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Autort: Florina Jerliu, Visar Geci, Vlora Navakazi, Wilfried Hackenbroich, Kai Vckler, Thilo Fuchs

Authors: Florina Jerliu, Visar Geci, Vlora Navakazi, Wilfried Hackenbroich, Kai Vckler, Thilo Fuchs

Ekspozit 11-30 nntor 2013

Exhibition 11-30 November 2013


Dija dhe arsimi: faktor ky pr zhvillimet e ardhshme
t zons qendrore t Prishtins
Knowledge and education: key factors for the future
development of the inner city of Prishtina


Mbshtetur nga: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Prishtina, ERSTE Stiftung, Ministria e Kulturs, Rinis, Sportit
Supported by: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Prishtina, ERSTE Stiftung, Ministry of Culture, Youth, Sports

Prishtina Qytet Dinamik

Prishtina Dynamic City

Dija dhe arsimi: faktor ky pr zhvillimet e ardhshme t zons qendrore t


Knowledge and education: key factors

for the future development of the inner
city of Prishtina

Archis Interventions_Prishtina (antare e Rrjetit Archis) dhe

Archis Interventions_SEE n bashkpunim me Hackenbroich
Architects (Berlin) zhvilluan s bashku konceptin strategjik pr
zonn qendrore t Prishtins. Qllimi i ksaj iniciative sht
hapja e diskutimit publik lidhur me perspektivat e ardhshme t
Prishtins q do tu mundsonte institucioneve relevante ndrmarrjen e hapave t duhur n drejtim t zhvillimit t ardhshm

Archis Interventions_Prishtina (a member of the Archis Network) and Archis Interventions_SEE developed together with
Hackenbroich Architects (Berlin) a strategic concept for inner
city of Prishtina. The aim is to bring into public discussion the
future prospects of Prishtina enabling thusrelevant institutions
take informed steps towards future urban development.

Ekspozita paraqet konceptin baz i cili analizon potencialet

e Prishtins si kryeqytet i Kosovs, dhe identifikon dijen dhe
arsimin si faktor ky pr zhvillimet e ardhshme. Ekspozita
prezanton studimin preliminar mbi zhvillimin e ardhshm t
Prishtins, hartuar n fund t vitit 2009 n bashkpunim me
Komunn e Prishtins dhe ekspert t fushs s arkitekturs
dhe urbanizmit, dhe paraqet bazn pr diskutim dhe nj studimi urban q do t duhej t zhvillohej n t ardhmen.

The exhibition displays thekey concept by analyzing Prishtinas

potential as the capital of Kosovo, and identifies knowledge
and education as the key factors for future development. The
exhibition presents a preliminary study on the future development of Prishtinadeveloped in cooperation with the Municipality of Prishtina and architecture and urbanism experts in late
2009, and forms a basis for discussion and an urban study to
be developed in the future.

Projekt i Archis Interventions_Prishtina

A project by Archis Interventions_Prishtina



Florina Jerliu, Archis Interventions_Prishtina

Visar Geci, Archis Interventions_Prishtina
Vlora Navakazi, Archis Interventions_Prishtina
Wilfried Hackenbroich, Hackenbroich Architekten
Kai Vckler, Archis Interventions_SEE
Thilo Fuchs, Archis Interventions_SEE

Florina Jerliu, Archis Interventions_Prishtina

Visar Geci, Archis Interventions_Prishtina
Vlora Navakazi, Archis Interventions_Prishtina
Wilfried Hackenbroich, Hackenbroich Architekten
Kai Vckler, Archis Interventions_SEE
Thilo Fuchs, Archis Interventions_SEE

Asistent n postproduksion
Mrin Godanca, studente e arkitekturs n Universitetin e
Prishtins, Prishtin
Sune Fredskild, student i planifikimit urban dhe gjeografis n
Universitetin Roskilde, Kopenhag
Zana Sokoli, studente e arkitekturs n Universitetin e Prishtins, Prishtin

Asistenca teknike

Production assistants
Mrin Godanca, student of architecture in University of
Prishtina, Prishtina
Sune Fredskild, student of urban planning and geography in
Roskilde University, Copenhagen
Zana Sokoli, student of architecture in University of Prishtina,

Technical assistance

Granit Bunjaku
Edita Beselica
Mendim Rugova
Genc Hollaj
Taulanta Mjeku

Granit Bunjaku
Edita Beselica
Mendim Rugova
Genc Hollaj
Taulanta Mjeku

Mbshtetur nga

Supported by

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Prishtina
ERSTE Stiftung
Ministria e Kulturs, Rinis, Sportit

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Prishtina
ERSTE Stiftung
Ministry of Culture, Youth, Sports



Prishtina Kryeqyteti m i ri n Evrop

Prishtina The youngest capital of


Si Kryeqyteti i ri, Prishtina duhet t prcaktoj strategjit zhvillimore, t rizbuloj identitetin e saj si kryeqytet dhe t rivlersoj
potencialet, n mnyr q t krijohet nj baz e qndrueshme
pr perspektivn e ardhshme dhe q Prishtina t bhet
konkurruese me kryeqytetet e rajonit.
Prishtina ka shum potenciale t pashfrytzuara dhe t
pazhvilluara, t cilat duhet t identifikohen dhe t prdoren si
parime themelore t zhvillimit urban. Fokusi i qart n potencialet ekzistuese gjat proceseve t ardhshme t planifikimit
urban sht vendimtar pr zhvillimin e Prishtins si nj qytet i
veant dhe dinamik.

As a young capital, Prishtina needs to pursue its development

strategies, reinvent its identity as a Capital City and reevaluate its potentials, in order to create a strong and sustainable
grounds for future prospects and become competitive vis-vis capitals of the region.
Prishtina has a lot of underutilized and underdeveloped potentials, which shall be identified and used as a main principle
for urban development. A clear focus on potentials in future
urban planning processes is crucial that could make Prishtina
a unique and viable city.

Cilat jan potencialet?

What are the potentials?

Historia / trashgimia e ndrtuar urbane

Rndsia e trashgimis s ndrtuar pr identitetin e qytetit
sht e jashtzakonshme dhe njkohsisht sht faktor i
rndsishm pr zhvillimin e turizmit si faktor ekonomik.
Prandaj Prishtina do t prmirsoj potencialet ekzistuese
t trashgimis s ndrtuar prfshir lokalitetet arkeologjike
n mnyr q t nxjerren n pah vlerat e veanta q e bjn
Prishtinn konkurruese n rajon.

History / Urban built heritage

Urban built heritage is an important component of Citys identity and is also the key to boosting tourism as an economic
factor. Therefore Prishtina shall improve its existing potentials
of the built heritage including archeological sites in order to
highlight the citys specific values and increase its competitive
edge in the region.

Zhvillimi dhe prmirsimi i objekteve kulturore sht domosdoshmri pr nj kryeqytet. Prandaj, do t jet e nevojshme
q t identifikohen dhe t nxjerren n pah kualitetet e veanta
kulturore q ka Prishtina, n mnyr q t veohet dhe t
konkurroj suksesshm me qytetet tjera t rajonit.
Sporti sht nj faktor i rndsishm ekonomik pr nj qytet
q mton t organizoj ngjarje ndrkombtare. Prandaj, sht
e nevojshme q n kt domen t vendoset nj fokus i qart
n llojet e aktiviteteve sportive q mund t krijojn profil t
shquar, t fitojn prkrahe dhe skndejmi t ndikojn pozitivisht n zhvillimet e ardhshme t qytetit.
Me mosh mesatare t popullsis prej 23 vje, populli i
Kosovs sht populli me moshn m t re n Evrop. Prandaj, ardhmria e Kosovs sht kryesisht e bazuar n at q i
ofrohet t rinjve si perspektiv e ardhshme dhe n mundsit
q ata t kontribuojn pr vendin e tyre

The development and improvement of all cultural facilities is
a must for a capital of a nation. Prishtina must identify and
highlight its special cultural qualities in order to be distinct and
to compete successfully with other cities in the region.
Sport is a big economic factor if a city can host international
events. There is need for a clear focus on what kind of sport
activities might have a distinct profile so that they can get
support and thus have a positive impact on the overall future
With an average age of 23, Kosovos population ranks the
youngest population in Europe. Therefore its future very much
depends on creating viable prospects for young people, who
can then contribute to their country.





