Sankara Express Dec 2015

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Sankaras Inhouse Journal

December 2015

Volume: 1 Issue: 2




Accredited by NAAC with A Grade Status

Page 1




Cover Story

Prof. K. Balakrishnan,
Senior Professor


Power of Speech

Editorial Board

The world is indebted to Bharath

Remembering A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Making India Awesome

Interesting Facts about Human Behavior

Communicative English Skill


A Beautiful Speech by Mr.Sundar Pitchai

Rich Values in Tamil Cinema


Prof. K. Thirugnana Sambanthan

Assistant Professor
Prof. K.P. Radhika,
Assistant Professor
Prof. D. Nithya,
Assistant Professor
Prof. S. Shiny,
Assistant Professor
Designed by
Prof.K. Thirugnana Sambanthan
Mobile: 8056043772

Readers are requested to give their comments,

scope for improvement, new ideas for enhancing
the quality of the journal in future.THE EDITOR

Page 2


Dear Readers,
Wishing you all A Happy New Year on this occasion of releasing our 2nd Issue of SankaraExpress, which has been existing as a Platform
for students and Facultys to publish students their creative ideas, flow of thoughts etc.
When the first issue of Sankara Express came in Feb 2015, it included the cover story of Obamas Visit to India, Spiritual Article of Lord
Nataraja, Stage confidence in Thirukkural, Awareness on Dengu, English and Tamil Poems, Sports, and Cinema etc,. This second issue deals
with a cover story of a great tribute to our beloved Ex-President Dr. A. P . J. Abdul Kalam, Essays on Communication, Teaching beyond
Syllabus, Part-2 of Spiritual Article on Lord Nataraja, World-Indebted to Bharath, and many poems in English and Tamil. The specialty of
this issue is an exclusive section for Tamil Poems, Kavicholai . Essay on Cinema is not a collection of movie tit-bits, but an analysis of
Values in Tamil Cinema.
It is heartening to note that the students are brimming-up with enthusiasm, once the opportunity is given, they have expressed in Creative
articles, poems, paintings etc,. It is once again proved that the constraints suppress the freshness and creativity, and freedom motivates the
new thinking and ideas, which leads to Creativity. Thanks for all students who have contributed for this issue sand also the Faculty, who had
motivated the students to bring out the Creativity.
I express my sincere thanks and gratitude to Joint Secretary Shri.T.R.KalyanaRaman, who has been the enthusiasm to bring out this issue,
Dean Sir, and HOD Dr.S.Gowri for having supported in this endeavor My special thanks to Mr. K.Thirugnana Sambanthan, who had
artistically and technically designed the layout of this issue and made it so colorful. I wish that the Sankara Express will continue its
journey, with full speed, freshness and beauty for ever.
Wishing you all the best.
K. Balakrishnan
Senior Professor,
Sankara Institute of Management Science.

Page 3

Cover Story - Man Made disaster in Chennai

Chennai is most affected due to the recent rainfall and flood. Death toll crosses 280 in Chennai: Meteorological department
says the root cause for the flood is El-Nino, but this is a man made disaster. Chennai's original terrain consists of many lakes
and marshes which now is covered with numerous buildings. Over 5,550 hectares of wetlands in the IT Corridor of
Velachery, Pallikaranai and Old Mahabalipuram Road (OMR) have been developed into commercial real-estate because of
which the rain water has nowhere to go and thus, settles instead on the road. There are areas in Chennai which are flooded
even during normal Monsoon season. The google map of madippakam in the front page taken on 2000 and 2015 will tell us
the real scenario.
The Reasons for this disaster is

Construction of Building in the Lake area.

Encroachment of river banks
Cutting down of trees.
No proper plan in building of Infrastructure
Poor Waste Management
ILL-preparedness of Disaster Management team to face this magnitude of disaster

Steps to be taken by government to avoid such disaster in future

The government should take stern action against persons who encroaches lake and river area.
All Encroachments should be removed immediately .
Dams, Dry Dams should be built to stop floods
Diversion Canals should be built on the areas which is
Self Closing Flood Barrier systems to be installed in prime areas. These types of SCFB have already been built and
installed in Belgium, Italy, Ireland, the Netherlands, Thailand, United Kingdom, Vietnam, Australia, Russia and the United
Planting more trees and preserving nature

We request all to donate to the victims of the flood.


Page 4

- K.Thirugnana Sambanthan M.C.A.,M.B.A.,M.Sc.,M.Phil.[Ph.D.]

