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who has the most videos on walter russell

Philosophy Forum Walter Russell who has the most videos on walter russell
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Wed 10 Oct, 2007 03:38 pm


hello. i am looking for these videos: (not anymore, Justin delivered them all!

T he Russell Years at Swannanoa - a T our of the Russell Art Gallery and Museum - produced by

A b eauti f ul v i deo tour of the Russel l ar t gal l er y /museum as i t w as f or the f i f ty y ear s that Sw annanoa Pal ac e w as the home of The U ni v er si ty of Sc i enc e
and Phi l osophy . A s w el l as c aptur i ng the b eauty of the Russel l ar t-w or k and the mar b l e pal ac e i tsel f , the v i deo i s an hi stor i c doc umentati on of the home
of W al ter and Lao Russel l dur i ng the l ast dec ades of thei r l i v es. - 40 mi nutes

the other video is called T he Inspiring Lives of Walter & Lao Russell - T heir Works and Words. length approx 16minutes?
anyone know the years these were produced?
does anyone have these in their ownership? any reviews of them? snapshots? could you convert them and post
them online? anything? (superfluous, already done)
both in total, would be somewhat close to an one hour long.
Since hardly anyone knows about the work of the Russell's, it would make sense for these to pop up on
googlevideo or youtube as soon as possible, would you not agree?
are there, perchance, other videos also? does anyone know of any others, directly related to walter russell and
lao russell? perhaps even a proper biography?
has anyone, in their possession the videos that timothy binder, toby grotz and ron kovac are lecturing in? they
have lectured for USPA/ISNE/IECEC/IANS .. these are the ones i can find for now. if anyone has any direct

proceedings, or full writings, audio, or video of these, could they please share them?
if you have any of these, but are unable to post them online, would you sell them to someone? would you even
give a review of their content? anything at all that would bring us closer to these videos would be nice.
it would be nice of course if we finally had some walter russell material available, so that many could find out
about the message of the divine iliad, the new re-print of the home study course (the 3rd edition, not the 4th
edition with the ..corrections by non-russells).. .. this would eventually lead to the creation of a walter russell
of course the bonus would be that once an alternative energy student reads the russellian cosmology and
understands it, this knowledge can be used to explain the devices and their outside-theorybooks functioning.

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Thu 11 Oct, 2007 08:51 am

Actually, it's funny you mention it. I'm in the process of getting both of these videos and we are in fact going to
convert them and publish them on YouTube and Google Video. I ordered them today and will publish them as
soon as they are converted to digital form. The quality isn't the greatest but that doesn't matter due to the
I will post back as soon as I get this all taken care of.


Thu 1 Nov, 2007 09:38 am

Justin wrote:
Actually, it's funny you mention it. I'm in the process of getting both of these videos and we are in fact
going to convert them and publish them on YouTube and Google Video. I ordered them today and will

publish them as soon as they are converted to digital form. The quality isn't the greatest but that doesn't
matter due to the content.
I will post back as soon as I get this all taken care of.

You ordered them in october? really eagerly waiting to see these.

...was going to buy these so i would finally see them.. having these added to googlevideo/youtube would be quite
a prize indeed.
i must admit i have not had the patience to listen through this: walter russell - because of the german accent.
would rather be listening to this person:


Thu 29 Nov, 2007 12:35 pm


rifling through old archives of USP gives this information:
Inspiring Lives of Walter and Lao Russell, VIDEO CASSETTE
Narrator: Eddie Albert Time: 17 minutes
Eddie Albert is your host as you take a visual tour of the art, sculpture, and literary works of this remarkable
couple. Scenes of the Swannanoa Palace, Christ Statue, and art exhibits will give you a delightful panorama of
the inspiring works of Walter and Lao Russell.

do you guys reckon this is produced by USP?

