My Technology Lesson Plan

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Curriculum Plan: ACTIVITY


ECDE Course 2220

Student Name Felic Foster
Developmental Area Cognition/Creative Art/Social

and Emotional/Fine Motor

Activity Title Woodworking

Number of children participating at one time

Ages 3-5
Note: This assignment is aligned with the current NAEYC 2010 Standards, notated by standard / section

Consult the ECDE Curriculum Planning Manual for procedure and expectations in completing
this form. Activities written for previous classes cannot be re-used and must be the original
work of the student.
Observational cues (3b):

Children have been observed using toys to pound on other

toys in the dramatic play area.

Concepts (5b):


Wood can be used to create art.


Many tools can be used to work with wood.

What might be observed that indicates this

would be an appropriate and interesting
experience for these children at this time?
(include two correspond to objectives)

Objectives (5b):

(include two correspond to concepts)

By participating in this activity, the child may
begin to:

Preparation of materials and

(1a), (1c), (6b):

Children will be able to describe what they made with the

wood and be able to display their work.

Children will be able to use and describe how at least two

different tools were used for working with wood.

What preparation is needed?

Gather materials. Prepare questions about working and safety

gear. Set up computers so children can do interacting program.
8, 6 pieces of wood with 4 holes started in each piece of wood
so nails and screws can go in easily. Put 2 rubber mallets, 8
nails, 8 screws, 2 flat head and 2 phillips head screwdrivers in 2
small tool boxes. Prepare children for guest speaker.
What materials will be used?

1 book; picture files; 1 video; 4 safety goggles; 4 pair of gloves;

2 tables; 16 screwdrivers of different sizes and types (8 flat
head and 8 phillips head). 8 pieces of soft wood (2x4 about 6)
with 2 pre-screwed and 2 pre-hammered holes in each. 32 nails
and 32 screws of various sizes and types. 2 bottles of wood
glue, and 4 rubber mallets. Different colors, textures, and
lengths of string.
How will the learning environment be set up?

Day 1, Children will sit at the tables to interact with the

computers. Day 2, 4 pieces of wood will be placed on the
tables. Day 3, children will gather on the carpet. Day 4 and 5,
children will gather at the tables to begin working with

prepared wood pieces, and the tool boxes with the rubber
mallets, screwdrivers, nails and screws will be placed on tables
within reach. 2 pair of safety goggles will be on the tables. On
day 5, different kinds of string will be placed on the tables for
children to use along with the wood and toolboxes.
Preparation of safe environment (1a), (1c):
Preventing problems and guidance concerns:

Children may argue over tools. Children may push each other for a particular sit on the
floor so they can see or at the table.
Safety considerations:

Children may use the materials in a way that may be harmful to self and others. Children may not want to keep
safety goggles on.
How these will be addressed:

Before beginning, allow children to find comfortable place to sit on the carpet so they
can see, and at tables. Children will be watched closely. Children will be reminded of the
safety rules. Teacher will help if needed.
Additional Instructor comments:
Procedure (1c), (SS123):
Introduction/motivator (What you will actually say/do with to encourage childrens participation? Be

As children approach the tables, Have you ever seen anyone use these rubber mallets, and screwdrivers? Let
the children see the hammers, and screwdrivers. Allow them to answer and then respond. What did they do
with them? The screwdrivers, rubber mallets, nails, and screws are used to put the nails into the wood.
What other tools did they use? What safety materials did they use? When we work with wood, we will
wear safety goggles to protect our eyes.
What will the teacher do/say? What will the children do during the activity?
(Be sure to acknowledge how/when the concepts and objectives come to fruition in these steps.)

Day 1, Lesson will last 20 minutes.

2 children will be sitting at a table, 1 on each side for more space. The wood pieces and toolboxes are
already on each table. While the children are touching the wood and tools, the teacher will introduce
woodworking to children. Tell me what these are? Teacher will hold up wood pieces, goggles, rubber mallet,
screwdrivers, nails, and screws. Teacher will wait for response. What are these tools used for? What do you
think we are going to do with these materials? Teacher will wait for answers and then respond. All of you had
great questions and answers, now we are going to listen to a book called by and illustrations by so we
can see how we can work with wood. After the teacher reads the book, Now that we have listened to the
book, tell me about a time you worked with wood or saw someone work with wood? Wait for responses. I
will put the book on the table in the book area for you all to look at, and all the tools and wood we will put
away to work with when we learn more about woodworking. Transition: Children will leave activity with a
song, and go to their choice area.
Day 2. Lesson will last 20 minutes.
The children will sit at the tables. The teacher will use picture files to show the different tools used in
woodworking such as rubber mallets, nails, screws, goggles, and screwdrivers and pictures of different kinds of
wood. What do you think this rubber mallet is used for? How do we use the screwdrivers? There are
different kinds of screwdrivers, tell me the names of the 2 we will be using? Why is it important to wear
safety goggles? How can we use wood to create are? Allow the children to respond and ask their own
questions. Now that we have seen pictures of the different tools, we will use the computers to find out what
tools go with what screws When we are done using the computers, the pictures will be on the table for you all