Rinia sht e ardhmja

Popullata e re e Prishtins me hapsira dhe ndrtesa me simbolik t lart n zonn qendrore t qytetit, sht bosht i zhvillimit t
ardhshm urban. Rinia sht e ardhmja, si dhe investim i mrekullueshm. Zhvillimi i dijes tek t rinjt do ti kthehet qytetit n form t
zhvillimit t ekonomis s bazuar n dije.
The Youth is the future
The young Prishtina population with its highly significant symbolic spaces and buildings in the inner city, is the backbone of future city
development. The youth is the future, and an excellent investment. Developing knowledge among its young citizens will have high
returns for the City itself through development of a knowledge based economy.


Ndrveprimi hapsinor i Historis, Kombit, Arsimit dhe Ekonomis

Prishtina sht e fragmentuar n hapsira me funksione t ndryshme. Prandaj sht jashtzakonisht e rndsishme q t gjenden
mnyra pr ti lidhur ato n mnyr q t prmirsohet ndrveprimi hapsinor i zonave t ndryshme t qendrs s qytetit.
Spatial Interaction of History, Nation, Education and the Economy
Prishtina is fragmented into parts with different functions. Therefore, it is of crucial importance to find ways to connect them and to
improve interaction between different parts of the inner city.

Fokusimi n arsimim dhe dije sht

ky pr perspektivn e ardhshme
t Prishtins dhe t Kosovs n
A focus on education and knowledge
is key for the future prospects of
Prishtina and Kosovo as a whole.

ka nevojitet?

What is needed?

Mjedis i mir:
sht e nevojshme q t sigurohen kushte t mira dhe atraktive pr jet, arsimim dhe punsim t t rinjtve. Kjo do t
mundsonte lidhje t mira me qendrat tjera t dijes, format e
ndryshme t banimit do t rrisnin m shum mundsi pr sport
dhe rekreim, dhe do t ofronin nj mjedis t pastr. Prishtina
sht nj qytet mjaft i sigurt dhe i gjall, por sht e nevojshme
q t angazhohet m seriozisht n sigurimin e kualiteteve t reja
n mnyr q t bhet m atraktive pr rinin vendore dhe at

Good environment:
There is a need to provide good and attractive living, studying and working conditions for young people. These would
enhance linkages with other centers of knowledge, variation of
housing and affordable accommodation, would increase possibilities for sports and leisure, and would provide for a clean
environment. Prishtina is a quite safe and vivid city, but it will
need to seriously step up its efforts towards providing more
qualities and becoming attractive for local as well as international youth.

Objektet publike dhe mbshtetja institucionale:

Prishtina duhet t vazhdoj me angazhimet pr prmirsimin e
objekteve ekzistuese t arsimit dhe avancimin e programeve arsimore n mnyr q t plotsohen krkesat pr rrjetet e shkollave
dhe kualitet n arsim. Pr qllime universitare, Prishtina duhet
t siguroj dhe t ristrukturoj hapsir pr m shum objekte
dhe programe arsimore dhe krkimore, si dhe hapsira banimi
pr studentt e rinj q dshirojn t jetojn n Prishtin. Prishtina
duhet t mbshtes iniciativat rinore, qofshin ato n lmin e
sportit, kulturs apo iniciativa akademike, me qllim t vendosjes
s bashkpunimit e edhe parteritetit me t rinjt.

State provided facilities and support:

Prishtina must continue to advance the provision of education
facilities and programs in order to meet the requirements of
the schools networks and quality in education. For university
purposes, Prishtina must provide and rishape the space for
more educational and research facilities and programs, as
well as housing for young students wanting to live in Prishtina.
Institutional support for youth initiatives be it in sports, culture
or academic initiatives is needed, in order to establish cooperation and even partnership with its youth.

Kurrikulat konkurruese, programet e shkmbimit, universitetet
verore, laboratort profesional, etj, duhet t inicohen dhe
prkrahen. Shum student t huaj qndruan viteve t fundit n
Prishtin me vetiniciativ dhe pr qllime krkimore; lidhjet e
tilla duhet t institucionalizohen n mnyr q t ket prfitime
Profesionist t kualifikuar:
Prfshirja e profesionistve t kualifikuar n vendimmarrje,
administrat, projektim dhe realizim t projekteve atraktive dhe
konkurseve, mund t jen forma t stimulimit pr t rinjt drejt
arritjes s zgjidhjeve innovative dhe kreative t problemeve, si dhe
rezultateve profesionale. Duke siguruar zhvillime cilsore dhe t
qndrueshme pr qytetin, Prishtina do t bhet konkurruese me
qytetet e rajonit.

Competitive curricula, exchange programs, summer universities, professional laboratories, etc., should be initiatedand
supported. In recent years, many foreign students have come
to Prishtina on their own initiative for research purposes, and
such connections should be institutionalized in order to gain
mutual benefits.
Skilled professionals:
Engaging withprofessionals in decision making, in administration, design and producing of attractive projects and competitions, could be used as forms of stimulation for young
people in order of obtaining innovative and creative solutions
to problem solving and professional outcomes. By ensuring
qualitative and sustainable developments for the city, Prishtina
shall become competitive with the cities of the region.

strategia urbane
urban strategy
Ndrveprimi i hapsirave strategjike n konceptin e prgjithshm zhvillimor
Interaction of strategic areas with the overall city development concept

Zonat strategjike t qytetit jan t fragmentuara. Ndrveprimi i pjesve t ndryshme t qytetit dhe t zons qendrore n veanti duhet
t krkohet n kuadr t suazave t ekonomis s bazuar n dije.
Strategic areas in the city are fragmented. Interaction between different parts of the city and of the inner city in specific should be
looked at within the framework of the knowledge based economy.

Ndrveprimi i hapsirave strategjike n konceptin e prgjithshm zhvillimor

Interaction of strategic areas with the overall city development concept

Integrimi i hapsirave historike, qeveritare, arsimore dhe ekonomike duhet t artikulohet nprmjet nj strategjie urbane
Integration of historical, governmental, educational and economic spaces has to be articulated throughout an urban strategy.

Pikat e reja t atraktsionit

New attraction points




Komuna e Prishtins










Sheshi Adem Jashari


Sheshi Ibrahim Rugova


rr./str. Agim Ramadani


l. N

tr. L





Monumenti i Sknderbeut

Qendra e Rinis
dhe Sporteve

Hoteli Grand
Sheshi Zahir Pajaziti



rr./str. Gjo
rgj Bush

Ndrtesa qeveritare

Biblioteka Universitare

Zonat kmbsorike


Pikat e atraksionit
attraction points

pr student
student housing

publike e komunitetit
Public community center


Prishtina duhet t identifikoj n mnyr t qart zonat urbane pr prmirsim dhe zhvillim t hapsirave dhe objekteve, gj q
Old building of the
do t ndikoj n mnyr pozitive n imazhin e qytetit n prgjithsi dhe n krijimin e nj mjedisi t mir pr
rininof Prishtina
n veanti. Kto
zona urbane duhet t zhvillohen bazuar n standarde dhe shembuj t suksesshm, si dhe duhet t gjenerojn lidhje t fuqishme
hapsinore n kuadr t qytetit.


