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1 Kinematics of Rigid Body - 2D


Planar Kinematics of Rigid Body


Planar Rigid-Body Motion

Rotation about a fixed axis
Relative-Motion Analysis: Velocity
Instantaneous Center of Zero Velocity
Relative-Motion Analysis: Acceleration

16.1 Rigid Body Motion

There are three types of rigid body planar motion:
1) Translation This type of motion occurs if every line segment on
the body remains parallel to it original direction during the motion.
Rectilinear translation occurs when the paths of motion for any two
particles of the body are along equidistant straight lines.
Curvilinear translation occurs when the paths of motion are along
curves lines which are equidistant.

Rigid Body Motion

2) Rotation about a fixed axis

When a rigid body rotates about a fixed axis,

all the particles of the body, except those
which lie on the axis of rotation, move along
circular paths.
3) General plane motion
When a body is subjected to general plane
motion, it undergoes a combination of
translation and rotation. The translation
occurs within a reference plane, and the
rotation occurs about an axis perpendicular
to the reference plane.


rB rA rB / A
vB = vA + drB/A/dt

The term drB/A/dt = 0, since the magnitude of rB/A is

constant by definition of a rigid body.


vB vA


aB a A

16.3 Rotation About a Fixed Axis

Angular Motion
Consider the body shown and the angular motion of a
radial line r located with the shaded plane and directed
from point O on the axis of rotation to point P.
Angular Position
The angular position of r is defined by the angle
Angular Displacement
The change in the angular position, d, is called the
angular displacement.
Angular Velocity
The time rate of change in the angular position
is called the angular velocity . Since d
occurs during an instant of time dt, then,


Angular Velocity


Angular Acceleration
The angular acceleration measure the time
rate of change of the angular velocity. The
magnitude of this vector may be written as

( +)

d d 2

dt dt

The line of action of is the same as that for . However, it sense

of direction depends on whether is increasing or decreasing.


( +)

d d

Constant Angular Acceleration.

If the angular acceleration of the body is constant, = c
( +)

0 ct

( +)

1 2
0 0t ct

( +)

2 02 2 c ( 0 )
Constant Angular Acceleration

The position of P is defined by the position
vector r, which extends from O to P.

The velocity of P has a magnitude which
can be found from its polar coordinate
components v r and v r
Since r is constant, the radial components
vr r 0 and so v r 0

v r

The acceleration of P can be expressed in terms of
its normal and tangential components

at r
an r

The tangential component of acceleration represents the

time rate of change in the velocitys magnitude.
If speed of P increases => at same direction as v
If speed of P decreases => at opposite direction as v

If speed of P constant => at is zero


a at a n
Since at and an are perpendicular to one another, if needed
the magnitude of acceleration can be determined from the
Pythagorean theorem



Example 16.1
A cord is wrapped around a wheel which is initially at rest. If a
force is applied to the cord and gives it an acceleration a = (4t)
m/s2, where t is in seconds, determine as a function of time (a)
the angular velocity of the wheel, and (b) the angular position of
the line OP in radians.

Hence the angular acceleration of the wheel is

( a P )t r

(4t ) (0.2)

20t rad / s 2
= d/dt
Integrating, with the initial condition that = 0, t = 0,

(20t )

0 d 0 20t dt
10t 2rad / s

Using this result, the angular position of OP can be found

from = d/dt, since this equation relates , , and t.

Integrating, with the initial condition = 0 at t = 0,


(10t 2 )

0 d 010t


3.33t 3rad

Example 16.2
The motor is used to turn a wheel
and attached blower contained
with the housing. If the pulley A
connected to the motor begins
rotating from rest with an angular
acceleration of A = 2 rad/s2,
determine the magnitudes of the
velocity and acceleration of point P
on the wheel, after the wheel B has
turned one revolution.