Tue 18 Dec, 2007 09:02 pm


Justin;4882 wrote:
Actually, it's funny you mention it. I'm in the process of getting both of these videos and we are in fact
going to convert them and publish them on YouTube and Google Video. I ordered them today and will
publish them as soon as they are converted to digital form. The quality isn't the greatest but that doesn't
matter due to the content.
I will post back as soon as I get this all taken care of.

thank you immensely justin!!

walter russell 3 videos posted


Wed 19 Dec, 2007 03:19 pm

ok, so maybe there will be video, or audio of, somewhere.. any idea where?
1992 27th IECEC, San Diego, CA: Toby Grotz:
The Use of Mirror Image Symmetry in Coil Winding, Applications and Advantages in
Magnetic Field Generation - Vol. 4, pp 4.311-4.313 - IECEC New Technology Area's Table of Contents

1992 27th IECEC, San Diego, CA: Toby Grotz, Tim Binder, and Ron Kovac:
Novel Means of Hydrogen Production Using Dual Polarity Control and Walter Russell's Experiments with Zero
Point Energy, Vol. 4, pp 4.339-4.344
1992 27th IECEC, San Diego, CA: Toby Grotz: Russell's Power Multiplication Principle Experiments
1992 USPA: Toby Grotz,
Mirror Image Symmetry in Coil Winding: A New Application for Both the Hard and Soft Sciences (1992) R9b
1992 USPA: Toby Grotz,
Hydrogen Production with Dual Control and W. Russell's Optical Dynamo Generator: Over Unity (1992) R12a
Annual INDEX of USPA Presentations
1992 USPA, Milwaukee: Toby Grotz: Transmutation Of Elements Using Dual Polarity Control And Walter
Russell's Experiments With An Over Unity Device" The video is available for $20.00 plus $3.00 shipping from:
USPA Tapes, 993 West 1800 North, Pleasant Grove, UT 84062, Phone: (810) 785-5130. Further information
may be obtained by contacting the author, Toby Grotz (303) 824-6834, or by writing to 820 Bridger Circle,
Craig, CO 81625
1992 2nd ISNE: Timothy A. Binder Walter Russell's Perspectives on Free Energy and the Russell Optical Dynamo Generator (P75-97) USPA VHS
1993 Timothy Binder gives a lecture in Lindeu, Switzerland, about Walter Russell - bringing Russell to the
knowledge of europeans.
1993 ISNE, Toby Grotz: Russell's Power Multiplication Principle Experiments
"Toby Grotz and his team are planning to replicate the energy experiments of Walter Russell. In the fall of 1959,
General Chapman, Colonel Fry, Major Sargent, Major Cripe, and others from NORAD in Colorado Springs,
attended a meeting at Swannanoa, Virginia (University Of Science And Philosophy) at the invitation of Walter
Russell. At this meeting Russell explained the workings of a device he proposed to build to take advantage of the
vacuum state energy, and the two directional movement of energy from gravitation, (generation), to radiation,
(degeneration). During the following year Russell, his wife, Lao, and their assistants built the device. The
prototype that was built consisted of two sets of dual and magnetically-sexed coils. On September 10, 1961,
Walter and Lao Russell reported to their contacts at NORAD, that the coils had worked and that the President of
the United States could announce to the world that a "greater, safer power than atomic energy" could be

provided for industry and transportation."

1993 ISNE, Timothy Binder: Russell's Nuclear-Magnetic Transmutation Experiments
"Tim Binder and his team have replicated the 1927 experiments of Walter Russell and have created fluorine
from pure water vapor using complex E-M field arrangements. This work validates Russell's theories about
nuclear structure and the proper arrangement of the Periodic Table of the Elements."
1993 IANS: Toby Grotz:
Working Models of Free Energy and Transmutations Systems - Proceedings IANS pp.169- 188.
1993 IANS: Timothy Binder: Transmutation of the Elements, A Modern Alchemical Team's Experiments with
the concepts of Walter Russell - Proceedings IANS pp.107-134.
1993 28th IECEC, Atlanta, GA: Timothy Binder: Walter Russell's Innovative Concepts as the Basis for an
Alternative View on Radioactivity Induced Oxygen - Ozone Depletion and Food Chain Pollution; and as the
Basis for Alternative Fuels, Materials, Energy Production,
and Radioactive Waste Cleanup, Vol. 2, pp 2.297-2.302



Wed 19 Dec, 2007 03:20 pm

please do realize that i am not sure if kovac, binder and grotz will add anything that isnt already obvious from
home study course + secret of light + universal one + atomic suicide.
however, for the sake of completeness i would love to see these. im not holding my breath..


