What Is The Scientific Consensus On The Rate of Global Warming and Its Causes-1

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Analysis of the Of Global Warming And Its Causes?

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Various observable environmental changes, directly and indirectly, affecting human beings
are witnessed in the contemporary world. One characteristic of living things is irritability. It
refers to the ability of human beings to react to changes in the environment in response to
manmade or natural stimuli. This means any damage to the environment affects the activities
of human beings. Global warming is one of the environmental damages affecting human
beings. It is a menace to the serene existence of man and the environment. This has prompted
a scientific research on the causes of global warming to find a lasting solution. However,
controversies has emerged from the process because one side claims that global warming is
caused by nature whereas the other side claims that global warming is caused by activities of
human beings. This means that there exist scientific controversies on the causes of global
warming that ought to be explained for clarity. This paper explores this controversy.

Global warming is a phenomenon that was not realized until in later in 1980s. Since 1980s,
there has been a considerable rise global temperature prompting the intervention of expert.
The rise has destabilized the geographical calendar and balance thereby leading to various
issues such as floods, and rising ocean level among many. This has prompted various
researches in the causes of global warming so as to correct the issue. Many postulations have
been put forward to oppose or propose man or nature as responsible for global warming. In
2001, a body called an integrated panel on climatic change (IPCC) came up conclusions on
the causes of global warming. In the first, place, IPCC noted that global temperature are
increasing at the rate of 0.17oC per decade. The increase is projected to have started in 1980s.
In addition, IPCC noted that temperature the since the start of the 19th century, the world had
generally experienced a temperature increase of 0.8oC. Based on this findings, IPCC
concluded that the rising temperature phenomena is termed as global warming and is caused
by the activities of human beings. Since the start of 19th century, industrial activities have

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heightened thereby causing a release of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. This means
that human beings are responsible for causing global warming.
The findings and conclusions by IPCC were not received with finality. In 2008, the Heartland
Institute from Chicago published their findings claiming that the global warming was the
result of nature but not human being. Using various scientific findings, the organization
claimed that global warming is not a new occurrence in the world as it was there even during
the medieval period. They cited various proofs to explain their thoughts. The conference in
Heartland Institute from Chicago also claimed that global warming is not a global disaster as
claimed by IPCC. Shifts in the earths orbit in the past have caused major changes in earths
climate. The Sahara desert for instance has been reported by many scientists to have been a
fertile land which transformed to a desert following a change of the earths orbit. In the
process of the shift, the amount of sunlight received by that region of Africa turned it to a
desert. This orbital tilt is said to fluctuate between 22 and 25 degrees in an estimation of
every 41,000 years. This is a natural occurrence but it has adverse changes to the climate.
Scientist report that apart from causing climate changes like the one that occurred in Africa,
this orbital tilt may end up changing the earths axial tilt. In such case, global temperatures
will rise leading to global warming.
Being a credible panel of scholars, their views cannot be ignored and have thus
sparked debate on what is really responsible for global warming. The two scientific bodies
differ on various points as highlighted in the next section.

The disagreement on the causes of global warming has also been based on the prediction
made in 1970s about the coming of the ice age. Astronauts predicted that there will be
another major ice age in the future. The prediction is based on the observations that the world
has traditionally been undergoing a longer period of ice followed by a short period of
warmness. It can therefore be said that the world is now at the warmness phase and will be
experience the ice period later. If this prediction is true, then it goes against the findings of
IPCC because the world cannot experience cases of rising temperatures when it is expected
that that ice age will come.

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Although the world has experienced ice age and same intermittent period of warmness, the
idea of the coming of the new ice age has been misunderstood. In fact, it is a creation from
the media. It is true that the temperature of the earth rose from 1920 up to around 1970s when
it cooed by a small margin. According to the information from World Almanac Books (51),
scientists predicted a possibility of an ice age. However, the matter was later resolved
scientifically and no ice age is being anticipated. The cooling temperatures experienced in
1970s were attributed to the cooling effects of aerosols in the atmosphere. At the same time,
the cooling effect was not widespread as the case of global warming. This means that global
warming is a real phenomenon that has been caused by the activities of human beings.

The first argument on the causes of global warming is based on the past global warming
statistics witnessed before life on earth. Following the medieval activities that caused a rise
in the earths temperatures, scientific disagreements have come up about global warming
causes. Those opposed to man as the cause of global warming argue that the earth is not
warming now, but it has been doing it even during the medieval times. Science agrees to this
but still it has not been defined scientifically if the same phenomena can recur or not. This is
because one side holds that global warming is natural as it has been in gone days and it is
today. The argument here is that because the earth has been warming up in gone days, the
same can also occur in the contemporary world. In the 10th and 14th century, a localized earth
warming was experienced in some parts of Europe. This localized warming is part of the
medieval rise in temperature that is argued that it can repeat. Even though there is a scientific
resemblance of the medieval global warming and the current global warming, the medieval
warm duration did not occur worldwide even though the earth was said to have been warming
considerably. IPCC reports that the temperatures at that time were not as high as today. There
must be some things that are happening differently in the current generation as opposed to
mediaeval times that are causing higher temperatures. Since human activities have heightened
in the contemporary generation, they are responsible for the production of greenhouse gases
causing global warming.
Another disagreement results from the fact that Science cannot prove that global
warming is not caused by natural occurrences and thus there is no way bodies such, as IPCC
can hold that global warming is caused solely by human beings. This means the argument
that global warming is caused by nature cannot be disputed unless through scientific
explanation. Although it might be hard to prove, this may be a misguiding idea. Science has
provided all possible causes of global warming and eliminated them one after the other until
manmade causes remained as the threats to earth warming. This means that even though it is
not possible to prove scientifically that global warming is not caused by nature, elimination

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methods eliminates all other causes and thus remains with man as the cause of global
One fact from the global warming debate is that greenhouse gases are responsible for causing
global warming. Manmade activities produce greenhouse gases. At the same time, nature has
greenhouse gases and thus it has contributed to the warming of global temperature in the
medieval times and even now. However, it should be noted that since the start of the 20th
century, global warming has heightened as a result of increased human activities. Human
activities, such as industrialization emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that trap
heat causing increased earth warming. This is a scientifically proved truth therefore it is a fact
that cannot be refuted. Green gases existed way before the age of man, but there effects were
not felt as it is the case today. This is because the world had a uniform way of eliminating
excess gases. Therefore it is mans activity that has interfered with the balanced way of
eliminating gases. This means that human activities are responsible for global warming.

Works cited
Ferguson, Bob and Christopher Monckton. "No scientific consensus about
global warming"." 2009. An Honest Climate Debate. 21 March 2013
Herath, Anuradha. "The Climate Change Debate: Man vs. Nature." Astrobiology
Magazine 05 Oct 2011: 1-10.
IPCC. "Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report." 2007. Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC). 25 July 2012

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Nicolas, Nierenberg, Tschinkel Walter and Tschinkel Victoria. "Early Climate
Change Consensus at the National Academy: The Origins and Making of
Changing Climate." Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 40.3 (2010): 318
Nielsen-Gammon, John. "An Inconvenient Truth: the scientific argument." Geo
Journal 70 (2007): 2126.
Nolan Chart. "Global Warming Man Made or Natural Cycle?" 2008. Nolan Chart.
21 March 2013 <http://www.nolanchart.com/article4029-global-warming-manmade-or-natural-cycle.html>.

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