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Almuslet et. al./ Elixir Chem. Phys. 33 (2011) 2227-2230

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Chemical Physics
Elixir Chem. Phys. 33 (2011) 2227-2230

Graft copolymerization of acrylamide onto gum karaya using diode laser

Nafie A. AlMuslet(1), Elfatih Ahmed Hassan(2), Al Sayed Abd-El-Magied Al-Sherbini(3),Mohamed Gusm Alla Muhgoub(4).

Institute of Laser, Sudan University of Science &Technology, Khartoum / Republic of Sudan,

Faculty of Science, Sudan University of Science &Technology, Khartoum / Republic of Sudan.
National Institute of Laser Enhanced Sciences (NILES), Cairo University, Cairo / Egypt,
Faculty of Education, Alzaiem Alazhari University, Khartoum / Republic of Sudan.



Art i c l e h i st ory :
Received: 19 February 2011;
Received in revised form:
18 March 2011;
Accepted: 27 March 2011;

Graft copolymerization of acrylamide (AAm) on Gum Karaya GK using diode laser (532
nm) was investigated. The results showed that, the optimum conditions to achieve efficient
graft copolymerization were: 60 minutes laser irradiation time and 0.5 gm of GK, 0.142 gm
of acrylamide (monomer). The percentage of graft efficiency and percentage of graft yield
were 28.00%, and 98.59%, respectively. The graft copolymers were characterized using
spectroscopy (FTIR),
X-ray diffraction
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) which proved
a successful production of GK-g-AAm. Thus, Laser irradiation was found to be effective
and clean method for producing GK-g-AAm.

K ey w or d s
Polymerization by laser,
Graft copolymerization,
Laser in photochemistry,
Laser spectroscopy.

Gum Karaya:
Scientific Name(s): Sterculia urens Roxb. Family:
Sterculiaceae. The gum also may be obtained from S. villosa, S.
tragacantha, or other species of Sterculia [1].
Common Name(s): Karaya, sterculia. In Sudan, and
elsewhere in Africa, gum karaya can be obtained from S.
setigera. The exudates from these three species are very similar
in chemical composition and physico-chemical characteristics.
Accordingly, in terms of current legal definitions of identity and
trade specifications, exudates from any Sterculia, or admixtures,
can be offered for sale. Sterculia setigera is a multi-purpose
savanna tree which spreads naturally in central and southern
Sudan. The species is the main source of the internationally
accepted, Gum Karaya in Sudan [2,3,4,5]. Traditionally, India is
the largest producer and exporter of karaya gum [6]. Increasing
amounts are exported by African countries. Currently the gum is
used in a variety of products, including cosmetics, hair sprays,
and lotions, to provide bulk [7].
Gum Karaya is a complex, partially acetylated
polysaccharide obtained as a calcium and magnesium salt. The
polysaccharide component of gum karaya has a high molecular
weight and is composed of galacturonic acid, beta-D-galactose,
glucuronic acid, L-rhamnose, and other residues [1,2,3]. The
quality of gum karaya depends on the thoroughness of impurity
removal. Food-grade gum is usually a white to pinkish gray
powder with a slight vinegar odor [2]. Pharmaceutical grades of
gum karaya may be almost clear or translucent [3].
Gum Karaya is not digested or absorbed systemically. It is
essentially inert and is not associated with any pharmacologic
activity. Gum Karaya has a number of applications in the food
industry. Medicinally, gum karaya is an effective bulk laxative
as gum particles absorb water and swell from 60 to 100 times
their original volume [6]. The mechanism of action is an
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2011 Elixir All rights reserved.

increase in the volume of the gut contents. Gum Karaya should

be taken with plenty of fluid and it may take a few days for
effects to be noticeable. It also has been used as an adhesive for
dental fixtures and ostomy equipment, and as a base for salicylic
acid patches [8,9]. Some preliminary studies suggest that gums
may normalize blood sugar and plasma lipid levels [10], but this
has not been thoroughly investigated. The use of gum karaya as
a carrier for drugs with differing solubilities in aqueous medium
has been investigated [11,12].
Experimental part:
Gum Karaya collected from South Kordfan region, Sudan
during season 2007 and was used after cleaning from park,
leaves and extraneous materials without further purification.
Also other materials were used such as:
Acrylamide, puriss, Ceric Ammonium Nitrate (CAN),
Nitric Acid (Molar Solution) and Ethanol, all were supplied
from purum (Fluka Co.).
The equipments used in this study were:
(1)- Diode laser with wavelength of 532 nm and Power of 200
mW, supplied from (USA).
(2) -Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FT-IR), model
Perkin Elmer 2000 FT-IR system supplied from (Perkin Elmer,
Norwalk, CT), using the KBr disk method (2 mg sample in 200
mg KBr). The scanning range was 500 to 4000 cm-1 and the
resolution was 1 cm-1.
(3) - X-ray Diffraction system attached with liquid nitrogen
cooled detector, model Brukur D 8 Advance (Germany),
equipped with a - goniometer under the following operation
conditions: 40 KV and 40 mA with CuK -radiation at
1.54056A. The relative intensity was recorded in the scattering
range (2) of 460,
(4) - Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), supplied from JEOL


