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December 2015 | Newsletter


Executive Committee:

Nominations Committee:

Marc O. De Girolami
St. Johns University School of Law

Nathan Chapman
University of Georgia School of Law

Richard Albert
Boston College Law School
John Inazu
Immediate Past Chair
Washington University in St. Louis School
of Law

Marie Failinger
Hamline University Law School
Richard W. Garnett
University of Notre Dame Law School
Frank Ravitch
Michigan State University College of Law
Program Committee:

Michael A. Helfand
Co-Chair, Program Committee
Pepperdine University School of Law
Robert A. Katz
Indiana University Robert H. McKinney
School of Law
Zo Robinson
Chair, Nominations Committee
DePaul University College of Law

Nelson Tebbe
Brooklyn Law School
Michael Moreland
Villanova University School of Law
Mark Movsesian
St. Johns University School of Law
Kevin Walsh
University of Richmond School of Law

Mark S. Scarberry
Pepperdine University School of Law
Robin Fretwell Wilson
Co-Chair, Program Committee
University of Illinois College of Law
Editors Note: Sincere thanks to Karen
Breda and Ryan Hynes of Boston College
Law School for invaluable assistance. RA
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Section on Law and Religion and Programs of Interest

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Law and Religion: Religious Responses to Same-Sex Marriage
10:15am - 12:00pm

Michael A. Helfand, Pepperdine University School of Law


Erik Eckholm, New York Times

Katherine M. Franke, Columbia University School of Law
R. R. Reno, First Things
Kevin Walsh, University of Richmond School of Law
Robin Fretwell Wilson, University of Illinois College of Law

Over the past 15 years, the United States has seen a rapid change in attitudes toward same-sex
marriage. That change has raised significant questions and challenges for various religious
communities in the United States. Religious communities have responded in different ways
from endorsement to ambivalence to rejection. This years panel of the Law & Religion section
will explore these various reactions, including theological changes within religious communities,
legal challenges advanced by religious communities, and legislative initiatives pursued by
religious communities, as well as a host of other social, political, and legal responses to same-sex
marriage in the United States. It will discuss how religious communities might, or might not,
adapt to continuing social changes in the United States and how the United States will maintain
its constitutional and cultural commitment to the religious freedom of these different
Jewish Law: Is Analytical Jurisprudence Conceptually Relevant to, and Illuminating of,
Jewish Law?
1:30pm - 3:15pm

Mark D. Rosen, Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology


Michael Jay Broyde, Emory University School of Law

Perry Dane, Rutgers School of Law - Camden
Dr. Richard S. Lewis, Shalem College
Chaim N. Saiman, Villanova University School of Law
Suzanne L. Stone, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law

Is Jewish law explicitly, or impliedly, premised on some foundational understandings of the

nature of what law is? Are there multiple such conceptions in early rabbinic materials? Have
multiple understandings emerged over time and across space, perhaps influenced by non-Jewish
jurisprudence? Do competing jurisprudential understandings have divergent implications for
legal reasoning and other methods (such as looking to custom) for determining the laws
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content? Is there a connection between Jewish analytical jurisprudence (if there is such a thing)
and formalism? Is self-conscious consideration of analytical jurisprudences application to
Jewish law useful? Merely academic? Potentially pernicious? Why?
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Islamic Law Business Meeting
7:00am - 8:30am
Employment Discrimination Law, Co-Sponsored by Islamic Law, Minority Groups, and
Women in Legal Education
10:30am - 12:15pm

Sahar Aziz, Texas A&M University School of Law

Mr. Kylar W. Broadus
Devon Wayne Carbado, University of California, Los Angeles School of Law
Wendy Greene, Samford University, Cumberland School of Law
Tanya Kateri Kateri Hernandez, Fordham University School of Law
Ann C. McGinley, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, William S. Boyd School of
Angela I. Onwuachi-Willig, University of Iowa College of Law
Deborah L. Rhode, Stanford Law School

This program will explore an open question in employment discrimination jurisprudence What
is the scope of an employers ability to regulate appearance in the workplace? In partnership with
the Sections on Islamic Law, Minority Groups and Women in Legal Education, the program will
engage more broadly the concept of diversity and inclusion in modern employment settings and
ask What does leadership look like in the 21st century?
Case law which spans 35 years addressing employer dress and grooming standards, on the one
hand, and physical appearance including bodily and facial characteristics of individuals, on the
other, reflects the judiciarys continuous struggle to balance employers business judgment and
the identity and dignitary interests of workers. Through perspectives on a range of developments
including enforcement litigation by the EEOC and notable anniversaries of seminal cases, the
panelists will examine the impact of appearance norms on workplace dynamics and notions of
belonging, as well as the evolution of interpretive frameworks in anti-discrimination law based
on gender, race, color, national origin, religion, as well as the cultural and social contingency of
looks generally.
This program offers an opportunity to reflect on appearance norms, the substantive contours of
the anti-discrimination law, and significantly, the impact of these developments on workplace
opportunities for women, people of color, and others whose physical appearance, features or
related characteristics raise important questions about employer selection procedures and
policies, actual job capacity, and diversity and inclusion in the contemporary workplace. Antidiscrimination scholarship reflects a range of interventions over the years from scholars efforts

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to contextualize the various identity categories and the meaning of employment discrimination.
This program includes some of the notable and most impactful voices on the issue.
Islamic Law, Co-Sponsored by International Human Rights, International Law and National
Security Law
Challenging Sovereignty: Exploring the Rise of ISIS and Boko Haram
1:30pm - 3:15pm

Nadia Ahmad, Barry University Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law


Sahar Aziz, Texas A&M University School of Law

Bernard K. Freamon, Seton Hall University School of Law
Professor John Kelsay, Florida State University Department of Religion

In the past three years, two militant insurgencies have challenged the international order of
national borders and understandings of sovereignty in the Middle East and West Africa. The
military and political actions of ISIS and Boko Haram have resulted in the taking of large swaths
of territory without regard to previously drawn and globally recognized borders, claiming
Islamic justification for their actions. ISIS self-proclamation as a caliphate, coining money and
establishing Sharia courts further presses questions about the nature of Islamic government in a
modern world, and its relationship with global international norms of sovereignty. Even more
urgently, ISIS and Boko Harams enslavement of thousands of war captives and cruel and
inhumane treatment of prisoners of war and civilians, demands new attention to the relationship
of Islamic law with international human rights norms. In sum, the conduct of ISIS and Boko
Haram have stimulated vigorous debate among legal scholars and opinion-makers around the
world on the role of international law, human rights, and Islamic law in the face of such
destructive transnational organizations.

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Lili Abu-Lughod, Do Muslim Women Need Saving?
Arlin M. Adams et al., A Nation Dedicated to Religious Liberty: The Constitutional Heritage of
the Religion Clauses (2015)
Dina Afrianty, Women and Sharia Law in Northern Indonesia: Local Women's NGOs and the
Reform of Islamic Law in Aceh (2015)
Rex Ahdar and Ian Leigh, Religious Freedom in the Liberal State (2015)
Mohammed Abed al-Jabri, Democracy, Human Rights and Law in Islamic Thought (2015)
Ibrahim Ibn Musa Abu Ishaq al-Shatibi, The Reconciliation of the Fundamentals of Islamic Law:
Al-Muwafaqat fi Usul al-Sharia (2015)
Carlo Amodei, La Liberta Religiosa: Liberta Religiosa ed Articulo 20 della Costituzione Italiana
Owen Anderson, The Declaration of Independence and God: Self-evident Truths in American
Molalign Asmare, The Implication of Bahir Dar University Students' Code of Conduct on the
Right to Religious Freedom (2015)
Hina Azam, Sexual Violation in Islamic Law: Substance, Evidence and Procedure (2015)
Maha-Hanaan Balala, Islamic Finance and Law: Theory and Practice in a Globalized World
Patrick Bannerman, Islam in Perspective: A Guide to Islamic Society, Politics and Law (2015)
Nimat Hafez Barazangi, Womens Identity and Rethinking the Hadith (2015)
Francis J. Beckwith, Taking Rites Seriously: Law, Politics and the Reasonableness of Faith
Benjamin L. Berger, Laws Religion: Religious Difference and the Claims of Constitutionalism
Ann Black et al., Modern Perspectives on Islamic Law (2015)

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Boris I. Bittker, Scott C. Idleman & Frank S. Ravitch, Religion and the State in American Law
Marianne Be, Family Law in Contemporary Iran: Women's Rights Activism and Shari'a (2015)
Robert Bolton, The Order of the Ages: The Hidden Laws of World History (2015)

Borggreve, Wissenschaftliche Positionen zum

Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1949-1969) (2014)