Nataraja or Nataraj, the dancing form of Lord Shiva, is a symbolic synthesis of the most important aspects
of Hinduism, and the summary of the central tenets of this Vedic religion. The term 'Nataraj' means 'King of
Dancers' (Sanskrit nata = dance; raja = king).Shiva's cosmic dance is called Anandatandava, the "Dance of Bliss." It
symbolizes the cosmic cycles of creation and destruction, as well as the daily rhythm of birth and death. In Buddhist
terms this would be Anicca or "impermanence," known in longer cycles as "eventual decay" and in much shorter
cycles as "constant flux." The dance is a pictorial allegory of the five principle manifestations of eternal energy
creation, destruction, preservation, emancipation, and illusion. Eminent Scientist relates Lord Nataraja with Science.
According to A.K. Coomerswamy, the Dance of Shiva also represents his five activities: evolution, support,
de-evolution, illusion, and release (or grace). The overall temper of the image is paradoxical, uniting the inner
tranquility and outer activity of Shiva.
Einsteins mass energy relation was considered to be one of the finest discoveries in the field of physics.
Einstein was the first scientist to propose this relation. However the knowledge of mass energy relation existed about
2800 years before the birth of Sir Albert Einstein in India. There is a striking resemblance between the Einstein's
Mass Energy Relation and the Cosmic Dance of Lord Nataraja. This cosmic dance gives a clear picture of the
creation of universe, the Big Bang Theory and the mass energy relation.

Lord Natarajar

Page 5

- K.Thirugnana
Sambanthan M.C.A.,M.B.A.,M.Sc.,M.Phil.[Ph.D.]
- K.Thirugnana Sambanthan M.C.A.,M.B.A.,M.Sc.,M.Phil.[Ph.D.]
Sir Jacob Epstein, Shiva dances, creating the world and destroying it, his large rhythms conjure up a vast
aeons (aeons mean a period of one thousand million years) of time, and his movements have a relentless magical
power of incantation. Our European allegories are banal and pointless by comparison with these profound works,
devoid of the trappings of symbolism, concentrating on the essential, and the essentially plastic.
Carl Sagan, in his book, Cosmos asserts that the Dance of Nataraja (Tandava) signifies the cycle of
evolution and destruction of the cosmic universe (Big Bang Theory). It is the clearest image of the activity of God
which any art or religion can boast of. Modern physics has shown that the rhythm of creation and destruction is not
only manifest in the turn of the seasons and in the birth and death of all living creatures, but also the very essence of
inorganic matter. For modern physicists, then, Shivas dance is the dance of subatomic matter. Hundreds of years
ago, Indian artist created visual images of dancing Shivas in a beautiful series of bronzes. Today, physicists have
used the most advanced technology to portray the pattern of the cosmic dance. Thus, the metaphor of the cosmic
dance unifies ancient religious art and modern physics.
Fritz of Capra in The Tao of Physics relates Nataraj's dance with modern physics. "Every subatomic
particle not only performs an energy dance, but also is an energy dance; a pulsating process of creation and
destructionwithout endFor the modern physicists, then Shiva's dance is the dance of subatomic matter. As in
Hindu mythology, it is a continual dance of creation and destruction involving the whole cosmos; the basis of all
existence and of all natural phenomena."ccounts for her destructive nature. Energy in Einsteins equation, E=mc2
is personified in India as Shakti in her various guises.
Richard Waterstone studied Sanskrit at the University of Edinburgh, journalist, creator of BBC
documentary, author, comments in his book on India: Living Wisdom Shivas dance is a symbol of the unity and
rhythm of existence. The unending dynamic process of creation and destruction is expressed in the energetic
posture of the god. Shiva dances in a ring of fire that refers to the life-death process of the universe. There is a
striking resemblance between the equivalence of mass and energy symbolized by Shivas cosmic dance and the
Western theory, first expounded by Einstein, which calculates the amount of energy contained in a subatomic particle
by multiplying its mass by the square of the speed of light : E=mc2.


