MS Access Lab Guide

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Microsoft Access Lab Guide

MS ACCESS DATABASE DATATYPES: ..................................................................2
CREATING A DATABASE: .................................................................................4
CREATING A TABLE: ......................................................................................5
QUERIES: ................................................................................................... 18
CREATING FORMS:....................................................................................... 22
REPORTS: .................................................................................................. 23
IMPORTING DATA FROM EXCEL SHEET: ............................................................ 33
CREATING A PARAMETERIZED QUERY: ............................................................. 37
CREATING A PIVOT CHART: ........................................................................... 40
CREATING A PIVOT TABLE: ............................................................................ 42
GENERATING A REPORT USING A REPORT WIZARD: ............................................. 43
CREATING A SUBREPORT: ............................................................................. 47

A successful database should be quick, efficient, and easy to use. MS Access can store a large amount of
text (up to two gigabytes) in a single database. This helps to create reports that can be run at any time. It can
also provide access to multiple users working on data at the same time. This lab guide helps you to create a
database, generate forms and reports, create pivot tables and charts, subreports and parameterized queries.
First we see the data types available in MS Access.

MS Access Database Datatype

The different types of data types are as follows:
1. Text: This data type can take in alphabetical/numerical data. This data type has a maximum length
of 255 characters. One cannot perform mathematical operations on the content stored in this field.
Examples of text data are: names, addresses, EmployeeCode, ZipCodes, etc.
2. Memo: This field is essentially used for textual comments. It can take up to a maximum of 32,000
3. Number: Numerical calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. can be
performed on the contents stored in Number data type.
4. Date/Time: This is a field for displaying dates and times.
5. Currency: This data type can hold a currency value such as Dollars ($).
6. AutoNumber: This field is an automatic counter that assigns a number each time you add data into
a new field.
7. Yes/No: This is a Boolean field that can store value such as True/False or Yes/No.
Given below is a snapshot from MS Access on the various data types available for a field.

Field Properties

Field Size
It is currently set to 255 characters for a text field. A text field can hold a maximum of 255 characters.
However, the size can be increased or decreased as per the requirements.

Custom text and memo formats can be created by using the following symbols. If all the characters in the
text or memo field are required in lowercase, use the symbol <. If all the characters in the text or memo
field are required in uppercase, use the symbol >. However, if a text character is not required, use the
symbol &. If a text character (either a character or space) is required, use the symbol @.

Input Mask
To control the manner in which the user provides the input and to provide clear instructions to the user on
how to provide the input, Input Masks are used.
For Example: A Phone Number field displayed as (---) --- - ----, clearly specifies that the user should
provide three digits within circular brackets, three digits before the hyphen sign (-) and four digits after the
hyphen sign. A phone number entered as (111)555-0266 is valid.

When used on a form, this is the label for the field. If you dont enter a caption, the field name is used as a

Default Value
This is the value that is automatically entered in this field for new records, if the value is not provided by
the user.

MS Access Database Hierarchy

There are three database models:
1. Hierarchical Database: In a hierarchical database model, data is organized in a tree structure.
There is a One-to-Many (1: M) relationship between parent and child.
2. Network Database: The network database model supports many-to-many (M: N) relationships in
3. Relational Database: In a relational database, data is stored in a table/relation in the form of rows
(records/tuples) and columns (attributes/fields). For Example: a relation/table, Employee has
three columns: EmpID, EmpName and Designation. It has three records as shown below:





Project Manager



System Engineer



System Engineer

Now let us see Getting Started with Microsoft Office Access.

Creating a Database
When you click on MS Access in the Start Menu, you get a dialog box as given below:

Let us create a new database by clicking on Blank Database.

As soon as you click the Blank Database button, the right side of your Access screen will change and look
like the image below.

One of the unique features of the Access database is that it requires you to save your database as soon as
you click on Create. As per the figure above, a database by the name, employeedb.accdb is created.

Creating a Table
To create a table, click on the Create button. This table will be created within the Employeedb.accdb
database (which was created in the earlier step). The following window will be displayed. Let us save the
table by the name employee before proceeding any further.