Jonathan Bowman, Cosmopolitan Justice: The Axial Age, Multiple Modernities and the
Postsecular Turn (2015)
Katherine A. Brady, The Distinctiveness of Religion in American Law: Rethinking Religion
Clause Jurisprudence (2015)
Luke Bretherton, Resurrecting Democracy: Faith, Citizenship and the Politics of a Common Life
Stephanie Mar Brettmann, Theories of Justice: A Dialogue with Karol Wojtyla and Karl Barth
Kathryn Camp, In God We Trust: How the Supreme Courts First Amendment Decisions Affect
Organized Religion (2015)
David Bryan, Cosmos, Chaos and the Kosher Mentality (2015)
Andrew Caplan and David McIlroy, Speaking Up: Defending and Delivering Access to Justice
Today (2015)
Marta Cartabia and Andrea Simoncini, Pope Benedict XVIs Legal Thought: A Dialogue on the
Foundation of Law (2015)
Jimmy Carter, A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence, and Power (2015)
Center for Security Policy, Shariah in American Courts: The Expanding Incursion of Islamic
Law in the U. S. Legal System (2014)
Burke Cormac, The Theology of Marriage: Personalism, Doctrine and Canon Law (2015)
Eugene Cotran and Martin Lau, Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law, Volume 17
(2011-2012) (2015)
Malachi D. Crawford, Black Muslims and the Law: Civil Liberties From Elijah Muhammad to
Muhammad Ali (2015)
Frank B. Cross, Constitutions and Religious Freedom (2015)
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Ashk Dahlen, Islamic Law, Epistemology, and Modernity: Legal Philosophy in Contemporary
Iran (2015)
Daniel P. Dalton, Litigating Religious Land Use Cases (2015)
William R. Davie et als., First Amendment Law in Louisiana (2015)
Fausto Martin De Sanctis, Churches, Temples and Financial Crimes: A Judicial Perspective of
the Abuse of Faith (2015)
Norman Doe, Christian Law: Contemporary Principles (2015)
Recep Dogan, Usul al Fiqh: A Methodology of Islamic Jurisprudence (2015)
Glenn Dynner, Jews, Liquor, and the Life of the Kingdom in Poland (2015)
Ahmed Mohamed El Demery, The Arab Charter of Human Rights: A Voice for Sharia in the
Modern World (2015)
Ahmed el-Shamsy, The Canonization of Islamic Law (2015)
Anver M. Emon, Mark S. Ellis, and Benjamin Glahn, Islamic Law and International Human
Rights Law (2015)
Anver M. Emon and Matthew Levering, Natural Law: A Jewish, Christian and Muslim Trialogue
Jonathan Ercanbrack, The Transformation of Islamic Law in Global Financial Markets (2015)
John L. Esposito and Tamara Sonn, Islam and Democracy after the Arab Spring (2015)
Malcolm Evans and Peter Petkoff, Changing Nature of Religious Rights under International Law
Silvio Ferrari, Routledge Handbook of Law and Religion (2015)
Peter Fitzpatrick, Legal Theology (2015)
Marie-Claire Foblets et al., Belief, Law and Politics: What Future for a Secular Europe (2014)
Roderick O. Ford, Jesus Master of Law: A Juridical Science of Christianity and the Law of
Equity (2015)
Francois Foret, Religion at the European Parliament and in European Multi-Level Governance
Anne Fornerod, Funding Religious Heritage (2015)
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Domenico Francavilla, The Roots of Hindu Jurisprudence Sources of Dharma and Interpretations
of Mimamsa and Dharmashastra (2015)
David M. Freidenreich, Foreigners and Their Food: Constructing Otherness in Jewish, Christian,
and Islamic Law (2015)
Francis T. Furey, An Explanation of the Constitution of the United States of America: Prepared
for Use in Catholic Schools, Academies, and Colleges (2015)
Naser Ghobadzadah, Religious Secularity: A Theological Challenge to the Islamic State (2014)
Karim Ginena and Azhar Hamid, Foundations of Shariah Governance of Islamic Banks (2015)
Dorota Anna Gozdecka, Rights, Religious Pluralism and the Recognition of the Difference: Off
the Scales of Justice (2015)
Robin Griffith-Jones and Mark Hill, Magna Carta, Religion and the Rule of Law (2015)
Ralph Grillo, Muslim Families, Politics and the Law: A Legal Industry in Multicultural Britain
Darara Gubo, Blasphemy and Defamation of Religions in a Polarized World: How Religious
Fundamentalism is Challenging Fundamental Human Rights (2014)
LaDawn Haglund and Robin Stryker, Closing the Rights Gap: From Human Rights to Social
Transformation (2015)
Fachrizal A. Halim, Legal Authority in Pre-Modern Islam (2014)
Marci A. Hamilton, God vs. the Gavel: The Perils of Extreme Religious Liberty (Cambridge
University Press 2014)
F. P. Hannah, Women in Islam: And the Rights of Women in Islamic Law (2015)
Hussein Hassan, Contracts in Islamic Law (2015)
Michael A. Helfand (ed.), Negotiating State and Non-State Law: The Challenges of Global and
Local Legal Pluralism (2015)
Alan D. Hertzke, Religious Freedom in America: Constitutional Roots and Contemporary
Challenges (2015)
Human Rights without Frontiers International, Freedom of Religion or Belief & Blasphemy:
Prisoners List 2014 (2015)

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M.T.G. Humphreys, Law, Power, and Imperial Ideology in the Iconoclast Era C. 680-850 (2015)
Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim, Pragmatism in Islamic Law: A Social and Intellectual History (2015)
Daisaku Ikeda and Ved Nanda, Our World to Make: Hinduism, Buddhism and the Rise of Global
Civil Society
Olufemi Ojo Ilesanmi, Islamism, Statehood and Human Rights: A World of Difference (2015)
Maidul Islam, Limits of Islamism: Jamaat-e-Islami in Contemporary India and Bangladesh
Blaz Ivanc, Religion and Law in Slovenia (2015)
Vaughn E. James, Current Conflicts in Law and Religion (2015)
Esther Janssen, Faith in the Public Debate: On Freedom of Expression, Hate Speech and
Religion in France and the Netherlands (2015)
E. J. Jetmir, Bollenbach v Board of Education of Monroe: Test of the Establishment Clause
Mark Jurgensmeyer and Dinah Griego, God in the Tumult of the Global Square: Religion in
Global Civil Society
Ebru Kayaalp, Remaking Politics, Markets, and Citizens in Turkey (2015)
Sibanda Ken, The Case for African Jews: The Case for Religious Freedom (2015)
John Keown and Robert P. George, Reason, Morality and Law: The Philosophy of John Finnis
Matthias Ktter and Tilmann J. Rder, Non-State Justice Institutions and the Law: DecisionMaking at the Interface of Tradition, Religion and the State (Governance and Limited
Statehood) (2015)
Yissachar Dov Krakowski, Shemittah Guide (2015)
Stephen M. Krason, The Crisis of Religious Liberty: Reflections from Law, History and Catholic
Social Thought (2014)
Roberta Rosenthall Kwall, The Myth of the Cultural Jew: Culture and Law in Jewish Tradition
Bernard Lebeau and Alain Grimfeld, Leuthanasieur: Faut-il Crer un Nouveau Mtier? (2015)
David Little, Essays on Religion and Human Rights: Ground to Stand On (2015)

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Ronald A. Lindsay, The Necessity of Secularism: Why God Cant Tell Us What to Do (2014)
Yair Lorberbaum, In Gods Image: Myth, Theology, and Law in Classical Judaism (2015)
Joseph E. Lowry, The Epistle on Legal Theory: A Translation of Al-Shafiis Risalah (2015)
Saba Mahmood, Religious Difference in a Secular Age: A Minority Report (2015)
Chandra Mallampalli, Race, Religion and Law in Colonial India: Trials of an Interracial Family
Chibli Mallat, Philosophy of Nonviolence: Revolution, Constitutionalism and Justice Beyond the
Middle East (2014)
William C. Mattison et al., Searching for a Universal Ethic: Multidisciplinary, Ecumenical and
Interfaith Responses to the Catholic Natural Law Tradition (2014)
Thomas F. Mayer, The Roman Inquisition: Trying Galileo (2015)
Rubya Mehdi, The Islamization of Law in Pakistan (2015)
Francis Messner, Public Funding of Religions in Europe (2015)
Rachel Muers, Testimony: Quakerism and Theological Ethics (2015)
Vincent Phillip Munoz, Religious Liberty and the American Supreme Court: Essential Cases and
Documents (2015)
Samuel Moyn, Christian Human Rights (2015)
A.G. Noorani, Article 370: A Constitutional History of Jammu and Kashmir (2015)
Emeka Obiezu, It Is Good for Us to Be Here: Catholic Religious Institutes as NGOs at the
United Nations (2015)
Ryuho Okawa, The Laws of Invincible Leadership: How to Keep on Succeeding (2015)
Robert William Piatt, Jr., Catholic Legal Perspectives, Second Edition (2014)
Rene Provost, Mapping the Legal Boundaries of Belonging: Religion and Multiculturalism from
Israel to Canada (2014)
John Ragosta, Religious Freedom: Jeffersons Legacy, Americas Creed (2014)
Frank Ravitch and Larry Cata Backer, Law and Religion: Cases, Materials and Readings (2015)
Ruth Redmond-Cooper, Heritage, Ancestry and the Law: Principles, Policies and Practices in
Dealing with Historical Human Remains (2015)
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Ronald J. Rychlak, American Law from a Catholic Perspective: Through a Clearer Lens (2015)
Abdullah Saeed, Islam and Belief: At Home with Religious Freedom (2014)
Russell Sandberg, Religion and Legal Pluralism (2015)
Christi Sanders and Cheryl Lentz, Ethics, Employment Law and Faith-based Universities: When
Law and Faith Collide (2015)
Boaventura Santos, If God Were a Human Rights Activist (2015)
Balazs Schanda, Religion and Law in Hungary (2015)
Philip Maximillian Schmidt, Meinungsfreiheit und Religion im Spannungsverhaltnis (2015)
Micah Schwartzman, Chad Flanders, and Zo Robinson (eds.), The Rise of Corporate Religious
Liberty (forthcoming 2016)
Benjamin Sells, The Soul of the Law (2015) (new edition with epilogue)
Niaz A. Shah, Islam and the Law of Armed Conflict: Essential Readings (2015)
Ido Shahar and Prakash Shah, Legal Pluralism in the Holy City: Competing Courts, Forum
Shopping and Institutional Dynamics in Jerusalem (2015)
Ruth Shamir, Jewish Identity: The Challenge of Peoplehood Today (2015)
Adam R. Shapiro, Trying Biology: The Scopes Trial, Textbooks, and the Antievolution
Movement in American Schools (2015)
Uriya Shavit, Sharia and Muslim Minorities: the Wasati and Salafi Approaches to Fiqh al
Aqalliyyat al-Muslima (2015)
Devin Stewart, Disagreements of the Jurists: A Manual of Islamic Legal Theory (2015)
Elke Stockreiter, Islamic Law, Gender, and Social Change in Post-Abolition Zanzibar (2015)
Brent Strawn, The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Law (2015)
Winnifred Fallers Sullivan and Elizabeth Shakman Hurd, Politics of Religious Freedom (2015)
Mehran Tamadonfar, Islamic Law and Governance in Contemporary Iran: Transcending Islam
for Social, Economic and Political Order (2015)
Susan Brooks Thistlewaite, Womens Bodies as Battlefield: Christian Theology and the Global
War on Women (2015)
Renata Uitz, Religion in the Public Square: Perspectives on Secularism (2014)
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Guilliaume Groen van Prinsterer and Colin Wright, Christian Political Action in an Age of
Revolution (2015)
Rob van der Laarse and Mykhailo N. Cherenkov, Religion, State, Society and Identity in
Transition Ukraine (2015)
Edme Vay, Lglise dans ltat (2015)
Alan Verskin, Islamic Law and the Crisis of the Reconquista: The Debate on the Status of
Muslim Communities in Christendom (2015)
Noel Villaroman, Treading on Sacred Grounds: Places of Worship, Local Planning and Religious
Freedom in Australia (2015)
Michael Walzer, The Paradox
Counterrevolutions (2015)