Prishtina should clearly identify urban areas for improvement and development of spaces and facilities which shall positively affect the
image of the city in general, and create good environment for youth in particular. Such urban areas should be developed based on
standards and successful examples, and should generate strong connections within the city.

Adem Jashari square

Sheshi Adem Jashari

Ndikimi hapsinor i katalizatorve

Spatial impact of catalysts

Integrimi i hapsirave historike, qeveritare, arsimore dhe ekonomike duhet t artikulohet nprmjet nj strategjie urbane
Integration of historical, governmental, educational and economic spaces has to be articulated throughout an urban strategy.

Ndikimi hapsinor i katalizatorve

Spatial impact of catalysts

Banimi pr student

student housing
Qendra publike e komunitetit

public community

Parqe te vogla

small parks

Ndikimi hapsinor i katalizatorve

Strukturat ekzistuese t arsimit

existing educational

Spatial impact of catalysts


Ndikimi hapsinor i katalizatorve

Spatial impact of catalysts






Lokacionet e mundshme t katalizatorve hapsinor q mund t implementohen n zonn qendrore t qytetit.

Possible locations of different spatial catalysts that may be implemented in the inner city.

Pr rinin dhe pr ekonomin e ardhshme t bazuar n dije, nevojitet nj mjedis i mir dhe me lidhje t mira hapsinore. Kjo mund
t arrihet me prezantimin e katalizatorve specifik nprmjet t cilve, ndrveprimi i rekomanduar i rndsis s lart simbolike pr
kombin, historin e tij, ekonomin dhe rinin, do t fitoj n kualitet. Kto tipologji duhet t zhvillohen si ndrtesa t reja n zona t
braktisura ose t vendosen n kuadr t ndrtesave ekzistuese t prshtatshme pr to.
For youth and for future knowledge based economies a good environment and close spatial connections are needed. This can be
achieved through introducing specific catalysts through which, the recommended connection of high symbolic meaning between the
nation, its history, economy and youth shall gain enormous quality. Those new typologies should be developed as new buildings in
mainly abandoned areas, or should be accommodated in existing buildings suitable fur such typologies.



Qendra Publike e Komunitetit

Public Community Center

Banimi pr Student
Student Housing



Inkubatort e Biznesit
Business Incubator


Qendra Publike e Komunitetit
Public Community Center




Wi Fi





Qendrat Publike t Komunitetit si ndrtesa t reja apo si t instaluara n ndrtesa ekzistuese publike do t kombinojn funksione t
ndryshme t cilat jan atraktive pr studentt si dhe pr qytetart tjer t interesuar n informim dhe kultur.
Public Community Centers newly erected or installed in abandoned public buildings shall combine different functions which are
attractive to students and other citizens interested in information and culture.

Banimi pr Student
Student Housing


35 m MAX




N qytet mungon nj tipologji e veant e banimit me apartmane t vogla dhe m pak t kushtueshme. Investimet n kt lloj t
banimit studentor duke integruar funksione komerciale dhe publike n nivelin e prdhess, mund t implementohen strategjikisht n
zonat kye t zhvillimit hapsinor t objekteve t arsimit.
A specific housing typology with small affordable apartments is lacking in the City. An investment in this specific housing with public
and commercial functions integrated at ground level could be implemented strategically in the core zones of an education related
spatial development.


Inkubatort e Biznesit
Business Incubator






Komuna mund t mbshtes ndrmarrjet fillestare n nismn e ekonomis s bazuar n dije prmes inkubatorve hapsinor
specifik, ku do t koncentroheshin zyrat dhe qendrat e informimit. Programe specifike ekonomike mund t vehen n shrbim t
prkrahjes s siprmarrsve t rinj.
The City can support new start up-enterprises in the knowledge economy with specific space incubators in which office spaces and
information centers are concentrated. Specific economic programs could support young entrepreneurs.

harta e prishtins
map of prishtina

Start up
Grup objektesh i prbr nga qendra
e komunitetit, objekte banimi dhe
inkubator me hapsira pr pun dhe zyre

Start up
A cluster of a community center, and
incubators with work and office spaces

Sheshi i ri
Sheshi n hyrje t zons historike


New square

Drunjt ekzistues
Existing Trees

The square at the entrance of the

historic area

Gjelbrimi ekzistues
Existing Green
Shetitore ekzistuese
Existing Pedestrian
Nrtesat ekzistuese
Existing Buildings


Kampusi & qendra e qytetit


Grup objektesh i prbr nga qendra

e komunitetit, objekte banimi,
objekte banimi pr student dhe p
ndrrmars t rinj

Drunjt eeplanifikuar
Trees Planed
Gjelbrimi i planifikuar
i planifikuar
Green Planed
Ndrtesat e e
Buildings Planed
Drunjt eeri ri
New Trees
Gjelbrimi i rii ri
New Green
Shetitore e re
New Pedestrian Street

Campus & city center

A cluster of a comunity center,
housing and housing for students and
young entrepreneurs



Start up Grup objektesh i prbr nga qendra e komunitetit, objekte banimi dhe inkubator me hapsira pr pun dhe zyre
Start up A cluster of a comunity center and incubators with work and office spaces





munges e kalimit pr kmbsor

lack of pedestrian crossing


zon e pashfrytzuar
underused area


munges e lidhjeve
lack of connection


kualitet i ult urban

poor urban quality


qasje e limituar pr kmbsor

limited pedestrian access


plan joefikas i rrugve

inefficient road layout


aktivizim jo i duhur i rrugs

inadequate activation of street





Hapsira prapa Pallatit t risin dhe sporteve ishte e braktisur nj koh mjaft t gjat. Pr shkak t mungess s parkingjeve n qytet,
kjo hapsir kohve t fundit u shndrrua n parking t prkohshm, prkundr potencialit t madh q kjo hapsir ka pr lidhjen e
pjesve vitale t zons qendrore t qytetit.
The area behind the Sport and Youth center used to be abandoned for quite some time. Due to the lack of parking spaces in the city,
it was recently converted into a parking area as a temporary solution, despite of high spatial potentials that this space has in connecting vital parts of the inner city.

Sheshi i ri Sheshi n hyrje t zons historike

New square The square at the entrance of the historic area



munges e kalimit pr kmbsor

lack of pedestrian crossing


munges e lidhjeve
lack of connection


qasje e limituar pr kmbsor

limited pedestrian access


kualitet i ult urban

poor urban quality


zon e pashfrytzuar
underused area







Hapsira n mes t monumenteve historike dhe bulevardit Nn Tereza sht trsisht e paorganizuar dhe prkohsisht prdoret si
parking pr automjete. Dikur kjo hapsir prmbante shtpi t vogla t cilat u rrnuan koh m par pr ti br vend kompleksit t
planifikuar me etazhitet t lart dhe funksion miks. N momentin kur kjo hapsir sht liruar nga objektet e vjetra, monumentet jan
br t dukshme dhe shum trheqse dhe ftuese, duke sinjalizuar kshtu n mnyr t dukshme nevojn pr ti lidhur kta margaritar t historis son me qendrn moderne t qytetit.
The area between historic monuments and the Mother Teresa bulevard is uterly unregulated and is used provisionally for car parking.
It used to consist of small houses which were recently demolished in order to create space for a planned highrise mixed use building
complex. Once the area was cleared from old buildings, monuments became visible and very appealing and inviting, hence, signaling
clearly the need to connect these pearls of our history with the Modern city center.

