provided
corporate requirements.
individually with some
Something which is
very strong brands in
convenient and
each service. No
exclusively for the
existence of a holistic
corporate whiczkids
health center for
working population

Vayu – Wellness Solutions for the Corporate

3. The Branding Elements

3.1 Name & Logo

Vayu is the Sanskrit equivalent of air. Air symbolizes life and spirit. So the name is
appropriate for a health center which focuses on the treatment not just the body but also
the mind and the spirit. The shape of the “Y” in Vayu symbolizes air flowing upwards in

Vayu – Wellness Solutions for the Corporate

a circular manner. It can be interpreted as the infusion of life and spirit. The colour of the
“Y” is symbolizes peace and tranquility.
As per naming convention also the name is good. It has four letters and is of two

3.2 Tagline

The tagline of the brand Vayu is:

“Wellness Solutions for the Corporate”

The tagline clearly brings out the USP of our product i.e. the unique health solutions for
the corporate customers. In this respect the tagline is not just an ad on to the brand but is
bringing out the speciality of the brand.
3.3 Positioning: Becoming the number 1 complete wellness solutions provider for the
corporate in Bangalore.

3.4 Place: Koramangla, 5000 sq. ft.

3.5 The Service Offering

Corfit: This is our special corporate fitness and weight loss programme. This programme
makes use of the state-of-the-art air conditioned gymnasium of Vayu equipped with
special trainers who take care of the unique corporate fitness requirements. The gym also
has steam bath and sauna bath facilities.
Monthly membership fee: Rs. 600

Spa: The spa/massage center at Vayu is again a delight for the corporate visitor. Apart
from the normal messages it also has the advanced treatments which cater specially to the
stress related ailments. The spa at Vayu is a complete rejuvenation center.
Basic treatment- Rs.2000

Vayu – Wellness Solutions for the Corporate

Advanced treatment- Rs.4000

Luxury- Rs.7500
Normal massage- Rs.250
Ayurvedic massage- Rs. 400
Kerala massage- Rs.500

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HOT): This is a special treatment which is recognized as

an effective treatment for 13 specific conditions mentioned below.

1. Embolisms (air or gas bubbles in the bloodstream, which may travel to the brain
or lungs);
2. Carbon monoxide poisoning (from inhaling smoke or car exhaust);
3. Gas gangrene;
4. Crush injury, Compartment Syndrome and other acute traumatic problems where
blood flow is reduced or cut off (e.g., frostbite);
5. Decompression sickness (the bends);
6. Enhancement of healing for wounds such as diabetic foot ulcers;
7. Exceptional blood loss (anemia);
8. Intracranial abscess (an accumulation of pus in the brain);
9. Necrotizing soft tissue infections (flesh-eating disease);
10. Osteomyelitis (bone infection);
11. Delayed radiation injury (e.g., radiation burns that develop after cancer therapy);
12. Skin grafts and flaps that are not healing well; and
13. Thermal burns (e.g., from fire or electrical sources).

Cosmetic Center: The cosmetic center uses the most revolutionary and advanced
skincare services. The services use US FDA approved technology, confirm to the highest
international quality standards and are suited for all skin types.

Corporate Etiquette and Winery: The Etiquette classes of Vayu help business maintain
that competitive edge. The business executives learn to remain up-to-date in his soft skills
and dining skills and top it all with a glass of wine from our winery.

Vayu – Wellness Solutions for the Corporate

Beginner’s course: Rs. 750

Learner’s Course: Rs. 1000

Advanced Course: Rs. 1300

HealthOxygen™: This is another speciality of Vayu. This programme is uniquely

designed to take care of the stress related health problems of the corporates. This is the
Flagship programme of Vayu and it incorporates all the services to give a holistic

Basic HealthOxygen™: This is typically for the junior management. The duration is of 2
hours. Services include

• Introduction to wellness- mind, body and soul

• Stress awareness and stress test
• Spiritual discovery session
• Health oxygen session

1. Restorative Yoga and Stretches

2. Breath works
3. Meditation
4. Neuro-Linguistic Programming
5. Whole Body Relaxation
6. Music Therapy
7. Aromatherapy
8. Creative Visualization

Advanced HealthOxygen™: This is for the middle management. Duration 3 hours.