Page 6

Power of Speech

Power of Speech

Dr. P Murugesan,
Dean, Sankara Institute of Management Science

Power of Speech is the high sounding Mantra of 21st Century. It is a seed of success. It is the need of the
hour. It is demand of the time. Compulsion of the time. It is nucleus of success. You may be an average student,
but exercise yourself in language drills. Strengthen your linguistic stamina. Be linguistically bright. It gains you a
social cushion. It guarantees placements when you master the English language. It will become your magic lamp,
with which you can achieve anything. You will always float at the higher plane socially. You will have a global
outlook. Your personality will change. Benefits will be multidimensional.
Even aspirants with good academic records, cripple on the platform of keen competition. Erase the wrong
notion about English that it is difficult language to learn. It is the most loveable, charming and user-friendly
language. Many students have communication problems. What, do you think., is the cause of the problem of
English communication. Your method/ process of learning English must be defective. Language is a skill subject
like swimming / dancing/ riding or driving.
To learn a skill subject, you have to take consistent, and systematic practice. You have to learn it properly,
systematically and scientifically. To improve your swimming skill, you have to get into the water and try to swim. If
you dont get into the water, your swimming will not improve. In the same way, motivate your interest in learning
English. Expose yourself to any form of English, at least for ONE hour daily to begin with. Practice active listening
and comprehensive reading. Never mind understanding at the initial stage. When you are sincere in this attempt,
you can speak English comfortably.
Great speakers are not born, but we can all become one. Winston Churchill, the then Prime Minister of
Great Britain, is commonly regarded as One of the greatest speakers in the history of English language, even
though he suffered from a slight lisp and stammer and his first speech in British Parliament was a disaster. He
was very famous for his large vocabulary. He used 60,000 words in his speech and writing. He became one of
the greatest public speakers. John F. Kennedy the then President of the United States of America, once said
Churchill mobilized the English Language and sent it in to his battle. Churchills words stole his countrymens
resolve. His speeches spelled the difference between survival and defeat.

Page 7

Power of Speech

Dr. P Murugesan,
Dean, Sankara Institute of Management Science

The key is training and practice. It is just like learning to speak and mastering a language. All of us can do it.
Our success in Business, as well as in personal relationship, depends on our ability to connect with people, win their
admiration and influence them. No other skill can achieve so much than our ability to speak in public. Researchers
say that the skill of public speaking is not only beneficial in creating an effective network for ourselves but also
helps to increase a considerable extent our confidence there by making us effective communicators. Also who
conquers ones fear of addressing the mass, knows no fear in communicating with individuals.

Socrates, philosopher and teacher of Ancient Greece, who changed the world, says, We can persuade any
one by ensuring credibility, emotions and logic in our communication.

Shakespeare says , Brevity is the soul of wit

Let us be crisp and brief. Let us use single syllable words instead of three syllables, when appropriate, or
one word instead of two or three words to say the same thing. The best way to relax when giving a speech is to tell
stories - about our life, our family, our work, travel, unusual experiences, or anything interesting that we have
read about. Good speakers are good story tellers. They tell stories that support their message. Let us use Humor
to make our audiences smile.
Once we make people laugh they would be interested to listen and then we can tell them almost anything. If
people are entertained and amused, we can slip in a few nuggets of information. But if our speech is deathly dull, no
amount of information will make it a great speech. The speech must be such that it holds the listeners spellbound
and that even those who have not hear will desire to hear.
To sum-up, English language involves FOUR skills. 1. Listening 2. Speaking 3. Reading 4. Writing
(LSRW). These four skills should be systematically drilled to achieve efficient communication. Give sufficient
practice to these four skills. When you are sincere in practicing active listening and comprehensive reading, the
other two skills, speaking and writing will sprout in you, simultaneously as the LEAVES TO THE TREE.

Page 8

The World
is Indebted to Bharath

Prof. K. Balakrishnan
Senior Professor, Sankara Institute of Management Science

Majority of educated community in our country, carries an inferior view about our people in the past,
Culture, Tradition, System etc, ever since colonial period, rulers framed various regulations and education
systems in such a way that we form a guilt and complex on these areas.
Ancient Innovations:
Though we got freedom from Colonial forces, we have not yet freed from slavery thought process and
the stream of inferiority complex about our Traditions, Values and Faith system etc,. Most of our History books
are written by foreign authors, without focusing the divinity and inherent nature of the soil. Many of the facts
were not revealed to Indian historians too, as a result, to days teachers and students are forced to teach and
study false data in the history, and become permanently ignorant about realities during the rest of their lives.
Students study Pythagoras Theorem, who was said to be the founder of Pie , but in fact, Rishi
Bhowdhayanar in 6th Century had invented Pie system of Mathematics. Experts from UK had endorsed
this truth in 1999. The theorem is known as Pythagoras Theorem and not as Bhowdhayanar Theorem
Similarly Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus went from Bharath to all other countries, but not many of us
During 11th Century, Quadratic Equation was found out by another Rishi Sridhar Acharya. All of us know
that Radio was invented by Marconi, but US Organization IEEE has stated that Dr. Jagadish Chandra
Bose, a Scientist from Calcutta, had designed the Wireless Equipment. In this regard, we can recollect the
conversation between Sister Nivedida, disciple of Swam Vivekanandha and Dr. Jagadish Chandra Bose,
when the later had made the equipment. Sister asked Dr. Chandra Bose Why dont you patent your
invention of Wireless Communication? Dr. Chandra Bose replied that God has given him knowledge, and
all the glories of our inventions and discoveries go to him, (as our modern days musician A. R. Rahmanstated, who had bagged two Ascar Awards.) He said, How can I claim the Knowledge as my own? How
can I patent as my invention?
Aryabhatta had found ZERO, before the world started using the Zero which is the base for all the
mathematical calculations. Albert Einstein had commented that Bharat had taught the world to add and
subtract, and the world is indebted to Bharath
Some more we can see: World s first University was established in 700B.C. in Thakshashila, where 10500
students studied, having 60 branches and courses over 50,000 books were existing and thousands of
students studied. Islam King Allah dinGilji had demolished the University by lighting Fire.

