Rogue of Konoha

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Rouge of Konoha

Running down the streets, crying and bleeding from multiple places, was a girl no older
than five years old. Naru was wearing only a raggedy gray shirt and some ruffed up dark
green pants that looked extremely dirty, her short blonde hair looked like it had been cut
off by a kunai, which it had in great haste by Naru to get away from her attackers.
She stopped running for a second to catch her breath, which was the wrong thing to do,
for behind her was a monster she had been running from her entire life. The angry noises
and bad odor of alcohol quickly identified the massive mob that had come to try and kill
They grabbed her shirt from behind and pulled her into the midst of the crowd. She
screamed and sobbed as they beat her and stomped on her fingers one by one. They
started cutting her up and yelled obscenities at her, while cheering on the people who
could do the most work. The Anbu who had just gotten there was about to jump down
and clear the masses, when the little girl yelled, quite clearly, Don't touch me! at her
The result was instant, the Anbu could see all of the mobsters that made contact with
Naru's skin would instantly fall unconscious or die depending on the contact made. The
Anbu jumped down and handled the rest of the mob who were most likely walking
towards their doom.
He walks to a now unconscious Naru, carefully picking her up by her cloths and quickly
heads off towards the Hokage's Tower to report his findings. A day later we find a
distraught Hokage, a slightly woozy Anbu, and a still passed out Naru.
They had been testing the fact that they could not touch Naru's bare skin with their flesh
without their Chakra start being adsorbed at a rapid pace. Even the Hokage could only
touch her for a few seconds before he started to feel tired.
I think that from what you have told me, this is due to the Kyuubi's Chakra being used
subconsciously by Naru to give her a bloodline trait that would keep people from
touching her. The Hokage grimly stated.
He was not happy that his successor's daughter had been given such a horrible ability.
Hopefully she would be able to tame it, but that was a pipe dream, if he went by what
the doctors said.
Naru's body had developed one of the largest reserves ever, but most of it was unfilled.
This unfilled spot drew on the Chakra from other bodies trying to fill itself up, but as it

fills it self up, the amount it can hold grows larger, making more room permanently for
more Chakra to be adsorbed.
This sudden growth however, causes great strain on Naru, and symptoms from over
adsorbing can include falling unconscious, great pain in the entire body, and even a long
time coma that could last for a week up to a month.
With this ability, Naru would have the potential to have the most Chakra ever seen
before, even being able to reach the Chakra levels of the Sage of Six Paths, or at least
This was scary, since such an ability would be coveted by anyone higher up. It already
had in fact by Danzo, wanting to induct her into his ROOT program. The civilians had
been scared of the Demon's new ability and had called for its head.
This had made Hiruzen very angry at most of the people in the room and had forcefully
decided that Naru would become a regular Genin like everybody else her age. There had
been a lot of complaining, but Hiruzen had finally went into Hokage mode. That kind of
killer intent knocked out most of the civilian council.
Now we find the Hokage looking worriedly over the unconscious body of Naru who had
still not waken up.
Inu, please take her to the Hospital and notify me when she wakes up. While the Anbu
was picking up Naru, no one noticed that the Seal on her stomach was slightly glowing.
Month Later
It had been a stressful month for Hiruzen, he had waited for an excessive amount of
time, and when news of his Grand-daughter was reported to be awake he rushed over
to the hospital with the speed only a Kage had.
When he got their one of the head doctors was waiting looking very grim. Hiruzen
prepared himself for the worst and asked How is she? Is she OK?
The doctor grew a thoughtful expression and then looked at Hiruzen She is now awake
with a terrible headache that is being taken care of. However, there are some strange
things about her.
Her Chakra reserves, which had already been abnormal for a child her age, are now off
the charts, rivaling the proclaimed, Tailless Bijuu Kisame from Krikagakure. Though
there is one thing that you will be even happier to hear. The Hokage was quite surprised

at the information, but then asked a curious And that is?

