068 Dec6 Inside Pages2

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Philip Neri Parish

The Northwest Paulist Center
For Evangelization & Reconciliation
2408 SE 16th Avenue l Portland, OR l 97214

Parish Office 503-231-4955 l Fax 503-736-1383

Guided since our founding in 1912 by the missionary vision of the Paulists, committed to the mission of
Jesus, and dedicated to be welcoming to all, we, the community of St. Philip Neri, strive to reach out, to
reconcile and to promote unity for all Gods creations through worship, education, and service toward the
common good.

Second Sunday of Advent s December 6, 2015



Our Thanksgiving dinner was a wonderful success. We

fed more than 80 persons and had many, many terrific
volunteers setting up and decorating the day before
dinner and working on Thanksgiving Day and for clean
up the days following. New Seasons deli crew also did a
great job cooking and serving. A huge thanks to all who
volunteered, supplied food, warm gift items for our
guests, and donated money for the food. It was a
terrific community building dinner.

Luke 2:7 "... and she gave birth to her firstborn son. She
wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger,
because there was no room for them in the inn."
Mothers would "swaddle" their infants -- wrap them in cloth - to keep them warm and safe. Nowadays we dress our
babies and children in onesies and pajamas! Let's "swaddle"
the infant Jesus this Advent by "swaddling" the children (and
adults) among our Portland neighbors who need help. The
Preschool and Children's Liturgy of the Word classes will be
collecting pajamas for the Mother and Child Education Center
each Sunday of Advent. The following sizes of clean, new
pajamas are needed:

This weekend is our monthly school subsidy collection for
children attending Catholic Schools.
Next weekend, Dec. 12/13, is the annual Retirement Fund
for Religious collection. This a way to say thank you to all
those religious sisters, brothers and religious order priests
who have served many with great dedication, with little or
no pay and no retirement benefits. Give generously to
help support these men and women in their senior years.

Infant & toddler sizes 0-3

months to 6T (toddler)
Children 7-16 or XS-XXL
Women XS -XXL


If you are new to the parish, visiting from across town, across the country, or other parts of the world, welcome &
for worshiping with us! Fill out one of the Welcome Cards in the pew racks and drop it in the collection basket or give it
one of the priests. Stop by after Mass and introduce
If you have any questions or would like more information, please call the office, 503-231-4955.

Second Sunday of Advent s December 6, 2015


Saturday, December 5 :
Sunday, December 6th:
Monday, December 7th:
Tuesday, December 8th:

Wednesday, December 9th:

Thursday, December 10th:
Friday, December 11th:
Saturday, December 12th:
Sunday, December 13th:

8:00am Mass
Christopher Chang-Han Oh
4:00pm Mass
Mary Karvala Evans
9:30am Mass
People of St. Philip Neri
10:30am Mass
Deaf Community
8:00am Mass
Eulalia Johnson
Immaculate Conception Holy Day
8:00am Mass
Augie & Ann Amato
Therese Donna Oh
8:00am Mass
Anna Nhu
8:00am Mass
John OBrien
12:10pm Mass
Robert Sal Navarra
8:00 am Mass
Ngo Van Hien
4:00pm Mass
For those without shelter
9:30am Mass
People of St. Philip Neri
10:30am Mass
Deaf Community


If you would like a Mass celebrated for you, for an anniversary of death, birthday, marriage, or other special event,
please fill out a Mass Intention form (located in foyer of the Church) or call the office.
Office Hours:
Mon, 9am 12pm
Tues Fri, 9am 4pm
Parish Staff
Pastor & Director of NW Paulist
Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP x118
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Michael Evernden, CSP .x114
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Bill Edens, CSP .x113
Director of Faith Formation
Barbara Harrison ...x107
Business Manager
Jeanne McPherson ..x103
Office Manager
Rose Wolfe ..x101
Maintenance & Grounds
Ed Danila

Bulletin deadline is Tuesday noon

except during Holidays
Holiday Bulletin Deadlines:
All bulletin submissions for
Dec. 20 Jan. 3
Must be in by noon on Dec. 8