Page 9

The World is Indebted to Bharath


Prof. K. Balakrishnan
Senior Professor, Sankara Institute of Management Science

World famous journal Forbes says that Sanskrit is the most suitable language for Computer, which is
complete in all respects. This is not a simple view, and it has been proved also.
Ayurvedam is the first medical Science, originated in Bharath.
The Science of Ocean Travel was found out in Bharath, which was called NavaGathi, later changed
into Navegat, Navigation.
Gemology Institute of USA says that Bharath was supplying the requirement of Gems up to 1896.
The first Dam in the world was constructed in Gujarat for cultivation.
Bharath Rishi Sushruthar, who lived 2600 years before. Was the first SURGEON, who conducted
surgery for his colleagues , such as Ceasarean, Cataract, Urinary Stones etc, Anesthesia was used
during these days.
Truth about the Earth rotates the Sun, and Earth takes 365.258756484 days was invented, by
BhaskarAcharya. Scientist Mr. Smart declared that these facts were found out by him during 5th
Mr. Marker Devine , a Western Scientist says that Bharath is th Cradle of all Languages, mother of
history, Puranas and Culture.

How many of us know these facts about Dhakshasheel University, and Nalandha University? None
of us know that we excelled in Education even before 1000 plus years. We all uniformly feel that Evolution
of Education came from Western Countries only. None of these details are appearing in Text Books also.
Currently Nalanda University (also known as Nalanda International University) is located in Rajgir, near
Nalanda, Bihar, India. The University began its first academic session on September 1, 2014. with 15
students including five women. Initially set up in temporary facilities in Rajgir, a modern campus is expected
to be finished by 2020. Nalanda is exclusively a post-graduate and doctoral school.
Conclusion :
The Joy and Pleasure of freedom can be enjoyed 100%, only when we realize the glories of our
Ancestors, heritage and richness of our Sages and Rishis, who had humbly contributed to the community,
with out propagating their names. We will acquire the highest level of confidence and courage, to face the
global challenges the right understanding of our traditional values, correct history and culture.
Yes, History to be explored World is indebted to Bharath.

Page 10

Remembering APJ Abdul Kalam:

A gist on the Missile Mans legacy ,
Compiled by
Prof. L. Gandhi, Professor, SIMS

He was a great scientist who contributed immensely in the field of science and technology as well as space. I have

lost a marg darshark. He was a source of inspiration for the whole country, particularly the youth. Even in his last
days, he remained connected.

Hon. Prime Minister of India on Dr. Kalam

Born in 1931 in Dhanushkodi, India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam joined India's defense department after graduating from
the Madras Institute of Technology. He was a central figure in the development of the country's nuclear capabilities
and was hailed as a national hero after a series of successful tests in 1998. Dr. Kalam served as India's president
for one term, and died of a heart attack on July 27, 2015.
Early Years
Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam was born into a Muslim family on October 15, 1931, on the island of
Dhanushkodi off the south eastern coast of India. He developed an early fascination with flight by watching birds,
which developed into an interest in aeronautics after he saw a newspaper article about a British fighter plane.
Despite his modest beginnings his dad built and rented boats Kalam was a bright student who showed promise
in science and mathematics. He attended St. Joseph's College, and went on to earn a degree in aeronautical
engineering from the Madras Institute of Technology.
Ten Facts must know about Dr. APJ

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam grew up in poverty and distributed newspapers as a young boy to contribute to his
fathers meager income.

He was a protg of the great Indian scientist Dr. Vikram Sarabhai who guided him and gave him valuable advice.

He always faced the press following failed tests at ISRO and accepted responsibility for his mistakes but never
claimed the credit for any of the massive successes achieved at the organization.

He was the first bachelor to become the president and occupy Rashtrapati Bhawan.

Kalam was the third President of India to have been honored with a Bharat Ratna before being elected to the office
of President.

He was known to write his own thank you cards with personalized messages in his own handwriting.

He was a scholar of Thirukkural (a classic of couplets or Kurals) and was known to quote at least one couplet in
most of his speeches.

He had a keen interest in literature and wrote poems in his native Tamil.