As can be seen from the screen shot below, an employee table has been created. Now let us proceed to
add some fields/ columns to the table. One is required to specify the field name, data type, and other
properties for each field. Let us begin by adding the first field ID of data type AutoNumber to the table.
Let us choose to make this field the Primary Key by clicking on the Primary Key option as shown. A
column designated as the Primary Key column has the Not Null and Unique Property.

The above figure shows two more fields , Last Name and First Name of data type Text being added
to the table, employee. Let us see how we can add an Input Mask for the Phone # field.

Click on the Input Mask to specify how the data should look. It is required to save the table prior to
proceeding with setting the input mask property.

If you want to change the input mask, change the input mask field then click on Next.

You will be given choices to mask the data with or without the symbols. Then click on Next again.

Now, click on Finish.

The Input Mask area for Phone # will display numbers and special characters. You will be able to see how
this works when you enter data in the Phone # field.

You will now see all the field names and data types with their field properties. Similarly, you can proceed to
add as many fields as are required. Once you have completed, click on the Save option in the Home tab to
save the employee table.

Now you can view the datasheet by clicking on the View button in the Design tab. You will get a drop
down menu from where you can click on datasheet view. It will appear as shown below.

In this datasheet view you can either directly insert your records or you can use Query Design for inserting
a record. Direct insertion is done as shown below. We have shown the insertion of one record into the
database table. Likewise as many number of records as required can be inserted.


For designing a query, go to Query Design under the Create tab.

You will see tables in your database. Now you can select the table and click on Add, as shown below.

After selecting the employee table your screen should now look similar to the one below. Now, you can
click on Close.


Now, right click on Query1, and you will a get drop down list as shown in the figure below.
Click on SQL View.

You can view the page as shown below, where you can write all DDL and DML commands. DDL are Data
Definition Language statements. They are used to create objects such as table, view, index, etc. Few
examples of DDL statements are: Create table <table name>., Alter table <tablename>.., Drop table
<table name>., etc.
DML stands for Data Manipulation Language statement. DML statements help you to insert data, delete
data, view data and modify/update data in a table. Few examples of DML statements are: Select * from
<table name>, insert into <table name> values (), delete from <table name>, etc.


Let us execute the SQL statement displayed in the figure above.

The execution of the SQL statement displays all the records of the employee table.

Creating Relationships between Tables

A relationship can be created between two tables (employee and order) through creating Primary Foreign
Keys and populating them with data. We already have the employee table with us. Similarly we can
create the Order table and insert records into it.


Relationships show the data in tables which are related, such as matching ID fields or name fields in
different tables.
To create relationships between tables, go to the Database Tools tab and click on the Relationships button.

Now you can view the Show Table as shown below.

You can select the tables between which you wish to establish the relationship.

Once you have chosen the tables, you can connect the employee.ID (the ID field belonging to the employee
table) with the order. emp id ( the emp id field belonging to the order table) by drag and drop. Now you can
view the Edit Relationships window, where you can enforce referential integrity to create the relationship
between tables.

After creating the relationships between the employee table and the order table, your Access screen should
look as shown below.

Now you can select the fields which you want to be sorted and you can apply the required criteria.


Once you have sorted the data using the field properties, click on the Run command as shown below.

You can view the relationship of two tables with their field names with sorted shipped goods records, as
shown below.

A query is a term used to question or quiz. In Access, to query a database is to get the exact information
about the database. It can be a data about a single table or multiple related tables. MS Access provides a
large number of queries like select, insert, update, and delete records. In this lab guide we will see how
these queries can be created using the Query Wizard.

Query Wizard
It helps to create a simple query, a cross table query, a find duplicates query, or a find unmatched
query. This can be done by clicking on the Query Wizard button under the Create tab.

After clicking on Query Wizard, you can see a new query window as shown below. From that you can
select your query wizard. Now let us see how Simple Query Wizard works.
Select Simple Query Wizard and click OK.

You can generate a query by using the Simple Query Wizard to select the table and its field names.
Only the fields you select from your table will be shown in the query table. To bring fields into the table
individually, click on the name of the field (in the list of fields in the area under Available Fields) and then
click-on the button marked >. The order in which you click on the fields will be their order in the query
table. The >> button transfers all the fields from the Available Fields pane to Selected Fields pane. The
< button brings back the field which you have selected and the << button brings back all of the fields. If
you make a mistake, or want to start over, click the << button to bring back all of the fields and try again.