Jason E. Whitehead, Judging Judges: Values and the Rule of Law (2014)
Douglas Wilson and Randy Booth, A Justice Primer (2015)
Laurence H. Winer and Nina J. Crimm, God, Schools and Government Funding (2015)
John Witte, Jr., The Western Case for Monogamy over Polygamy (2015)
Luqman Zakariyah, Legal Maxims in Islamic Criminal Law: Theory and Applications (2015)
Howard Zehr, The Little Book of Restorative Justice: Revised and Updated (2015)
Hans-Georg Ziebertz, Religion and Human Rights: An International Perspective (2015)
Lorenza Zucca and Camil Ungureano, Law, State and Religion in the New Europe: Debates and
Dilemmas (2015)
Lorenza Zucca, Religious Rights (2015)
Chapters in Books
Angela C. Carmella, Land Use, in Religion and the State in American Law (Bittker, Idleman &
Ravitch, eds., 2015)
Ira C. Lupu & Robert W. Tuttle, Religious Exemptions and the Limited Relevance of Corporate
Identity, in The Rise of Corporate Religious Liberty (Zoe Robinson, Chad Flanders, &
Micah Schwartzman, eds., 2015)
Marci A. Hamilton, Religion in the Public Square, in The Handbook of Contemporary
Philosophy of Religion (Graham Oppy ed. 2015)
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Marci A. Hamilton, Entry for Boerne v. Flores, in American Governance (Stephen L. Schechter,
ed. Macmillan, forthcoming 2016)
Elizabeth Sepper, Healthcare Exemptions and the Future of Corporate Religious Liberty, in The
Rise of the Corporate Religious Liberty (Micah Schwartzman, Chad Flanders & Zoe
Robinson eds., 2015)
Elizabeth Sepper, Conscientious Refusals of Care, in Oxford Handbook of American Health Law
(Glenn Cohen, Allison Hoffman, & William Sage, eds., 2015)
John Witte, Jr., The Nature of Family, the Family of Nature: Prescient Insights from the Scottish
Enlightenment, in The Authority of the Gospel: Explorations in Moral and Political
Theology in Honor of Oliver ODonovan (Robert Song and Brent Waters, eds., 2015)
John Witte, Jr., To Serve Right and to Fight Wrong: Why Religion, Human Rights, and Human
Dignity Need Each Other, in Pope Benedict XVIs Legal Speeches in Comparative
John Witte, Jr., Toward a New Magna Carta for Early Modern England, in Magna Carta,
Religion, and the Rule of Law (Robin Griffith-Jones and Mark Hill, eds., 2015)
John Witte, Jr., Law and Religion in the Western Legal Tradition, in Routledge Handbook of
Law and Religion (Silvio Ferrari, ed. 2015)
John Witte, Jr., Hugo Grotius and the Natural Law of Marriage: A Case Study of Harmonizing
Confessional Differences in Early Modern Europe, in Studies in Canon Law and
Common Law in Honor of R.H. Helmholz (Troy L. Harris, ed., 2015)
John Witte, Jr., David Little: A Modern Calvinist Architect of Human Rights, in Religion and
Public Policy: Human Rights, Conflict and Ethics (Sumner B. Twiss, et al., eds., 2015)
Engy Abdelkader, Savagery in the Subways: Anti-Muslim Ads, the First Amendment, and the
Efficacy of Counterspeech, 21 Asian American Law Journal 43 (2014)
Kerime Sule Akoglu, Piecemeal Freedom: Why the Headscarf Ban Remains in Place in Turkey,
38 Boston College International and Comparative Law Review 277(2015)
Deepak Amrik Singh Ahluwalia, Muslims Denied: How the USCIS Uses a Formerly Secret
Program to Delay and Reject Naturalization Applications from Muslims and other
Minorities, 16 Scholar 631 (2014)
Nadia B. Ahmad, The Islamic Influence in (Pre-)Colonial and Early America: A Historico-Legal
Snapshot, 12 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 913 (2014)

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Dawood I. Ahmed and Tom Ginsburg, Constitutional Islamization and Human Rights: The
Surprising Origin and Speed of Islamic Supremacy in Constitutions, 54 Virginia Journal
of International Law 615 (2014)
Nida Alvi, Dressed to Oppress? An Analysis of the Legal Treatment of the First Amendment and
its Effect on Muslim Women who Wear Hijabs, 21 Cardozo Journal of Law & Gender 785
Eric Apar, Toward the Transcendent: A Toquevillian Approach to Free Exercise, 12 Georgetown
Journal of Law & Public Policy 225 (2014)
Eric Apar, The Perils of Doubt: Happiness, Epistemological Certainty, and Free Exercise
Rights, 49 Valparaiso University Law Review 155 (2014)
Larry Cata Backer, The Crisis of Secular Liberalism and the Constitutional State in Comparative
Perspective: Religion, Rule of Law, and Democratic Organization of Religion Privileging
States, 48 Cornell International Law Journal 51 (2015)
Matthew M. Ball, Targeting Religion: Analyzing Appalachian Proscriptions on Religious Snake
Handling, 95 Boston University Law Review 1425 (2015)
M. Cherif Bassiouni, Misunderstanding Islam on the Use of Violence, 37 Houston Journal of
International Law 643 (2015)
Robert Bender, Jr., A Legitimate and Rational Look at Hobby Lobby: How the Supreme Court
Muddied the Waters of First Amendment Jurisprudence, 24 Temple Political & Civil
Rights Law Review 451 (2015)
Nathan A. Berkeley, Religious Freedom and LGBT Rights: Trading Zero Sum Approaches for
Careful Distinctions and Genuine Pluralism, 50 Gonzaga Law Review 1 (2014/2015)
Khaled A. Beydoun, Antebellum Islam, 58 Howard Law Journal 141 (2014)
Khaled A. Beydoun, Between Muslim and White: The Legal Construction of Arab American
Identity, 69 New York University Annual Survey of American Law 29 (2013)
Ashutosh Bhagwat, Religious Associations: Hosanna-Tabor and the Instrumental Value of
Religious Groups, 92 Washington University Law Review 71 (2014)
Fahad Ahmad Bishara, Paper Routes: Inscribing Islamic Law Across the Nineteenth-Century
Western Indian Ocean, 32 Law & History Review 797 (2014)
J. Kenneth Blackwell, Americas Two First Freedoms: A Biblical Christian Perspective on How
the Second Amendment Secures First Amendment Rights, 9 Liberty University Law
Review 215 (2015)

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Sr. Eugenia Bonetti, Women Helping Women: The Italian Experience of Women Religious in
Combating Human Trafficking and Modern-Day Slavery, 9 Intercultural Human Rights
Law Review 25 (2014)
Winston Bowman, A Civil Death: Mormon Disenfranchisement in the Inter-Mountain West, 27
Western Legal History 1 (2014)
Inna Nam Brady, Religious Freedom in Kazakhstan: Facing the Kazakhstani Law on Religious
Activities and Religious Associations, 1 Journal of Global Justice & Public Policy 227
John M. Breen, Abortion, Religion, and the Accusation of Establishment: A Critique of Justice
Stevens Opinions in Thornburgh, Webster, and Casey, 39 Ohio Northern University Law
Review 823 (2013)
John M. Breen and Lee J. Strang, The Forgotten Jurisprudential Debate: Catholic Legal
Thoughts Response to Legal Realism, 98 Marquette Law Review 1203 (2015)
J. Robert Brown, Jr., Secularism, Sharia, and the Turkish Financial Markets, 40 Brooklyn
Journal of International Law 407 (2015)
T.W. Brown, Ensuring the Application of RFRA and RLUIPA in Pro Se Prisoner Litigation, 41
Ohio Northern University Law Review 29 (2014)
Ryan M. Budd, Apples to Apples: Yes, There Is (or Can Be!) a Unified Approach to RLUIPA
Ripeness, 46 Urban Lawyer 783 (2014)
Zachary R. Calo, Christianity, Islam, and Secular Law, 39 Ohio Northern University Law
Review 879 (2013)
Angela C. Carmella, After Hobby Lobby: The Religious For-Profit and the Limits of the
Autonomy Doctrine, 80 Missouri Law Review 381 (2015)
Jennifer Carr, Complicity and Collection: Religious Freedom and Tax, 11 University of St.
Thomas Law Journal 183 (2014)
Kristopher L. Caudle, Unanswered Prayers: Lund v. Rowan County and the Permissiveness of
Sectarian Prayer in Municipalities, 12 First Amendment Law Review 625 (2014)
Matthew Cavedon, Men of the Spear and Men of God: Islamisms Contributions to the New
Somali State, 28 Emory International Law Review 473 (2014)
Henry L. Chambers, Jr., The Problems Inherent in Litigating Employer Free Exercise Rights, 86
University of Colorado Law Review 1141 (2015)