Kampusi & qendra e qytetit

Grup objektesh i prbr nga qendra e komunitetit, objekte banimi, objekte banimi
pr student dhe p ndrrmars t rinj
Campus & city center
A cluster of a comunity center, housing and housing for students and young entrepreneurs



munges e lidhjeve
lack of connection


qasje e limituar pr kmbsor

limited pedestrian access


kualitet i ult urban

poor urban quality


munges e lidhjeve
lack of connection


munges e kalimit pr kmbsor

lack of pedestrian crossing


aktivizim jo i duhur i rrugs

iadequate activation of street






Vazhdimi i planifikuar i hapsirs pr kmbsor, gjegjsisht, Bulevardit Nn Tereza, deri tek udhkryqi pran katedrals, do ta paralizonte rrugn Garibaldi, meq pasazhi i vogl q kalon nn blloqet ekzistuese t banimit prball rrugs Garibaldi tani m nuk sht aktiv.
Pr m tepr, rruga prapa ktyre blloqeve t banimit q vie nga kampusi i universitetit e reflekton qart qasjen e fragmentuar n planifikim
dhe zhvillim t kryeqytetit gjat regjimit socialist. Kjo hapsir ka shum potenciale rizhvillimi dhe bn thirrje pr zgjidhje afatgjate t problemit t trafikut dhe shtigjeve t kmbsorve n zemren e qytetit, q pr momentin shfrytzohen pamjaftueshm.
Continuation of this pedestrian area Mother Teresa boulevard - to the trafic lights in front of the Cathedral, as planned, would paralyse
the Garibaldi street, as the small pasage that runs beneath existing appartment blocks facing the Garibaldi street, is no longer active.
On the other hand, the situation behind the appartment blocs and adjacent to the University campus clearly reflects the fragmented
approach in planning and development of the capital city during the socialist regime. This area has many redevelopment potentials and
calls for long term solution to the trafic and pedestrian connections in the hear of the city, which at the present are underutilized.

Detalet e tri lokacioneve

details of three locations
Sheshi i ri sheshi n hyrje t zons historike
New square the square at the entrance of the historic area
Drunjt ekzistues
Existing Trees
Gjelbrimi ekzistues
Existing Green
Shetitore ekzistuese
Existing Pedestrian Street
Nrtesat ekzistuese
Existing Buildings
Drunjt e planifikuar
Trees Planed
Gjelbrimi i planifikuar
Green Planed
Ndrtesat e planifikuara
Buildings Planed
Drunjt e ri
New Trees
Gjelbrimi i ri
New Green
Shetitore e re
New Pedestrian Street
Shetitore/rrug automobilistike e re
New Pedestrian/Car Street
Rrug e re
New Street
Nrtesat t reja
New Buildings
Nrtesa t rrnuara
Buildings Demolished

Duke krijuar nj shesh t ri si zgjerim i hapsirs pr kmbsor t bulevardit Nn Tereza, zona historike e qytetit bashk me objektet
me simbolik t lart t cilat qndrojn n kt lokacion krijojn lidhje t qarta vizuele. Sheshi i ri do ti ofroj prezencn e nevojshme
Xhamis s arshis dhe Muzeut t Kosovs n njern an dhe objekteve qeveritare n ann tjetr.
By creating a new square as an extension of the pedestrian zone of Mother Teresa Boulevard, the historic part of the city with its
highly symbolic buildings situated in the this location are in a clear visible way connected. The new square will give the needed presence to the Bazaar Mosque, Kosovo Museum in one side and the governmental buildings in the other side.

Kampusi & qendra e qytetit Grup objektesh i prbr nga qendra e komunitetit,
objekte banimi, objekte banimi pr student dhe ndrrmars t rinj
Campus & city center A cluster of a comunity center, housing and housing for
students and young entrepreneurs

Zgjatja e bulevardit Nn Tereza si hapsir pr kmbsor krkon nj rrug alternative pr automjete, dhe kjo mund t arrihet duke e
vazhduar rrugn Garibaldi. Nuk do t jet e mundur q t shndrrohet nj lidhje e qart trafiku n nj lidhje kmbsorike pa e larguar
nj pjes t strukturs ekzistuese urbane. Zona e ridizajnuar do t akomodonte hapsir t re banimi pr objektet q propozohen pr
rrnim, si dhe do t ofronte hapsir shtes pr nj grup funksionesh si qendr komuniteti dhe banim pr student dhe ndrmarrs t
01 Lokalet/zyrat
Objekti i ri me zyre/lokale do t qndroj n kndin n mes t rrugs s re t kampusit universitar dhe rrugs Nn Tereza. Ky objekt
publik sht dizajnuar q t ofroj hapsira t vogla pr zyre duke filluar nga nj siprfaqe prej 30m2. Objekti do t ket shrbimin
qndror dhe portierin n hollin hyrs. Prdhesa do t ofroj pes hapsira komerciale me siprfaqe prej 35m2 deri 150m2.
02 Banimi
Objektet e reja t banimit duhet t ofrojn apartamente t reja pr akomodimin e banorve aktual t objekteve ekzistuese q do t
rrnohen. Gjithashtu, apartamentet e reja si studio dhe njsi njdhomshe do t siguroj banim q mund t jet i prshtatshm edhe
pr studentt.
Extention of the Mother Teresa pedestrian zone would require an alternative route for cars, which may be achieved by extending the
Garibaldi str. It will be not possible to realize a clear traffic connection as a clear pedestrain connection without taking of a part of the
existing urban fabric. The redesigned area would accomodate the housing space proposed to be demolished, and would provide
space for a cluster of comunity center and housing for students and young entrepreneurs.
01 Office
The new office building will be at the corner between the new road of the University campus and the Mother Teresa Street. This office
building is designed to provide small office spaces starting from 30 sqm. The building will have a central office service with a door
man in the entry lobby. The ground floor will provide five commercial space from 35 sqm to 150 sqm.
02 Housing
The new housing should provide new apartments to accommodate the current tenant of the existing buildings that will be demolished. Additionally, new studio apartments and one bedroom apartments would provide housing that could also be used by students.


Kampusi & qendra e qytetit Grup objektesh i prbr nga qendra e komunitetit,
objekte banimi, objekte banimi pr student dhe ndrrmars t rinj
Campus & city center A cluster of a comunity center, housing and housing for
students and young entrepreneurs

Drunjt ekzistues
Existing Trees
Gjelbrimi ekzistues
Existing Green
Shetitore ekzistuese
Existing Pedestrian Street
Nrtesat ekzistuese
Existing Buildings
Drunjt e planifikuar
Trees Planed
Gjelbrimi i planifikuar
Green Planed
Ndrtesat e planifikuara
Buildings Planed
Drunjt e ri
New Trees
Gjelbrimi i ri
New Green
Shetitore e re
New Pedestrian Street
Shetitore/rrug automobilistike e re
New Pedestrian/Car Street
Rrug e re
New Street
Nrtesat t reja
New Buildings
Nrtesa t rrnuara
Buildings Demolished


Start up Grup objektesh i prbr nga qendra e komunitetit, objekte banimi dhe
inkubator me hapsira pr pun dhe zyre
Start up a cluster of a comunity center, and incubators with work and office spaces

Drunjt ekzistues
Existing Trees
Gjelbrimi ekzistues
Existing Green
Shetitore ekzistuese
Existing Pedestrian Street
Nrtesat ekzistuese
Existing Buildings
Drunjt e planifikuar
Trees Planed
Gjelbrimi i planifikuar
Green Planed
Ndrtesat e planifikuara
Buildings Planed
Drunjt e ri
New Trees
Gjelbrimi i ri
New Green
Shetitore e re
New Pedestrian Street
Shetitore/rrug automobilistike e re
New Pedestrian/Car Street
Rrug e re
New Street
Nrtesat t reja
New Buildings
Nrtesa t rrnuara
Buildings Demolished

Hapsira prapa Pallatit t rinis dhe sporteve mund t vitalizohet nprmjet nj grupi objektesh t prbr nga qendra e komunitetit
dhe inkubator me hapsira pr pun dhe zyre, duke prfshir ktu edhe hapsirat e prbashkta, lokalet, etj. Afrsia e Pallatit t
rinis dhe sporteve do ta rris vlern e mjedisit urban n kt pjes t qytetit.
The area behind the Sport and Youth Center could be vitalized by a cluster of a comunity center and incubators with work and office
spaces, including collective facilities, shops etc. The proximitiy with Youth and Sports Center would add value to the overall urban
environment in this part of the city.

