Indonesian Cultural Differences With Foreign Culture

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The Meaning of Cross Culture
Cross Cultural, human and cultural occur when dealing with other
human beings who come from different cultures, interact and influence
each other even. Cross Culture creates value to determine which can
be accepted by other cultures. Cross Cultural make human able to
communicate well and in the end, cross cultural can strengthen the
human bond with another human being.


The Purpose of Cross culture


More cultural sensitive

Broaden and deepen ones experience
Helps to realize that systems of different values can be studied in
a systematic, comparable, and understandable

Now, we can discuss about :

Indonesian Cultural Differences With Foreign

An example is the difference between eastern and western cultures .
Western culture ( America ) is a way of fostering cultural awareness by
way of understanding the knowledge of science and philosophy .
They learned a lot and taught Also that originally Came from a process of
discussion and debate they did.
Eastern cultures ( Indonesia ) is a way of fostering cultural awareness by
carrying out a wide variety of physical and mental training . Physical training
can be exemplified by maintaining diet and drinking or what foods should eat
and drink what is allowed in drinking , because it can affect the growth and
to the physical . As for the mental training that can be either general
activity / majority conducted themselves .
And here are some points of difference expressed by Chinese artist Yang Liu
about the culture between the East and the West , and I will take the
example of the cultural differences between Indonesia and the United
States :
1. Opinion
- Indonesian people tend to be convoluted in arguing that the intent was not
as complicated argument.
- Americans are more to the point in arguing.

2. Time
- Indonesia is famous for its rubber time and undervaluation of time.
- While the United States, they tend to be punctual.
3. Lifestyle
- Indonesian people would be more comfortable if kept close to relatives,
especially families.
- Unlike the Americans, they tend to be individualistic.
4. Relationship
- Very sociable or more complex relationships, to social media becomes an
application that is often used as a tool for socializing.
- In contrast to the West they are more individualistic/ very rarely in a
relationship with another person.
5. Celebration / Party
If there is a celebration or a party , many Indonesian people prefer to invite
all relatives and friends . For example in the wedding , make an invitation
with considerable amounts of extravagant.
In America , if they make an event, only relatives , family and a few close
friends were invited.
6. To something new
- In Indonesia, if there is new stuff, let's say : gadgets, because the
Indonesian people tend consumptive then they will buy such goods to satisfy
- In contrast to the Americans if there is something new , do not necessarily
want to know and want to have or to use it, just enough to know.
7. Trendy
If the West is more happy with anything that smells of traditional and natural
In contrast, the people of Indonesia have not been called trendy if not stylish
like western people . Example : more feel pride when eating at fast food
places, but in the origin country of the that food, it's can be said the food
was ordinary.
8. Transportation
- America in the past, the dominant people use a car. Now, more
predominant use of bikes, because of the importance of health.
- In contrast to the East, if they predominant use of bicycles. Now, they must
use the cars, if they are able, they use the services of a personal driver.

9. In the place to eat

- Currently on place to eat . Americans tend to be orderly if it were eating.
- Indonesian, sometimes tend to eat with chatting up pretty rowdy as well as
a waste of time.
Other things among which the food culture, if the west had 3 sessions during
meals are appetizer, maincourse, and dessert . In Indonesia , it is the main
meal. And also the diverse traditions in Indonesia, such as the 7 monthly
event in Indonesia, whereas in America are baby shower. The difference is if
in Indonesia, which makes the show is the prospective mother, while in
America that made the show is a close relative of the prospective mother.
But it depends on the character of each man. As a citizen of Indonesia, we
have to develop things from our culture into a positive thing and can help the
country become developed countries, like the United States.
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