Church Cleaning, Dec. 7-13, Laurel Semprevivo-Gonzales & Karen Semprevivo


A common theme I have read in many church bulletins is that stewardship is NOT
just about giving. It is also a spiritual way of living within the church community,
part of discipleship and giving of our time, talent and treasure. We as a parish
have been very fortunate over the years with the amount of time that has been
put into fundraisers, childrens liturgy, cleaning the church and numerous other
activities. This is very much appreciated. As we will have celebrated Thanksgiving
with our families and friends, we all have blessings in our lives. We can share our
blessings with our parish community and one example of this is to provide a yearend gift to the parish. There are many ways to accomplish this. Cash gifts are
always appreciated, given the chronically precarious position of Operating Income
not always meeting Operating Expenses. There are also specific items we need
around the parish and we will be preparing a A Wish List for Santa to share
with you.
For those considering Estate/Planned Giving, both the Paulist Fathers and the
Archdioceses development offices have materials and advisors to assist you.
Please consider a year-end gift at this time, no matter the amount, as every gift
helps St. Philip Neri Parish. With the years end closely approaching, it is always
beneficial to review your expenditures for tax purposes as there are always ways
to give and you can benefit from the gift, a win-win for both the donor and the
parish. For more information, you can speak with Fr. Charlie or contact Jeanne
at the office, 503-231-4955, ext. 103. Thank you for your consideration and for
all that you do for the parish. As each one has received a gift, use it to serve
one another as good stewards of Gods varied grace.
(1 Peter 4:10)
Dec. 8: Immaculate Conception, 8am & 7pm Mass, Church
Dec. 9: 7pm, Pastoral Council, Center
Dec. 11: 7pm, Open Sanctuary, Church
Dec. 15: 1pm & 7pm, Reconciliation Service, Chapel
Dec. 16: 7:15pm, B-Catholics, Chapel
Dec. 20: 10:30am Parish Breakfast & Christmas Party
Check out the December calendar for events & holiday Mass schedules.

Second Sunday of Advent s December 6, 2015

Pastoral Corner
God does not forget us
All of us have had times when people have forgotten our birthday or an anniversary or failed to include us in a Christmas
letter or the like. Maybe we weren't invited to some event, or our contribution to some work wasn't recognized. These
can be painful moments for us -- being ignored or treated as if we were of no significance. Hopefully these are most
often isolated events and our joy is restored when we get the "belated" card or apology from someone who seemed
to forget us.
But, when someone seems to have forgotten all about us, our pain is far deeper. We can feel that we don't matter
anymore. That no one cares about us. It's as if we didn't exist. We feel we've been not just forgotten but abandoned.
It's worse if we are victims of false promises: 'I'll be in touch, I'll write, I'll call again,' and so on. No, it's not nice to be
forgotten. It can be extremely painful.
Often, we may feel like that about God too. Something bad may have happened to us, and we conclude, 'God has
forgotten me. God doesn't care about me. God doesn't love me anymore.'
That's how the Hebrew people felt at the time of the prophet Baruch. Their kingdom had fallen. Jerusalem was in ruins
and the temple was rubble. The people asked themselves: 'Where is our God?' They concluded that God had forgotten
But the prophet assured them that God had not forgotten them. He told them that their sorrows would soon end. God
would bring their children back from exile. God would level out a highway to facilitate their return.
And we too can take heart. Even though we may forget God, God never forgets us. We are, each and every one of us,
very important to God.
Advent reminds us of the wonderful promises God made to us, and shows how they are fulfilled in Jesus. The great
sign we have that God loves us is the fact that he sent his Son to us. John the Baptist was the one who announced the
good news of his coming.
No, God has not forgotten us. God remembers us. Even if everyone else were to forget us, God will not forget us. It's
lovely to be remembered, even if only in a small way. It's a sign that someone cares about us. God cares about us. We
matter to God, because we are God's precious children.

Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP

Next Sundays Readings
Third Sunday of Advent
December 13, 2015
Reading 1: Zephaniah 3:14-18a
Responsorial: Isaiah 12:2-3, 4, 5-6 (6)
Reading 2: Philippians 4:4-7
Gospel: Luke 3:10-18

"THANK YOU all so very much for participating in

my annual costume drive for the Chelsea Hicks
Foundation! With your charitable donations and
overwhelming generosity, we were able to collect
dozens upon dozens of children costumes for
Doernbecher and Randall's Children Hospitals. I
will never be able to thank you all enough! Have
a blessed holiday season! - Adrienne M. Jarvis"

A Word from Servant of God Isaac Hecker,

Founder of the Paulist Fathers
Ordinarily the power of ones preaching depends upon the
correspondence of ones own life to what he teaches. This will
give spontaneity of life, greater activity and increased energy
of character. They will become attractive and popular
everywhere throughout the world. [On the Mission of New
Religious Communities, 1876]
If you have asked Father Hecker to pray for you or another person who
is ill, and you believe something miraculous has happened, please phone
Fr. Paul Robichaud, CSP, at 202-269-2519 and tell him your story.

Second Sunday of Advent December 6, 2015

Saturday, December 5th:
Sunday, December 6th:
Monday, December 7th:
Tuesday, December 8th:

Wednesday, December 9th:

Thursday, December 10th:
Friday, December 11th:
Saturday, December 12th:
Sunday, December 13th:

8:00am Mass
Christopher Chang-Han Oh
4:00pm Mass
Mary Karvala Evans
9:30am Mass
People of St. Philip Neri
10:30am Mass
Deaf Community
8:00am Mass
Eulalia Johnson
Immaculate Conception Holy Day
8:00am Mass
Augie & Ann Amato
Therese Donna Oh
8:00am Mass
Anna Nhu
8:00am Mass
John OBrien
12:10pm Mass
Robert Sal Navarra
8:00 am Mass
Ngo Van Hien
4:00pm Mass
For those without shelter
9:30am Mass
People of St. Philip Neri
10:30am Mass
Deaf Community


If you would like a Mass celebrated for you, for an anniversary of death, birthday, marriage, or other special event,
please fill out a Mass Intention form (located in foyer of the Church) or call the office.
Office Hours:
Mon, 9am 12pm
Tues Fri, 9am 4pm
Parish Staff
Pastor & Director of NW Paulist
Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP x118
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Michael Evernden, CSP .x114
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Bill Edens, CSP .x113
Director of Faith Formation
Barbara Harrison ...x107
Business Manager
Jeanne McPherson ..x103
Office Manager
Rose Wolfe ..x101
Maintenance & Grounds
Ed Danila

Bulletin deadline is Tuesday noon

except during Holidays
Holiday Bulletin Deadlines:
All bulletin submissions for
Dec. 20 Jan. 3
Must be in by noon on Dec. 8

Church Cleaning, Dec. 7-13, Laurel Semprevivo-Gonzales & Karen Semprevivo


A common theme I have read in many church bulletins is that stewardship is NOT
just about giving. It is also a spiritual way of living within the church community,
part of discipleship and giving of our time, talent and treasure. We as a parish
have been very fortunate over the years with the amount of time that has been
put into fundraisers, childrens liturgy, cleaning the church and numerous other
activities. This is very much appreciated. As we will have celebrated Thanksgiving
with our families and friends, we all have blessings in our lives. We can share our
blessings with our parish community and one example of this is to provide a yearend gift to the parish. There are many ways to accomplish this. Cash gifts are
always appreciated, given the chronically precarious position of Operating Income
not always meeting Operating Expenses. There are also specific items we need
around the parish and we will be preparing a A Wish List for Santa to share
with you.
For those considering Estate/Planned Giving, both the Paulist Fathers and the
Archdioceses development offices have materials and advisors to assist you.
Please consider a year-end gift at this time, no matter the amount, as every gift
helps St. Philip Neri Parish. With the years end closely approaching, it is always
beneficial to review your expenditures for tax purposes as there are always ways
to give and you can benefit from the gift, a win-win for both the donor and the
parish. For more information, you can speak with Fr. Charlie or contact Jeanne
at the office, 503-231-4955, ext. 103. Thank you for your consideration and for
all that you do for the parish. As each one has received a gift, use it to serve

one another as good stewards of Gods varied grace.