A practicing Muslim, he was also well versed with Hindu traditions and read the Bhagavad Gita.

Page 11

Remembering APJ Abdul Kalam:

A gist on the Missile Mans legacy ,
Compiled by
Prof. L. Gandhi, Professor, SIMS
Rise to the Presidency
His hopes of becoming a fighter pilot was dashed when he narrowly missed out on a spot with the Indian Air Force. Kalam
instead joined the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) as a senior scientific assistant in 1958. After
moving to the newly formed Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) in 1969, he was named project director of the
SLV-III, the first satellite launch vehicle designed and produced on Indian soil.
Returning to the DRDO as director in 1982, Kalam implemented the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program. He
then became the senior scientific adviser to India's defense minister in 1992, a position he used to campaign for the
development of nuclear tests. Kalam was a key figure in the May 1998 Pokhran-II tests, in which five nuclear devices were
detonated in the Rajasthan Desert. Although the tests resulted in condemnation and economic sanctions from other world
powers, Kalam was hailed as a national hero for his stanch defense of the countrys security. In 2002, India's ruling National
Democratic Alliance helped Kalam win an election against Lakshmi Sahgal and become India's 11th president, a largely
ceremonial post. Known as the People's President, Kalam set a goal of conducting 500,000 one-on-one meetings with young
people over the course of his five-year term. His immense popularity led to him being nominated by MTV for a Youth Icon of
the Year award in 2003 and 2006.
After leaving office in 2007, Kalam became a visiting professor at several universities. He formed the "What Can I Give
Movement" in 2011 with the goal of creating a compassionate society, and in 2012, his efforts to improve healthcare led to the
release of a tablet for medical personnel to use in remote areas.
Death and Legacy
On July 27, 2015, Kalam suffered a massive heart attack while lecturing at the Indian Institute of Management, Shillong and
subsequently died at the age of 83. Kalam was laid to rest on July 30 with full state honors in his native Tamil Nadu. In honor
of the scientist and former president, the southeast Indian state government of Tamil Nadu created a "Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Award," which recognizes exceptional individuals who promote the sciences, students and humanities. The government has
also established Kalam's birthday (October 15) as "Youth Renaissance Day." Discussion about building a large-scale
memorial at his burial site is underway. Among his many accolades, including honorary doctorates from 40 universities, he
was granted the Padma Bhushan (1981), the Padma Vibhushan (1990) and the Bharat Ratna (1997) India's highest
civilian awards for his contributions in modernizing government defense technology. He also wrote several books, including
the autobiography Wings of Fire in 1999

Page 12

- by Chetan Bhagat

A great fan of this writer who inspires the youth with his thought provoking words, I recently read the book Making India
Awesome by Chetan Bhagat. I would aptly say the writer was awesome in penning down how India could be made
awesome. This article is a small review of the book that inspired me and brought to my highlight the various happenings in
India that trigger emotion for action with care for this great nation. Making India Awesome is a work of non-fiction, a unique
collection of essays addressed to Indians who care and want to make a difference. Bhagat tells us that 80% of Indians dont
care about politics or government. Within the balance 20%, 80% are permanently aligned with a side, say with Modi or the
Congress Party and will never criticise their side. Therefore, Bhagats essays are addressed towards the 20% within the 20%
who are non-aligned and care. Bhagat calls them the Caring Objective Indians.
The writer expresses his consent for gay rights and empowering women as essential pillars for development. He wants
men to support their wives careers the way Mary Koms husband Onler Kom has done. He has stated seventeen
commandments for Modi towards path of development. On analysing the "Modi effect", Bhagat says that Modis success is
largely due to luck, since he only had to deal with the not-so-smart or effective Rahul Gandhi. BCCLs monopoly and
stranglehold over Indian cricket is questioned. Bhagat has a number of pieces addressed to Indian Muslims and though
Bhagat simplifies issues, on the whole his advice is sound. The best of the lot in Making India Awesome are two chapters on
admissions to Delhi University (which could apply to any other prestigious colleges admission process) and the pressure to
score high marks. Bhagat speaks from the heart and makes very valid points. Bhagat points out that the creation of
Telangana was a mistake and that it does not make sense to break up states into more efficient administrative units. When
advising the Congress, Bhagat asks them to weed out party members who are old, rusted and tarnished. Funnily, Bhagat tells
us that Indias bureaucrats understand the system well and can fix the system, but according to Bhagat, Indian babus dont
have guts!
Bhagat manages to discuss Godhra without offending or blaming anyone or adding any value. On Indias northeast, he
says that every time one visits the Northeast, the locals beg us for attention and to be treated as Indians. The Northeastern
people are beautiful and attractive. They also have slightly different, more oriental physical features as compared to the rest
of us. Trust Bhagat to make matters simple. Bhagat must be reminded of the fact that many parts of the Northeast have
resisted integration with independent India because historically they have had very little to do with whats now called India and
because they are very different in terms of looks and culture. When arguing for the replacement of Devnagri with the Roman
script, Bhagat calls himself a Hindi lover. On the whole, Bhagat writes in simple English, it is not beautiful or lyrical prose, but
it is easy to read. It gives a birds eye view of Indian political and economic scenario with remarks to be thought of. The book
is a crux or synopsis of the recent happenings in India that have been simplified with remarks into a nut shell by the author.
Compiled by
Prof. K.P. Radhika
Sankara Institute of Management Science