The doctor grew a small smile and said The reason she has been unconscious, is
because her bloodline limit found the Kyuubi's Chakra, The Third Hokage's eyes grew
wide, and the doctor continued From our countless checks, there is no evidence that the
Kyuubi is present in the child, even its subtle influence on her has disappeared. Due to
this rapid extinguish of the demon's chakra, her whiskers have lessened
That news shocked him to the bones, making his knees almost give out. He was
exceedingly happy for the girl, but the bigger picture quickly came upon him. At the cost
of having almost impossible Chakra reserves, came with a horrible curse of Naru
probably never being able to touch again.
Hokage shakily got back up to his feet, his face slightly pale. He motioned for the doctor
to get out of the way of the door, walking inside without a further word. Inside, he found
Naru looking down slightly downtrodden, but also riddled with slight pain from her stiff
She looked up from the noise of the Hokage entering and immediately brightened in
mood at seeing her favorite adult. The Hokage smiled at her amusing changes in
emotion, before coming back to why he was here.
He couldn't comfort the poor girl than put her down again, he would have to just rip the
bandage off quickly and nurse the wounds after words. Naru straightened her back in
worry at Sarutobi's sad expression. She had never seen him like this, he really looked his
age. Sarutobi made his way towards the girl's bed and sat down, offering the girl a small
smile that made the girl slightly relax.
She reached a hand to grab his hand, before tensing quickly when she saw how badly he
tensed. She felt betrayal at how he seemed to be scared of her, but pushed on slightly,
hoping for the best.
O-old man, w-why are you scared, Naru asked worriedly. The Hokage let out a breath
of air that he had unconsciously taken in at Naru reaching towards him. He was ashamed
at himself to say, but he was really frightened at Naruko's new ability, but no one could
really blame him.
A five-year old girl had an ability that had completely demolished the Kyuubi no Yoko
from just the interaction between her and the beast's chakra, and she was trying to touch
him. The Hokage straightened having figured out what to say and turned towards Naru

Naru, as you know you were attacked on your birthday, you have been in a coma since
last month. Naru was shocked at the time she had been unconscious and was confused
on how this mattered, it wasn't like she hadn't be in a coma before, it was just last time it
was only for a day or two. The Hokage, seeing her confused stare, continued While the
civilians were performing their annual attack on you, you subconsciously wished with
all your might that they would stop touching you. This wish, filled with your complete
desperation, gave you a bloodline that would suck up any Chakra that you came intact
Naru was shocked at this, she had, out of complete desperation, gave herself a bloodline.
She was only five and even she could see that this should be impossible. After voicing
this thought, the Hokage chuckled slightly, but then got completely serious, yes it
should be impossible, but you are very special Naru. He began to tell her of the night
that Kyuubi attacked and how she was chosen to be the container of the beast. He told
her of the laws he put into place to try and protect her, apologizing at the failed attempts,
but also explained the gravity of the situation of her new bloodline, along with the
'death' of the Kyuubi.
By the end, Naru had tears streaming down her face, wanting to jump into his arms, but
pushed back the urge for his sake. As it stands, she was taking it pretty well, at least she
hadn't fainted.
The Hokage grew a few years older at the usually strong and upbeat child, now
wallowing in sorrow. He had shown her the worse, and now it was time to try and take
the suffering away. He got somewhat closer to Naru, making her inch backwards in
alarm, before he got onto his knees and looked her in the eyes.
Naru, the years coming a head are going to be tough indeed, and you will face much
turmoil, but you must know that I will always be there for you, the Hokage paused for a
second, looking thoughtful and then continued, Naru, you've always wanted to be a
ninja right? At her nod he continued, Well I would like to give you training. When the
news about your condition undoubtedly gets out, there are going to be a lot of people
who are going to try and take you. I want you to get strong, and I want to help. Naru
looked on at the genuine emotions on her 'grandpa's' face and nodded, looking slightly
happier at the affirmation that he wasn't going to leave her.
The Hokage's face lit up in happiness, his face once again looking much younger than he
did while worrying over Naru, 'I'll help as much as can, for you Minato.'
8 Years Later
Over the years, a lot of things changed for Naru. Where once she would get glares and
muttered insults, she now got fair prices and undiscriminated advances. At first, she