Click on Next to choose a detail or a summary query as shown below.


When you click on the Summary query, summary options will be given to you.
You can check your summary values as needed and also you can count records in order.

Once you have completed your detail/summary query click on Finish.



Creating Forms
Forms are used for data entry, editing and viewing. Using a form, you can print data, or you can save a form
as a report for more customization followed by printing later. Reports are mainly used for presenting data in
a static format.
Now let us see how to Create a Form in Access.
Notice that the Order: Table is currently selected. Click on the Create tab on top of the Access screen, and
then click on the Form button as shown. Youll notice that Access knowing you were entering data from
the Order Table created a Form with all of the fields in your table! Youre all ready to enter data in this

Your Order Form should look something like the image below.

Now you can save the form by right clicking on the order tab.

The data entry form is now saved as order form, just like the table. Notice that at the bottom of the Form
screen there is a status area (see below) that tells you what record you are on. You can use the arrows to
move from one record to another, or select a new record in which to enter data. Click on each of the arrows
to see how they work. Some will take you forward or back to the next or previous record, and some will
take you to the beginning or end of your records. The arrow with an asterisk will take you to a new blank
record. Enter a few records to see how the Form View works.

You may choose your favorite method to enter data: The data form or datasheet. Look on the left side of
your screen to see all the tables.

Have a good number of records (at least 24) to see the power of the Access database. You may use either
Form View or Datasheet View.
Now you have learned how to create forms. Next we will move to the creation of reports.

A report contains complete information of one or more tables that calculate information and displays it in
different visual representations. There are several types of reports. We'll use Access Wizards to design
several simple reports.
First, make sure that you have closed any Tables, Forms, or Queries which are open.

Your Access screen should look similar to the image below.

Click the Create tab and you will see the Report button.

Well begin our report lesson using the Report Wizard. Once youve created a report with the Wizard,
youll be somewhat familiar with reports. Well then use some of the other selections in this group to create
Click on the Report Wizard button in the Reports Group. The Report Wizard menu screen will appear as
shown below:


Only the fields you select from your table will show in the report. To bring fields into the report
individually, click on the name of the field (in the list of fields in the area under Available Fields:) and then
click on the > button. The order which you click on the fields will be the order in the report. The >>
button brings over all of the fields. The < button brings back one of the fields which you have selected
and << brings back all of the fields. If you make a mistake, or want to start over, click the << button to
bring back all of the fields and try again.
To begin, click on ID, then click on > (notice how the ID field went from the Available Fields: to the
Selected Fields: area). Now do the same with the shipped date, shipped goods name, quantity, and ship
country. These are the fields that will appear in our first report.
Your Report Wizard menu screen should now look like the one below.


Click-on the Next button.

Grouping In Reports
This Report Wizard menu screen asks if you want to add grouping. Grouping simply groups records by
an item in the report you are designing. Well group by ship country. This means that records from a ship
country will be in a group. This will be easy to see when we look at the report. So, click on ship country,
then click on >. If you select the wrong attribute, just use the < button.
Your screen should now look like the one below.

Click on Next again. Another Report Wizard menu screen will follow.


The above screen indicates that you can sort and summarize your information. Notice the Ascending button
to the right of the Sort boxes. This indicates that the field that you select is in A to Z or ascending order. If
you click on this button, it will reverse the order from Z to A, or descending order.
The Summary Options menu box allows you to enter calculations for numerical and currency fields if you
have selected any. It will summarize these calculations by each group, and in total. If you want percentages
as well, click on the checkbox next to Calculate percent of total for sums.

Click on OK. This will return you to the previous Wizard screen. Click on Next again.
This Report Wizard screen allows you to select a layout for your report. Click on the radio buttons to the
left of each choice in the Layout area and observe the results. For the moment, well stay with the default:
Stepped. So select the stepped layout and portrait option, respectively.


Click on Next again. The next Report Wizard will appear.

This menu screen allows you to select the Style that you would like for your report. Click on the choices
(Apex, Aspect, etc.) and see what each looks like. Choose whichever style you desire and click on Next
The next Report Wizard screen is the last screen in the sequence. It allows you to select a title different
from the name of your database and also you can select the Preview the report option. When you click the
Finish button, Access will go to a preview copy of your report. Well title this report order report. Use this
name, or any name you desire, and click on Finish.


