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Healing the heart of humanity one soul at a time


“Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.”

~ Japanese Proverb

The Humanity Healing Network

9947 Hull Street Road, Suite 117, Richmond, VA 23236 (804)-859-3395
Healing the heart of humanity one soul at a time



Our Mission is to seek out and identify specific projects worldwide and to implement definable solutions
through the application of the Twelve Keys of Spiritual Activism. Our projects are not broad concepts,
but targeted answers to specific problems that maintain or restore the dignity of communities and
advance the Human Condition.

Our projects are intended to be a vehicle for ordinary individuals to connect through their shared
Humanity and give of themselves and not just their resources to make this world a better place for us


There is an old axiom that says that to solve a problem; you must first define the problem.

“Healing the Heart of Humanity One Soul at a Time” is a very broad and far-reaching mandate because
each individual’s needs are different.

We decided the best way to approach “Healing the Heart of Humanity” on large scale while still focusing
on “One Soul at a Time” was to organize our focus into different facets of the problem and bring
individuals in those areas of expertise together to make a difference.

Just as the Flower of Life is built from twelve individual arcs to form the sacred geometry of the whole,
the community of Humanity Healing is built around Twelve Houses that we believe define the areas
where individuals can find their own Path to Healing and through them, Humanity as a whole.

The Humanity Healing Network

9947 Hull Street Road, Suite 117, Richmond, VA 23236 (804)-859-3395
Healing the heart of humanity one soul at a time

Humanity Healing is a group of people with good will with no denomination. We are and we embrace
people from different backgrounds and all walks of life. We recognize the necessity of maintaining the
integrity and dignity of Human life in every stage of its existences, from the beginning until the end, no
matter what the circumstance; our beliefs reside in the sacredly of Human Life and all living beings, and
the advancement in the relationship between Planet Earth and her human family.

The Humanity Healing Foundation is a legal non-profit in the State of Virginia USA and works in
Affiliation with International Humanities Center, a Non-profit Public charity exempt from federal income
tax under section 501[c](3) of Internal Revenue Code.

Humanity Healing is basically a Volunteer-based Foundation and relies on the cooperation and
dedication of its members to accomplish milestones on its projects worldwide.

Humanity Healing also manages a Network of different sites and a Social Community in order to amplify
its platform to develop and assist members, individuals and communities in the building bridges of
understanding and compassion; through a network of like-minded people oriented to support and help
others based on the principals of Spiritual Activism and advocacy.

Humanity Healing Network and Foundation does not discriminate or concede privileges to any individual
or group of People; all the Volunteer positions offered in this package is available to everyone that is
looking for information and they are offered freely regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, political
affiliation, religious background or heath status. The selection of individuals will rely solely in their
professional capacities and availabilities.

The Humanity Healing Network

9947 Hull Street Road, Suite 117, Richmond, VA 23236 (804)-859-3395
Healing the heart of humanity one soul at a time

Humanity Healing reserves the right to refuse any individual based solely on the limitation of
professional capacity and competence in respond to the demands of our programs and at its own
discretion. The Foundation also makes a public commitment to keep confidential any data relative of
Volunteers and applicants in our diverse programs.


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the
only thing that ever has.”

~ Margaret Mead

The Humanity Healing Ambassador Program is a global public outreach designed to enlist motivated
individuals from around the world, in the effort to create a community of Individuals committed to bring
positive change through sustainable approaches and solutions.

The Humanity Healing Network

9947 Hull Street Road, Suite 117, Richmond, VA 23236 (804)-859-3395
Healing the heart of humanity one soul at a time

An Ambassador will be an informal Representative of the Humanity Healing Network; who through
goodwill, integrity and dedication furthers the goal of creating a Web of Helping Hands and Hearts on
every single aspect that touches on the Dignity and Advancement of the Human Condition.

These individuals should enthusiastically support various programs, initiatives and projects that benefit
Humanity through cooperation, organization and good will. In addition, they will be expected to be a
reference for and to help educate members of the Humanity Healing Network in their individual area of

Our intention is to create a Worldwide Cadre of informed and dynamic individuals committed to assist
and educate others. These Ambassadors will help create, support and maintain a network of People of
Goodwill and compassion that together will change the world: shifting perspectives and views about
both global and local issues.

We believe that by creating the Humanity Healing Ambassador Program, we have the opportunity to
impact a greater number of lives in a positive and meaningful way. Through the weaving of their
abilities, and our intentions, we believe we will be able to coordinate collective action and create a
broader impact in specific areas.

The Humanity Healing Network

9947 Hull Street Road, Suite 117, Richmond, VA 23236 (804)-859-3395
Healing the heart of humanity one soul at a time


The Humanity Healing Ambassador Program builds upon the conception that through Goodwill, Integrity
and Cooperation; ordinary individuals can make a significant contribution towards the betterment of the
Human Condition worldwide.