Thu 17 Jan, 2008 08:57 am

edited the mentions of videos to link to the videos, hope this somehow helps, not sure.


Mon 21 Apr , 2008 08:04 pm

hello guy new here but seen you are talking about walter russell i to am intrested in hydrogen production using
dual polarity i have not been able tofind much info on this do you have any suggestions were i can get some info
thank you james

Peace phil

Sun 17 Jan, 2010 05:05 am

Actually I went through Esa's list and discovered some problems:
1992 27th IECEC, San Diego, CA: Toby Grotz: Russell's Power Multiplication Principle Experiments

Actually there is no such article in the 1992 IECEC. Probabely the following article is meant "Novel Means of
Hydrogen Production Using Dual Polarity Control and Walter Russell's Experiments with Zero Point Energy",
which is also indicated.

1992 USPA, Milwaukee: Toby Grotz: Transmutation Of Elements Using Dual Polarity Control And
Walter Russell's Experiments With An Over Unity Device"

I couldn't find anything like that in the list. I also asked the USPA service and they also didn't know of this
article...So where do you have this reference from?
1992 2nd ISNE: Timothy A. Binder Walter Russell's Perspectives on Free Energy and the Russell Optical Dynamo Generator (P75-97)

Actually this article is in the 1994 ISNE and not the 1992 ISNE.
1993 ISNE, Toby Grotz: Russell's Power Multiplication Principle Experiments

There is no such article in the 1993 ISNE.

1993 ISNE, Timothy Binder: Russell's Nuclear-Magnetic Transmutation Experiments

There is no such article in the 1993 ISNE.

1993 IANS: Toby Grotz:
Working Models of Free Energy and Transmutations Systems - Proceedings IANS pp.169- 188.
1993 IANS: Timothy Binder: Transmutation of the Elements, A Modern Alchemical Team's
Experiments with the concepts of Walter Russell - Proceedings IANS pp.107-134.

These articles are in the 1993 ISNE script and not the IANS. But as they worked very close together, perhaps
they made this conference together. But the scriptures are available under the 1993 ISNE conference.
Perhaps the two before mentioned ISNE titles which are not in the ISNE are just wrong and these two articles
were meant.
Also to mention is, that the article "Transmutation of the Elements, A Modern Alchemical Team's Experiments
with the concepts of Walter Russell" is not available on video.

I wanted to thank Esa for all these references. For although there maybe are some errors in a few of it, with them
one is able to find the corresponding articles.
BTW: I do have the 3 IECEC articles (as they were available in my local library). If anyone is interested I can
send them by PM.


Tue 21 Dec, 2010 10:11 am

@Peace phil,
Hi, i actually just found this site looking for Russel's articles and i can't find them.
Do you have them?
My email is crarciniega(AT)gmail
Thank you.
Ive already bought many of waler's/lao's books
but i grew interests in free energy.
Send me any rare articles.etc. that you have. Thanks ^_^
Im actually trying to build the LT Magnet motor and id really like to build one of walter's creations...if that is


Tue 21 Dec, 2010 10:11 am

@Peace phil,
Hi, i actually just found this site looking for Russel's articles and i can't find them.
Do you have them?
My email is crarciniega(AT)gmail
Thank you.
Ive already bought many of walter/lao's books
and i grew interests in free energy.
Send me any rare articles.etc. that you have. Thanks ^_^
Im actually trying to build the LT Magnet motor and id really like to build one of walter's creations...if that is

Fr i 9 Dec, 2011 04:04 am


Hi Peace Phil,
I would like those "3 IECEC articles" but you do not answer PMs.
Anyone else have them?.

Philosophy Forum Walter Russell who has the most videos on walter russell
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