really liked it, but it never felt right. The same people who gave her problems over the
years were now treating her like everyone else.
After her condition got out and the pro and cons of the bloodline were revealed to the
public, Naru was met with a rather mixed view. Some people were scared of her, not the
whole gather a mob and attack her scared, but more like, not look her in the eye for too
long kind of stare.
However, that wasn't all of the new bloodline's fault as Naru had created her own little
intimidating stare that would freak out people who were not used to it.
On the other hand, their were a great many people who wanted this bloodline in their
grasp, much like the Hokage had suspected, but most attempts were put down. The
Hokage had let a few people adopt Naru, mainly lower civilians who he thought would
be nice to her, but she always would run away.
After a great abundance of these successful runaways, there was a lot less adoptions
focused on her and the adoption agency even started calling her 'Rouge' due to her lonerattitude and distrustful nature she had gained from her childhood.
The name had stuck, and now most people who knew her called her Rouge, she
threatened them to, and only the Hokage and ever called her by her given name.
That was another thing. Her training with the Hokage was amazing. They usually
focused on Chakra Control, but there was still few Jutsu thrown in their every once and
a while. Though, one of the most important things that they focused on was Fuinjutsu.
When Naru had heard that Fuinjutsu was said to be capable of anything, she quickly
started begging the Hokage to learn it, in hopes of one day being able to suppress her
powers so that she could finally touch skin once more. She hasn't found a way to touch
people yet, but learning Fuinjutsu was the best thing that had ever happened. Hokage
could see her father's genes had taken a strong rooting in the young Kunoichi.
Naru began working on her studies and training routinely and after a year or two of not
getting anywhere with her Chakra Control Techniques, Naruko finally came forward
with an amazing idea.
She had devised a seal that would help her consciously limit the amount of Chakra that
she was able to use. It would destabilize every now and then, but that was not exactly
unsurprising with the large amount of ever increasing Chakra. It actually surprised the
Hokage about how much potential Naruko seemed to have in Fuinjutsu. Her parent's
genes really showed themselves when it came to her brilliance. Even the Hokage himself

would have taken longer than it had for Naruko to make a seal that was able to suppress
so much Chakra, and were talking Kyuubi sized
Right now, Naru was walking towards what she thought was what happened when a
Hokage gained a very cruel sense of humor. In front of her was building that she had
heard scary stories about when she would listen in on the Chunin around her. They
spoke of the devious tortures that the warden would perform on the inmates, and the
laboring tasks that they were given.
There were even some whispers of someone dying of the workload that had been shoved
onto the unsuspecting victim. Yes, Naru was looking at the Ninja Academy. Apparently,
the Hokage wanted her to take the test along with the other Genin, and be on a team with
them, he thought that Naru wasn't getting enough interaction with her age group and that
she was lacking in teamwork skills.
Now Naru wasn't arrogant, but she knew that she was at least Chunin in level and it
somewhat stung her that she was going to have to be on a team with, in her eyes, lower
level brats. It didn't occur to her that these 'brats' were the same age as her.
Naru walked into the building slightly glancing at her attire, suddenly feeling slightly
self-conscious of what she was wearing. After she had been told of her affliction, Naru
had started to wear cloths that didn't show even a glimpse of skin except for her face.
She wore a slightly baggy, but still curve showing orange suit with black outlines,
accompanied by an orange hood that had a black line outlining it as well, which she let
rest on her head most of the time to stop people from grabbing her by the neck from the
He blond hair was cut short, falling only slightly past her ears and a bang that hugged
her forehead. All in all, if someone looked at her without knowing of her condition, they
would assume that she was VERY conservative, but being conservative had saved a few
dozen lives.
She walked in a daze before finding herself in front of the door that lead to the room she
was told to report to. She could hear some mumbling from the room, the words muffled
by the thickness of the door, but it seemed to be mentioning a new student. There was a
new student toda- oh I'm the new student.
Naru mentally berated herself at the moment of stupidity and in her mental scolding
didn't acknowledge the door opening. A few giggles was what smacked Naru out of her
head and back into the real world, and found that the teacher was looking at her
expectantly from the desk. She walked in with her arms swinging by her side slightly,
showing he boredom, and the slight scowl, that showed her irritation.

The teacher, she noticed had a scar on his nose, introduced himself as Iruka. He
motioned for her to give out her name and some personal information to the class with a
smile. she eyed him with distrust and, it wasn't that she didn't like him, it was just that
not trusting people kept you alive.
She turned her head after giving the teacher a slightly intimidating stare and said to the
class in a clear tone of warning, My name is Naru Uzumaki, now do not get used to
even speaking the name. You will call me Rouge if you don't want to end in a coma.
Also, I am against skin to skin contact so please keep your grubby little fingers to your
self Naru really said that with clear intentions of giving someone the idea of either
calling her Naru on purpose or trying to touch her. She disliked stupid people, and this
method brought out the really stupid ones.
As she gazed across the room, staring at each of the Genin who had had all different and
varying reactions to her introduction, she realized that this whole Genin team thing
MIGHT not be so bad, if scaring the Genin was this easy.
A/N: This is an idea that I had a long time ago, and only now really brought myself
to begin writing it. I hope you like and please give any suggestions and opinions in
the reviews. I don't know when or if I will continue this due to interest in other
stories, but please be patient, fore I will hopefully never truly abandon a story.

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