Sound Formulae Sheet

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The Ear


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When power stops, W=0

po2 is the initial mean square when t=0

Reverberation is the time taken for SPL to fall 60 dB from its
initially steady value.


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Noise Measurement Analysis

Phons- SPL at 1000Hz
Double value loudness= double Value sone

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P: internal perimeter; S: CSA of air flow

Limitations: accuracy about
, Freq range: 250-2000Hz,
, Circular ducts D>0.15m, Rectangular w/h<1m,
Eyring-Norris; assume c=343m/s
0.5<w/h=2.0. use splitter and thicker and better material

(Shape,F): (cube,3.5), (cylinder H=D, 4.2), (sphere,6),

(hemisphere,4.5), (normal rooms,4)


L10 is the noise exceed 10% of the time


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1D Sound Wave
Assumptions: Mean Pressure and Density are constant in
time and space. There is a zero mean flow in the pipe or duct.
The pressure fluctuations are very (very) small. Thus, small
velocity and density fluctuations. The processes are
isentropic and the perfect gas laws apply.

Optimum TR by Stephens and Bate
K is 4 for speech, 5 for orchestras, 6 for choirs


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Q is 1 for centre of room, 2 for centre of wall, 4 for

intersection of wall, 8 for corner

Impedance tube



Pulsating Sphere
Assumptions: Velocity at surface=particle velocity of air in
contact with surface

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Increasing R, Little effect on distant receiver (direct field) but

large effect on reverberant field
SIL-arithmetic average at 1kHz, 2kHz, 4kHz
Reverberation chamber
In steady state, power entering through specimen= power
dissipated in receiving room

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To find power

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Transmission of Sound through Walls

Assume sound directed perpendicular to wall

Sound Propagation

at resonance wm = k/w, at mass region wm dominate

Silencer reactive-reflect, resistive-dissipate


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To draw graph, firstly, calculate Field Transmission loss using

mass law at 20Hz. Follow 6dB/octave to plateau height. Use
frequency ratio x read frequency. Follow 10dB/
6db/octave=6/lg 2 dB/dec

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m is mass per unit area, h is thickness

At angle approach

Sound in Rooms

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Acceptable Noise Level

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Type1-residential, Type 2- business, type3-heavy industry


N is no of aircraft, NNI of 20 lil annoyance, 40 moderate

annoyance, 50 much annoyance
Noise Exposure Forcast<20-30 NN no of night flight

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t is time PNL within 10db of the peak, F=3

Extra Notes
Six types of silencer
1) Absorptive Silencer
-most common
-contains absorptive material to absord reflected

If not, noise limit=zoning limit

Noise Source


P is in cm of H2O


Flow Noise in Ducts

Lined Bend
-Force to change direction and lose energy, with Designing Roof: gaps in corrugated roof filled
absorptive material present.
Designing Common (ceiling +floor)
Plenum Chamber
Floated floor with plaster ceiling .
-combination of 2&4; changes in direction causes
energy loss, with absorptive material use for
machine enclosure

Expansion chamber
reduce sound by reflection of sound wave back to
Designing Room
source to cancel out each other
Increase to reduce RT by making space: reducing
5) Reactive resonator
Electric Motor Noise
suspended ceiling/wall/door. Usage of heavy curtains, sound
diffusive panel and sound absorption panel to direct noise
Spurs Gear Noise at 1m
and eliminate noise for all frequency. Use individual branch
feed ventilation for each room. Increasing the room
Jet Noise; peaks at strouhal number =0.2
absorption will only affect reverberant field (close) and not
6) Diffuser
direct field (far). Partial enclosure is more effect in the near
Emit gases at high pressure/velocity
field. Partial with top enclosure can help direct field.
7) Side branch resonator (1/4wave reson.)
Trigonometry Identity
Employee enclosure
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Most cost effective and prominent. In the event acccess is
need, increase the pressure of the room by means of
increasing temperature, pumping air by exhaust. Enclosure