Banimi pr ndrmarrsit e rinj/ banimi pr student senior

Young Entrepreneur Housing / Senior Student Housing

Hapsirat e reja t banimit n kompleks prmbajn apartamente/studio t vogla me 33m2 dhe 25m2, ideale pr ndrmarrsit e rinj
dhe pr student. Me kto hapsira banimi, kompleksi mbetet aktiv edhe pas orarit t puns s bizneseve dhe siguron nj mjedis t
balancuar pr ndrmarrsit.
Prdhesa e secils prej objekteve t banimit me pes etazhe ka nj holl hyrs t zgjruar pr shfrytzim t prbashkt dhe lidhje
direkte me hapsirn e jashtme t prbashkt. Kjo hapsir e prbashkt sht e rndsishme pr ndrveprim t banorve t secils
njsi. Tre apartamentet e secils prdhes t ktyre objekteve kan kopshtet e veta individuale.
The new housing of the complex will consist of small studio apartments with 33m2 and 25m2, ideal for young entrepreneurs and
senior students. With this housing the complex becomes activated beyond the business hours and will ensure a balanced environment for the entrepreneurs.
The ground floor of each five story house has an extended entry lobby for collective use and is directly connected to a collective outdoor space. These collective areas are an important exchange zone for the inhabitant of each house. The three apartments at each of
the ground floors have there own, individual gardens.

Qendra e komunitetit
Public Community Center

Dhoma e komunitetit pr perfornanca me kafenen dhe shrbimin WiFi pa pages sht zemra e Qendrs s komunitetit, e cila do
t siguroj qasje n informim, shrbime dhe aktivitete si ekspozita, prezantime, diskutime dhe shfaqje pr t gjith qytetart. Dhomat
pr seminare dhe qendra e informimit me hapsirat e puns n katin e tret do tu ofroj banorve qasje n informata t llojeve t
ndryshme. Arsimimi prtej sfers universitare do t ndihmoj qytetart e rinj dhe t vjetr pr tu zhvilluar personalisht si dhe profesionalisht, duke hapur perspektiva t cilat mund t ojn n aktivitete t mtejme siprmarrse. Biblioteka e vogl publike do t fokusohej
m shum n nevojat e qytetarve se n qllimet akademike, duke i kompletuar kshtu mundsit pr qasje n informata pr gjith
Performance community room and the caf with free WiFi service is the heart of the Public Community that will provide information
access, service and activities like exhibitions, screenings, discussions and performances for all citizens. The seminar rooms and the
information center with work spaces on the third floor will give inhabitants access to various kind of information . Education beside the
university realm will help young and old citizens develop personaly as well as professionally, opening up perspective which might lead
to further entrepreneurial activities. The small public library will focus on citizens needs more than on academic goals, completing the
possibilities to information access for all citizens.


Inkubatori sht qendra e ktij kompleksi dhe ofron shrbime pr biznese. Prdhesa e objektit prmban shrbimet e prbashkta si:
sekretaria kolektive, konsulentt pr biznese dhe hapsira pr mbledhje dhe auditoriumin. Funksionet publike t ngjashme si copy
shop, paisje pr zyre, dyqanet dhe serviset e kompjuterve, jan t vendosura rreth atriumit t hapur. Kafeneja dhe holli hyrs ofrojn
nj hyrje reprezentative pr objektin dhe hapsirn e prbashkt e cila kompletohet me restorantin/kafeterin n kndin jug-perndimor t prdhess.
The Incubator is the center of the complex and provides business oriented services. The ground floor of the building accommodates
shared services such as: collective secretariat, business consultant and the meeting and auditorium space. Related public functions
like copy shop, office supplies, computer store and computer services are located around the open atrium. The caf and the lobby
provide a representative entrance and a collective gathering area completed by the restaurant/cafeteria at the south west corner of
the ground floor.


Etazhet e eprme prbhen nga hapsira t ndryshme afariste: zyra t hapura me tavolina pune individuale dhe grupore pr 2-3
vende pune si dhe zyra t mbyllura me siprfaqe prej 12m2 deri 150m2. do etazh ka funksione t prbashkta si hapsirat pr
mbledhe, hapsirat pr relaksim, kuzhina dhe hapsirat e jashtme. Kto hapsira kolektive jan zon e rndsishme shkmbimi, ku
ndrmarrsit inkurajohen q ti shkmbejn idet dhe eksperiencat e tyre me njri-tjetrin.
Prve mjedisit fizik, shrbimet e inkubatorit jan shum t rndsishme edhe pr arsyet n vijim: koordinimi me administratn e
qytetit pr start-up-et sht shum i rndsishm, vendosja e nj sistemi financimi pr kapitalin e ndrmarrjeve dhe pr konsulenc
t cilsis s lart pr biznes, financa, tatime, administrat dhe shtje teknike, sht i rndsishm pr t siguruar nj baz t sigurt pr bizneset e reja.
The upper floors consist of various office spaces: open office spaces with individual and groups desks with 3-5 workplaces as well
as closed offices from 12m2 up to 150m2. Each floor has shared and collective functions such as meeting rooms, relaxing lounges,
kitchen and outdoor areas. These collective zones are important exchange spaces where entrepreneurs would be encouraged to
exchange ideas and experiences with each other.
Besides the physical environment the service of the incubator is most crucial; coordination with the city administration is important for
start ups; a funding system for venture capital and a high quality consultant for business, finance, tax, administration and technical
issues are important to provide a friction less base of new businesses.

e ardhmja urbane
Urban Future


Drunjt ekzistues
Existing Trees
Gjelbrimi ekzistues
Existing Green


Shetitore ekzistuese
Existing Pedestrian Street
Nrtesat ekzistuese
Existing Buildings


Drunjt e planifikuar
Trees Planed



Gjelbrimi i planifikuar
Green Planed



Ndrtesat e planifikuara
Buildings Planed




Drunjt e ri
New Trees



Gjelbrimi i ri
New Green
Shetitore e re
New Pedestrian Street
Shetitore/rrug automobilistike e re
New Pedestrian/Car Street
Rrug e re
New Street
Nrtesat t reja
New Buildings



e ardhmja urbane

Urban Future

Hapsirat e reja t gjelbrta

New green areas

01 Shtigjet e kmbsorve q shkojn drejt kompleksit t

inkubatorit theksohen me gjelbrim t ri. Gjithashtu, nj park i
vogl n mes t stadiumit dhe inkubatorit do t prmirsonte
tr hapsirn e kompleksit t inkubatorit.
02 Rruga e re pr automjete q e formson hapsirn e kampusit universitar do t realizohej me varg gjelbrimi t lart n
dy ant e rrugs n mnyr q t definohet karakteri kmbsorik i trotoareve t ktij bulevardi t ri.
03 Sheshi i ri pran Xhamis s arshis dhe Muzeut t
Kosovs prfshin nj radh gjelbrimi t lart q e definon
kufirin jug-lindor t sheshit; gjithashtu, n shesh sht inkorporuar nj siprfaqe e vogl si brez gjelbrues n mnyr
q t definohet rrjedha e fluksit t kmbsorve q vjen nga
bulevardi Nn Tereza drejt qytetit t vjetr.