Angular Motion.
Converting revolution to radians,

B 6.283 rad

Since the belt does not slip, an equivalent length of belt s

must be unraveled from both the pulley and wheel at all
times. Thus,

s A rA B rB ;

A (0.15) 6.283(0.4)
A 12.57 rad

Since A is constant, the angular velocity of pulley A is therefore


2 02 2 c ( 0 )
0 2(2)(12.57 0)
A 7.09 rad / s

The belt has the same speed and tangential component of

acceleration as it passes over the pulley and wheel. Thus,

v A rA B rB

B 2.659 rad / s

at A rA B rB

B 0.750 rad / s

Motion of P.

As shown in the diagram, we have,

vP B rB 1.06 m / s
(aP ) t B rB 0.3m / s 2
(aP ) n B2 rB 2.827 m / s 2

aP (0.3) 2 (2.827) 2 2.84m / s 2

16.4 RelativeMotion Analysis: Velocity


origin of the x, y coordinate system will be attached to the

selected base point A, which generally has a known motion.

The axes of this coordinate system do not rotate with the body;
rather they will only be allowed to translate with respect to the
fixed frame.

The position vector rA specifies the

location of the base point A, and the

relative-position vector rB/A locates
point B with respect to point A.

By vector addition, the position of B is

rB rA rB / A

During an instant of time dt, point A and B undergo
displacements drA and drB.
If we consider the general plane motion by its component parts
then the entire body first translates by an amount drA so that A,
the base point, moves to its final position and point B to B.

The body is then rotated about A by an amount d so that B undergoes

a relative displacement drB/A and thus moves to its final position B.

Due to the rotation about A, drB/A = rB/A d, and the

displacement of B is

drB drA drB / A

Velocity due to general motion

vB v A vB / A

v B v A rB / A

Methods : Vector Method

Velocity Diagram

Vector Method
Vector Cross Product

k = always be the
rotation axis.

Example 16.8
The collar C is moving downward with a velocity of
2 m/s. Determine the angular velocities of CB and
AB at this instant.

Example 16.8
Velocity Equation.
Link CB (general plane motion):

v B vC CB rB / C
vB i 2 j CBk (0.2i 0.2 j)
vB i 2 j 0.2CB j 0.2CBi
vB 0.2CB
0 2 0.2CB

CB 10 rad / s
vB 2 m / s

Example 16.8
Link AB (rotation about a fixed axis):

v B AB rB
2i AB k (0.2 j)
2 0.2 AB

AB 10 rad / s
Same results can be obtained using Scalar Analysis.

16.5 Instantaneous Center of Zero Velocity

The velocity of any point B located on a rigid body can be
obtained in a very direct way if one choose the base point A
to be a point that has zero velocity at the instant considered.
Since vA = 0, therefore vB = x rB/A.

Point A is called the instantaneous center of zero

velocity (IC) and it lies on the instantaneous axis of zero

This axis is always perpendicular to the plane of motion

and the intersection of the axis with this plane defines the
location of the IC.

Since point A is coincident with the IC, then

vB = x rB/A and so point B moves momentarily about the IC in a
circular path.
The magnitude of vB is vB = rB/IC.
Due to the circular motion, the direction of vB must always be
perpendicular to rB/IC
Consider the wheel as shown, if it rolls without slipping, then
the point of contact with the ground has zero velocity

Location of the IC.

i) Given the velocity vA of a point A on
the body, and the angular velocity of
the body. The IC is located along the line
drawn perpendicular to vA at A, such that
the distance from A to the IC is rA/IC =
vA/. Note that the IC lies up to the right
of A since vA must cause a clockwise
angular velocity about the IC.
ii) Given the line of action of two
nonparallel velocities vA and vB.
Construct at points A and B line
segments that are perpendicular to vA
and vB. Extending these perpendicular to
their point of intersection as shown
locates the IC at the instant considered.

iii) Given the magnitude and direction of two parallel

velocities vA and vB. Here the location of the IC is
determined by proportional triangles.

Example 16.11
Block D moves with a speed of 3 m/s. Determine
the angular velocities of links BD and AB, at the
instant shown.

