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Lesson Plan

Teacher: Strinate Angelica

Date: May 28th
Grade: 2nd
Level: Beginner;
No. of students: 16
Time: 45
School: Secondary School Indepedenta
Textbook: English Adventure Starter B
Lesson: My clothes
C1: discourse competence ( capacity to build and organise an oral discourse ) ;
C2: learning to learn;
Lesson aims:
A1: to practise and extend pupils clothes vocabulary; (C1)
A2: to develop pupils listening and speaking skills;( C2)
Ss have already learnt simple grammatical structures and lexical structures.
Ss are familiar with oral commands and classroom language.
Anticipated problems:
The Ss may find difficulty in speaking freely in English. The Ss may be afraid of making mistakes
when they speak in English.
Materials: books, notebooks; blackboard;
Skills involved: listening, speaking;
Class management: whole class activity; in groups;
ACTIVITY 1 Warm up
Aim: To raise Sss interest in the topic;
1. Informal conversation, greetings;
2. Check if the students are all attending the class;
3. Pupils are divided into groups and they must find a number
of items in the correct colour;
(Find six blue things);
A pupil has to collect all the things and bring them in front
of the class;
ACTIVITY 2 Lead in
Aim: to practise and extend pupils clothes vocabulary; (C1)
Procedure: Pupils try to guess what the theme of the unit is
(My clothes);
The teacher introduces the new vocabulary by presenting a video
to the pupils. They watch it and repeat the new words;
The teacher asks the pupils to open the books page 46, and look at



T Ss
Ss T

5 min



T Ss
Ss Ss
Ss T

5 min

the Disney characters and try to guess the story.( Peter Pan)
Pupils open the book page 47, the teacher points to each one and
asks: What is this? ( a dress);What colour is it? ( It is purple
and yellow ) Pupils point to the words on page 47 and read them
with the class.
The teacher introduces I am wearing.She points to her
clothes and describes them ( I am wearing black T-shirt)
The pupils are going to listen to the people on the page 47
describing what they are wearing. The teacher asks them to circle
the correct item of clothing each time.
The teacher plays the recording again if necessary and checks by
saying: Look at number one .What is she wearing?
Teachers role: organizer, controller
Aim: : to develop pupils listening and speaking skills;( C2)
Procedure: The teacher asks the pupils to look at the characters
at the top of the page and introduces them in English ( John and
Tinkerbelle ) The pupils listen to the recording and colour the
clothes in the colours they hear. The teacher plays the recording
pausing after each item to give pupils time to colour The teacher
plays the recording again if necessary and checks by asking: What
colour are ( the shoes)?



T Ss
Ss Ss
Ss T

20 min



T Ss
Ss Ss
Ss T

19 min

Teachers role: organizer, controller, assessor, facilitator.

Aim: develop pupils listening and speaking skills;( C2)
Procedure: The teacher asks the pupils to look at the words at
the bottom of the page and read them as a class. The pupils turn to
the sticker page and the teacher asks them to take out the sticker.
She tells them to hold up the dress etc. The pupils place their
stickers above the correct and then stick the stickers in the correct
Teachers role: participant.
Final activity (homework 1 min.):
T gives Ss the homework;

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