Almuslet et. al./ Elixir Chem. Phys. 33 (2011) 2227-2230

(Japan) model 840 Ao,

(5) - Thermogravimetric analysis system (TGA) supplied from
Shimadzu (Japan) at a heating rate of 10C/min.
(1) -Graft Copolymerization with Cerium 1V ammonium nitrate
The graft copolymerization of acrylamide onto Gum Karaya
was carried out under different reaction conditions and different
concentrations of the monomer to obtain the optimum condition
of graft copolymerization. In this study the graft
copolymerization method was done as follows:
0.5 gram of Gum Karay was dissolved in 75 mL of double
distilled water, then it was magnetically stirred under nitrogen
for 5 minutes, followed by the addition of required amount of
Cerium 1V ammonium nitrate (CAN) in molar nitric acid with
continuous stirring for 15 minutes to facilitate the formation of
free radical sites on the Gum Karaya chain followed by drop
wise addition of acrylamide.
The total volume was completed to 100 mL by distilled
water. Then the polymerization process was preceded at 30 o C
for 3 hours. After the solution was allowed to cool, the mixture
was washed with water and ethanol repeatedly to extract
homopolymer as well as unreacted monomer formed during the
grafting reaction. The grafted copolymer was dried under
vacuum oven at 40C to a constant weight.
Laser Induced Graft Copolymerization:
In this case the method was done as follows:
0.5 gram of Gum Karaya was dissolved in 75 mL of
distilled water, and then it was magnetically stirred under
nitrogen for 5 minutes. Diode laser was used, as initiator, to
irradiate the sample for 60 minutes. The acrylamide (monomer),
with concentration of 0.02 mol dm-3, was added. The total
volume was completed to 100 mL by distilled water. Then the
polymerization process was preceded at 30 o C for 3 hours.
The mixture was allowed to cool then solution was washed
with water and ethanol repeatedly to extract homopolymer as
well as unreacted monomer formed during the grafting reaction.
The final product was dried to a constant weight and its
percentage of grafting efficiency (%GE) and percentage of
grafting yield (%GY) were deduced according to the following
equations [13]:
% Graft Efficiency (%GE) = 100 (W2 W1) / W1
% Graft yield (%GY)
= 100 (W2 W1) / W3
where W1, W2 and W3 denote, the weights of the natural
polymer, graft copolymer and monomer, respectively.
Results and Discussion:
First of all graft copolymerization with Cerium 1V
ammonium nitrate (CAN) was carried out at different
concentrations of GK, different monomer concentrations at
different temperatures and the time required to complete the
reaction in order to obtain the optimum conditions for graft
The deduced optimum conditions were 0.5 gm of GK, 0.142
gm of acrylamide (monomer) at 30oC and the time required to
complete the reaction was 3 hrs.
The percentage of graft yield at the optimum conditions was
97% and the percentage of graft efficiency was 27%, as shown
in fig.(1).
The apparent acceleration in the percentage of graft yield
and percentage of graft efficiency may be attributed to the gel
effect, resulting from an enhanced solubility of polyacrylamide
in the monomer.

Figure (1) Effect of reaction time on% graft efficiency and

% graft yield of GK-g-AAm (Acrylamide =0.020 mole dm-3,
CAN=0.91x10- in 100 ml solution.
The effect of exposure time of diode laser on percentage of
graft efficiency and percentage of graft yield of GK-g-AAm was
studied and illustrated in figure (2).
The graph is characterized by initial increases in percentage
of graft yield and percentage of graft efficiency with exposure
time of the laser up to a period of 60 minutes. With increasing
the irradiation time the percentage of graft efficiency and
percentage of graft yield decreases. The decrease in percentage
of graft yield and percentage of graft efficiency after 60 minutes
may be rationalized by partial hydrolysis and dissolution of the
grafted polymer chains. It is of interest to illustrate that the
percentage of graft efficiency and percentage of graft yield in
case of diode laser induced graft copolymerization were 28.00%
and 98.59%, respectively. Employing laser was an efficient
method for initiating graft copolymerization of Gum Karaya.

