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Office of the secretary, State House, Boston ~tree~_~ ...•.tre_s_A_v_e_n_n_e _

~""l ~q:ze' tt~o~unteer"

I ~,cv-


prtQ,~t Owner City
of Mar~borough
of Marlborough
Date Constr-ucted 1924
Date Dedicated 1924

Source of Date Pub. Loca~ Histories

Designer or Sculptor
ity Individual or group responsible for monument
if other than owner V. F. W.
rated Moved" Altered
Moderate None
- - - - ----------
LOCATIONOF INSCRIPTION: Plaque on wall, house, post; base of monument; other _

ENTIRE INSCRIPTIONon monument: Spanish-i\merican r,'Jar 1898-1902

"edicated by the City of Marlborough to hen sons who freely served in
~lumatiity t S cause II

Foundation:" Pedestal ~ None Material
Material: Bronze Stone Marble Granite .".,W=o-od
Setting (surroundings) On lawn in front of 1ibrary----------------
Size (approximate) '(] foot statue on top of 6 foot base
- ---- - - ---- - - - ------- -- - - --------- - - - - --- - --
Indicate location of monument on map below Recorder Ernest Ginnetti

For Marlborough Historical Commission

(Name of Organization)

Photo Date Received 7/15/78

* If the monument has been moved, indicate the

original location on the reverse side.
** Describe the monument on the reverse side.

A three foot square granite base supports a bronze statue of a combat
infantryman marching with hrs rifle at the ready position, in full .
battle dress of the period. The entire structure stands about 13 feet'
Honor roll of original roster of Co. ;.7. 6th Ha.ssachu se t t s Infantry
U. S. V. (United. States Volunteers) in the Cuban and Pue r t o Rican


theme circled on front of form. What ha.PPened? Who was important? Comment)

The Spanish-American war lasted for less than four months, yet it'
was a notable international conflict. The destruction of the battle- (

ship ¥aine February 15, 1898, became known as a battle cry and in ~
Marlborough Co. F, 6th Regt. left under the command of Capt. Thomas l

E. Jackson.

Not including the soldiers who died from sickness, two from Marlborough
i lost their lives under combat conditions. \.villisH. Page who died on
the transport Lampassas and was buried at sea, and Ernest D. Harshall,
the first American soldier to be buried in Porto Rico, whose body wa s
brought to Marlborough a -year later.
I believe this monument and the monument commemerating the 1st world
War '<Jeredesigned by the same. person.

REFERENCE: (Where was this information obtained? What book, records, etc.j
Historical Reminiscences of Marlborough, Ella Bigelow, Marl., 1910.

FORM B - BUILDING Assessor's number USGS Quad Area(s) Form Number

Massachusetts Historical Commission 69-238 I 1 Marlborough I A 81

80 Boylston Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02116

Town MarJhorol!~h

Place (neighborhood or village) _

Iv1ain Street area

Address Bates Avenue (Monument Square)

Historic Name First Baptist Church

Uses: Present Baptist Church

Original Baptist Church

Date of Construction __ 1~8_87~ _

Source History of the First Baptist Church

Style/Form Queen Anne

Architect/Builder H M Francis, archt

Exterior Material:

Sketch Map Foundation mbble anel oranite block

Draw a map of the area indicating properties within "
it. Number each property for whicn individual WallfTrim wood sbjno]e
inventory forms have been completed. Label streets
including route numbers, if any. Attach a separate Roof slate
sheet if space is not sufficient here. Indicate north.
Outbuildings/Secondary Structures _


Major Alterations (with dates) _


Condition excellent

Moved [X] no [ ] yes Date N/A

Acreage less than one acre

'Recorded by Anne Forbes Setting On rise at west end of Main St at

Organization for Marlboro Hist Comm Monument Sq Commercia] area to E: 19th-C

Date 20'\/94 residential to W Adjacent to park and library

ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION [X] see continuation sheet
Describe architectural features. Evaluate the characteristics of this building in terms of other buildings
within the community.