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Mahmoud Chandia and Kartina A. Choong, The Conflation of Ethnicity and Religion in
Malaysia: A Reflection, 23 Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law 353
Kenneth K. Ching, Would Jesus Kill Hitler? Bonhoeffer, Church, and State, 11 Georgetown
Journal of Law & Public Policy 529 (2013)
Nuzhat Chowdhury, I, Spy (but Only on You): Raza v. City of New York, the Civil Rights
Disaster of Religious & Ethnic-based Surveillance, and the National Security Excuse, 46
Columbia Human Rights Law Journal 278 (2015)
Jeremy M. Christiansen, The Word Person...includes Corporations: Why the Religious
Freedom Restoration Act Protects both For- and Nonprofit Corporations, Utah Law
Review 623 (2013)
Richard Chused, Dream Vignettes, 59 New York Law School Law Review 111 (2014/15)
Corey A. Ciocchetti, Religious Freedom and Closely Held Corporations: The Hobby Lobby Case
and Its Ethical Implications, 93 Oregon Law Review 259 (2014)
Amelia Coates, Sacred Rain Arrow: Honoring the Native American Heritage of the States while
Balancing the Citizens Constitutional Rights, 38 American Indian Law Review 501
Emily Carlton Cook, How the Meaning of Incorporation Over Time Lends Support for
Corporate Free Exercise Rights, 48 Georgia Law Review 1149 (2014)
Casey Jo Cooper, From the Watch Tower to the Acropolis: The Search for a Consistent Religious
Freedom Standard in an Inconsistent World, 28 Emory International Law Review 509
Caroline Mala Corbin, Corporate Religious Liberty, 30 Constitutional Commentary 277 (2015)
Christine A. Corcos, Seeing it Coming since 1945: State Bans and Regulations of Crafty
Sciences Speech and Activity, 37 Thomas Jefferson Law Review 39 (2014)
Mark W. Cordes, Schools, Worship and the First Amendment, 48 Suffolk University Law
Review 9 (2015)
Neville Cox, Blasphemy, Holocaust Denial and the Control of Profoundly Unacceptable Speech,
62 American Journal of Comparative Law 739 (2014)
Julie Dabrowski, The Exception that Doesn't Prove the Rule: Why Congress Should Narrow
ENDA's Religious Exemption to Protect the Rights of LGBT Employees, 63 American
University Law Review 1957 (2014)
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Daniel P. Dalton, Recent Developments in RLUIPA and Religious Land Use, 46 Urban Law
Review 849 (2014)
Michael J. Davidson, Sanctuary: A Modern Legal Anachronism, 42 Capital University Law
Review 583 (2014)
Maggie Davis, Maryland Embryo Adoption: Religious Entanglement in the Maryland Stem
Cell Research Act of 2006, 17 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law and Social
Change 291 (2014)
Terri R. Day, Leticia M. Diaz and Danielle Weatherby, A Primer on Hobby Lobby: For-Profit
Corporate Entities Challenge to the HHS Mandate, Free Exercise Rights, RFRAs Scope
and the Nondelegation Doctrine, 42 Pepperdine Law Review 55 (2014)
Janet R. Decker and Kari A. Carr, Church-State Entanglement at Religiously-Affiliated Charter
Schools, Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal 77 (2015)
Marc O. DeGirolami, Constitutional Contraction: Religion and the Roberts Court, 26 Stanford
Law and Policy Review 385 (2015)
Marc O. DeGirolami & Kevin C. Walsh, Judge Posner, Judge Wilkinson, and Judicial Critique
of Constitutional Theory, 90 Notre Dame Law Review 633 (2014)
Marc O. DeGirolami, Free Exercise by Moonlight, 52 San Diego Law Review (2015)
Caroline O. DeHaan, Dias v. Archdiocese of Cincinnati: Deciphering the Ministerial Exception
to Title VII post-Hosanna-Tabor, 21 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law
473 (2015)
R. J. Delahunty, Does Animal Welfare Trump Religious Liberty? The Danish Ban on Kosher and
Halal Butchering, 16 San Diego International Law Journal 341 (2015)
Robert J. Delahunty, The Conscience of a King: Law, Religion, and War in Shakespeares King
Henry V, 53 Journal of Catholic Legal Studies 129 (2014)
Emily DeVuono, Accommodating Religious Liberties of Military Personnel: The Religious
Liberty Amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014, 53
University of Louisville Law Review 327 (2015)
Lucien J. Dhooge, Public Accommodation Statutes and Sexual Orientation: Should There Be a
Religious Exemption for Secular Businesses? 21 William and Mary Journal of Women
and the Law 319 (2015)
Ari J. Diaconis, The Religion of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA): Applying the Clergy Privilege to
Certain AA Communications, 99 Cornell Law Review 1185 (2014)

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Jenna DiJohn, Examining the Outer-Limits of Trademark Law in the Religious Context and a
Potential Implicit Bias for Non-Secular Litigants: Eller v. Intellectual Reserve, Inc., 25
DePaul Journal of Art, Technology & Intellectual Property Law 209 (2014)
John M. A. DiPippa, God and Guns: The Free Exercise of Religion Problems of Regulating
Guns in Churches and Other Houses of Worship, 98 Marquette Law Review 1103 (2015)
John Duke, Religious Freedom and the Little Corporation that Could: Burwell v. Hobby Lobby
Stores, Inc., 34 Mississippi College Law Review 89 (2015)
Jennifer Ann Drobac and Jill L. Wesley, Religion and Employment Antidiscrimination Law:
Past, Present, and Post Hosanna-Tabor, 69 New York University Annual Survey of
American Law 761 (2014)
Cochav Elkayam-Levy, Women's Rights and Religionthe Missing Element in the
Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, 35 University of Pennsylvania
Journal of International Law 1175 (2014)
Matthew Encino, Holy Profits: How Federal Law Allows for the Abuse of the Church TaxExempt Status, 14 Houston Business and Tax Law Journal 78 (2014)
Arnold N. Enker, In re A: Severing the Conjoined Twins in Jewish Law, 29 Journal of Law and
Religion 276 (2014)
Julia L. Ernst, Making the Case for Anti-establishmentarianism: The Church and State in
Norway, 38 Fordham International Law Journal 543 (2015)
Carl H. Esbeck, Federal Contractors, Title VII, and LGBT Employment Discrimination: Can
Religious Organizations Continue to Staff on a Religious Basis? 4 Oxford Journal of Law
and Religion 1 (2015)
Hon. Deborah Sweet Eyler, The Early Female Jewish Members of the Maryland Bar: 19201929, 74 Maryland Law Review 545 (2015)
Fr. Jude O. Ezeanokwasa, The Priest-Penitent Privilege Revisited: A Reply to the Statutes of
Abrogation, 9 Intercultural Human Rights Law Review 41(2014)
David L. Faigman, Where Law and Science (and Religion?)Meet, 93 Texas Law Review 1659
Delaram Farzaneh, One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: A Brief History of Legal
Discriminations Against Women in Iran and the Violations of International Human
Rights, 20 Annual Survey of International & Comparative Law 201 (2014)

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Vicenc Feli, Corporate Soul: Legal Incorporation of Catholic Ecclesiastical Property in the
United States: An Historical Perspective, 40 Ohio Northern University Law Review
Bruce Friedrich, The Church of Animal Liberation: Animal Rights as Religion under the Free
Exercise Clause, 21 Animal Law 65 (2014)
Ilan Fuchs and Aviad Yeiel Hollander, National Movements and International Law: Rabbi
Shlomo Gorens Understanding of International Law, 29 Journal of Law & Religion 301
Brett A. Geier, Texas Cheerleaders and the First Amendment: Can You Cheer for God at a
Football Game? 33 Mississippi College Law Review 65 (2014)
Scott D. Gerber, Law and Religion in Colonial Connecticut, 55 American Journal of Legal
History 149 (2015)
Francesca M. Genova, Labor in Faith: A Comparative Analysis of Hosanna-Tabor v. EEOC
through the European Court of Human Rights Religious Employer Jurisprudence, 90
Notre Dame Law Review 419 (2014)
Andrew Gilden, Life, Death, Public Domain, 22 George Mason Law Review 13 (2014)
Lauren Maisel Goldsmith and James R. Dillon, The Hallowed Hope: The School Prayer Cases
and Social Change, 59 St. Louis University Law Journal 409 (2015)
Robert D. Goldstein, The Structural Wall of Separation and the Erroneous Claim of AntiCatholic Discrimination, 13 Cardozo Public Law, Policy & Ethics Journal 173 (2014)
Moamen Gouda and Dawood I Ahmed, Measuring Constitutional Islamization: The Islamic
Constitutions Index, 38 Hastings International & Comparative Law Review 1 (2015)
Marc A. Greendorfer, Blurring Lines Between Churches and Secular Corporations: The
Compelling Case of the Benefit Corporations Right to the Free Exercise of Religion
(with a post-Hobby Lobby epilogue), 39 Delaware Journal of Corporate Law 819 (2015)
Becky Abrams Greenwald, Maimonides, Miranda, and the Conundrum of Confession: SelfIncrimination in Jewish and American Legal Traditions, 89 New York University Law
Review 1743 (2014)
David A. Grenardo, Improving the Law School Classroom and Experience through Prayer: An
Empirical Study, 13 Ave Maria Law Review 71(2015)
Leslie C. Griffin, Hobby Lobby: The Crafty Case that Threatens Womens Rights and Religious
Freedom, 42 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 641 (2015)
Page 19 of 39

Isabelle R. Gunning, Lawyers of All Faiths: Constructing Professional Identity and Finding
Common Ground, 39 Journal of the Legal Profession 231 (2015)
Paul R. Hale, It Is Hard to Make Everyone Happy: The Rights Gained and Lost by Companies
and Employees in the Context of the Affordable Care Act Contraception Mandate, 39
Southern Illinois University Law Journal 323 (2015)
Marci A. Hamilton, The Case for Evidence-based Free Exercise Accommodation: Why the
Religious Freedom Restoration Act Is Bad Public Policy, 9 Harvard Law & Policy
Review 129 (2015)
Marci A. Hamilton, The Road To and From Extreme Religious Liberty, the Humanist: A
Magazine of Critical Inquiry and Social Concern, 28 Nov/Dec 2015
H. Harasani, Islamic Law as a Comparable Model in Comparative Legal Research: Devising a
Method, 3 Global Journal of Comparative Law 186 (2014)
Matthew Harding, Religion and the Law of Charity: A Liberal Perspective, 29 Journal of Law &
Religion 236 (2014)
Randi Dawn Hardin, Knight v. Thompson: The Eleventh Circuits Perpetuation of Historical
Practices of Colonization, 38 American Indian Law Review 579 (2013-2014)
Susan C. Hascall, Islamic Commercial Law and Social Justice: Shariah-compliant Companies,
Workers Rights, and the Living Wage, 88 St. Johns Law Review 291 (2014)
John D. Haskell and Jessica Fish, Law as Eschatology, 53 Journal of Catholic Legal Studies 185
Joshua D. Hawley, Return to Political Theology, 90 Notre Dame Law Review 1631 (2015)
Daniel J. Hay, Baptizing OBrien: Towards Intermediate Protection of Religiously Motivated
Expressive Conduct, 68 Vanderbilt Law Review 177 (2015)
John O. Hayward, The Free Exercise Clause: Fealty to God or Caesar? 53 Journal of Catholic
Legal Studies 211 (2014)
Michael A. Helfand and Barak D. Richman, The Challenge of Co-Religionist Commerce, 64
Duke Law Journal 769 (2015)
Michael A. Helfand, Arbitrations Counter-Narrative: The Religious Arbitration Paradigm, 124
Yale Law Journal 2994 (2015)
Michael A. Helfand, Religious Institutionalism, Implied Consent, and the Value of Voluntarism,
88 Southern California Law Review 539 (2015)

