Fatigue NCP

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Cues/ Evidences

Nursing Diagnosis
Fatigue related to disease

At the end of our 5-hour
care, patient will have
improved sense of
wellbeing as evidenced
Verbalization of
increased energy
Reports on improved
sense of wellbeing
Able to perform
activities of daily living

Obtain subjective data
regarding normal
activities, limitations,
and nightmare sleep

Helps to determine the
effect fatigue has on
normal functioning.
Adequate sleep is
required for restoration
of the body.

Monitor patient for signs Helps to develop a

of excessive physical and guideline for adjusting
emotional fatigue.
Encourage periods of rest Liver cancer interferes
and activity.
with synthesis of tissue
proteins and utilization
of nutrients required for
energy; rest is required to
decrease metabolic
demands. Rest conserves
oxygen and prevents
undue fatigue.
Schedule activities so
that excessive demands
for oxygen and energy
are avoided; for example,
space planned activities
away from meal times.

Digestion requires
energy and oxygen;
participation in activities
close to meals will cause
increased fatigue because
of insufficient energy

Limit visitors.

Socialization for long

At the end of our 5-hour
care, patient has not been
relieved from fatigue as
evidenced by:
Verbalization of, kapoy
gihapon akong paminaw
Reported, walay
nausob sa akong gibati
Not able to perform
essential activities of
daily living without
being exhausted

periods may cause

Increase intake of highenergy foods such as
poultry, dried beans and
peas, whole grains, and
foods high in vitamin C,
within restrictions of the
recommended diet

These foods enhance

energy metabolism ,
increase oxygen-carrying
capacity, and provide
ready sources of energy

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