The only Queen Anne church in Marlborough, the First Baptist is by far the most well-preserved of
all the city's historic churches. As far as can be determined from early engravings and photographs,
it retains virtually all its original exterior features. It is a magnificent, flam6'oyant building, occupying
a prominent site overlooking the length of Main Street to the east. Altbough complex in massing,
with many projections, the core of the building is a large rectangular structure with a pyramidal Tool
Projecting from the main core, which houses the large square sanctuarv at second-storv level, are a
gabled facade bay with a large circular window in a complex, multi-light round-arched surround, and
a slightly smaller gabled bay on the north side, which houses a colored-glass geometric rose window.
Spanning the area between the front and side zables is a wide cylindrical bay with a band of two-part
colored-glass windows filling its upper wall. The focal point of the building is the southeast facade
corner, where a square belfry and a tall, slender, cylindrical spire rise from a large square stair tower.
Toward the rear of the south side a short, wide turret with a polygonal roof Juts out and up from
the southwest corner. At the northwest rear corner of the building is a side entrance, sheltered by
a projecting, north-facing gable.

The first story of the building, which is occupied by a parish hall, narthex, and Sunday School rooms,
is constructed of grapevine-mortared brown rubble stone with granite-block interpersed a comer
quoining, window sills, and arches at the main facade entry. Granite blocks also frame a semicircular
arched window at the base of the stair tower. A carved granite cornerstone above the arched
window reads 111887." Above the first story the walls are shingled, and are typically Queen Anne in ..
their variety of surface treatment. A flared square-pattern-shmgled skirt forms a transition from the
rubble base to the main wall plane, which is clad m rectangular shingles nearly to the cont.)

HISTORICAL NARRATIVE [X] see continuation sheet

Explain history of the building. Explain its associations with local (or state) history. Include uses of the
building, and the rolets) the owners/occupants played within the community.

Additional historical information: (See former Inventory Form.)

The first public service of Marlborough's fledgling Baptist Society was held in 1867 in the Sons of
Temperance Hall under the Rev. D.F. Lamson of Northborough. The society worshiped there until
1869, when it purchased a lot on Main Street, moved the old town house there, and raised it a story.
Under the long pastorate of the Rev. J.T. Burhoe, the society rapidly grew ill strength and numbers.

This new church was dedicated in December, 1887. Its first pastor was the Rev. c.R. Powers.

Winslow D. Walker of 50 Main Street (MHC #213), who did the interior woodwork for the building,
and his wife, were among the primary founders of the church in Marlborough, and it was at their
home that the first orgariizational meetings were held.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and/or REFERENCES [ ] see continuation sheet

Bigelow, Ella. Historical Reminiscences of the Early Times in Marlborough. 1910.

Hudson, Charles. Historv of the Tov.'J1 of Marlborough. 1862.
Centennial. '90: Marlborough the City. 1990.
Maps and Atlases: Walker: 1889; sanborns from 1990.
Marlborough Enterprise 12/5/89.

[ X] Recommended for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. If checked, a completed
National Register Criteria Statement form is attached.
Massachusetts Historical Commission Community Property Address
80 Boylston Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02116 Marlborough Bates Avenue

Area(s) Form No(s).

A 81

National Register of Historic Places Criteria Statement Form

Check alJ that apply:

[x] IndividualJy eligible [ ] Eligible only in a historic district

[x] Contributing to a potential historic district [] Potential historic district

Criteria: [x] A [] B [x] C [] D

Criteria Considerations: [xl A [J B r] C [] D [] E [] F [] G

Statement of Significance by _~F~o~r~b~es,,-,-/

S_ch~u_l_e~r _
The criteria that are checked in the above sections must be justified here.

The First Baptist Church meets Criteria A and C of the National Register. The property's
association with the social history of Marlborough is an important aspect of community
development. The property is architecturally significant as one of the most outstanding and
preserved properties in the City. The prominently situated building, designed by H.M. Francis,
is the only Queen Anne church in Marlborough and the most flamboyant local institutional
building. The building's architecture alone would be sufficient reason to determine the building
eligible for NR listing. The property retains integrity of location, design, setting, materials,
workmanship, feeling, and association.
Marlborough First Baptist Church

