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Sarah Ghile

Letter for Permission

Green Light Studios
45-65 Oaks Lane,
Newbury Park, Ilford,
Essex IG2 7PQ

Monday 18th August 2015

234 Eastern Avenue
Newbury Park,
Dear Lula Ghile
I am writing in request for your permission for Green Light Studios to film within your
home specifically in the hallway and bathroom, during the week of 15th October.
We are A2 students, currently creating a 5 minute short film as part of our course. Our
production team is made up of 4 people, I Ayan Magudia, will be directing our sort film,
and I am working alongside Sarah Ghile and Ben Bateman. Our film is about a young girl
struggling in life, she abuses alcohol, and drugs and also self-harms. We aim to raise
awareness for the issues of self-harm and depression amongst teens and hope our short
film will be a production that does help generate awareness.
I can assure you, the address of your premises will not be specified at any point during
the film and we can assure you that we will abide by your house rules and cause no
disturbance. We will not need to use any of the equipment or items within your home.
We will be brining necessary equipment and props to the site, and removing them
Please consent your permission by signing in the indicating space below.


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