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Duy Tho


Being a junior in computer science in university and having only 2 years left before
graduation, Im keenly aware of the importance of my career orientation. Based on my life
goals as living a better life and contributing to the development of community, along with the
strengths I own as patience and calming when confronting difficulties, being eager to learn
new things and having the ability of leading, I drew up my long-term plan as enhancing my
professional skills, technical skill and management skill, as well as increasing my vision in
developing community. Therefore, after graduation, Im going to apply for scholarships for
master in data-mining, applied mathematics or e-commerce, which Id love to learn deeper to
prepare for start-up later, in developed countries such as US, Europe, which are famous for IT
as I believe that studying abroad with scholarship is a money-saving and shorter way to
widen the vision, get much more the profession and approach to advanced knowledge
efficiently as well as to get jobs more easily and learn from experienced companies. In the
case that I dont get any appropriate scholarship, Im going to find and get active and
challenging jobs in large technology companies, especially multinational such as Microsoft,
CSC to have chances to work abroad. I think that enterprises are not only a good
environment for me to learn and improve my profession, but also the ability of leading.
During these times, Ill take a foreign language and business courses to support my work as
well as to prepare for start-up.
Known as a global leading IT company in providing technology enabled business solutions
and services, CSC contributed to Vietnamese IT and economic development significantly. To
encourage disadvantaged students to make more effort to study, CSC offered scholarships to
find deserved candidates with meaning awards. I considered this a good chance and a
challenge to show what I achieved, to be interviewed as well as to try my best to get awards
to cover learning fee and internship chance.
Ive worked for several projects but there are a few of them are remarkable to show. The first
is Imagine Cup 2015 contest, which my team attended and completely built game Insect
Battle to apply, I worked with 2 partners and used Unity3d to build. The project was just
accepted to round 2 because that contest had lots of strong teams, however, I learned a lot
from working under pressure with my team because of only 3 weeks from scratch to deadline.
The second is Paint Project, which is for Computer Graphics subject final project, its
function is similar to Microsoft Paint and some functions are better than Paint, the challenge
is the requirement of only using out-of-date library graphics. h (or WinBGI) and C++. I had
to code everything from line, to color filling and things like that base on what learn from
graphic algorithms on school. Last but not least, Gateway services on RasberryPi for Smart
Agriculture project in the internship period on GlobalCyberSoft, Ive learned a lot from
colleagues and team leader such as team working, fixing issues to research documentation
as well as many techniques in software development.

Trng i Hc Cng Ngh Thng Tin HQG TP. H Ch Minh

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