From the geometry,

rB / IC 0.4 tan 45 0.4 m
rD / IC


cos 45

0.566 m

Since the magnitude of vD is known, the

angular velocity of link BD is


rD / IC

5.30 rad / s

The velocity of B is therefore

vB BD (rB / IC ) 5.30(0.4) 2.12 m / s

From the figure, the angular velocity of AB is


rB / A


5.30 rad / s


Example 16.12
The cylinder rolls without slipping between the two moving
plates E and D. Determine the angular velocity of the
cylinder and the velocity of its center C at the instant shown.

Since no slipping occurs, the contact points A and B on the
cylinder have the same velocities as the plate E and D,
Assuming this point to be a distance x form B,
we have

vB x;

0.4 x

v A (0.25 x);

0.25 (0.25 x)

Dividing one equation into the other eliminates and yields

0.4(0.25 x) 0.25 x
0.154 m

Hence the angular velocity of the cylinder is


2.60 rad / s
x 0.154
The velocity of point C is therefore

vC rC / IC 2.6(0.154 0.125)
0.0750 m / s

16.6 Relative-Motion Analysis: Acceleration

An equation that relates the accelerations of two points on a
rigid body subjected to general plane motion,

d vB d v A d vB / A

The terms dvB/dt = aB and dvA/dt = aA are measured from a
set of fixed x, y axes and represent the absolute accelerations
of points B and A.

aB/A can be expressed in terms of its tangential and

normal components of motion.

aB = aA + aB/A

a B a A (a B / A )t (a B / A )n

The relative-acceleration components represent

the effect of circular motion observed from
translating axes having their origin at the base
point A, and can be expressed as
(aB/A)t = x rB/A
(aB/A)n = -2rB/A

a B a A rB / A rB / A

Vector Method
Vector Cross Product

k = always be the
rotation axis.

Example 16.17
The collar is moving downward with an acceleration of 1
m/s2. At the instant shown, it has a speed of 2 m/s which
gives links CB and AB an angular velocity AB = CB = 10
rad/s. Determine the angular accelerations of CB and AB at
this instant.

Link BC (general plane motion):

a B aC CB rB / C CB
rB / C

0.2 AB i 20 j 1j ( CBk ) (0.2i 0.2 j)

(10)2 (0.2i 0.2 j)
0.2 AB i 20 j 1j 0.2 CB j 0.2 CBi 20i 20 j
Thus, 0.2 AB 0.2 CB 20

20 1 0.2CB 20

CB 5 rad / s 2
AB 95 rad / s 2 95 rad / s 2

Example 16.18
The crankshaft AB of an engine turns
with a clockwise angular acceleration of
20 rad/s2. Determine the acceleration of
the piston at this instant AB is in the
shown. At this instant AB = 10 rad/s
and BC = 2.43 rad/s.



aC aC j

+ aC/B

rB {0.25 sin 45 i 0.25 cos 45 j} m

{0.177i 0.177 j} m
a B AB rB AB

(20k ) (0.177i 0.177 j) (10)2 (0.177i 0.177 j)

{21.21i 14.14 j} m / s 2

rC / B {0.75 sin 13.6 i 0.75 cos 13.6 j} m

{0.176i 0.729 j} m

aC / B cB rCB


( CBk ) (0.176i 0.729 j) (2.43) 2 (0.176i 0.729 j)

0 20.17 0.729 BC
aC 0.176 BC 18.45

Link AB in the mechanism shown has an angular velocity of 8

rad/sec (CCW) constant. At the same instant shown, AB is vertical
and BC is in horizontal position. Determine the
(i) Velocity and acceleration of point C
(ii)Angular velocity and acceleration of link CD

The motion of the piston rod B controls the rotation of link AB about O
as shown. At this instant shown, the piston rod moves at VB = 2.5 m/s
to the left and decreasing at the rate of 15 m/s2. Determine
i) Angular velocity of link OA and AB at this instant, and
ii) Angular acceleration of link OA and AB at this instant

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