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Volume 19 Issue 19

April News at Sonshine

We are looking Please let us know if
forward to warm you will be taking a va- Sonshine Reminders
cation during the sum-
weather in the
mer. We have added  PLEASE BRING A
upcoming months to be several new assistants BLANKET FOR
able to take the chil- to help our teachers YOUR CHILD FOR
dren out to enjoy the during teach time and NAPTIME.
sun and fresh air. After want to properly staff
a long winter, they are each week. The policy
ready to participate in is being enforced
regarding only six SUFFICIENT
our outdoor projects. If
anyone has a bike or weeks off during the AMOUNT OF DIA-
year to avoid a fee PERS/WIPIES
tricycle they would like
to donate, we would be when children are ab-
happy to add this to our sent. This allows us to Director– Christy Armold
hire staff full time and Asst. Director– Becky
outdoor toys. Allen
make the learning envi- Afternoon Supervisor–
ronment consistent. Pam Wilson
Preschool– Amy
Threes– Gina Morales
Education Nurture Safety Twos– Sara Sasko and
Stephanie Specht
Please do not bring your sick, they spread the advance for helping us Infants– Caryl Dressel
child if they have a keep our kids safe and Waddlers– Tasha Miller
illness to the other
surrounded by a clean Teacher Assistants–
temperature over 99 children at the daycare. Sarah Law, Alex Gronek,
degrees. We bleach We will always follow Ariel Stepanovich, Ann
and disinfect to avoid Newman, Dolly Purser,
handbook policy and
illness at Sonshine Loretta Gehrich
call the first available
several times a day. caregiver when this hap-
When children arrive pens. Thank you in
Newsletter Title
Inside Story Headline
This story can fit 150-200 A great way to add useful be used for your Web site.
words. content to your newsletter is Microsoft Publisher offers a
to develop and write your simple way to convert your
One benefit of using your
own articles, or include a newsletter to a Web publica-
newsletter as a promotional
calendar of upcoming events tion. So, when you’re finished
tool is that you can reuse
or a special offer that pro- writing your newsletter, con-
content from other marketing
motes a new product. vert it to a Web site and
materials, such as press re-
post it.
leases, market studies, and You can also research articles
reports. or find “filler” articles by
accessing the World Wide
While your main goal of dis-
Caption describing Web. You can write about a
tributing a newsletter might
picture or graphic. variety of topics but try to
be to sell your product or
keep your articles short.
service, the key to a success-
ful newsletter is making it Much of the content you put
useful to your readers. in your newsletter can also

“TO CATCH THE Inside Story Headline

This story can fit 100-150 customers or clients. column, a book review, a
ATTENTION, words. letter from the president, or
If the newsletter is distributed
an editorial. You can also
PLACE AN The subject matter that ap- internally, you might comment
profile new employees or top
INTERESTING pears in newsletters is virtu- upon new procedures or im-
customers or vendors.
ally endless. You can include provements to the business.
SENTENCE OR stories that focus on current Sales figures or earnings will
QUOTE FROM technologies or innovations in show how your business is
your field. growing.
You may also want to note Some newsletters include a
HERE.” business or economic trends, column that is updated every
or make predictions for your issue, for instance, an advice

Inside Story Headline

This story can fit 75-125 convey. Avoid selecting im- Once you have chosen an
words. ages that appear to be out image, place it close to the
of context. article. Be sure to place the
Selecting pictures or graphics
caption of the image near
is an important part of add- Microsoft Publisher includes
the image.
ing content to your newslet- thousands of clip art images
ter. from which you can choose
Caption describing picture or and import into your newslet-
graphic. Think about your article and
ter. There are also several
ask yourself if the picture
tools you can use to draw
supports or enhances the
shapes and symbols.
message you’re trying to

Page 2
Volume 19 Issue 19
Inside Story Headline
This story can fit 150-200 useful to your readers. Much of the content you put
words. in your newsletter can also
A great way to add useful
be used for your Web site.
One benefit of using your content to your newsletter is
Microsoft Publisher offers a
newsletter as a promotional to develop and write your
simple way to convert your
tool is that you can reuse own articles, or include a
newsletter to a Web publica-
content from other marketing calendar of upcoming events
tion. So, when you’re finished
materials, such as press re- or a special offer that pro-
writing your newsletter, con-
leases, market studies, and motes a new product.
vert it to a Web site and
You can also research articles post it.
While your main goal of dis- or find “filler” articles by
tributing a newsletter might accessing the World Wide Caption describing
picture or graphic.
be to sell your product or Web. You can write about a
service, the key to a success- variety of topics but try to
ful newsletter is making it keep your articles short.

Inside Story Headline “TO CATCH THE

This story can fit 100-150 customers or clients. column, a book review, a
If the newsletter is distributed
letter from the president, or ATTENTION,
an editorial. You can also
The subject matter that ap- internally, you might comment
profile new employees or top
pears in newsletters is virtu- upon new procedures or im-
customers or vendors. INTERESTING
ally endless. You can include provements to the business.
stories that focus on current Sales figures or earnings will SENTENCE OR
technologies or innovations in show how your business is
your field. growing.
You may also want to note Some newsletters include a
business or economic trends, column that is updated every HERE.”
or make predictions for your issue, for instance, an advice

Inside Story Headline

This story can fit 75-125 convey. Avoid selecting im- Once you have chosen an
words. ages that appear to be out image, place it close to the
of context. article. Be sure to place the
Selecting pictures or graphics
caption of the image near
is an important part of add- Microsoft Publisher includes
the image.
ing content to your newslet- thousands of clip art images
ter. from which you can choose
Caption describing picture or
and import into your newslet- graphic.
Think about your article and
ter. There are also several
ask yourself if the picture
tools you can use to draw
supports or enhances the
shapes and symbols.
message you’re trying to

Page 3
Your business tag line here.


Primary Business Address

Your Address Line 2
This would be a good place to insert a short paragraph about your organization. It might include
Your Address Line 3 the purpose of the organization, its mission, founding date, and a brief history. You could also in-
Your Address Line 4
Phone: 555-555-5555 clude a brief list of the types of products, services, or programs your organization offers, the geo-
Fax: 555-555-5555
graphic area covered (for example, western U.S. or European markets), and a profile of the types
of customers or members served.
It would also be useful to include a contact name for readers who want more information about the

We’re on the Web!

Back Page Story Headline

This story can fit 175-225 zation is a good way to give If space is available, this is a
words. your newsletter a personal good place to insert a clip
touch. If your organization is art image or some other
If your newsletter is folded
small, you may want to list graphic.
and mailed, this story will
the names of all employees.
appear on the back. So, it’s a
good idea to make it easy to If you have any prices of
read at a glance. standard products or ser-
vices, you can include a listing
A question and answer ses-
of those here. You may want
sion is a good way to quickly
to refer your readers to any
capture the attention of
other forms of communication
readers. You can either com-
that you’ve created for your
pile questions that you’ve
received since the last edition
or you can summarize some You can also use this space to
Caption describing pic- generic questions that are remind readers to mark their
ture or graphic. frequently asked about your calendars for a regular
organization. event, such as a breakfast
meeting for vendors every
A listing of names and titles
third Tuesday of the month,
of managers in your organi-
or a biannual charity auction.

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