01 The pedestrian paths towards the Incubator complex

are enhanced with new greenary/trees. Also, a small park
between the stadium and the incubator would enhance the
entire area of the incubator complex.

Hapsirat e reja pr kmbsor

04 Shtegu i kmbsorve q shkon drejt inkubatorit sht i
vendosur n mes t Pallatit t Rinis dhe sporteve dhe stadiumit t qytetit; gjithashtu, edhe n mes t Pallatit t Rinis dhe
sporteve dhe objektit qeveritar.
05 Vazhdimi i bulevardit Nn Tereza si hapsir pr kmbsor mundsohet me prezantimin e rrugs s re automobilistike q njkohsisht e prkufizon hapsirn e kampusit
06 Lidhja e bulevardit Nn Tereza me qytetin e vjetr
mundsohet me vendosjen e sheshit t ri pran Xhamis s
arshis dhe Muzeut t Kosovs.


02 The new motor-road that defines the area of the Campus

would be developed with tree rows on both sides of the
street in order to define the pedestrian character of this new
03 The new square next to the Bazaar mosque and the
Museum of Kosovo includes a row of trees which define the
southeaster edge of the square; also, a small buffer greenery
is incorporated in the square in order to define the pedestrian
flow from Mother Teresa Boulevard to the old city.

New pedestrian
04 The pedestrian path towards the Incubator is enhanced
between the Youth and Sports Center and the Stadium; also,
between the Youth and Sports Center and the Government
05 The continuation of M.Teresa as a pedestrian area is
enabled by introducing a new motor-road that defines the
area of the Campus.
06 The connection of the Mother Teresa Boulevard with the
old city is enambled by introducing the square next to the
Bazaar mosque and the Museum of Kosovo

e ardhmja urbane
Urban Future
Kompleksi Start-Up/Inkubator

The Start-Up /Incubator Complex

Kompleksi prbhet nga Qendra e komunitetit 07 , inkubatori 08 dhe objektet e banimit pr ndrmarrsit e rinj dhe
student 09 . Kto tri tipologji sigurojn mjedis urban pr
start-up dhe zhvillim t biznese profesionale.
Kompleksi sht i vendosur n mes t Pallatit t rinis dhe
sporteve dhe zons s gjelbr t planifikuar, dhe formson
kufirin e zons s brendshme t qytetit. Afrsia me qendrn e
qytetit, kampusin universitar dhe zonn e biznesit t Prishtins, sht konteksti ideal pr kompleksin e inkubatorit.
Qendra e komunitetit ndodhet n fund t rrugs pr kmbsor q vie nga zona qendrore e qytetit dhe kalon n mes t
Pallatit s rinis dhe sporteve dhe stadiumit. Ajo shrben si
port pr kompleksin, gjithashtu edhe si qendr informimi pr
qytetart. Kompleksi vazhdon me objektet e banimit pr ndrmarrsit e rinj dhe studentt, q definon kufirin e prshkueshm midis sheshit t kompleksit dhe hapsirs s gjelbrt t
planifikuar n ann perndimore. Inkubatori sht i vendosur
n jug t kompleksit dhe s bashku me qendrn e komunitetit
e rrethojn sheshin e ri. T dyja ndrtesat jan t hapura
drejt sheshit me hyrjet kryesore dhe strehat e tyre. Sheshi
gjithashtu formsohet edhe nga shkallt e gjera t hapura t
Pallatit s rinis dhe sporteve, t cilat e lidhin at n nivelin e
ngritur publik rreth salls sportive.

The complex consists of the Public Community Center 07 , the

Incubator 08 and the Young Entrepreneur Housing / Senior
Student Housing 09 . These three typologies provide an urban
environment for professional business start-up and development.
The complex is situated between the existing Youth and
Sports Center and the future green area, forming the border
of the inner city area. Its close proximity to the inner city, the
university campus and the business area of Prishtina is the
ideal context for the Incubator Complex.
The Public Community Center is located at the end of the
pedestrian connection from the inner city running between the
Youth and Sports Center an the stadium. It acts as a gate to
the complex as well as a gate to information for all citizens.
The complex continues with the Young Entrepreneur Housing
/ Senior Student Housing, which defines a permeable border
between the square of the complex and the future green
area to the west. The Incubator is located in the south of the
complex and embraces with the Public Community Center the
new square. Both buildings open up to the square and have
the main entrance with a covered roof facing it. The square is
also defined by the wide open stairs of the Youth and Sports
Center, which connect it to the raised public level around the
sport hall.

10 Nn kompleks gjenden dy nivele t parkimit nntoksor t

cilat mund t shfrytzohen edhe nga qytetart.

Objektet e reja pran kampusit

11 Prgjat rrugs s re t kampusit universitar do t largohen disa nga objektet ekzisuese. Objektet ekzistuese me
prafrsisht 11.800m2 do t zvendsohen me objekte t reja
pr zyre dhe banim me rreth 11.900m2. Banort e tanishm
t objekteve ekzistuese do t akomodohen n objektet e
reja, sipas shembujve t praktikave m t mira n rajon dhe
prgjithsisht n Evrop .


10 Underneath the complex are two levels of under ground

parking which are also for public use.

New Buildings next to the Campus

11 Along the new road at the university campus some of the
existing buildings will be removed. The existing buildings with
approximately 11.800 m2 will be replaced by new buildings
for office and housing with about 11.900 m2. The current
tenant of the existing buildings will be accommodated in the
new buildings, according to the best examples of practices in
capital cities in the region and Europe in general.


Sheshi i ri
New square

Kjo hapsir sht menduar q t rizhvillohet n nj kompleks shumkatsh dhe me destinim miks me rast lidhja vizuele n mes t
qendrs s qytetit dhe qytetit t vjetr do t humbet prgjithmon.
The area is meant to be redeveroped into a highrise and mixed use building complex in which case the visual connection between the
city center and the Old city will be compromised for good.


Sheshi i ri
New square

Sheshi i ri e lidh bulevardin Nn Tereza me qytetin e vjetr n aspektin fizik, simbolik dhe vizuel, me rast Prishtina fiton n reprezentimin e merituar t kontinuitetit urban dhe t trashgimis kulturore.
The new square connects in physical, symbolic and visual terms the Mother Teresa Boulevard and the Old city, in which case
Prishtina gains the deservend representation of its urban continuity and cultural heritage.


Kampusi & qendra e qytetit

Campus & city center

Objektet n krye t rrugs Garibaldi e pengojn planifikimin e duhur t vazhdimit t bulevardit Nn Tereza dhe poashtu, qasjen m t
qart drejt kampusit universitar nga qendra e qytetit.
Buildings facing the Garibaldi street have dissabled the propper planning for the continuation of the M.Theresa boulevard as well as
the clear access to the University Campus from the city center.


Kampusi & qendra e qytetit

Campus & city center

Nj lidhje e qart vizuele e kampusit universitar dhe zons s brendshme t qytetit tregon pr rndsin e dijes dhe edukimit pr
kryeqytetin edhe kombin.
A clear visible connection of the University Campus and the inner city communicates the importance of the knowledge and education
for the capital city and the nation.


Lidhje a re
New connection

Prkundr potencialit t madh, kjo hapsir sht e pashfrytzuar dhe e pamirmbajtur.

Despite of real potentials, this area is underused and unmaintained.


Lidhje a re
New connection

Prmirsimi i lidhjeve midis hapsirs prapa Pallatit t rinis dhe sporteve dhe zons s brendshme t qytetit do t mundsoj zhvillimet e nevojshme n t ardhmen.
The impprovement of the connection of the area behind the Sport and Youth Center with the inner city will make a necessary future
developemnt possible.