Humanity Healing envisions its Ambassadors as people with broad vision, and without sectarian,
partisan, or radical religious tendencies, or bias behaviors; individuals with profound spiritual
understanding of the diversity and multiplicity of Human realities, challenges and their potentials. An
Ambassador should hold gifts and skills such as creativity, adaptability, understanding, and the
disposition of peaceful resolution of conflicts.

In order to comply with the Humanity Healing requirements of Ambassadorship, the candidate should
apply for the position according to his/her area of expertise, send a brief biography and credentials,
along with a suggested project that he /she will be willing to bring and develop inside of the Network
and with the support of the Foundation. The candidate should attach the reason he desires to work with
Humanity healing Network and Foundation.

Many times an Ambassador of one House will be requested to be working in partnership and
cooperation with others. At all times, Humanity Healing expects from its Ambassadors the posture and
attitudes based on the 12 Keys of Spiritual Activism.1 Within the scope of activities, an Ambassador may
work with a team of Volunteers, Liaisons, other Ambassadors, Humanity Healing staff and other
government agencies.

In addition, Ambassadors are expected to be a part of our Community Network,, to facilitate the exchange of information and synergetic approaches
with other Ambassadors.

The Twelve Keys of Spiritual activism is the underlining Code of Conduct and Ethics followed by Humanity Healing
Network and members. Please see for details.

The Humanity Healing Network

9947 Hull Street Road, Suite 117, Richmond, VA 23236 (804)-859-3395
Healing the heart of humanity one soul at a time


Each Individual connected in any capacity with this Program will conduct themselves at all times in a
professional, dignified and respectful manner, in and out of the public arena, remembering that they are
leading by example and are Representatives of the Humanity Healing Foundation and Network.

From each Ambassador is expected an undeviating outlook of compassion; the availability to work with
others as team workers, exercising synergy and mutual aid whenever possible. Humanity Healing
believes that Spiritual Activism is the pursuit of service for the good of all, not for the advancement or
benefit of individuals or selected communities.

The Ambassadors of each House should be aware that they will be functioning primarily as Project
Managers of their projects and possibly cooperate in supervising/over viewing many aspects and

The Humanity Healing Network

9947 Hull Street Road, Suite 117, Richmond, VA 23236 (804)-859-3395
Healing the heart of humanity one soul at a time

interactions of each individual project/program inside of the original House and other Houses2 pertinent
to the structure of the Network. Autonomy and diligence are desirable qualities.

From each of the applicants, there will be expected a commitment and the signing of a Confidentiality
Agreement3, which previews the privacy and nondisclosure of privileged information shared over
ongoing projects and assignments.


“Service to others is the payment you make for your space here on earth.”
~ Mohammed Ali

The Houses of Humanity Healing are based on ten Gifts of the Spirit (Healing, Faith, Compassion, Wisdom, Hope,
Creation, Counsel, Knowledge, Justice, and Reconciliation) and two Fruit of the Spirit (Kindness and Peace). They
are the way the Foundation organize all his outreach and actions.
Confidentiality agreements, sometimes called secrecy or nondisclosure agreements, are contracts entered into by
two or more parties in which some or all of the parties agree that certain types of information that pass from one
party to the other or that are created by one of the parties will remain confidential. Confidential Information shall
include all data, materials, products, technology, computer programs, specifications, manuals, business plans,
software, marketing plans, business plans, financial information, and other information disclosed or submitted,
orally, in writing, or by any other media, to Recipient by Owner.

The Humanity Healing Network

9947 Hull Street Road, Suite 117, Richmond, VA 23236 (804)-859-3395
Healing the heart of humanity one soul at a time

Humanity Healing is expanding its outreach programs, through planning and enrolling individuals around
the world to be International Ambassadors. From these individuals will be expected to share the work
of Humanity Healing Foundation Team in their respective countries, following the same guidelines and
standards previewed for all the Ambassadors. The scope of responsibilities of International
Ambassadors is:

1. To be a direct channel in assessments of needs and potential Projects in specific areas.

2. To perform the role of Project Manager, in case of bringing or indicating a program to be

developed in association with The Foundation or the Network.

3. Reporting to the Network relevant news and information and potential programs of assistance
and cooperation.

4. To be a participative individual in their community and contribute to create impacts and ripples
which can improve human and spiritual conditions on the Planet.

The International Ambassador will be the hands and eyes of Humanity Healing overseas, therefore the
same level of requirements in self- conduct and posture will be required from our International
representative. The same is applicable to the law of the land. By definition Humanity Healing is never
against something or someone; the basic pillar of Spiritual Activism is action for the benefit of
something, not against something. We build upon the commonalities between ourselves instead of
focusing on the differences; the mindset behind our actions must always be noble, holistic, universal
and non-partisan.


