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December 2015
Greetings from fr. Chuck
I never was a Boy Scout

shortcomings. And some might

but I like their motto, Be

say it went downward from

Prepared. Thats not a new


I enjoy the holiday spirit
that goes with this time of year. I

message by the way, Jesus said

Be Prepared.

it, the Prophets, said it, Advent

How you might ask, well me, I

gifts and the feeling of love and

shouts it out. Be prepared for

am planning to take a holiday

hope that fills the air. Thats fine


after the Holy Days of Advent

to a point.

Before Christmas itself

love the parties, the giving of

and Christmas. Yep, after this

We are Christians. You

was observed in 336AD, there

sacred season of Advent, I am

and I follow a Savior, and that

was a church season that ran

going on a holiday. I want to

makes us different. We have a

from November 11 to January 6.

spoil myself and Donna with

wonderful story to share. A

Sorry, no shopping sprees but a

time away from the ordinary,

different view of the world and

kind of winter Lent with

Footloose, fancy free, and maybe an outlook filled with hope and

emphasis on self-denial and

carefree for a short time.

preparation for Baptism. And it

But right now, I am

wasnt until the sixth century

planning on preparing during

that the church began to

this Holy Season of Advent by

celebrate Christmas as a joyful

nurturing my spiritual side.

time for the entry of Christ into

Taking time to prepare for

the world tempered by a

slowing down and pointing my

recognition of our sins and

Garmin towards the Bethlehem

possibility. How will you

A Holy Advent and
Blessed Christmas to you!

Moving through advent to Christmas

We begin Advent a

day. And this year it

Bible stories leading up to

new church year on Sunday, certainly appears that the

the birth and you will hear of

November 29. During this

hurting, needing world is in

people who acted in hope,

time we wait as if holding

need for the Christ child to

and who lived differently

our breath for what we

be born.

because God told them to be

know will arrive on

We are all longing for different. God inspired!

December 25. We will make a different world. A world of

time during Advent to

peace, hope, joy and love.

prepare to celebrate that

During Advent listen to the

What are you

waiting for this Advent?

Page 2

W o r s h i p

O p p o r t u n i t i e s

Our Sunday Worship Schedule December

Starts at 9:30am

a t

E m m a n u e l

Christmas to-do list

When the song of the angels is stilled, When
the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and princes are home,
When the shepherds are back with their
The work of Christmas begins:
to find the lost,
to heal the broken
to feed the hungry,
to release the prisoner,
to rebuild the nations,
to bring peace among brothers,
to make music in the heart.
-Howard Thurman

December 6: Holy Eucharist, Rite I

December 13: Holy Eucharist Rite II
December 20: Morning Prayer : Holy Eucharist
Rite II
December 24: 8:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Service
December 27: Holy Eucharist Rite II
You are cordially invited to worship with us.
Please call 334-8801
for details or to arrange a ride.

from the
Eve of
until the
Baptism of
Our Lord

Christmas Eve Music Schedule

At 7:30 PM on Christmas Eve Emmanuel will present Christmas music performed by the adult choir and several of the young
people and children of the church. This is a time to come together and share in the wonderful hymns and carols of the
Christmas season. We encourage everyone to come early and be a part of this most holy of times, celebrating the birth of our
Lord and Savior.
Blessings to all this Advent season,
-Claudia Kachmarik, Music Director at Emmanuel Episcopal Church



1st Lesson

Jeremiah 33:14-16



2nd Lesson

1 Thessalonians 3:9-13


Luke 21:25-36



1st Lesson

Micah 5:2-5a


Luke 1:46b-55 or
Psalm 80: 1-7

2nd Lesson

Hebrews 10:5-10


Luke 1:39-45 (46-55)

1st Lesson

Baruch 5:1-9 or Malachi 3: 1-4



Luke 1:68-79

24 &

1st Lesson

Isaiah 9:2-7

2nd Lesson

Philippians 1:3-11





Luke 3:1-6




2nd Reading Titus 2:11-14


Luke 2:1-14, (15-20)

1st Lesson

Zephaniah 3:14-20



Isiah 12:2-6

27 1st Lesson 1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26

2nd Lesson

Philippians 4:4-7




Luke 3:7-18

2nd Lesson

Colossians 3:12-17


Luke 2:41-52

Page 3



2 John Sayko; Benjamin Dye;
Nancylee Gridley; Richard Lindner.
3 Trevin Cruz
4 George Denning
5 Holly Sullivan
7 Cody Gebo; Ian May
8 John Shepler

11 Nancy Dye
12 Connor Suspensky
14 Helen Donahe

25 Joseph Harris; Lorraine Jenkins

17 Michelle Campbell

27 Marshall Morris

18 Sarah Prindle; Vaughn Labor

29 Deborah Hitchcock; Jennifer Fink

19 Saralyn Reynolds

30 Shaun Zampetti

20 Patricia Brookins

31 Pete Smith

9 Morgan Rogers;
Dave & Kai Loomis

22 Gina Denning; Peter Miers

10 Thomas Mason

24 Patricia McAvoy: Patricia White;

William Hitchcock; Scott Campbell

Welcome and attached

According to research conducted by the Barna Group, the
holidays are tough for people who arent connected to faith
communities or other civic groups. They feel isolated by
experiences that bring other joy, such as giving gifts, singing
carols and attending religious services and parties.
In past decades, writes George Barna, there was an
assumption that the holidays were a time when outsiders might
explore church life, These days, however, churches and other
religious are not seen as safe or value-adding places by most
outsiders. They see little reason to attend seasonal events,
especially since those events often highlight their outsider

Sent: Delivering the

Gift of Hope at
Beginning December 1,
2015 The Rev. Lisa Busby will hold an Advent
Series at St. Matthews Church in South New
Berlin at noon. Brown Bag lunch!