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Michael A. Helfand, Between Law and Religion: Procedural Challenges to Religious Arbitration
Awards, 90 Chicago-Kent Law Review (2014)
Louis W. Hensler, III. Flexible Interpretations of the Powers that Be from Constantine to
Mandela and Beyond, 27 Regent University Law Review 43 (2014-2015)
Donald H. J. Hermann, Defending the Public Good and Traditional Society: Non-Scriptural
Religious Objections to Same-Sex Marriage, 49 Valparaiso University Law Review 1
Luca L. C. Hickman, Selling Our Soul for Tax Breaks: Electioneering, Lobbying and the
Substantial Burden Factor under RFRA, 12 Ave Maria Law Review 393 (2014)
Jessie Hill, Ties that Bind? The Questionable Consent Justification for Hosanna-Tabor, 109
Northwestern University Law Review 563 (2015)
F. Russell Hittinger, Natural Law and Public Discourse: The Legacies of Joseph Ratzinger, 60
Loyola Law Review 241 (2014)
Matt Hoffman, Modern Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan and the Rimsha Masih Case: What Effect
if anythe Case will have on their Future Reform, 13 Washington University Global
Studies Law Review 371 (2014)
Caleb Holzaepfel, Can I Say That? How an International Blasphemy Law Pits the Freedom of
Religion against the Freedom of Speech, 28 Emory International Law Review 597 (2014)
Bonnie Honig, The Laws of the Sabbath (Poetry): Arendt, Heine, and the Politics of Debt, 5 UC
Irvine Law Review 463 (2015)
Paul Horwitz, The Hobby Lobby Moment, 128 Harvard Law Review 154 (2014)
Nan D. Hunter, Pluralism and Its Perils: Navigating the Tension between Gay Rights and
Religious Expression, 15 Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 435 (2014)
Maria Iliadis, An Easy Pill to Swallow: While the Supreme Court Found that For-Profit Secular
Companies Can Exercise Religion within the Meaning of the Religious Freedom
Restoration Act, the Mandate Should Have Prevailed with Respect to those Entities
because It Advances the Governments Compelling Interests in Public Health and Is the
Least Restrictive Means of Doing So, 44 University of Baltimore Law Review 341 (2015)
John D. Inazu, Institutions in Context, 50 Tulsa Law Review 491(2015)
John D. Inazu, More is More: Strengthening Free Exercise, Speech, and Association, 99
Minnesota Law Review 485 (2014)
Page 21 of 39

Eric Alan Isaacson, Free Exercise for Whom?Could the Religious-Liberty Principle that
Catholics Established in Perez v. Sharp also Protect Same-Sex Couples Right to Marry?
92 University of Detroit Mercy Law Review 29 (2015)
Jason Iuliano, Do Corporations Have Religious Beliefs? 90 Indiana Law Journal 47 (2015)
Lyman Johnson and David Milton, Corporate Law after Hobby Lobby, 70 Business Lawyer 1
Jennifer Jorczak, Not like You and Me: Hobby Lobby, the Fourteenth Amendment, and What
the Further Expansion of Corporate Personhood Means for Individual Rights, 80
Brooklyn Law Review 285 (2014)
Karen A. Jordan, The Contraceptive Mandate: Compelling Interest or Ideology? 41 Journal of
Legislation 1 (2014-15)
Yehiel S. Kaplan, Immigration Policy of Israel: The Unique Perspective of a Jewish State, 31
Touro Law Review 1089 (2015)
Hon. Kermit V. Lipez, Is there a Place for Religion in Judicial Decision-Making? 31Touro Law
Review 133 (2014)
Isaac Kfir, Feminist Legal Theory as a Way to Explain the Lack of Progress of Womens Rights
in Afghanistan: The Need for a State Strength Approach, 21 William and Mary Journal of
Women and the Law 87 (2014)
Michael Kleinman, The Benefits and Dangers of Proportionality Review in Israels High Court
of Justice, 29 Emory International Law Review 589 (2015)
Antony Barone Kolenc, Not for God and Country: Atheist Military Chaplains and the Free
Exercise Clause, 48 University of San Francisco Law Review 395 (2014)
Kathryn E. Kovacs, Hobby Lobby and the Zero-Sum Game, 92 Washington University Law
Review 255 (2014)
Kathryn E. Kovacs, Eagles, Indian Tribes, and the Free Exercise of Religion, 47 Loyola of Los
Angeles Law Review 53 (2013)
Riyad Sadiq Koya, The Campaign for Islamic law in Fiji: Comparison, Codification,
Application, 32 Law & History Review 853 (2014)
Lindsay N. Kreppel, Will the Catholic Churchs Tax Exempt Status Be Threatened under the
Public Policy Limitation of 501(c)(3) if Same-Sex Marriage Becomes Public Policy? 16
Duquesne Business Law Journal 241 (2014)

Page 22 of 39

Arthur Kutoroff, First Amendment versus Licit: Religious Exemptions, Religious Freedom,
and Public Neutrality, 48 Cornell International Law Journal 247 (2015)
Kendra LaCour, License to Discriminate: How a Washington Florist is Making the Case for
Applying Intermediate Scrutiny to Sexual Orientation, 38 Seattle University Law Review
107 (2014)
Corinna Barrett Lain, God, Civic Virtue, and the American Way: Reconstructing Engel, 67
Stanford Law Review 479 (2015)
F. Laronze, Affaire Baby Loup: Lpuisement du Droit dans sa Recherche dune Vision
Apolitise de la Religion, Droit Social 100 (2014)
Tracy Law, King v. Governor of New Jersey: Does the First Amendment Allow Counselors to
Provide Harmful Therapy to Minors? 24 Tulane Journal of Law & Sexuality 215 (2015)
Peter T. Leeson, Vermin Trials, 56 Journal of Law & Economics 811 (2013)
K. Lemmens, Larvatus Prodeo? Why Concealing the Face Can Be Incompatible with a
European Conception of Human Rights, 39 European Law Review 47 (2014)
Hillel Y. Levin, Rethinking Religious Minorities Political Power, 48 UC Davis Law Review
1617 (2015)
Adi Libson, Transforming Social Welfare Policy: The Sages Reconstruction of the Institution of
the Second Tithe as a Model for Social Welfare Policy, 29 Journal of Law & Religion
259 (2014)
Marvin Lim, Just War and the Roman Catholic Life Ethic, 26 Florida Journal of International
Law 151 (2014)
Brittany Limes, Peering into the Corporate Soul: Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. v. Sebelius and How
For-Profit Corporations Exercise Religion, 91 Denver University Law Review 661
Kathleen Lockwood, Political Power, a Religious Agenda, and the Failings of the Endorsement
Test: Hasidic Educational Separatism and the East Ramapo School Board, 12 First
Amendment Law Review 697 (2014)
Kara Loewentheil, The Satanic Temple, Scott Walker and Contraception: A Partial Account
of Hobby Lobby's Implications for State Law, 9 Harvard Law & Policy Review 89 (2015)
Christopher C. Lund, Free Exercise Reconceived: The Logic and Limits of Hosanna-Tabor, 108
Northwestern University Law Review 1183 (2014)

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Ira C. Lupu, Hobby Lobby and the Dubious Enterprise of Religious Exemptions, 38 Harvard
Journal of Law & Gender 35 (2015)
Ira C. Lupu, Moving Targets: Obergefell, Hobby Lobby, and the Future of LGBT Rights, 7
Alabama Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Law Review (forthcoming 2015)
J. Maher, Eweida and Others: A New Era for Article 9? 63 International and Comparative Law
Quarterly 213 (2014)
Najmeh Mahmoudjafari, Religion and Family Law: The Possibility of Pluralistic Cooperation,
82 UMKC Law Review 1077 (2014)
Aida Maita, Arbitration of Islamic Financial Disputes, 20 Annual Survey of International &
Comparative Law 35 (2014)
J. Marshall, The Legal Recognition of Personality: Full-Face Veils and Permissible Choices, 10
International Journal of Law 64 (2014)
Mishelle Martinez, Amendment 2 and its Effect on Missourians Free Exercise of Religion, 79
Missouri Law Review 237 (2014)
Megan E. McCormick, The Freedom to Be Converted? An Analysis of the First Amendment
Implications of Laws Banning Sexual Orientation Change Efforts, 48 Suffolk University
Law Review 171 (2015)
Sean R. McDivitt, Striking the Harmonious Chord for Corporate Social Responsibility and
Individuals: Affirming Closely Held Corporations Religious Objections to the HHS
Mandate, 39 Oklahoma City University Law Review 465 (2014)
Brian McGinnis, Not Strictly Speaking: Why State Prohibitions against Practicing Sexual
Orientation Change Efforts on Minors Are Constitutional under First Amendment Speech
Principles, 67 Rutgers University Law Review 243 (2015)
Robert C. McIver, Our Constitution, Our Precedents, and [Our] Own Best Human
Judgments: A Survey of Free Exercise State Constitutional Interpretation in the Wake of
Oregon v. Smith, 77 Albany Law Review 1643 (2013/2014)
Michelle A. McKinley, Standing on Shaky Ground: Criminal Jurisdiction and Ecclesiastical
Immunity in Seventeenth-Century Lima, 1600-1700, 4 UC Irvine Law Review 141 (2014)
Mary E. McMahon, May I Be Excused? Smiths Individualized Governmental Assessment
Exception and the HHS Mandate, 53 Journal of Catholic Legal Studies 93 (2014)
Marlena McMurchie, The Dustbin of Quackery? Senate Bill 1172 and the Legal Implications
of Banning Reparative Therapy for Homosexual Minors, 87 Southern California Law
Review 1519 (2014)
Page 24 of 39