(1 Peter 4:10)
Dec. 8: Immaculate Conception, 8am & 7pm Mass, Church
Dec. 9: 7pm, Pastoral Council, Center
Dec. 11: 7pm, Open Sanctuary, Church
Dec. 15: 1pm & 7pm, Reconciliation Service, Chapel
Dec. 16: 7:15pm, B-Catholics, Chapel
Dec. 20: 10:30am Parish Breakfast & Christmas Party
Check out the December calendar for events & holiday Mass schedules.

Second Sunday of Advent December 6, 2015

Pastoral Corner
God does not forget us
All of us have had times when people have forgotten our birthday or an anniversary or failed to include us in a Christmas
letter or the like. Maybe we weren't invited to some event, or our contribution to some work wasn't recognized. These
can be painful moments for us -- being ignored or treated as if we were of no significance. Hopefully these are most
often isolated events and our joy is restored when we get the "belated" card or apology from someone who seemed
to forget us.
But, when someone seems to have forgotten all about us, our pain is far deeper. We can feel that we don't matter
anymore. That no one cares about us. It's as if we didn't exist. We feel we've been not just forgotten but abandoned.
It's worse if we are victims of false promises: 'I'll be in touch, I'll write, I'll call again,' and so on. No, it's not nice to be
forgotten. It can be extremely painful.
Often, we may feel like that about God too. Something bad may have happened to us, and we conclude, 'God has
forgotten me. God doesn't care about me. God doesn't love me anymore.'
That's how the Hebrew people felt at the time of the prophet Baruch. Their kingdom had fallen. Jerusalem was in ruins
and the temple was rubble. The people asked themselves: 'Where is our God?' They concluded that God had forgotten
But the prophet assured them that God had not forgotten them. He told them that their sorrows would soon end. God
would bring their children back from exile. God would level out a highway to facilitate their return.
And we too can take heart. Even though we may forget God, God never forgets us. We are, each and every one of us,
very important to God.
Advent reminds us of the wonderful promises God made to us, and shows how they are fulfilled in Jesus. The great
sign we have that God loves us is the fact that he sent his Son to us. John the Baptist was the one who announced the
good news of his coming.
No, God has not forgotten us. God remembers us. Even if everyone else were to forget us, God will not forget us. It's
lovely to be remembered, even if only in a small way. It's a sign that someone cares about us. God cares about us. We
matter to God, because we are God's precious children.

Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP

Next Sundays Readings
Third Sunday of Advent
December 13, 2015
Reading 1: Zephaniah 3:14-18a
Responsorial: Isaiah 12:2-3, 4, 5-6 (6)
Reading 2: Philippians 4:4-7
Gospel: Luke 3:10-18

"THANK YOU all so very much for participating in

my annual costume drive for the Chelsea Hicks
Foundation! With your charitable donations and
overwhelming generosity, we were able to collect
dozens upon dozens of children costumes for
Doernbecher and Randall's Children Hospitals. I
will never be able to thank you all enough! Have
a blessed holiday season! - Adrienne M. Jarvis"

A Word from Servant of God Isaac Hecker,

Founder of the Paulist Fathers
Ordinarily the power of ones preaching depends upon the
correspondence of ones own life to what he teaches. This will
give spontaneity of life, greater activity and increased energy
of character. They will become attractive and popular
everywhere throughout the world. [On the Mission of New
Religious Communities, 1876]
If you have asked Father Hecker to pray for you or another person who
is ill, and you believe something miraculous has happened, please phone
Fr. Paul Robichaud, CSP, at 202-269-2519 and tell him your story.

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