This is a report in tabular (columnar) format. Your screen should look something like the one below.

You will see your order report. Right click on the order report and choose the Layout View. You will
see the following image.

You see a number of headings appear, such as : Report Header, Page Header, ship country Header, Detail,
Page Footer and Report Footer

The significance of these headers is as follows:

Report Header: If some content (text) is placed here, it will only be shown on the first page of the report.

Page Header: If some content (text) is placed here, it will show on each page of the report.

Ship country Header: This is the group header. It repeats for every group.

Detail: These are the field names for the record from our database. Access will pull the data for the
individual fields from our database records and display it in the Detail region. The number of output lines
in the detail region is equal to the number of records in the table.

Page Footer: It shows the current page and the number of pages available. The current page and the number
of pages available get displayed on each page of the report.

Report Footer: The content in the report footer is displayed only on the last page of the report.


Right click on Save. You will see your order report in the area on the left of your screens with your table,
form and query.

Quick Reports
Click on the Create tab. Then, click your selection under All Tables. Move your cursor over the Report
button in the Reports group. Read the pop-up Help box and then click on Report.

Now you can view the quick report of order table as shown below.


You can change the format of the report screen as you need when you click on the AutoFormat group.

So far, you have learned report generation using report wizard and quick reports.


Importing Data from Excel Sheet

We can import the data from different sources like excel, text file, xml file, any databases, HTML
document, etc. Here, we will look at the steps involved in importing the data from an excel sheet to MS
Access 2007. This data will then be used to generate a parameterized report and a subreport.
Steps to import data from an excel sheet to MS Access 2007:
The excel file is: Northwind_Dataset.xls
Click on the External Data tab on the menu bar. You will see the import group tab as shown below
(Figure 1).

Figure 1: External Data tab on the Microsoft Access Menu Bar.

Select the data source from where you wish to import the data from. In our example, we wish to import the
data from an excel sheet. Click on the Excel Source. The screen in Figure 2 shows up.

Figure 2: Get External Data Excel Spreadsheet.

Type the path of the source data or click on the browse button to select the path. Click on the OK button as
shown above.

The next screen (Figure 3) shows up.

Figure 3: Selection of Worksheet.

The Import Spreadsheet Wizard shows the worksheets available in the excel. Select the Products
worksheet and click on the Next button (Figure 4).

Figure 4: First Row contains Column Headings.


Check the First Row Contains Column Headings check box and Click on -> Next. See Figure 5.

Figure 5: Changing the date types, if need be.

You can modify the data type if you want to, else you can use the default data types. Click on Next (Figure

Figure 6: Primary key Selection, if so desired.


There are three options before us.

1. Let Access add primary key.
2. Choose my own primary key.
3. No primary key.
Let us go with No Primary Key and click on Next.

Figure 7: Providing a name to the table

In the Import to Table textbox, type Products and click on Finish.


Click on Close.

You can see your products table in your MS Access. Double click on the name of the table to open it. The
records are as shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8: View records of the table.

We have successfully imported the Products table from the excel sheet to MS Access. In a similar way
one can extract data from any other excel sheets.

Creating a Parameterized Query

A parameterized query is a query that takes users input at the time of execution. Let us look at the
procedure of creating a parameterized query. Click on Query Design as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9: Query Design Window.

Access displays the Show Table window. Select Products and click on Add and then Close as shown in
Figure 10.


Figure 10: Selection of table.

Figure 11: Selection of Fields.

In the field properties window Select Products.* as shown in Figure 11.
In the second column select the column name which you want to parameterize. Here we have selected
ProductID as shown in Figure 12, uncheck the show column and in the criteria field type the
Parameterized query:


Between [type ProductID] AND [type PID]

Figure 12: Specifying the parameters.

Click on the Run command.
Access window displays the Enter Parameter Value window, twice. First enter the value 1 and the second
time, enter the value 25. See Figure 13.

Figure 13: Providing values for the parameter.


MS Access displays the details of all products wherein the ProductID is between 1 and 25. This is as shown
in Figure 14.