David M. Mednicoff, A Tale of Three Constitutions: Common Drives and Diverse Outcomes in
post-2010 Arab Legal Politics, 28 Temple International and Comparative Law Journal
215 (2014)
Matthew A. Melone, Corporations and Religious Freedom: Hobby Lobby Storesa Missed
Opportunity to Reconcile a Flawed Law with a Flawed Health Care System, 48 Indiana
Law Review 461 (2015)
Michael I. Meyerson, The Original Meaning of God: Using the Language of the Framing
Generation to Create a Coherent Establishment Clause Jurisprudence, 98 Marquette
Law Review 1035 (2015)
David R. Mintz, The Thirteenth Amendment and the Hate Crimes Prevention Act: Is there Room
for Religion? 93 Oregon Law Review 499 (2014)
Umar F. Moghul and Samir H.K. Safar-Aly, Green Sukk: The Introduction of Islams
Environmental Ethics to Contemporary Islamic Finance, 27 Georgetown International
Environmental Law Review 1(2014)
Alva Monsalvo, Dismantling the Secular State in Mexico: Underlying Implications of the Reform
to Article 24, 36 Whittier Law Review 147 (2014)
Noha Moustafa, The Right to Free Exercise of Religion in Prisons: How Courts Should
Determine Sincerity of Religious Belief under RLUIPA, 20 Michigan Journal of Race &
Law 213 (2014)
Timothy J. Murphy, Comparative Secularism: Leaving Room for the Holy Spirit and
Headscarves in Turkish and American Public Schools, 45 California Western
International Law Journal 297 (2015)
Brian C. Nadler, Jurisprudential Juxtapositions: Resolving Establishment Clause Issues after
Town of Greece, N.Y. v. Galloway, 50 Gonzaga Law Review 75 (2014/2015)
Jaclyn L. Neo, Whats in a Name? Malaysias Allah Controversy and the Judicial
Intertwining of Islam with Ethnic Identity, 12 International Journal of Constitutional Law
751 (2014)
Joshua Neoh, The Name of God on Trial: Narratives of Law, Religion and State in Malaysia, 18
Law Text Culture 198 (2014)
Nathan B. Oman, International Legal Experience and the Mormon Theology of the State, 19452012, 100 Iowa Law Review 715 (2015)

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Christopher Ogolla, Public Health Implication of Religious Exemptions: A Balance Between

Public Safety and Personal Choice, or Religion Gone Too Far? 25 Health Matrix 257
James M. Oleske, Jr., The Evolution of Accommodation: Comparing the Unequal Treatment of
Religious Objections to Interracial and Same-Sex Marriages, 50 Harvard Civil RightsCivil Liberties Law Review 99 (2015)
Roza Pati, Marshalling the Forces of Good: Religion and the Fight against Human Trafficking, 9
Intercultural Human Rights Law Review 1 (2014)
Romtin Parvaresh, Prayer for Relief: Anti-Muslim Discrimination as Racial Discrimination, 87
Southern California Law Review 1287 (2014)
Jennifer A. Pekman, The Kentucky Religious Freedom Act: Neither a Savior for the Free
Exercise of Religion nor a Monstrous Threat to Civil Rights, 103 Kentucky Law Journal
127 (2014-2015)
Michael J. Perry, David C. Baum Memorial Lecture, Why Excluding Same-Sex Couples from
Civil Marriage Violates the Constitutional Law of the United States, 2014 University of
Illinois Law Review 1887 (2014)
Michael J. Perry, Freedom of Conscience as Religious and Moral Freedom, 29 Journal of Law
and Religion 124 (2014)
Aaron R. Petty, The Concept of Religion in the Supreme Court of Israel, 26 Yale Journal of
Law & the Humanities 211 (2014)
Jess R. Phelps, Scarcely a Vestige of Antiquity Remains: Evaluating the Role of Preservation
Easements in Protecting Historic Religious Architecture, 44 Environmental Law
Reporter News & Analysis 10808 (2014)
Taylor Phillips, Constitutional lawEstablishment ClausePrayers before Town Board
Meetings Held Bonstitutional, Town of Greece v. Galloway, 134 S. Ct. 1811 (2014), 45
Cumberland Law Review 651 (2014-2015)
Sr. Helen PreJean, Letter to a Law Student, Dear Young Person, 8 DePaul Journal for Social
Justice 151 (2015)
Intisar A. Rabb, Reasonable Doubt in Islamic Law, 40 Yale Journal of International Law 41
Frank S. Ravitch, A Basic Introduction to Constitutional Free Exercise of Religion in the United
States and Japan, 64 Doshisha Law Review 85 (2014)

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Nicholas Reaves, Uniquely Qualified: The Constitutionality of Police and Clergy Alliances, 22
Virginia Journal of Social Policy & the Law 361 (2015)
Dorit Rubinstein Reiss, Thou Shalt Not Take the Name of the Lord Thy God in Vain: Use and
Abuse of Religious Exemptions from School Immunization Requirements, 65 Hastings
Law Journal 1551 (2014)
C. Nicholas Roberts, The Rising None: Marsh, Galloway, and the End of Legislative Prayer, 90
Indiana Law Journal 407 (2015)
Zo Robinson, Lobbying in the Shadows: Religious Interest Groups in the Legislative Process,
64 Emory Law Journal 1041 (2015)
Zoe Robinson, The Contraception Mandate and the Forgotten Constitutional Question, 2014
Wisconsin Law Review 749 (2014)
David Rosenberg, Goodwill and the Excesses of Corporate Political Spending, 11 Hastings
Business Law Journal 29 (2015)
Jeremy A. Rovinsky, The Cutting Edge: The Debate over Regulation of Ritual Slaughter in the
Western World, 45 California Western International Law Journal 79 (2014)
Ryan S. Rummage, In Combination: Using Hybrid Rights to Expand Religious Liberty, 64
Emory Law Journal 1175 (2015)
Phil Ryan, The Multicultural State and the Religiously Neutral State: Reply to Paul Cliteur;
Rejoinder by Paul Cliteur, 12 International Journal of Constitutional Law 457 (2014)
Hossein Mir Mohammad Sadeghi, Filling the Gap in Favor of the Accused: The Approach of
Islamic Criminal Law in Light of the Rule No Punishment in Case of Doubt, 29 Tulane
European and Civil Law Forum 147 (2014)
Lena Salaymeh, Every Law Tells a Story: Orthodox Divorce in Jewish and Islamic Legal
Histories, 4 UC Irvine Law Review 19 (2014)
Erin M. Sales, The Biometric Revolution: An Erosion of the Fifth Amendment Privilege to Be
Free from Self-Incrimination, 69 University of Miami Law Review 193 (2014)
Kyle R. Satterfield, Protecting Eagle Feathers and Promoting Dicta: The Fifth Circuits
Application of Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., in McAllen Grace Brethren Church
v. Salazar, 89 Tulane Law Review 971 (2015)
Audra L. Savage, Turning the Other Cheek: The Persecution of the Christian Minority, 26
Florida Journal of International Law 373 (2014)

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Daniel D. Schick, Keeping with the Principle of Neutrality: Why Courts Should Not Extend
Elmbrooks Mistaken Establishment Clause Analysis, 84 Mississippi Law Journal
Meredith Schlacter, A Prayer for Relief: Assessing the Constitutionality of Missouri's Right to
Pray Amendment, 45 Washington University Journal of Law and Policy 293 (2014)
David B. Schwartz, The NLRAs Religious Exemption in a Post-Hobby Lobby World: Current
Status, Future Difficulties, and a Proposed Solution, 30 ABA Journal of Labor &
Employment Law 227 (2015)
Carlie S. Seigal, A Patriotic Playground: Reexamining the Constitutionality of the Daily
Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in Public Schools, 20 Suffolk Journal of Trial &
Appellate Advocacy 32 (2014-15)
Elizabeth Sepper, Free Exercise Lochnerism, 115 Columbia Law Review 1457 (2015)
Elizabeth Sepper, Gendering Corporate Conscience, 38 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 193
Kelly Shackelford, Mary Beth and John Tinker and Tinker v. Des Moines: Opening the
Schoolhouse Gates to First Amendment Freedom, 39 Journal of Supreme Court History
372 (2014)
Brandon M. Shields, Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.: Final Nail in the Coffin of the ACA?
17 Duquesne Business Law Journal 125 (2015)
Neil S. Siegel and Reva B. Siegel, Compelling Interests and Contraception, 47 Connecticut Law
Review 1025 (2015)
Elizabeth M. Silvestri, Free Speech, Free Press, Free Religion? The Clash Between the
Affordable Care Act and the For-Profit Secular Corporation, 48 Suffolk University Law
Review 257 (2015)
Erin Sisson, The Future of Sharia Law in American Arbitration, 48 Vanderbilt Journal of
Transnational Law 891 (2015)
Michael Skjelderup, udd Punishments in the Forefront: Application of Islamic Criminal Law
by Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen, 29 Journal of Law and Religion 317 (2014)
Joshua A. Slone, Whose Morality is it Anyway? Recognizing the Tension between Morality Laws
and the Establishment Clause, 13 Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy 49 (2015)
George P. Smith, II and Philip M. Donoho, RLUIPA: Re-aligning Burdens of Proof, Clarifying
Freedoms, and Re-defining Responsibilities, 18 New York University Journal of
Legislation and Public Policy 67 (2015)
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Rodney A. Smolla, Regulating the Speech of Judges and Lawyers: The First Amendment and the
Soul of the Profession, 66 Florida Law Review 961 (2014)
James A. Sonne, Domestic Applications of Sharia and the Exercise of Ordered Liberty, 45 Seton
Hall Law Review 717 (2015)
Susan J. Stabile, What is Religious Persecution in a Pluralist Society? 59 Villanova Law
Review 753 (2014)
Nomi Maya Stolzenberg, Political Theology with a Difference, 4 UC Irvine Law Review 407
Gila Stopler, The Right to an Exclusively Religious Educationthe Ultra-Orthodox Community
in Israel in Comparative Perspective, 42 Georgia Journal of International and
Comparative Law 743 (2014)
Maura I. Strassberg, Scrutinizing Polygamy: Utahs Brown v. Buhman and British Columbias
Reference re: Section 293, 64 Emory Law Journal 1815 (2015)
Mark Strasser, Old Wine, Old Bottles, and Not Very New Corks: On State RFRAs and Free
Exercise Jurisprudence, 34 Saint Louis University Public Law Review 335 (2015)
Mark Strasser, The Protection of Conscience: On ACA, RFRA and Free Exercise Guarantees, 82
Tennessee Law Review 345 (2015)
S. I. Strong, Religious Rights in Historical, Theoretical, and International Context: Hobby Lobby
as a Jurisprudential Anomaly? 48 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 813 (2015)
Annu Su, Separation Anxiety: The End of American Religious Freedom? 30 Constitutional
Commentary 127 (2015)
Nimer Sultany, Religion and Constitutionalism: Lessons from American and Islamic
Constitutionalism, 28 Emory International Law Review 345 (2014)
Jonathan S. Sussman, Prayer for Relief: Considering the Limits of Religious Practices in the
Military, 20 Roger Williams University Law Review 75 (2015)
Andrew Swindle, Virgin Mary or Mary Magdalene: An Examination of the Contraception
Mandate Cases and the Religious Freedom Restoration Acts Substantial Burden
Standard, 66 Alabama Law Review 925 (2015)
Peter Nash Swisher, I now Pronounce You Husband and Wives: The Case for Polygamous
Marriage after United States v. Windsor and Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, 29 Brigham
Young University Journal of Public Law 299 (2015)