Page 13


Interesting Facts About Human Behaviour

Assistant Professor, Sankara Institute of Management Science

94 per cent of professors at a large university believe that they are better than the average professor.

Roughly speaking, losing something makes you twice as miserable as gaining the same thing makes you


People with low self-esteem tend to humiliate others. Subjects who were told that the results of their IQ test

were poor expressed more national and religious prejudices, than those who reported higher results.

People sincerely believe that their negative opinions about others are truthful and have no connection with them

and their self-confidence. In fact, the humiliation of others helps them restore their own self-esteem.

People tend to commit immoral acts or do not fulfill someones request for help, if no effort is needed and they

do not have to refuse a person directly. However, more people behave as expected if they have to take a moral
decision in front of someone.

People who lied, betrayed someone or committed other immoral act, begin to perceive what is good or bad in

another way.

Attractive and honest appearance can easily be misleading. People tend to trust appearance more than


When people feel they have no control over what is happening, they tend to see non-existent patterns in

unrelated pictures and believe in conspiracy theories.

People regret quick decisions, even if the results are satisfying. Not the actual time allotted for the decision

matters, but the feeling that the time was enough.

Not all risks are the same. The same person can fearlessly jump with a parachute, but be afraid of his boss. Or

to train tigers, but feel embarrassed when talking to a pretty woman.

Boredom has a bright side. Bored people are often looking for ways to do good things as the entertainment

bores them and does not bring meaning to their lives.

Page 14

Communicative English Skill


Prof. A. Ponraj
Assistant Professor, Dept. of English, Sankara College of Science and Commerce.

Language is any formalized system of Communication, especially one that uses Sounds and Written
Symbols which the majority of a particular community will readily understand. Language is the speech and writing
of a particular nation or social group language is the dress of our thought. Language is the means of our
communication. Language is the vehicle of our communication the language a coarse or refined character finds its
expression naturally in a coarse refined phraseology. Language as well as the faculty of speech was the
immediate gift of god.
Communication is the process or act of exchanging or imparting of ideas and information. Speaking skill is
the most desired requirement now -a- days. It prepares and equips one for participation in speaking activities
Faculty of speech:
Faculty is any of the range of mental or physical powers. Faculty is particular talent or aptitude for
something. Speaking is an act or progress of saying something. Speech is the act or instant of speaking.
Sheridan once said of some speech in his acute, sarcastic way that It contained a great deal both of what was
new and what was true ,but that what was new was not true and what was not new There are three things that
ought to be considered before something are spoken the manner, the place and the time. Speech is silver; Silence
is golden; Speech is human; Silence is divine; Discretion of speech is more than eloquence to speak agreeably to
him with whom we deal is more than to speak in good words or in good order. Think all you speak but speech not
all you think. Thoughts are your own your words are so no more.
Phonetics and phonology:
A student of a language has to make distinguish between the terms phonetics and phonology. Phonetics
is the study of the speech sounds of all language. Phonology is the study of sound systems that applies to any
particular language. most appropriately in this world of competitions- Necessity is the mother of effective English
Received Pronunciation [RP]:
Received Pronunciation or RP is the pronunciation of the upper class people of London or South Eastern
England. RP is also bagged on English spoken at the public schools such as Eton and Harrow and at the
universities of oxford and Cambridge. This prestige accent which came to symbolize a persons high position in
society came to be adopted by BBC when radio broad casting began in the 1920s. In England there were many
dialectal variations of English accent. A dialect or a local variation of a language. In order to bring about social unity
and cohesion, a standard form of pronunciation was created by the dialectologist A.J Ellis

Page 15

Communicative English Skill

Assistant Professor, Dept. of English, Sankara College of Science and Commerce.