A note of thanks dated 10/26/15

This Christmas, how can you help someone feel welcome and
attached at your church?

to Mike & Cathy
Gray on the birth
of Riley Scott
Gray born
October 14, 2015
9lbs. 4 oz. 21 3/4

On behalf of the Madrigal Choir, Thank you for your

kind hospitality, and that of your parishioners, at last Saturdays
concert. We all enjoyed singing for the appreciative audience,
and the delicious dinner beforehand was above and beyond!
All of the choir members I spoke with enjoyed the
experience. We hope to do it again sometime.
Regards, Earl R. Westerland,
President, Board of Directors

The Church Office will be CLOSED

Dec. 24th & Dec. 25th.


Page 4

Recipe: Soft Christmas Cookies

3 3/4 cups all-purpose flour

1 1/2 cups sugar

1 tsp baking powder

2 eggs

1/2 tsp salt

2 tsp vanilla extract

1 cup margarine, softened

1. Sift flour, baking powder & salt together, set aside. In large
bowl, cream together the margarine & sugar until light & fluffy.
Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla. Gradually
blend in the sifted ingredients until fully absorbed. Cover dough,
chill for 2 hours.
2. Preheat oven to 400 . Grease cookie sheets. On a clean
floured surface, roll out small portions of chilled dough to 1/4
thickness. Cut out shapes using cookie cutters.
3. Bake 6-8 minutes in the preheated oven, or until edges are
barely brown. Remove from cookie sheets to cool on wire racks.

Demoleigh Jordyn Dunagan will

be baptized here on December
20, 2015. Her parents are Crystal
Violet Schader and Jorden Lee

STEWARDSHIP 2016: Many gathered for

worship and coffee hour on Stewardship
Sunday, November 15, 2015. The day
was filled with wonderful stories by Amy
Spittler, Claudia Kachmarik, Gary
Tompkins and Pete Smith. They shared
touching vignettes from their personal
faith journey and how important the
church has been and why they joyfully
give of themselves to make Emmanuel a
place of ministry and hospitality. Thank
you everyone for all you do for
Emmanuel. Have you remembered
your pledge card for 2016?

Rev. Lisa Busbys Ordination

will be December 12, 2015 at
3:00 p.m. at St. Andrews
Church in New Berlin.

Page 5


Remember that candy commercial declaring, Big things

come in small packages? The prophets message to tiny
Bethlehem is similar: Though you are small among the
clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will
be ruler over Israel (Micah 5:2, NIV).
Weve all felt too small for a certain role: too little to play
with the big kids too skinny to make the football team
short on the skills needed for a choice assignment.
Perhaps we fear our gift of money is too little to make a
difference, or the small amount of time we can volunteer
isnt even worth it.
But God brings big things out of small packages. From
a newborn baby merely six to eight pounds of helplessness God brought salvation for the whole world.
Rest assured, hell do big things through you, too.

Please consider helping beautify the church this Christmas by

donating poinsettias. Send a donation to the church office by
December 18, 2015. It can be in memory or thanksgiving of
someone you have lost or cherish. Fill out this form and include
it with your donation. Thank You!

Emmanuel Soul Kitchen

The Outreach commission of Emmanuel is offering and
sponsoring A FREE Community Dinner on
Thursday, December 10 at 5:30pm.
Thanks to Charlie McMullen, Chief Chef, and his crew of
volunteers along with others who volunteered to setup,
serve or clean up, many are talking about the meals and are
thankful to Emmanuel for their generosity.
If you would like to assist and be a part of this outreach
endeavor, please contact Fr. Chuck or the Church Office to
be placed on a volunteer list.
The Dates for the upcoming dinners for 2016 are :
January 7th, February 11th, March 11th, and April 8th.
Thanksgiving Ministries at Emmanuel a
Huge Success
Emmanuel Hosted a Free Community
Dinner on Thanksgiving day. Thanks to the
efforts of Gary Brookins, Tim Thompson, Charlie
McMullen, Bernie Dye, and a host of other
volunteers, we served a little over 400 meals. Of
these meals about 65-70 were actual sit down
meals and the remainder were delivered meals
or take outs. We are fortunate to have so many
wonderful volunteers to serve the dinner, deliver
meals, and clean up. And Thank You to those
who supplied pies that were served for dessert
with the dinners.
Emmanuel also gave out 100
Save-A-Lot gift cards to families in need to use
for their Thanksgiving meal. These gift cards
were given out on the Friday before
Thanksgiving and we wish to thank the two
volunteers, Lynne Walton and Van Mason for
making themselves available to hand out the gift
cards and see that all distribution ran smoothly.

D e c e m b e r


2 0 1 5



Fr. Chuck Taylor

PO Box 370
New Berlin, NY 13411
Editor: Fran Nash
Phone: 607-334-8801

Were on the Web!

Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015

Pork Dinner with side dish, Roll,
Beverage & Dessert.



To Know Christ And To Make Him Known!

Remember the Church in Your Will!

Our Daily Bread Food Pantry continues to see a

high level of need. Thank you for your past, present, and
future support! As the holiday season approaches, our monetary
needs are particularly important. If you wish to make a
contribution, monetary contributions may be sent to Our Daily
Bread Food Pantry, P.O. Box 813, 37 West Main St.,
Norwich, NY 13815.
Foods items for December
Week of December 1 - Canned chicken or tuna
Week of December 6 - Canned fruit
Week of December 13 - Canned vegetables
Week of December 20 - Boxed Macaroni & Cheese,
potato flakes, etc.
Week of December 27 -Juice
The Food Pantry will be closed December 23 & December 25.
Thank you for your continued support!
Barb and Gary Tompkins

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