Humanity Healing also has other types of Ambassadorship programs to suit the diversity of different
environments and needs. In all the categories, an Ambassador represents a living statements of the core
of beliefs sponsored by Humanity Healing through its Code of Ethics and the Fundaments of Spiritual
Activism and advocacy.

The Humanity Healing Network

9947 Hull Street Road, Suite 117, Richmond, VA 23236 (804)-859-3395
Healing the heart of humanity one soul at a time


Humanity Healing has a program of Celebrity Ambassadors to be a spokesperson for some of the
different Projects and Houses. Their purpose is to bring to the open public the works, the prospects and
the reach of those projects, serving primarily as promoters of higher ideals of Unity, Integration,
Cooperation and Peace.


The Humanity Healing Honorary Ambassador Program is proud to award with Standard of Excellency
Individuals that have made outstanding contribution to the betterment of Human condition in diverse
fields. We understand that in order to access the diversity of problems and challenges in our world, we
need to count on , not only on the consistent community effort, but also in the ingenuity of rare
individuals that, in many different ways bring new light, new path and healing to the overall condition of

Humanity Healing believes that is of vital importance to recognize the work of those individuals as role
models and beacons of light pointing new ways and perspectives throughout the journey in Human

If you would like to indicate someone to the Humanity Healing Honorary Hall of Fame, please write to
us at:

The Humanity Healing Network

9947 Hull Street Road, Suite 117, Richmond, VA 23236 (804)-859-3395
Healing the heart of humanity one soul at a time


“I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really
happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.”
~ Albert Schweitzer

• Humanity Healing Network and Foundation is the faster growing community of like-minded
spiritual people from the most diverse paths of life over the internet.

• Working with a varied team of people with different backgrounds and with a multitude of
different skills always provides an enriching interaction and life experience.

• The opportunity to make your personal contribution and imprint on ongoing projects, create
sustainable solutions, open your horizons through synergy and directly act to make a difference
in the lives of others.

• The multitude of subjects, projects and their different nuances will open up your regular
understanding of reality, bringing your point of consciousness, and therefore action, to the next

The Humanity Healing Network

9947 Hull Street Road, Suite 117, Richmond, VA 23236 (804)-859-3395
Healing the heart of humanity one soul at a time

• The ultimate possibility to enact real transformations and life purpose; to perform at the third
dimensional level the basic changes that can bring humanity as a whole, to a point of Balance
and Heaven on Earth; assisting Mother Earth and her beings though her shift.

• The experience acquired on the job will allow you to position yourself in experiencing a broad
range of different skills, many in the personal, social/community or global levels.


Ambassadors are needed in the following areas of expertise (not in any particular order):

• Alternative and complementary Healing modalities

• Animal rights and welfare and activism

• Humanitarian social issues and Civil Rights

• Ecumenical and non denomination Prayer communities/Ministries

• Environmental issues and sustainable solutions-Green movement

• Domestic Violence , homeless shelters hospices, care facilities

• Children’s rights and welfare

• Counseling (crisis, life coaching and spiritual)

• Peace initiatives and community actions promoting understanding

• Sacred Knowledge and Spiritual Education

• Experts in Forgiveness and tolerance issues

• Spiritual activists capable to develop, coordinate and manage

The Humanity Healing Network

9947 Hull Street Road, Suite 117, Richmond, VA 23236 (804)-859-3395
Healing the heart of humanity one soul at a time

• Connections and interaction with other non profits and charities

Note: Many of these categories may require multiple Ambassadors to fully cover its needs and outreach

We know that TOGETHER, we can make a difference.

If you wish to participate in The Humanity Healing Ambassador Program, please send us an email
attaching all the items enlisted on the checklist below at:

Or write to us:

Humanity Healing Network,

9947 Hull Street Road Suite 117 Richmond, VA 23236-1412

We appreciate your input and will get back to you as quickly as possible.
The Humanity Healing Team


1. Name and address.

2. Professional qualifications and area of Interest.

3. The reason that motivated you to participate in Humanity Healing Ambassadorship Program.

The Humanity Healing Network

9947 Hull Street Road, Suite 117, Richmond, VA 23236 (804)-859-3395
Healing the heart of humanity one soul at a time

4. Please specify what type of project you envision to develop within the Foundation and /or the

5. Please explain how do you see Humanity Healing Foundation helping you in developing your
goals and projects?

6. Please include the best time and how to reach you for a possible personal Interview.

Note: Humanity Healing Network and Foundation are entities that rely entirely on the volunteer work
of its members. Humanity Healing keeps the records of applicants at its sole discretion. We do not
disclose, sale, or retransmit any of the personal information provided by private parties. We respect
the honor system.



The Humanity Healing Network

9947 Hull Street Road, Suite 117, Richmond, VA 23236 (804)-859-3395

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