Start up
Start up

Hapsira parkuese prapa Pallatit t rinis dhe sporteve duhet t akomodohet nprmjet arkitekturs (si ndrtesa t reja pr garazhim)
n vende tjera npr zonn qendrore t qytetit si sht planifikuar tashm nga administrata e qytetit, me rast kjo zon kye do t
jet e hapur pr rizhvillimit.
The parking area behind the Sports and Youth Center should be accomodated through architecture (new garage buildings) in other
locations around the inner city, as already planned by the city administration, in which case, this key area would be opened for redevelopment.


Start up
Start up

Ekonomit e bazuara n dije mund t fillojn biznesin e tyre n ndrlidhje me Univesritetin ose si spin-off biznese. Nj grupim i
funksioneve te ndryshme q integron banimin, hapsirat e prbashkta, servises dhe hapsirat e puns, mund t krijoj nj atmosfer kreative pr ndrrmarsit e rinj sikur edhe pr investitort e huaj. Vendndodhja e lokacionit n zonn e brendshme t qytetit
dhe lidhja direkte e bn kt grupim shum funksional. Pik kye e konceptit sht kombinimi i funksioneve dhe aktiviteteve n kt
lokacion t dendur pr nga prmbajtjet por gjithashtu me lidhje t mira hapsinore dhe zon atraktive.
Knowledge based economies can start their businesses in connection with the University or as spin-offs. A cluster of different functions integrating housing, common facilities, services and work spaces can create an attractive atmosphere for young entrepreneurs
as for investors from abroad. The location in the inner city and the direct connection will make it very functional in its use. Key of the
concept is the mix of functions and activities
in a spatially dense, but good connected and also attractive location.

EKSPOZIT n Muzeun e Kosovs, Prishtin

EXHIBITION in the Museum of Kosovo, Prishtina


EKSPOZIT n Muzeun e Kosovs, Prishtin

EXHIBITION in the Museum of Kosovo, Prishtina


EKSPOZIT n Muzeun e Kosovs, Prishtin

EXHIBITION in the Museum of Kosovo, Prishtina


EKSPOZIT n Muzeun e Kosovs, Prishtin

EXHIBITION in the Museum of Kosovo, Prishtina


EKSPOZIT n Muzeun e Kosovs, Prishtin

EXHIBITION in the Museum of Kosovo, Prishtina


EKSPOZIT n Muzeun e Kosovs, Prishtin

EXHIBITION in the Museum of Kosovo, Prishtina


Mbi Archis Interventions Prishtina

About Archis Interventions Prishtina

Archis Interventions, deg jo-profitabile e Archis Foundation (e

njohur pr magazinn e saj Volume) i ka vn vetes si qllim
q tu ofroj qyteteve ide dhe koncepte pr ringjalljen e domenit publik dhe rigjallrimin e shpirtit t tyre urban.

Archis Interventions, a not for profit branch of the Archis Foundation (also known for its magazine Volume) has set itself the
task of providing cities with clues and concepts to revive the
public domain and re-energize their urban spirit.

Themeluar m 2006 nga Florina Jerliu, Visar Geci dhe Vlora

Navakazi, Archis Interventions/Prishtina OJQ e pavarur dhe
jo-profitabile angazhohet s bashku me partnert e rrjetit
t saj Archis Interventions/Berlin dhe Archis Interventions/
Amsterdam n sjellen e ekspertizs profesionale n procesin
e zhvillimit t debatit pr strategji t zhvillimit t qndrueshm
urban n kontesktin social dhe politik t paslufts.
Ajo fokusohet n prmirsimin, orientimin dhe integrimin
e objekteve joformale n qytetin n tranzicion duke krijuar
kushte m t mira pr jetes dhe duke ofruar nj sens mbi
vlerat kulturore t arkitekturs dhe t dizajnit urban; rasti i studimit t organizats sht kryeqyteti i Kosovs, Prishtina.

Founded in 2006 by Florina Jerliu, Visar Geci and Vlora

Navakazi, Archis Interventions/Prishtina - a local not for profit
and independent NGO - in cooperation with its network
partners Archis Interventions/Berlin and Archis Interventions/
Amsterdam, engages in bringing professional expertise, and
information exchange into the process of development of
sustainable urban solution debate and strategies in postwar
social and political context.
It focuses on improving, channeling and integrating informal
building in a city in transition through creating better living
conditions and a sense for the cultural values of architecture
and urban design; the case of its studies is the capital of
Kosovo, Prishtina


The Team

E gjith puna e AI/Prishtina organizohet dhe drejtohet n

partneritet dhe bashkpunim t ngusht me Archis Interventions_SEE dhe Hackenbroich Architekten. Pjesa m inspiruese
dhe m puntore e ekipit ton sht rinia jon - student t
arkitekturs nga Universiteti i Prishtins; q mund t konsiderohen si agjent t vrtet t ndryshimeve.
Florina Jerliu, arkitekte, kandidat n Fakultetin e Arkitekturs, Universiteti i Sarajevs; Magjistr e Arteve (2003) n
Fakulltetin e Arteve, Universiteti i Prishtins, dhe Inxhiniere e
Diplomuar e Arkitekturs (1996) n Fakultetin e Ndrtimtaris
dhe Arkitekturs, Universiteti i Prishtins; msimdhnse
n Fakultetin e Ndrtimtaris dhe Arkitekturs, UP; bashkthemeluese dhe menagjere e Archis Interventions/Prishtina.


The entire work of AI/Prishtina is organized and conducted

in partnership and close cooperation with Archis Interventions_SEE and Hackenbroich Architekten. The most inspiring
and hardworking part of our team is our youth - students
of architecture from the University of Prishtina that can be
regarded as true agents of change.
Florina Jerliu, architect, PhD candidate, University of Sarajevo;
Master of Fine Arts degree (2003) in Faculty of Arts, University of Prishtina, and Diploma Engineer of Architecture (1996)
in Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University
of Prishtina; teaches at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and
Architecture, UP; a founding member and manager of Archis

Visar Geci, arkitekt, ka studiuar arkitekturn n universitetin

teknik n Graz t Austris, TU-GRAZ, udhheq me firmn pr
arkitektur Innarch n Prishtin; bashkthemelues i Archis

Visar Geci, architect, has studied at the technical university

of Graz TU-GRAZ Austria in the field of architecture, runs the
architectural firm Innarch in Prishtina; a founding member of
Archis Interventions/Prishtina

Dr. Vlora Navakazi, arkitekte, Doktor i shkencave (2012) dhe

Magjistr i shkencave (2007) n Fakultetin e Arkitekturs,
Universiteti i Sarajevs, Inxhiniere e Diplomuar e Arkitekturs
(1985) n Fakultetin e Ndrtimtaris dhe Arkitekturs, Universiteti i Prishtins; ligjeruese n Fakultetin e Ndrtimtaris dhe
Arkitekturs, UP dhe n Fakultetin e Arkitekturs, Universiteti i
Tetovs; bashkthemeluese e Archis Interventions/Prishtina.

Dr. Vlora Navakazi, architect, Doctoral degree (2012) and

Master degree (2007) in University of Sarajevo, and Diploma
Engineer of Architecture (1985) in Faculty of Civil Engineering
and Architecture, University of Prishtina; lecturer at the Faculty
of Civil Engineering and Architecture, UP, and Faculty of Architecture, University of Tetovo; a founding member of Archis

Prof. Dr. Kai Vckler, urbanist. Magjistr i Arteve Figurative,

Universiteti i Arteve, Berlin (1986). PhD n Histori t Artit. Profesor n Universitetin e Artit dhe Dizajnit Offenbach, Germany.
Bashkthemelues i Archis Interventions; Drejtor i programit t
Rrjetit t Europs Jug-lindore (SEE).