should enclose the source as much as possible and have

adequate stiffness and damping and uniform mass and away
Train Noise
from resonance with no cracks and be lined on the inside
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with sound absorbing materials. Use composite silencer.
Types: 1) localised (silencer/sheet metal &wire mesh cover).
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2) Partial (sound absorbing baffles, 1 side open with another
Truck-Diesel Engine Noise
side close)increase room pressure 3) Complete (control
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room, floor plate isolated from machinery)-close fitting,
Ambient noise is the measurement of all noise including the
B is bore of engine cylinder in cm
provide structural damping, keep resonance away from
offending noise. Background noise is the L90 without the
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frequency that required insertion loss
( ) Factors: 1) Transmission loss of wall 2) Surface area of wall 3)presense of the offending noise. Leq is equivalent noise
without the presence of offending noise. Specific noise is the
Trucks-tyre noise from 15m
Temperature and absorption coefficient of source and
logarithmic subtraction os ambient and residual. Rating level
( )
receiver 4) location, size, machine, accessibility, visibility
is adjustment made to the specific noise. Tonal noise:
V is speed (km/h), N is number of asles, L is load per type (kg)Health Hazard due to Loud Noise Exposure
containing a prominent frequency and characterised by a
B tyre thread Pattern (36,neutral) (30,cross lug)
Permitted level is
( ) and
definite pitch.
Traffic Noise
( ). Over exposure may cause temporary hearing
White noise is the sound sound containing all audible
impairment and Tinnitus and Noise Induced Hearing Loss. frequencies at equal intensity. Pink noise sound containing
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Under exposure may cause stress and raise blood pressure all audible frequencies at equal intensity.
Q is flow rate(vehicles/hr), d is distance from centre line (m),
and heart rate.
A-weigthing scale that designed to simulate the response of
v is mean speed (m/s), p is % of heavy vehicles
Designing the source
the human ear. It is less effective for noise dominated by
In designing, isolation of noisy component (ie flywheel),
low-frequency content or for very loud sources of noise. Bpreferential assembly (weld>bolts>rivet). In machinery,
weighthing is used by the motor industry for many years.
regular maintenance and lubrication is expected.
Basic noise level at 10m from freeway
The B-weighting was more critical of lower frequencies than
Replacement of bearings, conveyer belt, using improved
the A-weighting network. C-weigthing is commonly used for
gears (helical>spurs) are common solutions. In operation,
high level measurements and peak SPL. A used for general
avoiding metal-metal contact by using dampers, avoid
purpose but C correlates better with hum response to high
unbalanced force, ensure steady flow, control speed,reduce noise.D-weighting developed for measuring high level
rate of force also means avoid impulse force for less
aircraft noise especially non-bypass military engine.
( ) annoyance due to less fundamental resonant frequency,
L10 measure of the peaks in the noise and how annoying
enclose machine. Generally, a smaller source(<lambda),
the noise is, L90 background noise, L50 measure the average
decreasing amplitude and increasing distance will help
or mean noise level. Leq, continuous equivalent noise level:
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reduce noise. Using panels vibrating out of phase and lightly level of a steady noise which would contain the same
Noise Control
damped (constrained layer damping) can reduce noise.
acoustic energy, relevant when considering hearing damage
Nominal reduction of 6 dB per doubling of distance for point Designing Transmission Path
from exposure to noise vary time.
and 3dB for line source.
(air borne & structure borne)
SEL = Leq + 10 log T (seconds).
65<Noise Pollution Level<75
Common solutions include distancing, noise barrier,
Effective Noise Level: level depending on Duration:
absorbing material on noise barrier, usage of soundoffending noise only exist for short period time, Tonal
Traffic Noise Index
absorbing baffles and acoustic silencer. Dense and heavy
component: impulsive noise having a high peak of short
wall make a good barrier but poor sound absorber.
duration or a sequence of such peaks, Intermittency:
Day-Night Level L
Notes on Personal Hearing Protector
intermittent noise the level suddenly drops to that of the
Must be worn at all times as removal of 15min would be not background noise several times during the assessment
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effective. Long usage will contribute ear infection. Generally period and Reflection: measurement point above reflecting
Noise and Number Index F=(0.3,oct)(0.15,1/3oct)
causes discomfot and inconvenience and poses harm when surface.
Air Compressor


warning sound not heard. Administrative control such as

sign posting and notification to employee, job rotation and
audiometric testing and issue protected areas must be used
to comprehend usage.
Designing Door
A solid dense with sweep seal and gasketed perimeter is
expected. Double panel window can be used.
Designing Wall
Wall must be extend to true ceiling and sealed at ends with
gypsum. Wall is built with staggered studs and fibrous
insulation in cavity air space and double layer gypsum. Use
wall isolator if duct is connect to walls.

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