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Danielle Ruf

Classroom Management Plan

General Procedures
Students entering/exiting the classroom
o When students enter the classroom I will greet them at the door.
After students enter the classroom, they are expected to put all
materials that will not be used under their chairs and
immediately begin completing the warm-up activity. It is also
expected that all conversations between peers stop at the door.
All students will enter and exit through the same door. On
occasion, students will have to turn in an exit ticket before they
are allowed to exit the classroom.
Distribution of materials
o As the teacher I will distribute handouts or assign a student to
distribute the handouts. On days with labs, students may be
asked to collect their own materials that they need in order to
complete the lab assignment
Storing of students personal items
o Students will store all personal items such as binders and
agendas underneath their chairs. All materials that will be used
for class are expected to be on their desks. If students are
allowed technology in the classroom, they are expected to place
their device face down at the top of their desk.
Students going to the rest room/ drinking fountain
o Students will have 8 slots to use the rest room or drinking
fountain per quarter. These slots will be tracked in their agendas.
In order to go to the bathroom I must approve if their excusal
and sign their agenda. Students also may not use the rest room
or drinking fountain within the first 10 minutes of class and the
last 10 minutes of class unless it is an emergency.
Classroom interruptions
o During an intercom call, all instruction and activities will be
paused. The students will be silent in order to listen to the
intercom call. If the phone rings during class, I will pause
instruction by saying please excuse me for a moment, and
answer the phone. Students will expected to be silent during a
phone call
Student tardiness to class
o All students attendance will be tracked including tardiness.
Depending on the schools policy, students tardiness will be
tracked and sent to the office and consequences will follow
through the schools policy on frequent, unexcused tardiness
Student Dismissal

o When it is time for dismissal, students will be asked to pack up,

push their chair in and stand behind their desk. When students
are packed up, standing behind their desk, and quiet, they will be
then dismissed by row. Students that pack up before they are
instructed to will first receive a verbal warning. If the issue
continues to the next class, the students that packed up early
will receive lunch detention. If the student continues not to abide
by the procedures there will be parent contact following with a
morning or afternoon detention.
Food/Drink in the classroom
o Students will not be allowed to have food or drink other than
water in the classroom. If they bring any other food or drink in,
they will immediately be asked to put it away or throw it in the
Forgotten materials
o When students forget their materials they will be asked to copy
the information needed on a sheet of notebook paper. If students
forget an important material in their locker, they will be allowed
to go and retrieve that item. If students are in need of a pen or a
pencil, they may ask to borrow one from the teacher. If a student
frequently forgets materials, that particular students lack of
preparedness will be documented and will result in contact with
the parent.
Sharpening Pencils, throwing away trash etc.
o Students may raise their hand and ask to sharpen their pencil
and throw away trash.

Academic Expectations
Turning in Homework
o All homework will either be collected or checked of at the
beginning of class during the warm-up activity. For students in
middle school, if they do not turn in an assignment or turn in an
incomplete assignment, their agendas will be stamped with a
notification saying, Student did not turn in assignment, as a
way to notify the parents.
Late or missed work
o Large projects and labs will be accepted with a total letter grade
down of their score within one day after the due date.
Daily/weekly homework will not be accepted late unless there are
reasonable circumstances. If a student is absent, they will be
expected to come during homeroom to collect any missed work
and may be turned in within however many days they were
absent for full credit.
Participation and classroom discussions

o Students will receive points as part as their classroom grade for

participation. Students may receive participation points (up to 10
points) for participating in class discussions. Occasionally,
students will receive a participation grade for class work if that
particular activity is gone over as a class or the activity will not
be graded on accuracy. Participation grade class work will range
from 5-15 points.
Extra help
o Students may come during homeroom for extra help or lunch
depending on the students schedule and the school policy.
Students may come after school for extra help by scheduling an
appointment to stay after school. Students and parents may
email me any questions or concerns about assignments after
school hours.
Lack of student success
o If I am to notice that a student is receiving a failing grade, I will
first talk with the students and discuss the students academic
performance and possible reasons why the student is falling
behind. I will work with the student to figure out any problems
and try to resolve issues in regards to misunderstanding content.
If the student is willing, I will try to set up help sessions that can
either be for that student or open to any students after school for
extra help. Along with discussing academic performance with the
student, I will also reach out the to parent/guardian my concerns
about the students academic performance.

Student Behavior
Minor disruptions (Talking/calling out)
o If students are disrupting class, they will first be given a nonverbal warning. For example, if the student is consistently
tapping his/her pen on the desk, I may walk over and give them
a non-verbal warning to the student. If students are
inappropriately calling out, I will address the class as a whole to
remember to raise their hand, unless they are asked not to do so.
Conflicts with classmates
o If students are having conflicts, I may have a discussion with
each of those students about the issues that they are having and
help aid towards a resolution. I will document that I had this
conference with the students and let the parents know
immediately. If needed, a conference with all students involve
may need to be scheduled along with an administrator present.
The administrator may choose to step in if the conflicts continue
and the students need to be separated in classes.
Expectations [rules] for student behavior
o Rule 1

Students are expected to come prepared to every class

with their science notebook, textbook, technology (if
applicable), writing utensil, and a positive attitude.
o Rule 2
Students are to be respectful to both the teacher and their
o Rule 3
Students will follow all safety procedures in class and in
o Rule 4
Students are expected to be engaged, attentive, and
participating in class.
o Rule 5

Teacher Behavior
Limiting student behavior issues by planning and delivering lessons
o In order to eliminate inappropriate student behavior, I will plan
activities that engage students, including many labs and handson activities that truly involve students in the material. My
classroom will be a student-centered classroom, where students
are driving their own learning instead of passively listening to
lectures every class and the teacher driving the learning.
Actions to build mutual respect and positive relationships
o As the teacher I will always treat all students with respect. In the
classroom, my demeanor will be friendly but firm, which will
contribute to a positive and professional relationship with
students. I will also be patient and understanding with students
and their requests will which also aid towards a positive
Avoiding escalating behaviors
o If there is a particular conflict with a student, I may meet up with
the student and the student may discuss their concerns. Talking
with the student may alleviate any issues that the student may
have and I will listen and be understanding to help deescalate
student behavior. If a student is disrespectful in class and
causing disruptions, I may ask that student to step out of the
classroom to clam down and gather themselves. The student and
I may have a conference to help come to an understanding.
Student Expectation in the Classroom

Expectation 1

o Students will be respectful to the teacher, their peers, as well as

school property.
Expectation 2
o Students will come to every class prepared with all materials.
Students will also come with a positive, open mind and ready to
Expectation 3
o Students will bring their technology to every class and place their
technology face down at the top of their desk at the start of
every class period
Expectation 4
o All students will be responsible for coming to the teacher before
class in order to obtain any make-up work. Make-up work should
be completed within the same amount of time as they were
absent. No other late-work will be accepted.
Expectation 5
o All students will conduct appropriate and safe behaviors during
lab activities. Students will follow all safety precautions while
completing labs.

Consequences for Broken Rules

Depending on the severity of the issue, the student may be first given
a non-verbal warning. A verbal warning may follow the non-verbal
warning. After a verbal warning, the students parents/guardian may
be contacted to bring their awareness to the issue as well as
brainstorm possible solutions for the issue regarding the student. After
parent contact, the student may be asked to stay for detention and
administrator will be contacted about the issue for further

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