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What Is Business Communication?

by Joey Papa, Demand Media

Society, business and technology are all dependent on effective communication. W
ithout effective communication there is confusion, dissatisfaction and misunders
tandings. In order to operate a business appropriately, one must understand the
basics of business communication and its essential role in creating success. Bus
iness communication is any form of communication, verbal or nonverbal, that is u
sed to relay a message, promote a product or service or share information.
Business to Business
The first aspect of business communication is business to business. This is any
communication that is done from one business to another. For example, if you own
a coffee shop and you hire a merchant service company to process your credit ca
rds, any communication between the two businesses is considered business-to-busi
ness communication. Business-to-business relationships are vital for a strong an
d successful business and can help strengthen your bottom line.
Business to Employees
Another form of business communication is business-to-employee communication. Th
is is any corporate communication, whether it is information, correction or enco
uragement. Most businesses leave this type of communication to the human resourc
es department for clarity and effective execution. Effective communication to em
ployees is crucial to prevent misunderstandings and promote unity of thought and
process throughout the entire organization.
Related Reading: Role Play Ideas for Business Communication
Interdepartmental Communication
One of the greatest downfalls of management on a corporate level is the inabilit
y of the various departments to communicate effectively. For example, how many t
imes have you called a customer service department to talk about an issue that w
as resolved in another department? When interdepartmental communication is ineff
ective it affects the customer and the employees. A communication breakdown betw
een two departments makes the business appear incompetent.
Business to the Public
Communication to the public is typically in the form of promotion or advertising
and can be very effective in generating new clientele. Other forms of communica
tion to the public are public relations and media coverage and corporate stateme
nts. When communicating to the public a business must be very careful to ensure
the proper message is being understood. Public communication must be simple to u
nderstand and cannot have hidden messages or some of the public may find themsel
ves confused.
Businesses must keep in mind that the choices they make are sending nonverbal me
ssages to their employees and the public. For example, in 2004, Starbucks refuse
d to sell coffee specifically for the troops because it didn t agree with the war
in Iraq. This backfired on the company because the nonverbal message was interpr
eted as, we don t support our country. Any action or inaction will send nonverbal me
ssages that can be used against any business.
References (2)
Resources (1)
About the Author
Joey Papa lives in the Tampa

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