Galaxy+3 1 1+Tips+and+Tricks

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Design procedure Best practice

02-07-2015 / EHL

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Fill in basic data for the panel

This information will be used as Meta- data to
pre-set selections when opening design dialogs.
In, Ipk and Icp have big influence when
designing main busbars.
IP have influence when designing enclosures
and covering.
Max. temperature have influence on the
calculation of the necessary cooling.
Inserts first
Start Panel design by selecting the inserts in to
the drawing area.
Thereby the Meta-data from each insert will be
added to the panel metadata
Based on the location of inserts and max depth
of inserts, the frame dialog will pre-set selections
to surround the inserts.
Insert vertical barriers front and rear, in one click.
Panel depth and Barrier height will be pre-set
from meta-data.

Design procedure Best practice

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Vertical Busbars
Insert the incoming section and vertical
distribution busbars
Main busbars
Insert horizontal busbar
Location of Busbar holders will be
adjusted to fit the vertical busbars
Inserting covers and doors are also based
on meta data.
Select the element you want to cover, to
pre-set the dialog settings.
(E.g. selecting a mounting plate GP3x4
prior to opening the door dialog, will
automatically set the door size to 3x4)

02-07-2015 / EHL

Design procedure Best practice

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Horizontal barriers
Mark the area which should be fitted
with horizontal barriers.
Press the barrier wizard, to insert
Auto Insert barriers by selecting/ticking
Auto or by manually pointing out the
current length of the barriers to be
Based on meta data, Galaxy will loop
through each inserted element to
evaluate their surroundings and suggest
the best fitted barrier type. (Either
None SP or SPM).
When Galaxy notes that a design is
wrong, it will display an alarm in the
design tree at the affected elements.
Mark the element, and the property
window will explain the design issue.
02-07-2015 / HTH

Design procedure Best practice

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Mark the area fitted with doors that
should be fitted with suitable hinges.
Press the Hinges wizard, to insert
Based on meta data, Galaxy will loop
through each door to evaluate its
surroundings and suggest the best
fitted hinges.
When Galaxy notes that a design is
wrong, it will display an alarm in the
design tree at the affected elements.

Use the validate function to ensure that
all Horizontal barriers and hinges are
correctly inserted.
02-07-2015 / EHL

Select graphic elements in drawing area

To mark one or more elements from
within the drawing:

Dragging a box from left to right will

include All elements fully surrounded by
the box

Dragging a box from right to left will

include All elements touched by the
Only the elements that are visible in
current view are selected

02-07-2015 / EHL







Zoom fit


02-07-2015 / EHL

Moving in elements
Vertical move
Press <Ctrl> and move highlighted
Click the toggle button
and move highlighted element(S)

Horizontal move
Press <Shift> + <Ctrl> and move
highlighted element(S)
Click the toggle button
and move highlighted element(S)

Move drawing area

No open dialog
Right click on drawing area and move
the mouse, to pan the drawing
Press <Ctrl> and use the arrow keys to
pan the drawing
Open dialog
Press <Ctrl> and use the arrow keys to
pan the drawing

02-07-2015 / EHL

Recall design dialog

On each inserted element, you may review
and edit its settings
From Galaxy Navigator tree
Right Click on the element and choose
Edit from the menu
From drawing
Click the element to mark it
Press <Ctrl> + E to recall dialog
Changing settings in a dialog may change
the panel meta data. You must therefore
evaluate any derivative design conflicts.

02-07-2015 / EHL

Keep or close dialog after insert

Some elements are typically inserted
multiple times. (E.g. vertical barriers)
To keep dialog open to allow multiple
insert, mark the checkbox Keep in the
Close dialog
Click Close in the dialog
Right Click in the drawing area

02-07-2015 / EHL

If you want a dialog to close immediately

after the element has been inserted in
the dialog, remove the mark in the
checkbox Keep.

Change snap
Each dialog is created with the most
commonly used snap setting.

The settings can be changed when

the dialog is open.

Changes via Properties when the

item is inserted and you want to
move it.

02-07-2015 / Initials

Galaxy Navigator design tree

To avoid unintended changes of an
element, you can lock it. Thereby you
cannot accidentally change dialog
settings for the element.
Unlock it will reset the lock

02-07-2015 / EHL

Saving or discharging changes to a panel design

Galaxy will automatically save the
design when you return to the project.

The Asterix * in panel name indicates that changes have

been made since the last time the design was saved.

If you want to view another panel or an other part of
Galaxy without saving the drawing you may start another
session of Galaxy.
To discharge any changes, close Galaxy by clicking the
red cross in upper right corner.
02-07-2015 / EHL

Design Navigator filter

The Design navigator holds a list of each
design element inserted in the panel.
The elements may be filtered by type to ease overviewing
complex designs, e.g. when calculating power loss.

Frames and covering.

Fixed inserts, MD, Plug-in etc.

All CU-Flex and busbar systems

Electrical components
All electrical components inserted from the
Miscellaneous menu.