Figure 14: Records of the table.

Creating a Pivot Chart

Charts are used to graphically represent data. The PivotChart tool in Access provides a simple way to create
a PivotTable and an accompanying chart. Remember, a chart is only as good as the data or the summary
table (PivotTable). If you try to cram too many fields into a chart, you will end up with a non-informative
chart. You want to keep it simple and informative. Go to the Design tab. Click on View. You can see the
various options available in the drop down menu. Click on Pivot Chart view. You will see a screen as
shown in Figure 15.

Figure 15: Creating a Pivot chart.


Drag and drop CategoryID from the chart field list to the Drop Category Fields Here. Drag and drop the
ProductID field to the Drop Data Fields Here. Right Click on Sum of ProductID. Click on Auto
Calc and select Count. The pivotchart appears as follows:

You can filter on CategoryID. Click on the drop down arrow that appears besides CategoryID.

You can make your selections.


Above screen shot displays the bar columns for CategoryIDs 3 and 6.

Creating a Pivot Table

Go to Design tab on the menu bar. Click on Pivot Table View. It displays the output shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16: A pivot table.

Drag and drop UnitsInStock and UnitsOnOrder fields besides the Count of ProductID column on
the pivot table. The output changes to as shown below:


Generating a Report using a Report Wizard

The report so generated will be used in the subreport/subform.
Go to Create tab on the menu bar. Click on Report Wizard.

It displays the below screen:

Select all fields by Clicking on >> button.


Click on the Next button. Let us group our records on CategoryID.

Let us now sort the records within each group on ProductID in ascending order and then on
ProductName in descending order. Click on the Next button.


Let us proceed with the Stepped layout.

Click on the Next button.

Let us proceed with the Concourse style.


Click on Next.
Give a title to the Report. Let us go with FirstReport.

Click on Finish.
It displays the following report:

Creating a Subreport
A subreport, a complete report in its own right, is inserted into another report, called the main report. A
subreport can show charts and graphs summarizing and illustrating the numbers in the main report. We will
make use of two tables: Products and Products_by_Category. Please import the table
products_by_category into the Microsoft Access database. The two tables are as shown.
Products Table


Products_by_Category Table

Using the report wizard, create a report titled ProductsReport. This report should be grouped on
CategoryID. The report should be sorted on ProductID in ascending order and ProductName in
ascending order. The report should have the records summed up on UnitsInStock and UnitsOnOrder
field. The report should look like as shown below:


Create another report using the report wizard but this time on Products_by_Category table. The report
should have the groups formed on CategoryName. Each group should be summed up on

Let us now design a subreport.

Open the ProductsByCategory report in the design view.

Enlarge the detail section by selecting its row border and dragging it down.
Click on the subreport/subform control.


Place the subreport/subform control in the detail section. It opens a window as follows:

Click on the radio button Use an existing report or form.

Select ProductsReport.


Click on Next button.

Select the radio button, Choose from a list. Select the first line item in the list Show Products for each
record in Products_by_Category using ProductName.
Provide a name for the subreport/subform. Let us go with the name, FirstSubReport.

Click on Finish. In the design view the report appears as shown below:

View the report in the Print Preview.


1. The Complete References Microsoft Office Access 2007 by Virginia Anderson-Tata McGraw-Hill

Unsolved Exercises
1. You are familiar with the Northwind database. The Northwind traders trade in various products
belonging to several different categories. Their products are sold in different territories like Boston,
New York, Columbia, Austin, and Redmond, so on. The Sales Manager of the company needs a
report which will have details of the largest order by region in the year 1998.
2. The sales representative of the company needs a report on each product category along with the
supplier name. (Group by product and their territories).
3. The sales manager of the company wants to view the details of the products wherein the unit price
is between 25 and 50. The report should have the product name, Unit Price, Category name and
suppliers country.
4. Create a pivot chart for the sales manager that will depict the details of the product with the highest
demand displayed by region, by customer and by discount amount.
5. The sales manager wishes to maintain a record of each product category in stock with their category
name and product details. Generate a report to display the product category with the largest stock.
6. The manager of the company wants to know the performance of each employee. (The number of
orders serviced by them along with the shipment details of the order). Generate the report to display
the largest order (in terms of unit quantity).


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