Services include

• Introduction to wellness- mind, body and soul

• Stress awareness and stress test
• Spiritual discovery session

Vayu – Wellness Solutions for the Corporate

• Health oxygen session

1. Restorative and Cardio Yoga

2. Breath-works
3. Meditation
4. Neuro-Linguistic Programming
5. Whole Body Relaxation
6. Music Therapy
7. Aromatherapy
8. Creative Visualization
9. Spiritual Reflections
10. Cathartic Writing
11. Dance Therapy
12. Stress Relief Games
13. Wellness Discussion
14. Q&A and an evaluation discussion
15. Online Employee Survey and analysis to management after each session

Executive HealthOxygen™: This is for the senior management. Duration is of 4 hours +

1 Hour counseling. Services include

• Introduction to wellness- mind, body and soul

• Stress awareness and stress test
• Spiritual discovery session
• Health oxygen session

1.Restorative and Cardio Yoga

2. Breath-works
3. Meditation
4. Neuro-Linguistic Programming
5. Whole Body Relaxation
6. Music Therapy
7. Aromatherapy
8. Creative Visualization
9. Spiritual Reflections
10. Cathartic Writing

Vayu – Wellness Solutions for the Corporate

11. Dance Therapy

12. Art Therapy
13. Role Play
15. Wellness Discussion
16. Dietary and Nutritional Counseling
17. Q&A and an evaluation discussion
18. Online Employee Survey and analysis to management after each session
19. 1 hour of Life Coaching & Counseling per session

Women HealthOxygen™: This is for working women. The duration is 4 hours. The
services include.

• Introduction to wellness- mind, body and soul

• Stress awareness and stress test
• Spiritual discovery session
• Health oxygen session

1.Restorative Yoga for Women

2. Meditation
3. Whole Body Relaxation
4. Music Therapy
5. Aromatherapy
6. Creative Visualization
7. Spiritual Reflections
8. Dance Therapy
9. Working Women Empowerment Application Exercises
10. Group Counseling on Working women’s Issues
11. Dietary and Nutritional Counseling
12. Q&A and an evaluation discussion
13. Wellness Tips for working women
14. Online survey on Working Women’s issues and analysis to management

Maintenance HealthOxygen™: This is for those who have availed of the other
packages twice. The duration is 5 hours per week onsite.

Other Benefits

Vayu – Wellness Solutions for the Corporate

• Corporate memberships for the special HealthOxygen™ packages.

• Complimentary membership for the Gym along with Maintenance HealthOxygen
• Special option of family membership, wherein the non working member of the
family can avail of the Gym and Spa services


• Basic HealthOxygen: 300 per head for group membership, 500 for individual
• Advanced HealthOxygen: 400 per head for group membership, 600 per head for
individual membership
• Executive Health Oxygen: 500 per head for Group membership, 700 per head for
advanced membership
• Women HealthOxygen: 500 per head for Group membership, 700 per head for
advanced membership
• Maintenance HealthOxygen: 4000 monthly membership fee

3.6 Promotion
Considering the nature of the product, the branding process of Vayu will not be top
down, but bottoms up. It will be like any standard restaurant. A restaurant doesn’t spend
heavily on promotion. The service speaks for itself.

It will be the same for the promotion of Vayu. The branding will involve mainly below
the line promotion activities. Mass advertising is neither feasible, nor desirable. The
promotion expenditure also has to be taken into consideration. And since this is a first in
Bangalore, we expect the concept to be accepted fast.

The promotional elements are given below in detail.

Vayu – Wellness Solutions for the Corporate

3.6.1. Below the line promotional activities:

• Giving regular promotional presentations in the corporate offices

• Organising corporate seminars on the negative effects of stress.
• Increasing awareness about the positive effects of holistic therapy through
seminars and workshops for corporate
• Putting up hoardings in public parks to catch the attention of the joggers
• Putting up hoarding around hospitals and clinics to create awareness that
prevention of disorders is better than cure
• Organising health camps in the housing complexes on holidays giving
demonstrations of the therapies specially the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapies
• Regular sponsoring of the local business conferences and seminars
• Organising “The Corporate Fitness Challenge”. This will be a challenge or
competition for the corporate. It will include
1. Explanation, training and initiation meeting for the challenge
2. Promotion materials to promote the campaigns to employees
3. educational weekly newsletter
4. An evaluation at the end of the challenge to measure effectiveness
5. Distribution of prizes
• Starting the Healthy Living Newsletter. The introductory copy will be
distributed free in the corporate offices along with the brochure.
• Free Health Risk Assessment (HRA): This assessment will be done free in the
corporate offices by the representatives of Vayu and if interested the employees
can enroll for the relevant programme of Vayu based on the assessment.

3.6.2 Print:

• Ads in the local supplement of the national general and business dailies

Vayu – Wellness Solutions for the Corporate

• Starting a holistic health column in the weekend supplement of ET and giving the
details of the experts at Vayu and the various therapies provided there and asking
the readers to send in their health and stress related problems

3.6.3 Radio:

• Heavy use of radio as a medium of promotion

• Ads in the morning and late evening shows
• Running campaigns like asking the listeners about their mental and physical
health secrets and giving away free gift coupons for Vayu
• Giving counseling for health related problems by the experts of Vayu

3.6.4 Out of Home:

• Heavy use of Out of home medium

• For out of home promotion, video walls, bus shelters, airport, flyovers and
highways can be used.
• In all these places, either hoardings or live video displays can be used.


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