Fig. (2) Effect of diode laser exposure time on %GE and

%GY of GK-g-AAm (Acrylamide =0.020 mole dm-3, in 100
ml solution, time 3 hour and temp. 30 oC).
FTIR of GK-g-Acrylamide:
As maintained above the evidence of grafting has been
obtained during the graft copolymerization of different ratios of
acrylamide onto GK, from the increases in weight of the product
of the graft copolymer compared with the original substrate.
Also the evidence of grafting was observed among the infrared
spectra comparison between the substrate and graft copolymer.
Figure (3) presents the FTIR of Gum Karaya, acrylamide and
Gum Karaya grafted AAm. The figure shows the main vibration
bands of unmodified Gum Karaya, acrylamide and GK-g-AAm,
respectively. The Gum Karaya showed a broad absorption band
at 3420 cm1. This band is a characteristic of the glucosidic ring
and might due to the stretching vibration of OH, a small peak at
2933 cm1, attributed to the CH stretching vibration. In case of
acrylamide the recorded infrared spectra in the same regions
shows bands at 3359, 3187 cm-1 ascribed to the antisymmetric
and symmetric NH stretching, respectively. In addition the
bands at 3035 and 2812cm-1 were attributed to the symmetric
stretching of C-H2 and vibration of stretching C-H. In case of
acrylamide, the recorded spectrum in the same regions indicated
the bands at 3359, 3187 cm-1 that are ascribed to the
antisymmetric and symmetric NH stretching, respectively.
In addition, the bands at 3035 and 2812cm-1 are attributed to

Almuslet et. al./ Elixir Chem. Phys. 33 (2011) 2227-2230

the symmetric stretching of C-H2 and vibration of stretching vCH. When Gum Karaya was grafted by acrylamide the FTIR
spectra of the grafted copolymerized product showed the same
absorption band as in case of Gum Karaya. It is of interest that
new peaks are observed at 2497 cm-1and 2336 cm-1 in case of
GK-g-AAm. These new peaks may be due to the vibrational
symmetric stretching of CH2 and vibrational stretching CH,
respectively suggesting the existence of grafting. In the region
between 2000-1500 cm-1, the FTIR of GK showed two peaks at
1731 cm-1 and 1610 cm-1 which attributed to the C=O stretching
and C=C stretching respectively.
In case of acrylamide the peaks between 1672 cm-11610 cm1
are due to the C=O, the C=C stretching and in plan bending of(
N H2, C-H2). In the same region the spectra of GK-g-AAm,
showed shift of the position of the absorption band from 1610
cm-1 for GK to 1634 cm-1 and from 1731 cm-1 for GK to 1740
cm-1. In case of GK-g-AAm this shift also evidence of grafting.
The peaks at 1740 cm-1 and 1634 cm-1 are assigned to C=O , C-O
and N-H2 deformation ( N-H2) respectively.
In the domain of 1500-500 cm-1, the FTIR of Gum Karaya
showed peak at 1521 cm-1 due to C=C stretch and a weak band
at 1432 cm-1 assigned to symmetric CO2 stretch while for AAm
the peak observed at 1428 cm-1 is due to C-N stretching. In the
same region, the peaks at (1521, 1423 cm-1) were disappeared in
case of GK-g-AAm.
This might be due to the grafting. Acrylamide was shows
two peaks at 1350 cm-1 and 1281 cm-1 while GK-g-AAm has
peaks at 1323 cm-1 and 1285 cm-1 assigned to OH bending
vibration and C-O antisymmetric and symmetric stretching
vibration, respectively. The strong peaks from 1200900 cm-1
are the finger print of carbohydrates.
These peaks are observed in case of GK and GK-g-AAm,
while disappeared for AAm which has four absorption peaks at
1138,1048 , 988 and 961 cm-1 due to the rocking of NH2, C-H2,
in plan bending of C-H and (wagging trans of CH=CH ,
wagging of CH2), respectively. Within the range of 900-500 cm1
, the FTIR of acrylamide showed absorption bands at 840, 817
cm-1 and other bands observed from 700-500 cm-1.
These peaks are assigned to (C-C), (torsion) (NCC) +
(CCC), (bending) (NH2) + (CH2 and (NH2) + (CH2),
respectively. In the same domain the Gum Karaya showed weak
peaks assigned to CCO, COC, symmetrical and asymmetrical
ring breathing vibration. After graft copolymerization the
product showed that the peak at 882 cm-1, 853 cm-1 and 817 cm1
( (C-C)) decrease in case of acrylamide while the other peak at
817 cm-1 is not observed. It is also observed that there are three
new peaks at 670 cm-1 to 611 cm-1 and 580 cm-1 in case of
grafted Gum Karaya which are not existed in case of both AAm
and GK. This indicated that Gum Karaya was grafted with