Text and dimensions

Text and dimensions inserted from the Home tab
Press <Ctrl> while clicking a Filter icon will hide all types
except the one you clicked.
02-07-2015 / EHL

Paste selected & save as snippet

If you want to reuse a design, or a part of a design, you
may mark it in the drawing.
From the highlighted elements in Galaxy Navigator you
can right-click and choose:

Paste selected
Paste selected will insert the marked items again in the
same panel.

Save it as a Snippet.
Save as Snippets will allow you to save the marked
elements, and insert it in the same panel or any other
Please see Tech Notes for location for snippets files.
In the Snippet tab in left side property box you may
rename snippets, and find any snippet file saved by you.

02-07-2015 / HTH

Rotate inserted elements

Elements inserted in the drawing may be
rotated to match your design.

Mark the element, and right click it in the Design

Select Rotate to rotate it 90 clockwise.
The element is rotated around the insert point.
Usually lower left corner or centre.

To rotate in an other direction, select another display
direction, and rotate from this view.

02-07-2015 / EHL

Insert items from Item database

You may insert any item from the itemdatabase from the Additional button
in the Miscellaneous menu.

You may sort the items by dragging a column header to

the Group by area.
Use <Shift> or <Ctrl> to select more than one panel.

Overviewing inserted items

To view the items, make sure that no items are clicked.
(Nothing selected either in the drawing or in the Navigator
On the Items tab in the left side, you may overview the
items inserted from this menu.
Items inserted from this menu hold no graphics.
02-07-2015 / EHL

Items with custom graphics, Basic data

You may define your own items and
define their graphical properties:

3D DWG file that should be shown in the panel

Dialog group defines the dialog in which the item
should appear in panel design.
(See lower screen dump)
Visual group manages the appearance in the panel
design e.g. the component should be visible in visual
no cover view mode. The group also determines the
font and text size of the attached texts.
ID prefix is the default name of the component, when
inserted in a panel.
Snap defines insert behaviour according to the modular
On surface allows the component insert point in depth
to fix to a surface. E.g. a door or mounting plate.

When creating a new item, you may reuse settings from
an existing item :
Locate the item you want to use as template for a new
item and Press <Shift> while clicking on

02-07-2015 / EHL

Continued next page.

Items with custom graphics, Basic data

Continued from previous page.

02-07-2015 / EHL

Show name in drawing allows the ID prefix + No. to

be shown in the drawing.
Text is an optional fixed text that will be shown in the
Text direction defines the default text layout.
Outline defines the shadow of the component, when
locating the item in the panel.
Outline also defines the location of text, as the text will
be located centred above the outline.
Outline Anchor defines the location in relation to the
Most items are defined as Left bottom

Define Purchase BOM levels and Bulk settings

Items in the item database may be
defined as:
These items are virtual blocks of other items. Phantom
items cannot be purchased, and will be broken down to a
lower BOM level.


These items are physical assemblies of other items. They

may be purchased at this level, or they may be broken
down to the parts the BOM consists of.


These items are physical items, at the lowest BOM level.

The Purchased items, are marked as Bold in the BOM

tree as shown to the top left.
Default purchase level may be defined prior to item
import in the System/Company settings.
The default setting may be adjusted on each individual
component in the item database, as shown to lower
left. (Click
Edit to change the setting)
Here you may also change the use of Bulk purchase,

when applicable.
02-07-2015 / EHL

Adjust Net requirements prior to purchasing

You may view planned purchase and
adjust to suit your net requirements
prior to creating purchase orders:

Define panels

Mark one or more panels.

Use <Shift> or <Ctrl> to select more than one panel.

Create purchase

This will create a list of items that should cover the

selected panels.

Adjust to fit net requirements

The list shows the required quantity and any derived

quantum suggestions.
In this window you may:
Select or de-select Bulk, to purchase either the specific
required quantity, or large box.
Change the quantity of purchased items by clicking in
the Qty. field.
Delete the line (mark the line, and press <Delete> on

the keyboard.
02-07-2015 / EHL

Edit the purchase and add a note

02-07-2015 / HTH

Edit purchase and add a note. Save and

send under functions

The note is seen in the subject line of

the e-mail and on the printout.

Edit items in Excel

You may copy items to Excel, change data and
reimport them to Galaxy:

Mark one or more items in the item database, and press

to export the items.

Once the items are exported, an xlsx file is created,

ready to edit in Excel.

Import using Galaxy Manager:

The items may be imported again by Galaxy Manager.
Pay strict attention to the import settings.
The setting Import type is explained in the info area at the
top of the import dialog.

02-07-2015 / EHL

Personalize design window

You can personalize your Galaxy
behaviour and appearance in design
Click the setup icon
in the upper left
corner of the ribbon tabs.
Select Options.
Press Design tab.
Mark each option to view the tool tip in
the lower part of the window.

02-07-2015 / EHL

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