he named it Received Pronunciation but the introduction of the term Received Pronunciation is usually credited to
the British phonetician. Danial Jones who adopted the name for the sound edition of The English Pronouncing
Dictionary [1924] received pronunciation was variously known as queens English kings English BBC pronunciation
public school pronunciation oxford English and standard British English however it must be realized that this vowel
of English is itself dialect in origin; it is the dialect of the upper class people of the south east England or more
specially the London area. But today RP is best described as an Educated Accent.
What is grammar?
Grammar is the science which deals with the rules and principles which facilitate the correct use of a
language namely the spoken use and the written use English grammar is concerned with how sentences and
formed. In a typical English sentence we can see the two most principles of grammar the arrangement of items and
the structure of items.
For example, let us consider the following sentence
I gave my sister as weather for her birthday
Acceptable and unacceptable forms:
Grammar is concerned with acceptable and unacceptable forms and the distinction of meaning these forms
create. The fact that sweater means knitted outer garment work on the upper part of the body for warmth and that
sister means Female sibling are matters of vocabulary (Lexis), but the distinction between present and past one
and more than one subject and object possession and non possession etc., are matters of grammar. In every
language, some forms are acceptable and other are not acceptable. So in English we can create arrangements of
our example sentence which are not acceptable either syntactically are morphologically.
Consider the following unacceptable sentence:

I my sister gave a sweater for birthday.


Give I my sister a sweaters for his Birthday.

I gives my sisters sweater a for her birthday.
The above three sentence are evidentially unacceptable, incomprehensible and incommunicable.
The four language skills-LSRW:
The almost universally expressed needs of a learner in the 21st century are enrichment of vocabulary, correct
pronunciation and the acquisition of the four language skills namely Listening skills, Speaking skills, Reading skills,
and Writing skills shortly known as LSRW. Necessity is the mother of invention is a popular proverb. We can
say,most appropriately in this world of competitions- Necessity is the mother of effective English Communication

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Page 17


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Page 18


, -


" !

. .

Page 19











' '

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3. '

. . . . .

Page 20



, ,


,- "


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- . .

Page 21

Ms. D. Lourdhu Mary
Assistant Professor, Dept. of English, Sankara College of Science and Commerce.

Knowledge is like a

Store it
Knowledge is like a .

Search it

Update it

Knowledge is like a

Knowledge is like a


Face book!

Use it

Upload your goal,

Knowledge is like a

Post it with your courageous heart,


Give likes to your obstacles and failures,

Add it

Let all give you positive comments!

Knowledge is like a

Above all

Share !

Safeguard your knowledge

Share it

As a Skype!

Knowledge is like a

Where you can secure your


Storage system, qualify!

Spread it

Then no need Wi-Fi!

Knowledge is like a

Remember, you are Hi-Fi!


Secure it as a
Knowledge is like a

Page 22



HEAD, BBA(CA) , Sankara College of Science and Commerce.

Sundar Pichai narrated a story to encourage the youth of India. He insisted through Cockroach theory for
developing an individual.
At a restaurant, a cockroach suddenly flew from somewhere and sat on a lady. The lady started screaming with
panic face, and started jumping to get rid of cockroach. The lady managed to push the cockroach away, where it
landed on another lady and again drama continues. The waiter rushed to rescue and the cockroach fell upon the
waiter. The waiter stood firm, grabbed the cockroach and threw it away. The question arises, why was the waiter
not disturbed? He handled it to near perfection, with any chaos.
It is not the cockroach, but the inability of the people to handle the disturbance caused by the cockroach, that
disturbed the people. Its not the traffic jam on the road that disturbs us, but our inability to handle the disturbance
caused by the traffic jam disturbs us.
The moral of the story is Its our reaction to the problem that creates chaos in our life. It has been understood that,
we should not react in life, and should always respond.
Reactions are instinctive, where as responses are well thought.

Page 23


Prof. K. Balakrishnan
Senior Professor, Sankara Institute of Management Science

Even though Tamil Cinema has been changing its dimensions and colorfulness from time to time, jewels of
movies were keep coming, which is worthwhile to think about and cherish. Sivakavi is one of the movies of actor
M. K. Thyagaraja Bhagavathar, got released in 1943, which gave an unforgettable value, a true Kavis heartfelt
words, has powerful impact and it will never become false at any time. As a role Poyya Mozhippulavar, this value
was conveyed in that Movie, which was enliven by followers like Kannadhaasan, Pattukkottai Kalyana Sundaram,
Vaali etc, whose songs were source of inspiration, solution to problems and ever motivating.
Parasakthi(1952) highlighted the value, the temples should not be the abode of wrong people, and in the name
of God, many fakes are hunting the innocent people in this country, and they are to be identified and punished. This
movie turned the lives of artists who had acted and penned the dialogue, namely Mr. Sivaji Ganesan and
Mr. KarunaNidhi, both of them touched the heights of their life.
Director A. Bhimsinghs movies starting with Pa series, , Bhagappirivinai(1959 ) Padikkadha Methai (1960),
PaasaMalar, Paalum Pazhamum(1961 ), Pazhani (1965)and many more. Joint family values, affection of brother
sister, intimacy of Husband-wife, value of agriculture, innocent nature of village people etc, Another type of
pictures is patriotic and freedom fighters lives, like Veera Paandiya Kattabhomman (1959), Siva Gangai Seemai
(1959 ), Kappalottiya Thamizhan (1961) etc,. Thiruvilayaadal (1965 ), Karnan (1964 ) , Thiruvarutchelvar (1967 ),
Thirumaal Perumai (1968 ), were the puranic stories depicting the value of Bhakthi and the beauty of our Tamil