to continue to look at. Transition: The teacher will use the first letters in each childs name and let them choose
to go to an area of their choice.
Day 3. Lesson will last 20 minutes.
The teacher will remind the children about all the things they discussed over the past two days such as the
type of tools used while working with wood. The safety gear worn when working with wood. How the tools are
used and what types of things can be made from wood. The teacher will also prepare the children for the guest.
Mr. Talmedge will discuss the safety and fun of working with wood and things we can create using wood. He
will discuss the different people who use these tools such as carpenters and masonry. The teacher will introduce
Mr. Talmedge. He will talk about how wood can be used for many things. What the screws and nails are used
for. Name something in the class that has screws or nails in it? Why do we need to be careful when we use
the tools? The children will respond. He will show the children how to properly handle and use the tools. How
to put on the safety goggles. He will tell them about different things that can be created with wood such as
tables, chairs, shelves and different art work. After Mr. Talmedge talks to the children, they can ask questions.
Transition: Mr. Talmedge tells the children goodbye and the children will continue discussing their experience
while they go to a free choice area.
Day 4. Lesson will last 20 minutes.
2 tables will be set up with 4 pieces of wood, 2 per child with holes already started in each. The toolboxes
will be placed in the middle of the tables so the children can reach them. As children approach the tables, The
teacher will have on goggles and will be using a Philips head screwdriver to screw in a screw. Can anyone tell
me what we need to do first? children will respond. Yes that is correct, we need to be safe, and protect our
eyes. Children will put on their goggles. As they begin to put the screws in holes of the wood, ask them Do
you know which screwdrivers go with what screws? Yes that is right, some screws have a straight line, and
some have an x on top of them? The screws with the straight line use a flat screwdriver and the ones with the
x use a Philips head screwdriver. Let children continue to work and encourage them to talk to each other to help
one another. When the activity is done, children will unscrew the screws in the wood and will put their wood
pieces in a tote to continue working on them tomorrow. They will place all their tools back in their toolboxes.
Transition: sing a song where is Sarah, allow children to go to free choice area.
Day 5. Lesson will last 20 minutes.
The teacher will be putting the screws in a piece of wood and using the string to wrap around the screws.
Have children put on safety goggles and begin working with their wood pieces. What happens when you turn
the screws with the screwdrivers? After we put the screws into the wood, how can we add the string to the
wood? The teacher will tell the children that furniture such as chairs and tables and shelves can be made with
wood but, you can also create art with wood. Let children respond. Tell me about some art work you have
seen or made out of wood? The children will continue to work with wood and use the string, talk to and help
one another. Tell me the names of people that work with wood? What things can be built with wood?
Some artist use wood in their art work. Children will continue to talk about their work with each other and the
teacher. Transition: Before they leave and go to the area of their choice, children will display their work on a
table in front of the class.
Open-ended Questions (Descriptive language statements for Infant/Toddler Plan):

Have you seen things around your house with screws in them? What else can we make with wood?
Scaffolding Comments:

We could look around the room for things that are held together with screws and nails.
Lets look for art work that is made out of wood. Im wondering what else we can do
with wood?
Vocabulary: Screwdriver, Philips head, flat head, carpenter, and masonry.
Closing (1c):

Statement that
summarizes childrens

I like the way you all worked together and spoke to one another to help each other
use the tools and click the correct answers on the computers I also saw you work
hard using both hands to screw the screws and hammer the nails! You all were


What will you do/say to

support children as they
finish this experience?

great listeners when we watched the video, listened to the book, and listened to Mr.
Talmedge. Im glad you understood how important it was to be safe. You did
excellent in following the safety rules. I really liked your ideas when you added the
string to your wood pieces.
If we are done working on and talking about how to work with wood, we can
display our work on the table in front of the class so you can look at them later if
youd like. Children will choose their free choice activity.

End of activity and

individual clean up:

Each day at the end of the activity, children can help teacher put the tools back in the
toolboxes. Teacher will collect all the computers, goggles and toolboxes. Teacher will
clean the tables.

Ohio Early Learning

& Development
(backmap) (5c):


What will you and/or the

children need to do to
clean up?

List at least 2 standards

that are addressed by
this activity. Write out
each component
completely and exactly,
as published in ELDS.

Physical Well-Being and Motor Development


Physical Well-Being

Safety Practices

Standard Statement:

With modeling and support identify and follow basic safety


Social and Emotional Development



Peer Interactions and Relationships

Standard Statement:

Demonstrate socially competent behavior with

Domain: Language and Literacy Development
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Topic: Expressive Language
Standard Statement: With modeling and support, determine the meanings of
unknown words/concepts using the context of conversations, pictures that accompany
text or objects. (Vocabulary)
Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge
Sub-Domain: Science
Strand: Science Inquiry and Application
Topic: Inquiry
Standard Statement: Use simple tools to extend investigation.
Domain: Approaches Toward Learning
Strand: Engagement and Persistence
Topic: Persistence
Standard Statement: Carry out task, activities, projects or experiments from
beginning to end.

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