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The reason I chose civil engineering as my study program is because I keen on building things

such as structures, houses, constructions etc. Besides I also want my work to be useful for other
people, because human life has never been apart with constructing buildings for example such as
building houses, hospitals, skyscrapers, bridges etc. My next reason is for building things, as we
already know Indonesia is a developing country which means Indonesia has to spread the
construction evenly to remote areas and every region of Indonesia. Those constructions will
definitely need a lot of experts and skilled people fielding in civil engineering and if it turns out
there is no other place to rebuild things, we can also work in maintenance field because all those
constructions obviously need to be controlled and maintained. It doesnt matter whether it is an
old building or new, there is no way to lose job vacancies for people who choose faculty of civil
engineering. Most people unwilling to study in civil engineering faculty because what they have
in their mind is civil engineering consist of difficult math and calculus. Actually it all depends on
us how we overcome the problem, as smart college students we have to change our mindsets, we
have to change our mindsets to be our motivation to stand us up and not to fall us down. It can be
burden for us, still it all depends on us, are we going to change those difficulties to be
motivation? Or burden? It all can be through with willing and strong spirit to move forward.
The reason I choose UNPAR as my main aim of choosing universities is because civil
engineering in UNPAR is one of the best among another universities in Indonesia and UNPARs
vision and mission are matching with my vision and mission which is Menjadi komunitas
akademik humanum yang bersemangat kasih dalam kebenaran untuk mengembangkan potensi
lokal menuju tataran internasional demi peningkatan martabat manusia dan keutuhan alam
ciptaan, berdasarkan sesanti Bakuning Hyang Mrih Guna Santyaya Bhakti.. Why is it suitable?
Because as we already know in a few days there will be afta which is..some of foreign
workers will work in Indonesia and our competitor is not just the Indonesian people itself but
also people in Asia which is proven that they have skills and experiences internationally. Because
of it I choose UNPAR as my main aim, yet UNPAR has strong vision and mission so that their
students are ready to compete in world. UNPAR has been erected since 1960,it has put forth
some famous names such as Dr. Cecilia Lauw, Prof. Dr. Djoko Soelarnosidji, Anastasia Caroline
Sutandi, Ph.D and many more. Besides UNPARs civil engineering has also yield many
accomplishments and achievements for example in recent years UNPAR has won 2
championships in civil engineering which are very prestigious in Indonesia, those championships
are : LKTB 2014 and civil national expo, they prove that civil engineering in UNPAR can
compete with state universities. Many people size up that state universities are much better than
private universities, actually not all of those are true. UNPAR is one of the universities with the
best civil engineering study program and one of the best in Indonesia in its age. After erecting for
more than 50 years it is very certain that UNPAR has many experiences and good qualities
comparing to state universities that newly open civil engineering program so that i hope I could
be one of the students in UNPAR to study there and I can make good efforts for UNPAR.

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