Prof. Dr. Kai Vckler, urbanist. Master of Fine Arts degree,

University of Arts, Berlin (1986). PhD in Art History. Endowed
Professor at Offenbach University of Art and Design, Germany.
Founding member of Archis Interventions; program director of
the Southeastern Europe (SEE) Network.

Wilfried Hackenbroich, arkitekt. Magjistr i Arkitekturs, SCIArc, Los Angeles (1993) dhe Inxhinier i diplomuar, Universiteti
i Shekncave Aplikative, Cologne (1991). Themelues dhe
udhheqs i Hackenbroich Architekten n Berlin.

Wilfried Hackenbroich, architect. Master of Architecture

degree, SCI-Arc, Los Angeles (1993) and Diplom Ingenieur,
University of Applied Science, Cologne (1991). The founder
and principal of Hackenbroich Architekten in Berlin.

Thilo Fuchs, arkitekt dhe media dizajner. Inxhinier i diplomuar,

Universiteti Teknik, Berlin. Prgjegjs pr dizajn t komunikimit
n Archis Interventions. Bahkthemelues i TATIN Scoping
Complexity, pronar i TATIN Design Studio Berlin GmbH.

Thilo Fuchs, architect and media designer. Diplom Ingenieur,

Technical University, Berlin. Responsible for the communication design of Archis Interventions. Founding partner of TATIN
Scoping Complexity, owner of TATIN Design Studio Berlin




Puntoria Prishtina, dhjetor 2006. Identifikimi i shtjeve

urbane kye
Mbshtetur nga ERSTE Stiftung dhe Fondacioni Europian pr
Kompleksiteti i situats urbane n Prishtinn e paslufts sht
shqyrtuar dhe analizuar n nj studim prmes t cilit jan
identifikikuar prototipet e objekteve ilegale.

Prishtina Workshop, December 2006. Identifying Key Urban

Supported by ERSTE Stiftung and European Cultural Foundation.
The complexity of the postwar urban situation in Prishtina was
explored and analyzed in a study through which prototypes of
illegal buildings were identified.

Qyteti i s Ardhmes E ardhmja e Qytetit: Puntori dhe

ekspozit, dhjetor 2007. Prfshirja e studentve n shqyrtimin
e t ardhmes s qytetit
Mbshtetur nga fondi Franko-Gjerman pr kultur
Prototipet jan analizuar m tej me studentt e Fakultetit
t Arkitekturs, Universiteti i Prishtins. Synimi ishte q t
hulumtohen zgjidhjet e mundshme t problemit t ndrtimeve
joformale ndrkoh q t prmirsohet kualiteti i hapsirave
publike, mobiliteti, siguria dhe kohezioni social, n shtat lagje
t Prishtins. Jan punuar skenart negativ dhe pozitiv pr t
ilustruar rezultatin e nj intervenimi arkitektonik, respektivisht,
t pasivitetit apo mosintervenimit.

City of the future future of the city: Workshop and Exhibition, December 2007. Involving students in the future of the
supported by Franco-German Fund for Culture
Prototypes were further analyzed together with the students
of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Prishtina. The aim
was to come up with possible solutions to the problems of
informal constructions while improving the quality of public
spaces, mobility, safety and social cohesion in seven neighborhoods. Negative and positive scenarios were drawn up
to illustrate the outcome of an architectural intervention or no
action respectively.

Manuali pr legalizim. Puntori me komunn e Prishtins,

mars 2009. Strategjia p legalizime n Prishtin
Mbshtetur nga Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung dhe ERSTE Stiftung
M 2009 sht hartuar Manuali pr Legalizimin e Objekteve
t Ndrtuara pa Leje Ndrtimi. Manuali vendosi standardet
themelore minimale pr legalizimin e ojekteve ekzistuese, si
dhe konceptin pr zhvillimin e ktij procesi mjaft kompleks.

Manual on legalization. Workshop with the Municipality of

Prishtina, March 2009. a legalization strategy for Prishtina
Supported by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and ERSTE Stiftung
In 2009, we produced the Manual on the Legalization of
Structures Built without Building Permits. The manual sets up
basic minimal standards for legalization of existing structures,
and contains a concept for carrying out this highly complex

Prishtina - qyteti dinamik, tetor 2009. Strategjia pr t ardhmen e Prishtins.

Mbshtetur nga Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung dhe ERSTE Stiftung
Studimi konstaton se dija dhe edukimi jan faktort ky pr
zhvillimin e Prishtins n t ardhmen.


Prishtina - dynamic city. October 2009. A Strategy for the

Future of Prishtina.
Supported by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and ERSTE Stiftung
The study finds that Knowledge and education are the key
factors for the future development of Prishtina.

Prcjellja e procesit t legalizimit, puntorit: nntor 2010,

tetor 2011
Mbshtetur nga Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung dhe ERSTE Stiftung
Prcjellja e procesit t legalizimit n bashkpunim me administratn e qytetit dhe t arkitektve e profesionistve t tjer.
N baz t rekomandimeve t AI/Prishtina sht themeluar
Sektori pr legalizim n kuadr t Komuns s Prishtins.

Follow up of the legalization process,: workshops November

2010, October 2011
Supported by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and ERSTE Stiftung
The follow up of the legalization process was undertaken
jointly with city administration and architect and other related
professionals. A sector for legalization was founded based on
recommendations of AI/Prishtina.

Leja e legalizimit vs. Leja e ndrtimit, Puntori, tetor 2011.

Implementimi i strategjis pr legalizim
Mbshtetur nga Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung dhe ERSTE Stiftung
Analizuam tri blloqe urbane n tri zona t ndryshme t qytetit
t cilat kan plan rregullues dhe ofruam skenare pozitive dhe
negative t zhvillimit, si dhe instruksione koncize pr trajtimin e
secilit objekt dhe hapsir t lir n blloqet urbane t analizuara.

Legalization permit vs. Planning permit, Workshop, October

2011. Implementing the Strategy for legalization
Supported by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and ERSTE Stiftung
We analyzed 3 urban blocks in three different city areas which
are covered by regulatory plans and provided good and bad
development scenarios as well as concise instructions on
how to deal with each and every building and open space.

Auditimi i qndrueshmris sociale n Prishin, shtator 2012shkurt 2013

Me iniciativn e Banks Botrore pr Qytetet e Qndrueshme,
koordinuar nga Instituti pr Zhvillimin Urban Ndrkombtar
(I2UD) dhe Instituti pr Zhvillimin e Vendbanimeve Co-PLAN
Qllimi i Auditimit Social ishte rritja e njohurive dhe
ndrgjegjsimit lidhur me llogaridhnien sociale n mes t
palve si dhe fuqizimi i integritetit t shrbimeve publike.
Fokus i veant ishte vlersimi i mekanizmave aktual t llogaridhnies sociale si dhe diskutimi i mundsive dhe pengesave
pr zhvillimin e qasjeve t reja dhe mjete t bazuara n TIK
(Teknologji e informimit dhe komunikimit) me qllim t prmirsimit t aspekteve t qeverisjes kolaborative n nivel t


Social sustainability audit Prishtina, September 2012- February 2013

under the World Banks Sustainable Cities Initiative, coordinated by Institute for International Urban Development (I2UD)
and Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development
The objective of Social Audit was to increase knowledge and
awareness of social accountability among city stakeholders
and to strengthen the integrity in public service. A specific
focus was to assess the current social accountability mechanisms in place and discuss opportunities and constraints to
develop new approaches and ICT tools to improve collaborative governance aspects at the city level.

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