X-ray Diffraction (XRD) of GK and Gum Karaya-gAcrylamide:

Fig. (4-a,b) illustrated the powder X-ray diffractograms
obtained for natural GK, before and after grafting, respectively.
The XRD pattern shows the amorphous nature of GK. From
figure (4a), the maximum intensity is at 2 = 20o which well
agreed with values reported in literatures. The observed peak
corresponds to 2 = 19.895o, has the average grain length
estimated to d-space = 4.4375Ao. The XRD pattern provides an
interesting feature of intensity distribution. After carrying out
the graft copolymerization of GK by acrylamide, the peak of the
distribution was shifted considerably to 2 = 20.79o which has
the average grain length estimated to d-space = 4.267Ao in
comparison to the Gum Karaya. On the other hand fig.(4b)
shows that the grafting decreases the intensity of the
corresponding peak. The graft copolymer becomes almost
amorphous. The grafting of acrylamide is taken place randomly
along the GK chain, giving rise to a random copolymer. This
will efficiently destroyed the regularity of the packing of the
original GK chains, which results in the formation of amorphous

Intensity (counts/sec)








Fig (4-a,b) XRD of (a)Gum Karaya Gum and (b) Karaya-gAcrylamide.

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) of GK and GK-gAcrylamide:
Morphological examination of the fine powder of Gum
Arabic and grafted copolymerized was carried out using SEM
type (JEOL-840) by making a thin film of desirable size on
copper grids and coated with gold. The surface topography of
the GK-g-AAm studied by SEM and compared with the GK.
The exterior surface of the GK-g-AAm appears as
heterogeneous rocky surface and clearly different from that of
the parent GK, which has rocky shape of smooth surface with
different sizes. Hence, the surface evidence supports the grafting
of AAm onto the GK, as shown in Fig.( 5-a,b).

Optical Density (O.D)













Wavelength (cm )

Figure (3) FTIR spectra of GK, Acrylamide, and GK-gAcrylamide in the range from 4000 to 500 cm-1.

Figure (5-a,b) Typical SEM images of (a) Gum

Karaya before grafting and (b) GK-g- AAm.
Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA):
(1) - Gum Karaya-g-Acrylamide:
In this study TGA was done on the dried samples in air with
a heating rate of 10 C/min. Figure (6-a,b) and table (1)
illustrate the details of thermal behavior according to the
primary thermograms and derivative thermograms for Gum
Karaya and Gum Karaya-g-Acrylamide. The samples showed


Almuslet et. al./ Elixir Chem. Phys. 33 (2011) 2227-2230

first a small weight loss (15%) up to 250C and (9%) up

to249C for GK and GK-g-AAm, respectively. The early minor
weight loss in samples is attributed to desorption of moisture as
hydrogen bound water to the saccharide structure. This is not
unexpected taking into account the hydrophilic nature of the
composite constituents. It should be noted that the thermogram
of the Gum Karaya exhibited three stages, the first stage is
attributed to desorption of moisture as hydrogen bound water to
the gum structure while the second and third stages of TGA
curve are probably due to molecular degradation and
decomposition reactions of GK. It was observed that the weight
loss was slower in the case of the graft copolymer indicating that
the graft copolymer is more thermally stable than the GK.

(Weight loss%)x10












Temperature( C)

Figure (6-a,b) TGA curves of a) Gum Karaya

before grafting and (b) GK-g- AAm.
The authors would like to express their appreciation to the
staff of National Institute of Laser Enhanced Science (NILES) Cairo University, Egypt, for their invaluable assistance and
guidance during practical work.
We also acknowledge institute of laser and faculty of
Science - Sudan University of Science &Technology, Khartoum
for their assistance.

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Table (1) Thermogravimetric data obtained during heating rate at

10 C/min under nitrogen atmosphere of GK and GK-g-AAm.


Number of stage

Temperature range (oC)


Weight loss (%)


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