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Hours. Days. Months. There was no telling how long I had been here. It just seemed like
yesterday that her village was ransacked and slaughtered. Only the children surviving
and becoming slaves for this Tower of Heaven. My name was Jinara Ko, but when I
look back to the eight year old little girl who thought everyone was nice in the world and
now see the world after a year in the Tower of Heaven, I am only saddened and pity
what I once was. When people ask for a name I just give them Jinara. I never ask for
there names, though, I don't think I could handle it if someone were to die after I got to
know them.
On one side of the hall that I'm being held in, there is only a few large rooms that house
multiple slaves and has much more lighter atmosphere, even if it was still quite
depressive. The ones on my side are filled with a atmosphere of dread. We are the ones
who the Mage Slavers see having a huge amount of magical power. There are only a few
of us and we live with a finer area and with a bit more delicious food. The bad part is
that we are taken almost everyday and drained of our magical energy to power
I envy the kids on the other side of the hall, sometimes I stare at them and wish that I
was on that side. They seem so happy compared to the rest of us who know we are just
living batteries to the slavers. The lack of human interaction except for when I am in a
line with some of the other kids waiting for my draining period has really taken a tole on
me. I'm starting to grow more, fore lack of a better word, crazy and its not the good
crazy, and its bad because I know its happening, but I'm starting to not care and its scary.
What catches my ear as I listen in on the kids is the fact that they are planning there own
breakout. I would have tried to break myself sooner, but I seen some of the other living
batteries go at it and they never got out of the place before they were sent back and
tortured until they absolutely broken. Yeah we batteries have a shorter leash than most
slaves in this joint. These guys though, there plans give me an opportunity for my own
escape. I know their plan of escape will most likely fail, but my own being a shadow of
theirs will be much more successful.
Day of Attempt
As I get ready to leave alongside the oblivious kids, I go over my plan one more time in
my head before I pickpocket my way out with a few rocks I found while I was out on
my rare physical chore. The kids are only a few yard ahead of me and seem to be
heading towards the boathouse. I discreetly run along behind them in the shadows when
suddenly we reach the entrance to the boathouse. A plethora of boats await us on the
other side, but before the kids can get in one to get away and for myself to slip into it,

the guards come in.

I quickly hide behind a box a little ways from the boat while the group of kids had
scurried off to hide behind one of the boats up front. The guards start looking around the
place, apparently the plan had been found out, when they started getting closer to my
location. I had a plan for this, and what I did didn't really bother all that much. I
discreetly picked up a stone where I chucked it over to where the other group was.
The guards quickly swarm the location where the stone hit, quickly finding the hiding
group. I kept hidden, watching the group throw themselves into admitting that they were
the ones who planned it. The red-headed one seems to be chosen by the guards, and
sentences to a torture session while the others start yelling out Erza! which I guess is
her name. The kids are quickly silenced and the whole group of guards take them back
to their cells, leaving the boathouse empty.
I quickly scurry over to one of the smallest emergency boats they have and get on. It
only takes me a second to get the hang of boating before I take off slowly making my
way towards freedom. I sort of feel bad for the group of kids, but its a dog eat dog world
and the sooner they realize that the better off they will be.
Two Days Later
Land. I finally found land. The dirt between my toes gave me a complete feeling, this
dirt represented my new found freedom. I wandered for a while before I realized I had
nowhere to go. It started to get late so I found a tree that seemed to be calling my name
and started to take a well deserved nap.
Third Person
A rustling of the leaves is the only thing that give indication that a old man appeared out
of the canopy standing beside the Jinara looking at her appraising. The old man saw the
raggedy cloths that Jinara had and the several scars that ran through her body. What
shocked the old man was the amount of magical power that the little girl held. The man
thought about it before thinking with a dark and almost evil smile 'Yes she will do
nicely'. The old man coughs into a handkerchief before carrying the deep sleeping girl
Day Later
Jinara wrestled in her sleep trying to fight to stay in her dreamworld, before her eyes
open. Her eyes widen when she sees she is not where she was yesterday, she jumps up
and sees her current location. She seems to be in a brightly lit cave.

Oh ho ho your awake Jinara turns her head quickly to the direction of the voice and
find a peculiar sight indeed. The man looks very old, and has

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