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Adele Jarrett

F15.UWRT1103 - Caruso-Combined201580
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Thursday, October 22 Sources Discussion Forum (037) Anna Miszkiewicz

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Anna Miszkiewicz

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Anna Miszkiewicz
by Anna Miszkiewicz - Monday, 26 October 2015, 10:56 PM
Conformation bias is searching for information that confirms your original thoughts and supports
your stance and not looking into any information on the opposing side. Conformation bias is
easy to fall to when one feels so strongly about something. By searching for information to only
support one side, you are not gaining any truth in the actual topic. My topic has a lot of
conformation bias within research. Many articles only contain one side and do not even bother
to give an explanation on any other interpretations. I have no true opinion on my topic and I am
truly trying to find more information and be enlightened on something that I had no previous
knowledge on. There was the original fear that I may only search and side with one particular
side but my topic has no much information on both sides that I have not been involved in
conformation bias.

Sources come from many dierent locations, some being harder to find than others. Information
that is harder to find is usually more in depth and reliable, while sources that are easier to find
may not always contain accurate information. Information from online sources are not always
reliable due to the fact that almost anyone has the ability to create a website with information of
their choice. On the other hand, medical journals and published articles contain accurate
information because they are usually reviewed before they are placed out in the world. When
doing research it is often dicult and requires more work when using information from sources
that are scholarly. Since many of my original sources came from websites, I will need to do
further research knowing that much of my information is not exactly reliable.
The sources that I have found are considered to be scholarly sources that include reliable
information. The first source that I found was regarding the trends in generic and name brand
medications. The source contained a direct comparison of the drugs in dierent fields such as
cost and prescription numbers. This source lacked in detail and explanation of the charts that
were provided. If the charts contained a detailed explanation, the source would have much more
useful information. The second source talked about how developed countries such as China are
pushed to purchase name brand drugs since they are often advertised and that developing
countries often use generic drugs since they cannot aord the name brand counterpart. The
sources are not directly connected to one another because each source contains information on
dierent topics. Throughout my research I have discovered that much of the information is
directly related and contains similar theories. The articles leave only some questions
unanswered, but the unanswered questions are helpful when trying to dig deeper into the inquiry.


603 words

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Re: Anna Miszkiewicz

by Adele Jarrett - Tuesday, 27 October 2015, 12:03 AM


Anna, it is great that you do not take part in any confirmation bias for this new project! It is
hard to stray away from being bias in almost anything. In the previous project I found myself
being bias from the start which made writing my paper much more dicult when trying to be
critical of the sources on both sides. Therefore, I am glad to see that you take no part in
confirmation bias for your topic even after you researched non scholarly sources in the
previous project. Maybe at the end of this project with scholarly sources you will lean more
towards one side. I am excited to see what will happen!
I see that you are looking deep into your sources and being critical of them which
is good. For example, you said that the first source lacked in detail and explanation of the
charts that were provided. This shows that you did not try to interpret the chart in your own
and easy way but instead you are taking true concern. Being curious, critical and obtaining a
desire to learn about your topic will lead you to conduct a great variety of research.
197 words

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