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Kitchen Audit Report: Syscom Corporation Limited

Date of Audit: 10th July 2014

Number of employees
taking canteen facility
Age group of employees

Syscom Corporation limited

Noida, sector 63.
300 employees taking daily meals
22 to 35 yrs

Kind of food served

Vegetarian food
Total number of meals One lunch
Service Providers
Out sourced who is getting cooked food inside the
Audit Objective:
Primary objective of this audit was to assess the food preparation hygiene and
sanitation practices by food vendor at Syscom Corporation limited and analyze menu
considering employee health and wellbeing.

Audit Methodology:
Without any lab based tests audit was conducted on observational method. Team of
experts and employer management accompanied during audit time. One to one
questioning, observation based on premade questionnaire was used for taking down the

Audit Report:
This report is created based on the observations made during kitchen visit and
discussion with food vendor. There will be 2-3 number of audit rounds during the yr of
2014 to make sure suggested changes are implemented and followed by vendor.
Although there is no high level standardization is included in this audit report due to
certain limitation.
Just for Hearts: Kitchen Audit Report: Syscom corporation Limited

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Food handling

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1. Grocery and Raw food material: following points need to be taken into
consideration for grocery and raw material:
The raw material should be kept in clean and dry condition.
Regular cleaning of the store is required. Maintain a chart of cleaning
schedule done on daily / weekly / Monthly basis.
Cleaning schedule must include name of person who has done the job,
items used for cleaning, date, timing and anything more if required.
Proper container need to be arranged for keeping the raw and dry food
material. Preferable stainless steel containers.
Perishable food products need to be refrigerated properly.
Oil and the spices used should be of good quality. Maintain a procurement
report which suggests date of purchase.
Proper ventilation of the store room is required.
Portable water must be used which is stored in clean and hygienic
containers for cleaning, washing and cooking of food.

2. Hygiene of food preparation area: in this case the following points need to be
The area used for cutting vegetables or preparing dough should be
properly cleaned before using.
Sanitization of cleaning utensils must be included in the given schedule.
Utensils should be washed properly with a good quality detergent so that it
does not affect the food quality. Preferably use liquid soaps for utensils
Fridge should be cleaned and stale food should be removed on daily /
weekly basis.
The area which continuously comes in contact with the hands during
preparing food should be kept clean like tap.
Maintain a record and schedule for Pest control done in Food preparation
area, food service area and or dining area.

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3. Hygiene of food handler or cook:

Personal hygiene: The cook or the person handling the food should wash
their hands properly after using bathrooms. Gloves and head caps should
be used by the persons handling the food. Clean hand towel should be
used for wiping the hands while handling food.
Staff clothing / uniform clean : Clothes of the staff members should be
clean and free from dirt. Proper dress for all the staff should be given and
aprons should be used while cooking and serving the food.
Hygiene training: The staff needs to be regularly given training related to
hygiene and sanitation.
First Aid Box: A complete first aid box needs to be maintained at the
working area to deal with any accident even if a small cut is there. Any
staff suffering from any ailment should not be taken as the working staff till
he/she is completely cured.
Wash basin/ Soap/ towel: Wash basin should be clean. Good quality hand
wash should be used by the staff of the kitchen. A clean hand towel
should be used to wipe the hands.
Person will ill health should not be allowed work in food preparation /
serving area.
Yearly health checkups for staff must be arranged and maintain a record.

4. Disposal of Waste:
Waste food must be disposed off in such a manner that it do not create
any harm to environment therein to employees health.
It must be attended within 3-4 hrs of food serving and completing the
kitchen work.
Raw food which is to be discarded must be kept away from cooked food.
Black disposable bags must be used to dispose left over, plate waste

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