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rongeof 220-260 g/n2. H eovi eri obri csoi e kniit edwit h

oouqe 20. More recentfobri cdevel opments includet he

Iig ht*e i9 ht f Ieec:e--WLb
4lyeste r/cotton o nd synthetic il eece

Thereore othertypesof si mpl erfl eecestruc t ur es suchos t he

tw o-threod{l eece (ol so commonl y know n os lench t er r y')
ond the pol or"fl eece. A l i hough there i s si mi lor it yin t heir
nomes,they ore knitted with very di{{ereni types o{ circulor
: : : : e is on e o f th e o l d e s tk n i i te dfo b ri cd esi gnsw hi chsti l l i .e. si ngl ekni t ond stondor dploiing t er r y
kni ti i ngmochi nes,
: : - nonds h u g e p o p u l o ri tyi n to d o y ' sm o d ernfoshi on plush,respectively, ond the fobrics ore very different in
*: - d. lt ho sth e u n i q u ec h q ro c i e ri s ti cosf bei ngw orm, cozylopoeoronce.
:.ri, io sev eosyc.ore,woshobleond hong-to-dry'More-
: : ' m onyty p e so f { l e e c efo b ri cc o n b e e o si l yproducedot FIeeceFobri cS tructures
, i- , ow c o s tw i thth e c i rc u l o rk n i tti n gmo chi nes.The w i de In ci rcul orkni tti ng,the {l eecei s ol so know ni echnicollyos
: : : c ot ion si n c l u d eo u i e r g o rme n tsv, e s i s w , orm gorment ihree-threod{ usesthreetypeso{ knittedloops to
- - g ' ins u l o ti o nm , i tte n ss, o c k s ,h o ts ,s c o r fs,bl onkets,
{orm o sirongiobric, wiih light siretchobility ond very low
; - s ond p y i o mo s D . u e to i ts p o p u l o ri tyth , e fobri cdevel - ;Ewness.ThEJdffic voriotionsore ochievedon the some
: : - er ls ho v e b e e ne x te n s i vw e o rl d w i d e Moi
. n vori oi i ons ci rcul orkni i ti ngmochi nethroughthe chong esin t he
- , , ' : . ed t he c o mb i n o ti o no f mo c h i n eg o u ge (meosuredi n orrongement o{ the kni tti ngcqmsond the or r ongem t nto!
' r *: , e- per-i n c h 'o r n .p .i .),y o rn m o te ri o l s(e' g' cotton,

the needles.
:': .esterond cotton/polyester blend of voriouscomposi-
' , : - : ond t y p e s(ri n g -s p u n y o rn , ro to ry o rn,texturi sed fleece
Fobricstructures of three-threod
: ' : , : s t er ,s p u n p o l y e s T epr,o l y e s temr i c ro f i beretc )' W hi l e
*r . : r ' iousfo c e s tru c tu reesn o b l eg o rm e n idesi gners to edc
The doubl eyorns,i .e. ti e-i nyorn ond groundyor n,{or m --
*- : , r h€ w o n d e rfucl h o ro c te ri s ti cwsi th o utbei ng too yoiffiheTtr-by]Fe
ffi-rn reaeystructure, tffit=tihell"ece
r*s-':ed by the fobric weightdensity. stitches o{the{leece ou",o .Pql .'
il"-tnFiffi vorn
ffiilGs loop'Thisillustrustion
formthefleecy the
rn%ilotton three-threodfleecestructure.Other vorio-
tions ore creoiedby voryingthe width of the ileecylqoP-,or
voryingthe locotion*h"ru-th" tie-in yornhEtr--fr-Feecy
vorn betweentwo odiocentcourses.

I/anhtrbn I - 'JxI Flegce' IXpe C


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