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BS 1377: 1990 - British Standard Methods of test for Soils for

civil engineering purposes
BS1377: 1990, Part 1, Method 7.7 - Preparation of test specimens of
compacted soil, under Method 7.3 - Compaction criteria

Method 7.7.3(a) - Compactive effort or

Method 7.7.3(b) - Dry density.

Test Requirement
The degree of compaction to be applied to the soil and the method of forming the test specimens
shall be specified. Before testing, the test requirements for specific applications shall be
addressed as follows:
Size of test specimens;
Undisturbed specimens and orientation of undisturbed specimens relative to the plane of
Remoulded (re-constituted) specimens moisture content and density;


Normal shear pressures range (eg. , and 2) to be applied for each of 3 specimens;


Surface and sub-surface soil extracted or sampled by customers.


A portion of a sample on which a test is carried out.

Specimens batch

The portions of a sample prepared for a test. Each specimen is labeled

accordingly with a sequential number after the sample number and separator (-).
e.g. BS1-A, BS1-B and BS1-C.

Sample condition

The disturbed or undisturbed sample condition that is as received for the

specimen(s) tested as such and noted in the test report.

Disturbed sample/
specimens batching

For each disturbed sample, specimens batch is obtained by reconstituting

(remoulding) loose:
a) cohesive soil that is compacted into a square specimen mould (cutter) for
transfer to the shearbox or compacted directly into the shearbox.
b) cohesionless soil that is compacted directly into the shearbox.


Preparation of test specimens of compacted soils (remoulded)

This procedure is in accordance to BS1377: 1990, Part 1, Method 7.7.3 - Compaction criteria.


Compactive effort The soil is compacted at a specified moisture content into a mould under a
specified compactive effort. In other words, the achieved density is dependant on the standard effort and
predetermined moisture content. The compaction effort is equivalent to that of standard or modified
compaction methods in terms of hammer weight, number of layers, number of blows per layer and height
of hammer drop for a given volume. The specified moisture content can be from any of the following:
a) Insitu density or received density and natural moisture content
b) Optimum moisture content (OMC) from densities versus moisture content relationship
c) Percentage of moisture on the dry side of OMC (e.g. -2% of OMC)
d) Percentage of moisture on the wet side of OMC (e.g. +2% of OMC)


Dry density The soil is compacted at a specified moisture content into a mould to achieve a specified
dry density. In this procedure, the usual manual compactive effort by tamping and the number of blows
per layer shall be determined by trial. The specified dry density could be predetermined from the
densities versus moisture relationship graph, and the moisture content from any of the following:
a) Insitu density or received density and natural moisture content
b) Optimum moisture content (OMC)
c) Percentage of moisture on the dry side of OMC (e.g. -2% of OMC)
d) Percentage of moisture on the wet side of OMC (e.g. +2% of OMC)

Method Statement 7/7/3

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Normal stress requirement

This procedure defines the process for the selection of the desired vertical (normal) stress, . The
relationship of between measured shear stress at failure and normal applied stress is obtained by
carrying out tests on a set of three similar specimens of the same sample under different pressures.


Stress range
For normally consolidated soil, normal stress of v, v and 2v might be appropriate to cover the range
of vertical stress likely to be experienced by the soil insitu.
For soft soil, normal stress of v, v and 1v might be considered.


Effective vertical stress

Effective vertical stress due to self-weight of soil is obtained by:

= v u


= (sat - w) x z
= ' x z

= sat x z

= w x z



= saturated unit
= water unit weight, 9.81

= depth


= buoyant unit weight of the soil

Total vertical (normal) stress

In the absence of data on ground water level or reliable water table, the in-situ pore water pressure, u is
often not taken into consideration.
Therefore, total vertical (normal) stress, v = sat x z

Specimen size: 60 x 60 mm x 20 mm height ( volume = 72 cm 3 )

at depth 3.0 metres, with a wet weight of 135 gm
Bulk density, =



1.875 Mg/m3

Unit weight of soil in kN/m3

is obtained by:
sat =


g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81m/sec2

1.875 x 9.81
18.39 kN/m3

Total vertical (normal) stress, v

= sat x z
= 18.39 kN/m3 x 3.0 m
= 55.17 kN/m2

Use v = 60 kN/m2

Therefore the stress range for v, v and 2v is 30, 60 and 120 kN/m2

Selection of stress range might be subjected to the following:

1. Engineer's design requirement for specified stress.
2. For normal slopes, a stress range of 50, 100 and 200 kN/m2 is usually appropriate.


Example Procedure for specified density to Method 7.7.3(b) - Dry density

Size of test specimen: Diameter 50mm x 100mm height (Ratio-1:2)

Received density or 90% to 95% of dry density as compared to received density

Natural moisture content

Metal Split-mould of test specimen size with collar end and cutter end to hold mould in place

Suitable tampling rod (Diameter 10mm by 200mm length)

Number of compaction layers - 5

Number of blows per layer - 30

[A procedure by trial(s) is done to determine the number of blows for the operator's compactive
effort by tamping to achieve a specified density consistently for the required number of test
specimens]. Note: In the trials, the number of blows per layer shall be changed accordingly
where required.

Method Statement 7/7/3

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