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Sean Tamba, Matthew, Kids and the Keystone Constitutional Conundrum: Can Pennsylvania
Institute a School Voucher Program to Rescue Children from Underperforming Schools?
20 Widener Law Review 139 (2014)
Shaheer Tarin, An Analysis of the Influence of Islamic Law on Saudi Arabias Arbitration and
Dispute Resolution Practices, 26 American Review of International Arbitration 131
Jennifer S. Taub, Is Hobby Lobby a Tool for Limiting Corporate Constitutional Rights? 30
Constitutional Commentary 403 (2015)
Christopher Tomlins, Demonic Ambiguities: Enchantment and Disenchantment in Nat Turners
Virginia, 4 UC Irvine Law Review 175 (2014)
Joseph Tompkins, An "Ungracious Silence": The Influence of Catholic Thought upon the First
Amendment and its Impact upon the Interpretation of the Free Exercise Clause, 12 Ave
Maria Law Review 359 (2014)
Tihamer Tth, Is There a Vatican School for Competition Policy? 46 Loyola University Chicago
Law Journal 583 (2015)
Joshua N. Turner, A Perturbed Prayer Policy: When Past Practice, not Purpose, Possesses a
Preeminent Position, 9 Liberty University Law Review 405 (2015)
Mark Tushnet, Liberals, Litigants, and the Disappearance of Consensus about the Religion
Clauses, 93 Texas Law Review 207 (2014)
David VanDrunen, Natural Rights in Noahic Perspective, 6 Faulkner Law Review 103 (2014)
Allan W. Vestal, The Lingering Bigotry of State Constitution Religious Tests, 15 University of
Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender and Class 55 (2015)
Rachel Wagley, The Quiet Audience: U.S. Responsibility to Call for an International
Investigation into Crimes against Muslims in Burma, 28 Emory International Law
Review 43 (2014)
Markus Wagner, The Dehumanization of International Humanitarian Law: Legal, Ethical, and
Political Implications of Autonomous Weapon Systems, 47 Vanderbilt Journal of
Transnational Law 1371 (2014)
Yvette Ann Walker, More than Human: Modern Expansion of Corporate Personhood Rights in
Hobby Lobby, 24 Southern California Review of Law and Social Justice 297 (2015)

Page 30 of 39

Gerald Walpin, Five Justices have Transformed the First Amendments Freedom of Religion to
Freedom from Religion, 31 Touro Law Review 187 (2015)
Jessica L. Waters and Leandra N. Carrasco, Untangling the Reproductive Rights and Religious
Liberty Knot, 26 Yale Journal of Law and Feminism 217 (2014)
Michael Welker, The Power of Mercy in Biblical Law, 29 Journal of Law & Religion 225 (2014)
Sonja R. West, First Amendment Neighbors, 66 Alabama Law Review 357 (2014)
James Boyd White, Augustines Confessions as Read by a Modern Law Teacher, 29 Journal of
Law & Religion 330-335 (2014)
Kelly O. White, The Sister Wives: Has Incest and Sexual Assault Become the New Reality? The
United States District Court for the District of Utah Grants Polygamists the Holy Grail,
48 Creighton Law Review 681 (2015)
Robin Fretwell Wilson, Marriage of Necessity: Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Liberty
Protections, 64 Case Western Reserve Law Review 1161 (2014)
Robin Fretwell Wilson, When Governments Insulate Dissenters from Social Change: What
Hobby Lobby and Abortion Conscience Clauses Teach about Specific Exemptions, 48 UC
Davis Law Review 703 (2014)
Robin Fretwell Wilson and Anthony Michael Kreis, Embracing Compromise: Marriage Equality
and Religious Liberty in the Political Process, 15 Georgetown Journal of Gender and the
Law 485 (2014)
Martin Wishnatsky, The Disincorporation Proclamation: Emancipating the Establishment
Clause from the Fourteenth Amendment, 5 Faulkner Law Review 259 (2014)
John Witte, Jr. and Christopher J. Manzer, A Prequel to Law and Revolution: A Long Lost
Manuscript of Harold J. Berman Comes to Light, 29 Journal of Law & Religion 142
John Witte, Jr., The Family of Nature, The Nature of Family: The Surprising Liberal Defense of
the Traditional Family in the Enlightenment, 63 Emory Law Journal 591 (2015)
John Witte, Jr., The Emerging Field of Law and Religion in Western Tradition, 18 East China
University of Political Science and Law 137 (2015)
John Witte, Jr., Review of Jeroen Temperman, ed., The Lautsi Papers: Multidisciplinary
Reflections on Religious Symbols in the Public School Classroom, 17 Ecclesiastical Law
Journal 240 (2015)

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John Witte, Jr., Why Two in One Flesh: The Western Case for Monogamy Over Polygamy, 62
Emory Law Journal 1675 (2015)
John Witte, Jr., A New Magna Carta for the Early Modern Common Law: An 800th Anniversary
Essay, 30 Journal of Law and Religion (2015)
John Witte, Jr. and Justin J. Latterell, Christianity and Human Rights: Past Contributions and
Future Challenges, 30 Journal of Law and Religion (2015)
R. George Wright, Religion without God and the Future of Free Exercise, 63 Cleveland State
Law Review 147 (2014)
Special Issues
Symposium: Pursuit of Happiness in Interreligious Perspective, 29 Journal of Law and Religion
5 (2014)
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Happiness from a Buddhist Perspective, 29 Journal of
Law and Religion 5 (2014)
Matthieu Ricard, A Buddhist View of Happiness, 29 Journal of Law and Religion 14
Ch-Rab Jonathan Sacks, Happiness: A Jewish Perspective, 29 Journal of Law and
Religion 30 (2014)
Michael J. Broyde, Happiness and Unhappiness as Legally Significant Categories in
Jewish Law, 29 Journal of Law and Religion 48 (2014)
Most Rev. Katherine Jefferts Schori, The Pursuit of Happiness in the Christian Tradition:
Goal and Journey, 29 Journal of Law and Religion 57(2014)
Luke Timothy Johnson, Happiness and the Restless Heart: An Augustinian Confession,
29 Journal of Law and Religion 67 (2014)
Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Happiness and the Attainment of Happiness: An Islamic
Perspective, 29 Journal of Law and Religion 76 (2014)
Vincent J. Cornell, Applying the Lessons: Ideals Versus Realities of Happiness from
Medieval Islam to the Founding Fathers, 29 Journal of Law and Religion 92 (2014)
Khaled Abou El Fadl, When Happiness Fails: An Islamic Perspective, 29 Journal of Law
and Religion 109 (2014)

Page 32 of 39

Symposium: The Scholarship and Teaching of Jack Sammons, 66 Mercer Law Review 265
Timothy W. Floyd, Thirty Years of Jack Sammons: An Appreciation, 66 Mercer Law
Review 265 (2015)
Gary J. Simson, Religious Arguments by Citizens to Influence Public Policy: The Lessons
of the Establishment Clause, 66 Mercer Law Review 273 (2015)
Timothy W. Floyd, The Relationship Between Christian Theology and Legal Ethics in the
Thought of Jack Sammons, 66 Mercer Law Review 313 (2015)
James Boyd White, Hearing Voices: Reading as Listening in Literature, Law, and
Theology, 66 Mercer Law Review 325 (2015)
Joseph Vining, Jack Sammons as Therapist, 66 Mercer Law Review 335 (2015)
Symposium: Regulating Life, Disease, and Death, 29 Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics &
Public Policy 353 (2015)
Jae Yeon Kim, Regulating Life, Disease, and Death: The Legal, Ethical, and Moral
Implications of Science, Medicine, and Technology, 29 Notre Dame Journal of Law,
Ethics & Public Policy 353 (2015)
James G. Hodge, Jr., Legal Myths of Ebola Preparedness and Response, 29 Notre Dame
Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy 355 (2015)
Michael C. Barnes and Stacey Worthy, Applying Lessons from the Opioid Abuse
Epidemic to Protect Consumers from Gray Market Biologics, 29 Notre Dame Journal of
Law, Ethics & Public Policy 375 (2015)
J. Benjamin Hurlbut, Religion and Public Reason in the Politics of Biotechnology, 29
Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy 423 (2015)
Symposium: Dodd-Frank, the Financial Crisis, and a Christian View of Financial Markets, 9
Liberty University Law Review 445 (2015)
Preface, Liberty University Law Review (2015)
Paul J. Foley and Joshua C. Dawson, Square Pegs Dont Fit in Round Holes: The Impact
of the Dodd-Frank Acts Elimination of the Private Fund Exemption on Private Equity
Fund Advisers, 9 Liberty University Law Review 445 (2015)
Rodney Chrisman, Abstract of Forthcoming Article, 9 Liberty University Law Review
467 (2015)

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Tory L. Lucas, Judge Not Under an Unjust Standard: Why an Investment Advisers
Fiduciary Duty as to Fees under Section 36(b) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 is
Illusory and Unjust until an Adjudicated Case Illustrates a Breach of the Fiduciary Duty,
9 Liberty University Law Review 469 (2015)
Kaitlyn E. Evans, A Call for Change in Interchange Fee Regulation: Examining the
Durbin Amendment Disaster through the Lens of NACS v. Federal Reserve Board, 9
Liberty University Law Review 559 (2015)
The Politics of Religious Freedom, 29 Maryland Journal of International Law 293 (2014)
Peter Danchin, Winnifred Fallers Sullivan, Saba Mahmood and Elizabeth Shakman Hurd,
Politics of Religious Freedom: Case Studies, 29 Maryland Journal of International Law
293 (2014)
Ratna Kapur, The Ayodhya Case: Hindu Majoritarianism and the Right to Religious
Liberty, 29 Maryland Journal of International Law 305 (2014)
A Discussion of Religious Freedom in America, 41 Pepperdine Law Review 903 (2014)
Steven D. Smith, The Last Chapter? 41 Pepperdine Law Review 903 (2014)
Andrew Koppelman, Theorists, Get over Yourselves: A Response to Steven D. Smith, 41
Pepperdine Law Review 937 (2014)
Paul Horwitz, More Vitiating Paradoxes: A Response to Steven D. Smithand Smith,
41 Pepperdine Law Review 943 (2014)
Nelson Tebbe, The End of Religious Freedom: What Is at Stake? 41 Pepperdine Law
Review 963 (2014)
Steven D. Smith, Response: Situating Ourselves in History, 41 Pepperdine Law Review
983 (2014)
Is Religion Outdated (As A Constitutional Category)? 51 San Diego Law Review 971 (2014)
Steven D. Smith and Larry Alexander, Introduction to the Symposium, 51 San Diego Law
Review 971 (2014)
Christopher J. Eberle, Religion and Insularity: Brian Leiter on Accommodating Religion,
51 San Diego Law Review 977 (2014)
Stanley Fish, Wheres the Beef? 51 San Diego Law Review 1037 (2014)