Sridhar was a great director, who was considered as modern director, gave high value movies such as
Kalyaanapparisu (1959 ), Sumai thaanghi(1962 ), Nenjil Ore Aalayam (1962 ), Nenjam Marappathillai (1963).
Sacrifice for siblings, rebirth values, true love and its continuation etc, were the values conveyed in these movies.
K. Balachadars movies were exclusively for learned audience, but also elevated the taste of average viewers.
Neerkkumizhi (1965 )talked about the instability of life, Ethirneechal (1968 ) conveyed how the hard work of a
middle class boy elevates him in life. Major Chandrakaanth(1966 ) depicted the greatness of Justice, Bhama
Vijayam (1967 ) gave an account of the false values of middle class people, Irukodugal(1969 ) highlighted the
value, small worries in life are dismissed by big worries, better learn to handle challenges. His Movies Arangaetram
(1973 ), Thanneer- Thanneer (1981 ), Achamillai- Achamillai (1984 ), were classical movies- each of its kind and
carried rich values. Vedam Pudhithu ( 1987 ) expressed the adverse side of Caste system in our country, depicted
by Director Bharthi Raja.

Page 24



Senior Professor, Sankara Institute of Management Science

In 1992, Vaaname Ellai got released with a solid idea that the present day youth community is frustrated with
conflicts and disappointments, as a result, they are forced to suicidal efforts ( 4 youth ) . Appearance of a physically
challenged person, Mr. Gandhi Nathan, who is running an Orphanage enlightens the youth that life is precious and
we have to realize it and contribute to the society to maximum extent. Karutthamma (1994 ) was a film made by
Director Bharathi Raja, beautifully outlined the killings of female child, which is ever existing social problem in
Salem and Dharmapuri districts.
Craze on the job at foreign countries to be avoided and we have to be cautious with fake agencies, who are
exploiting public, especially at the lower end. This moral was depicted at the movie Vetrikkodi kattu(2000).
Pandavar Bhoomi ( 2001 ) conveyed the message that Every one of us has a birth place which we describe as
Native place- create an affinity towards it, visit them frequently as many times as possible, celebrate it as sacred
place. The emotional bondage created to wards our native place leads to patriotism to wards our country, later
on. One of the highest values Hands that help is holier than the lips that prey is driven by the 2003 movie Anbe
Sivam. Nasar and Madhavan had reflected the actual & live characters , whom we meet in our day-to day life and
Kamal Hasan , had distinguished how an ideal and true loving person should be. Many movies came on Mother
sentiment, but Director Cheran had expressed Father sentiment so beautifully, driving a very strong idea that every
father does an abundance of sacrifice to mould his children, this value could be seen in Thavamaay
Thavamirunthu ( 2005 ). Mr. Radha Mohan and Prakash Raj had jointly shown the emotions of differently abled
people, especially how they enjoy music. Kamal Haasans Hare Ram said the need for stopping violence. His
latest movie talked about the value of eternity of living ( mrithunjayam deathlessness ) in Utthama Villain ( 2015 ).
Also he had hailed the art of Villuppaattu and the Karnatakas Thaayam .
Latest record break movie Bhagubhali (2015 ) picturised the war scenes, and made us to visualize how
Mahabharatha war would had been fought in those days. Rudrama Devi (2015 )shows how the woman were
treated in society in 13th Century and how they were denied for leadership positions in those period. One of the
simplest movie Kaakka Muttai (2015), conveyed the value how small incidents are enlarged and focused in front of
modern society. We can continue this value listing in movies, but we have to conclude also. Instead of bluntly
denying the movies in total as no good , bad , waste and so on, we can analyze and derive a good value out of a
quality movie. This will encourage those movie makers, to prepare quality movie for society. Whenever we have
leisure time and feel to watch a movie, it is worthwhile to get the CD or down load these from U-Tube, enjoy the
movies and learn the morals and values, which are relevant to youth community, in particular.

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