Massachusetts Historical Commission

80 Boylston Street Area(s) Form No.
Boston, Massachusetts 02116 A 69


rooflines, where a paneled frieze rings the top of the wall. The facade gable is shingled in an
undulating, wave-like pattern, a treatment that is repeated in both north gables. In the northwest
corner gable the undulating shingle turns inward to a double colored-glass casement window.
Decorative work fills the peaks of all three gable: a multi-paned colored-glass triangular window at
the facade peak is re-interpreted at a slightly smaller scale in the main north side gable, and over
the northwest entry, a king ~st supports a latticework gable screen. The paneled frieze detail is
repeated just under the bel , where turned posts with sawcut brackets and a decorative-braced
balustrade support a slightly ared pyramidal roof. An especially elaborate touch is the wide band
of diagonal strapwork patterning that rings the spire just below a flared slate skirt that leads the eye
upward to an openwork gallery at the top. Crowmng the spire is a tall conical sheet-metal roof
topped with a gilded finial depicting a crown of th0111S.The roof retains much of its original copper
cresting, with decorative finials remaining at the main ridge, and in the south turret, northwest gable,
and belfry.
Nearly all the windows in the church, save for a twentieth-century narrative window in the rear wall
of the sanctuary, are of the geometric colored-glass type that was becoming popular in the 1880's.
On the south side of the roof, a gabled "eyebrow" donner with a semi-circular window echoes the
shape of that in the base of the stair tower. Below it is a row of colored-glass l-over-Zcsash in the
sanctuary, and a line of tall 2-over-2-sash in the first story.
The recessed main entry, which is lined with brick, has a large double-leaf door of fourteen recessed
and chamfered panels under a multi-light transom. The small second entry in the northwest corner
has a narrow double-leaf ten-panel door and a three-part transom.
The architect of the building was H.M. Francis of Fitchburg, who based its design on a Baptist
church in Fitchburg. The builder was the prolific J.E. Warren of Marlborough, with interior finish
l>YH.F. and W.D. Walker of West Main Street. The stained glass windows were created by
Bedding, Baird & Co. of Boston, and the interior decorating was done by A.P. Walcott of Lynn.
1>~ In Area no. Form no.


~ 0~
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Office of the Secretary , State House, Boston ')1~
Lr :7
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I ~> TO\~l'ia~}.§)!:oU~h

~'"Toldress 13ates Avenue

.~~ ----'-~=----'--=------------
~ame v'
4lrst B aptls . t Church

Present use Church'

20 --------------

Present owner Baptist :Parish

3. Description: Gothic

Date 1887

Source Pub. Local Histories

Style Elizabethian~
'... - ,--~=-
=--_.---.... '."\
4. Map. Draw sketch of building location Archite~t·lTnknown )
in relation to nearest cross streets and
,0, /~
other buildings. Indicate north . Exterior wmrfiioric·.Jood Clapboard.

Outbuildi ngs (describe)_N_o_n_e _

Other features Stone 1st floor, slate

roof, steeple higher than belfry.

o The most beautiful church in Harl.

o o



5. Lot size:

One acre or less _X_ Over one acre _

Approximate frontage 80 Feet

Approximate distance of building from street

20 Feet

6. Recorded by Ernest Ginnetti

WIiST J'.1A-IN Organization Marlborough Historical

o o
LoJOO o Date .7/9/78


7. Original owner (if known) First BaLtis t ,'::;h.urch

Original use Church

Subsequentuses (if any) and dates Same. as ~:"bove
8. Themes (checkas manyas applicable)

Aboriginal Conservation Recreation

Education Religion x
Architectural Exploration/ Science/
The Arts settlement invention
Commerce Industry Social!
Communication Military humanitarian x
Communitydevelopment Political Transportation

9. Historical significance (include explanation of themes checkedabove)

The Baptist Church in Fayville is generally conceded to be the
mother of the Baptist Church in Ma.rlborough. The first prayer meeting
was held. at the home of \.J. D. Halker, July 1866. The first publ.d.c
meeting of the new society was held in Sons of Temperance hall, July
1867, and in 1868 the church was permanently organized. at the house
of \;J. D. vlalker. The first pastor was N. R. Deming and the first
baptism took place in 1868 at Gates Pond (Lake Hilliams) by him.
In August 1868, the Lordts supper was observed for the first time,
using a communion set presented them by the Union Temple Sunday
school, Boston , In 1869 the old Harlborough Town Hall was bid.
off at the auction by :f-'astor Deming and was moved upon the lot owne.d
by the society on Main street opposite the Old Colony R. R. station.
The hall Has then raised, stores finished. off und.erne.ath to rent,
and the upper story used. to hold meetings at a cost of $8,500, and
it was called Fulton hall. In 1887, this property was sold, and. a
lot purchased. at the corner of ~Htherbee and Hechanic st:reets, and
the present church was built, and it was dedicated in 1899.-:)
This is my favorite church because, it is the only church in
Marlborough that did. not loq'se its steeple in the hurricane of 1938,
all the other existing chu~ches have either no, or a much reduced

10. Bibliographyand/or references (such as local histories, deeds, assessor's records,

'early maps, etc.)

Historical Reminiscences of Marlborough, Ella Bigelow, harl., 1910.

History of Marlborough Mass., Charles Hudson, Boston, 1862.

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