Page 34 of 39

William A. Galson, Religion, Conscience, and the Case for Accommodation, 51 San
Diego Law Review 1045(2014)
Larry Alexander, Galston on Religion, Conscience, and the Case for Accommodation, 51
San Diego Law Review 1065 (2014)
Frederick Mark Gedricks, Religion, Meaning, Truth, Life, 51 San Diego Law Review
1069 (2014)
Andrew Koppelman, Religion as a Bundle of Legal Proxies: Reply to Micah
Schwartzman, 51 San Diego Law Review 1079 (2014)
Micah Schwartzman, Religion as a Legal Proxy, 51 San Diego Law Review 1085 (2014)
Maimon Schwarzschild, How Much Autonomy Do You Want? 51 San Diego Law Review
1105 (2014)
Winnifred Fallers Sullivan, Why Distinguish Religion, Legally Speaking? 51 San Diego
Law Review 1121 (2014)
Sharia and Halakha in North America, 90 Chicago-Kent Law Review 3 (2015)
Mark D. Rosen, Introduction, 90 Chicago-Kent Law Review 3 (2015)
Wajahat Ali, Lee Ann Bambach, and Samuel Freedman, Opposition to Islamic and
Jewish Religious Practices in Contemporary America: Overlap and Divergences, the
Anti-Sharia Movement in America, 90 Chicago-Kent Law Review 13 (2015)
Charlotte Elisheva Fonrobert, Installations of Jewish Law in Public Urban Space: An
American Eruv Controversy, 90 Chicago-Kent Law Review 63 (2015)
Mustafa R. K. Baig, Operating Islamic Jurisprudence in Non-Muslim Jurisdictions:
Traditional Islamic Precepts and Contemporary Controversies in the United States, 90
Chicago-Kent Law Review 79 (2015)
Michael J. Broyde, Faith-Based Private Arbitration as a Model for Preserving Rights
and Values in a Pluralistic Society, 90 Chicago-Kent Law Review 111(2015)
Michael A. Helfand, Between Law and Religion: Procedural Challenges to Religious
Arbitrations Awards, 90 Chicago-Kent Law Review 141(2015)
Mohammed H. Fadel, Religious Law, Family Law and Arbitration: Sharia and Halakha
in America, 90 Chicago-Kent Law Review 163 (2015)

Page 35 of 39

Symposium: Islamic and Jewish Law in the 21st Century, 41 Pepperdine Law Review 991
Michael A. Helfand, Introduction: Religious Law in the 21st Century, 41 Pepperdine Law
Review 991(2014)
Michelle Greenberg-Kobrin, Religious Tribunals and Secular Courts: Navigating Power
and Powerlessness, 41 Pepperdine Law Review 997 (2014).
Christopher C. Lund, Rethinking the Religious Question Doctrine, 41 Pepperdine Law
Review 1013 (2014)
Ann Laquer Estin, Foreign and Religious Family Law: Comity, Contract, and the
Constitution, 41 Pepperdine Law Review 1029 (2014)
Seval Yildirim, Conceptions of Religion in the Secular State: Evolving Turkish
Secularism, 41 Pepperdine Law Review 1049 (2014)
Faisal Kutty, Islamic Law in U.S. Courts: Judicial Jihad or Constitutional Imperative?
41 Pepperdine Law Review 1059 (2014)
Inaugural Themed Issue: Faith-Based Legal Systems, 24 Indiana International & Comparative
Law Review 859-920 (2014)
Mohammed A. Arafa, Whither Egypt? Against Legal Fascism and Legal
Authoritarianism: Pure Revolution, Popular Coup or a Military Coup dEtat? 24 Indiana
International and Comparative Law Review 859 (2014)
David L. Johnston, A Muslim and Christian Orientation to Human Rights: Human
Dignity and Solidarity, 24 Indiana International and Comparative Law Review 899
The Eighth Annual John F. Scarpa Conference on Law, Politics, and Culture. Exploring and
Celebrating the Legacy of the Honorable John T. Noonan, Jr. 59 Villanova Law Review
649-727 (2014).
Patrick McKinley Brennan, Judge John T. Noonan, Jr.: An Introduction, 59 Villanova
Law Review 649 (2014)
William Card Levada, Judge John T. Noonan, Jr.: An Introduction, 59 Villanova Law
Review 655 (2014)
Hon. John T. Noonan, Jr. Seven Teachers in the Tradition, 59 Villanova Law Review
659 (2014)

Page 36 of 39

Richard W. Painter, People Who Are Not Legal and Who Are Not Alive in the Eyes of the
Law, 59 Villanova Law Review 667 (2014)
Kenneth Pennington, The Biography of Gratian, the Father of Canon Law, 59 Villanova
Law Review 679 (2014)
Rev. Michael Sweeney, To Erasmians, Everywhere: Reflections on the Life and Work
of Judge John T. Noonan, Jr., 59 Villanova Law Review 707 (2014)
Joseph Vining, Reading John Noonan, 59 Villanova Law Review 715 (2014)
Symposium: Ronald Dworkins Religion without God, 94 Boston University Law Review 12011355 (2014).
James E. Fleming, Introduction to the Symposium on Ronald Dworkins Religion without
God, 94 Boston University Law Review 1201 (2014)
Jeremy Waldron, Religion without God by Ronald Dworkin A Review, 94 Boston
University Law Review 1207 (2014)
Stephen L. Carter, The Challenge of Belief, 94 Boston University Law Review 1213
Paul Horwitz, A Troublesome Right: The Law in Dworkins Treatment of Law and
Religion, 94 Boston University Law Review 1225 (2014)
Andrew Koppelman, Ronald Dworkin, Religion, and Neutrality, 94 Boston University
Law Review 1241 (2014)
Cecile Laborde, Dworkins Freedom of Religion without God, 94 Boston University Law
Review 1255-1271 (2014)
Linda C. McClain, Can Religion Without God Lead to Religious Liberty without
Conflict? 94 Boston University Law Review 1273 (2014)
Micah Schwartzman, Religion, Equality, and Public Reason, 94 Boston University Law
Review 1321 (2014)
Steven D. Smith, Is God Irrelevant? 94 Boston University Law Review 1339 (2014)
Symposium: Religious Accommodation in the Age of Civil Rights, 88 Southern California Law
Review 453 (2015)
Martha Minow, Religious Exemptions, Stating Culture: Foreword to Religious
Accommodation in the Age of Civil Rights, 88 Southern California Law Review 453

Page 37 of 39

Mary Anne Case, Why Live-and-Let-Live Is Not a Viable Solution to the Difficult
Problems of Religious Accommodation in the Age of Sexual Civil Rights, 88 Southern
California Law Review 463 (2015)
Richard W. Garnett, Religious Accommodations andand amongCivil Rights:
Separation, Toleration, and Accommodation, 88 Southern California Law Review 493
Malick W. Ghachem, Accommodating Empire: Comparing French and American Paths
to the Legalization of Gay Marriage, 88 Southern California Law Review 511 (2015)
Michael A. Helfand, Religious Institutionalism, Implied Consent, and the Value of
Voluntarism, 88 Southern California Law Review 539 (2015)
John D. Inazu, A Confident Pluralism, 88 Southern California Law Review 587 (2015)
Andrew Koppelman, Gay Rights, Religious Accommodations, and the Purposes of
Antidiscrimination Law, Southern California Law Review 619 (2015)
Melissa Murray, Accommodating Nonmarriage, 88 Southern California Law Review 661
Stephen D. Smith, Die and Let Live? The Asymmetry of Accommodation, 88 Southern
California Law Review 703 (2015)
Nomi Maya Stolzenberg, Its About Money: The Fundamental Contradiction of Hobby
Lobby, 88 Southern California Law Review 727 (2015)
Jack M. Balkin, Balkinization
Richard Bartholomew, Bartholomews Notes on Religion
Ed Brayton, Dispatches from the Cultural Wars
Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, Blog from the Capitol
CambridgeBlog, Virtual Roundtable: Same-Sex Marriage, (March 15, 2013)
Christianity Today, Weblog
Commonweal: a Review of Religion, Politics and Culture from Commonweal Magazine,
The Evangelical Outpost: Reflections on Culture, Politics, and Religion from an Evangelical
Robert M. Felton, Civil Commotion: The Intersection of Religion, Law, and Politics
Page 38 of 39

Howard M. Friedman, Religion Clause

Marci A. Hamilton & Leslie Griffin,
Get Religion
America Magazine, The Good Word: A Blog on Scripture and Teaching from America
America Magazine, In All Things: An Editorial blog from American Magazine
Jews in Green: The Ultimate Resource for Jewish Service Members
Bruce Ledewitz, Hallowed Secularism
Mirror of Justice: A Blog Dedicated to the Development of Catholic Legal Theory
Ashbrook Center, No Left Turns
Dr. Bruce Prescott, Mainstream Baptist
Richard J. Radcliffe, Law Religion Culture Review: Exploring the Intersections of Law, Religion
and Culture
ReligionNewsBlog: Religion News Articles About Religious Cults, Sects, World
Religions, and Related Issues,
Religious Right Watch: to Secure the Blessings of Liberty,
Daily Kos: Street Prophets
Social Science Research Council, The Immanent Frame: Secularism, Religion, and the Public
Talk to Action: Reclaiming Citizenship History and Faith
Times and Seasons: A Mormon Group Blog
Vox Nova: Catholic Perspectives on Culture, Society and Politics
Wall of Separation: Official Weblog of Americans United
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